Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Relief Found

Any woman who is suffering with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome will tell you how the suffering just will not subside. After going to numerous physicians and being told this syndrome does not happen depression begins to set in. Do you know a woman that this has happened or is happening to? Are you suffering from PTLS Syndrome? If you are are or know someone that is there is help and an end to this syndrome that has taken over your life.

Meet MegZz, she too suffered with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. And she was also told that PTLS Syndrome does not exist by some in the medical field. She would not stop searching for answers and she has made progress. How has she managed to take control of this ugly monster named PTLS Syndrome? She found surgeons that actually believe that this does happen to women after a tubal ligation. The night sweats along with the thinning hair and periods that would take an elephant down needed to stop.

Not only did they stop for this woman she is getting better everyday. MegZz traveled to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center to have tubal reversal surgery. After reading the website and actually being on the message board with others she was able to find others that tubal reversal surgery helped.

MegZz did what most women in her position would do. Those who state that PTLS Syndrome just doesn’t happen wouldn’t keep brushing her off. She was about to find the answer. Women know when there is something not right. The problem is that many just do not become their own advocate. MegZz on the other hand has done quite the opposite. She is a voice for women and reaching out and speaking about her experience.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has helped thousands of patients. But recently there have been many women who are opting to have the reversal surgery but not to have more children. They want the surgery to get rid of PTLS. And the wonderful thing is that they are finally getting relief from something they were convinced they were going to have to live with.

If you are suffering with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome it is important to know that you are not alone. There are many women like you who are searching for the answers.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center welcomes those who have questions regarding Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome or PTLS Syndrome. The nurses are available for free consultation by calling 1-919-968-4656. The tubal reversal message board is very active with women from all over the world that have called upon Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith for the relief of PTLS Syndrome.

About vervilledeb1

A mom, wife and writer. Writing for different companies including financial, parenting, automotive. But my passion is tubal reversal. There are so many women who regret having their tubes tied and have no idea this surgery is available. I am lucky to be blessed with a great family, a wonderful career and the ability to help get the word out to help others through my writing.

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