Essure Problems Have Women Speaking Out

Essure is a birth control that is meant to be permanent. This Essure consists of spring-like coils that are inserted into the fallopian tubes. After the coils are inserted scar tissue forms in the tubes and the end result is the fallopian tubes being completely blocked.

Women usually choose the Essure because there is no surgery involved and the time to recuperate is minimal. After three months the patient is instructed to go for a HSG to make sure the fallopian tubes are indeed fully blocked.

Most women are happy with the choice they have made in this birth control. But, there are women that are having Essure problems and are asking for help. Because this product is relatively new many physicians tell them that the coils cannot be removed without a hysterectomy. The sad truth is that women will have the hysterectomy without realizing that Essure is reversible.

Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have women contacting them on a regular basis to see if they can remove the coils due to the Essure side effects. Most women have searched for a while and seem to be getting no answers or even a physician in the medical world to admit that Essure problems are happening. The reason may be that the physicians just do not have enough experience with the Essure because it is still considered so new. Often, because the physician is still learning about Essure they do not always want to believe that women are experiencing as much pain as they state they are.

The most important thing to remember is that you know your body better than anyone. If you have a pain where the coils are then you have a pain. A million physicians can tell you this cannot happen but they do not feel what goes on inside your body.

Essure issues are happening and women are talking about it.

Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith have made it clear that Essure removal and Essure reversal is very possible. For those that want more children the Essure reversal is performed. For those that just want to get rid of the side effects there is Essure removal. With the removal the fallopian tubes are not reattached back to the uterus so there is no worrying about another form of birth control.

If you are having Essure problems you are certainly not alone. There are many women who are going through the same thing and are being sent from one physician to the next. A full hysterectomy is not needed and there is Essure relief available.

For more information on Essure reversal and removal the tubal reversal nurses are available to speak with you by calling 1-919-968-4656.

Post Tubal Ligation Treatment


Those seeking Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome treatment seem to hit a brick wall head on most times. Women are convinced that they are having side effects from PTLS but many in the medical world seem to not want to listen. It is amazing how many women are beginning to speak out about PTLS and are making it known that is certainly does exist. And they are searching for help.


Most women will state that they know something is wrong with them but the doctors cannot figure out what is causing it. The women are suffering from periods that are out of control, thinning hair, weight gain and they want it all to stop. Another side effect is the mood swings that make PMS look like a walk in the park.


For the women that will not take the fact that they are being told PTLS just doesn’t exist they keep searching. The search terms like “problems after tubal ligation” and what they land on is amazing. There are actually others out there suffering from the same thing they are.


These women are actually now in a position to talk to others that have suffered with PTLS and found freedom. Their freedom was found through tubal reversal surgery. And there are surgeons that have actually been following how their patients are doing after surgery. Over 90% of women who have gone to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center for relief of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome have encountered relief almost immediately.


These women that have found Post Tubal Ligation treatment want to scream it to the world. They want the world to know that it actually does exist and they want other women to know that they do not have to suffer. Something that has caused them grief and frustration has been fixed.


Both Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith perform tubal ligation reversal surgery at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. These surgeons do not perform any other types of surgery. Because this is the only type of surgery performed the surgeons are considered the best in the world. Couples travel from around the world for the relief of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome.


Not too long ago the center began receiving calls from women who were having side effects from the Essure procedure. Prolonged bleeding and pain seemed to be the two main chief complaints. Women are being told that the only way to remove the Essure coils is with a full hysterectomy. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith have not only managed to reverse the Essure and restore fertility the first Essure Reversal baby was born in 2/2011.