Essure Problems Continue Among Women

After having more than a few women write about the problems they were having after having the Essure procedure I wanted to read more. The amazing thing is the large number of women that seem to be having issues.

After conversing with a few I have decided to write some of the main problems and concerns that have been shared.

  • Women wish they had been told more about the actual procedure. That it can and is painful for many. Many times trying to get the actual Essure spring into the fallopian tubes causes more pain than the patient expected. This may be due to the fallopian tube itself having a spasm.
  • Women are upset that they were not told about the cramping and discomfort after the procedure itself.
  • Many patients say the actual procedure was sugar coated by the physician when being told about it.
  • Back pain and uncomfortable intercourse that is unexplained.

Although Essure is considered to be a permanent form of birth control it is reversible. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has been reversing the Essure for some time now with good results. Essure reversal is explained on the blog and accompanied by a true patients story.

If you are having issues after having the Essure procedure I would love to hear from you. Many women are searching for answers and others that are having the same problems.

About vervilledeb1

A mom, wife and writer. Writing for different companies including financial, parenting, automotive. But my passion is tubal reversal. There are so many women who regret having their tubes tied and have no idea this surgery is available. I am lucky to be blessed with a great family, a wonderful career and the ability to help get the word out to help others through my writing.

1,608 thoughts on “Essure Problems Continue Among Women

  1. Traci Nichols says:

    Has anyone had side effects from Essure later after the procedure? I had the Essure procedure in March 2008. Since then, I’ve had serious weight gain in the midsection and I work out / eat healthy all the time. I’ve done everything I can to reduce this issue and continue to gain. In addition, I’ve had sever hot flashes – both day and night, chronic insomnia, confusion / blackouts, mood swings, horrible PMS, extremity tingling, aching and tender muscles. I’ve had testing through an endocrinologist, have taken cymbalta for depression and anxiety, as well as tried everything I can to adjust to these symptoms. I figured I’m just pre-menopausal but now I’m thinking there’s more. I’m working with my doctor now because I’ve been struggling with this so long. Any feedback or recommendations will help!
    Thank you!

    • Danette says:

      Hi Traci.

      I had the procedure done in Sept of last year and I have had weight gain pretty much the same symtoms you are experiencing… I have an appt with OB next Tuesday to see if I can reverse the procedure because I am out on disability right now.



        I too am experiencing all of the same symptoms as you and traci. I am having my coils removed on June 10 and I am scared to death!! It can’t be any worse than the symptoms I am experiencing now. I am wondering how your appt with your OB went? what did they say? If you did not get the satisfaction you need seek another opinion.

        I also want to encourage everyone having issues to call Essure and report the issues to them. I did that today and I am having a complaint representative call me to discuss what they might do about this and why they are not tracking issues that women are currently having!!!! You can find their number on the website at

      • Melissa says:

        I just wan t to tell everyone that I to was getting the run around and my husband gave me the best advise ever. He told me before I went to see my new ogbyn lisson to all they have to say nut stay firm in your choise look right at the doctor and say so all these other proseders you are sagesting are they going to fix this issue or are you just trying to make my insurance pay for things I do not need. I did say this to the doctor she wanted to try all these differant things I held my ground on a hystorectomy I wanted it gone pain,heavy flow, everything. So now I have my surgery scheduled for January 30th and my family doctor has everything documented for me she wants to help when a class action comes up.

      • Sabrina says:

        I was just wondering if you had the essure removed because I had it donejuly of 2011 and its now jan of 2012 and my health is getting worse by the day. and weight gain i work out four days a week for two hours each time I eat healthy but Im gaining weight if you had them removed were you able to loose the extra weight or was it hard. I just want to feel goodagain I have an eight month old and its hard to keep up with him when you feel like crap all the time. thank you

      • Cindy Bailey says:

        I had the procedure done in Sept 2009 and have had some of the same problems however, I have also had back pain in the lower right side since the day the procedure was done. I have had infection after infection for the past 2 yrs. I’ve had three Uterine infections that do not go away with antibiotics. Today I have been at home from work for 2 weeks from what I have been told was a bladder infection, went to a Urologist and was told it was a Uterus infection. Went to my OB/GYN the next day who said it was a Uterus and pelvic infection. Stayed home for another five days and still no relief. Taking 3 different antibiotics, flagyl and pain meds with no relief. Went back to my GYN they then done a ultrasound and said I had dimin ished blood supply to my right ovary and would need to have it removed. Unfortunatly I did not have insurance so the Dr come back to my room and told me I would have to see his financial adviser before he could schedule anything. They then informed me I would have to have $3400 before he could do anything. So he referred me over to another Dr. Well this Dr tells me that I have a bladder infection and gives me Pyridium used to relax the bladder. After, taking this medicine for a day I started cramping and feeling as if I was having contractions. I was rushed back to the ER where after 16 days of pain, and agony the Dr ordered a CAT scan and found that one of my essure implants had actually come out of my fallopian tube and was laying in the center of my Uterus. So please beware that these implants cause more problems then anything. It was the worst mistake of my life to have them put in. Because now not only have I been in excruciating pain I will have to have my Uterus and fallopian tube removed due to this problem going on for so long without treatment.

      • Kathy says:

        I had the procedure done back in 2008 and i felt great the first 6-9 months. I started to get cramps and bloating,after a year i was getting my period every two weeks. I tried to tell my OBGYN and he insisted that it was in my head, Finally by September of 2010 i could not take the pain any longer and my OBGYN prescribed pain pills. Well i do not like to take pills, i workout ,eat healthy and i have my girls to take care of. I changed my doctor and i was told that the essure was lodged in my Uterus and had to have emergency surgery to remove my Uterus.
        Girls you know your body and if you don’t feel right get a second opinion.

      • Angela Washington says:

        Maybe your diet is all wrong cause how do you gain weight off something that is unlike a pill and has no effect on your hormones like a pill or patch…Sometimes you can workout everyday but if you are not eating enough protein and drinking no sugar product or eating sugar that’s why you can’t loose weight but it has no reason to make people gain …I think people just comment and think stuff up to say this is wrong or that is wrong but the research is all there if you are that prone to side effect then you have a weak system and may have other issues in your body..You can’t judge this for everyone, everyone is different. Good luck with the working out and women just really watch what you are eating and remember if you don’t eat you are sending your body into starvation mode so it will store fat. So dieting you still have to eat

      • Rachel says:

        Hello, I saw your reply about diet and exercise. Your post may have a bit of truth to it as far as eating properly and eating while dieting. I had Essure done at the end of July 2012. I never had a problem losing weight nor did I have to really diet prior to this procedure. I was 117 pounds and 34 years old. Ate a well balanced diet and worked out 4-5 times a week. I continued to do all of these things after Essure. Nonetheless, I gained some weight. I never have had a weekend immune system. Matter of fact it had been over 5 years since I had a stomach virus. That being said, my health steadily declined within two weeks of having the implants. It started with rashes and diarrhea. It slowly progressed to vomiting, dizziness, unexplained fevers, blurred vision, cysts, pelvic pain, and cramping, not to mention other problems. In march of this year I went into adrenal failure for almost two weeks. My BP was all over the place and I had tachycardia. I almost died. I have NEVER had a past issue with any of these things prior to Essure. I have had every test imaginable ran and they all came back ok except for one. I tested positive for toxic metal poisoning. After a while the metals build up in your system (for some it takes longer and for others it doesn’t). The metal attached itself to body tissues and remains in your system making you sick. This device may not have hormones in it but it has the potential to make a person very ill. My adrenal glands had cysts on them. It was explained that my body was in a fight or flight mode. It was trying to fight off the foreign body (essure) and was not winning. Therefore, my hormones became imbalanced and sent me into adtenal failure. I am merely educating you on how this little device can hurt so much. It induced scar tissue in my Fallopian tubes causing chronic inflammation. So much so that I had to have a hysterectomy. The pathology report concluded I had the beginning stages of endometriosis and chronic cystic cervicitis. Both can be caused by chronic inflammation. Please don’t judge people because you personally have not had problems. I encourage you to check out Essure Problems on Facebook. Look at their documents and see the almost 2 thousand woman with problems from this device so that you can make an informed decision. Thanks.

    • Vicki w says:

      I just had essure device put in on Feb 11 of 2010 and I am so so disappointed!!! My doctor also made it seem like cake walk…Several days after the procedure I went to my doctor with pain and knew something was wrong. She assured me that nothing was wrong with the device that something else had to be wrong. After 3 months of totally feeling like I am going crazy and in pain in my stomach, legs, back, and uncomfortable I am attempting to get the device removed from another doctor that has never done a reversal and I am scared to death!!! All I can say from experience is listen to your body, if something is wrong and you feel it is the device get it out!!! It is not worth it. Something seriously need to be done with this issue. I have read recently online of too many women having issues and it completely disgusts me. Doctors are making it sound like NOTHING!!! I was not warned of anyone having issues or what the odds are of having issues. I also was asked about the nickel allergy and said the same thing another writer wrote. “I don’t think so” and I got the same response from my doctor. I asked too if I needed to get tested and was told that it wasn’t necessary. I do not know if I have an allergy, and I am done with going to doctors and think I should try a lawyer!!! I am attempting to do anything and everything I can to get this device out of me without a hysterectomy.

      • Vicki w says:

        I also wanted to add that I have had confusion and feel as though I might black out at moments. I contributed the confusion and black out feeling to the amount of pain, but in actuality there is most likely something wrong for the reason that it is not normal to feel this way. I also have been on antidepressants, steriods, anti=inflammatory, and muscle relaxers while nothing touches the amount of pain or the quality of life that I have lost.

      • whitney says:

        i possibly might have to get mine out because the inserts are not in the correct spot after having the hsg done saying that they were. do you know if after getting them out it is possible to have another pregnancy or are your tubes all messed up from having the inserts in?

      • Tracy H says:

        Whitney, you will lose your fallopian tubes so pregnancy wouldn’t be possible without medical assistance

      • Amber Brouillard says:

        You are not alone! I had to have a hysterectomy about a year after having essure inserted. My uterus had fibroids and was swollen in comparison to a 3 month pregnant uterus! I still have major scar tissue from where the Essure was in my tubes. I am still in pain and I had the hysterectomy in April-it was November!! I wish there was more information about this out there, it is still such a new device!

      • hope says:

        i am 29 years old and i had the coils put in 3 yrs ago,and im experiencing the same symptoms as the rest!! i want these thinigs out of me,but cant afford it,please help me with any info u might have!

      • Revelle says:

        I also have the essure and am glad to know that i am not alone. I have month long periods, back problems, hot flashes, mood swings, severe cramping when my cycle is on and i can feel the coils in my uterus. Intercourse (when i can have it) is uncomfortable and i to went through the same thing with my doctor saying the proceedure wasnt that bad and that the pain i am experiencing is from something else. I too have been thinking about a reversal because of the bleeding as well as everything else but scared to death. I am unable to get pregnant again due to problems with my uterus and was told that i could bleed to death if i did and unable to get a tubal because how badly scared my tubes and uterus is. I dont know what to do at this point but am glad to know other people’s story and options they are taking.

      • tammy music says:

        the doctor told me that the break threw bleeding was normal .but i been bleeding for two months none stop and my back is killing me i just had mine done the 9 of feb. the doctor told me it cant be undone

      • mikka says:

        i have the same problem… the coil is gone and they have no clue what happened to it… my ob say i think it may have fallen out but i didnt notice anything comming out….. i am constantly in pain……. so now i have to get my tubes tied and he is going to try and remove the remaining coil and find the other……..

      • Neva Hayden says:

        My daughter had this procedure done in July 2010. It has been a nightmare ever since. She began having pain in her stomach about 6 mos. ago and doctor’s told her it couldn’t be the coil’s because they don’t have anything sharp or pointed on them to cause the kind of pain she was having. About 4 mos. ago she got pregnant. This caused even more pain and her doctor told her it was normal pain’s for pregnancy. Yes, she had the dye test and it showed everything was good to go. NOT!!! They would not remove the coil’s because it would cause a miscarriage. She lost the baby anyway and ended up having a hysterectomy a week ago. Come to find out the right coil had come loose due to the pregnancy and was floating on top of the uterus. She is only 23 year’s old, but fortunately she has 3 beautiful children. I would not recommend this procedure to anyone. Please, please, please give this procedure very hard consideration. They seem very much ready to do the procedure, but not so ready to deal with the problem’s that may arise from it. I hope you don’t have to have a hysterectomy and my prayer’s will be with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Neva.

      • melissa says:

        I had the essure put in of june2011 and now it is november 2011. I had many adomal pains, confusseion,anixiety,depression,seizures. the first time i had a seizure in August of 2011. I blacked out and threw up in front of the company i worked for. I didn’t even know I had one the company had to convince me that I convuled and hit my head on the desk and it wasn’t just throw up. The doctors said is there anything new in your life, I said only thing I can think of is I had the essure put in. They said oh that doesn’t connet to seizures or mingrains . my obgyn said that there is no side effects and that seizures are not from essure. I said ok and had little blackouts everyday mingrains,confusion,and being overly stressed . I can’t drive or work for a year now. I had seizures that lasted all day and when I came out I thought I was a kid. I had been put on tompomax now keprra to make me not seize. they just kept uping my medicine. Now I am on 1000mg of kepra 2 times a day. I had two seizures in a row november07 2011. then when i got home from the hosiptal my dad had found this website and said i think your obgyn is wrong. So I made An apptioment with my obgyn the next day. They had me on the next day secudle to have my essure out. They took out both of my tubes and i had them show me them what they did step by step. They told me I was double the size of what I should be inside on my tubes and utres. I still have a utress, overies and will ahve a period.I will not have to take hormomes.Right now I am recovering from the surgury and hoping thsaat this is the end of my seizures I have to go to the espilys doctor and a nurgolist this week to check my brain. I have also had mri on my brain and I don’t have cancer or tumors. my nuroglist was ballfed on why I would seize over medicine that is so good for seizes and that my brain passed the eeg test . only issues is that now I have seizure arrimithat on my brain while I sleep and could now have sleep appneia.I also am always clogged in my seinus and have to have a ct on them. I am hoping for the best this week and that i recover with no perment damage. I have twin that are 5 a boy and a girl and this is why i was ready to stop having kids and my doctor said it was easier than my husband having a vicime. Anyone you know who wants to have this done please advise them on all of the scary symtooms they froget to mention at the doctors office. I want in on the law suit! i had a great job as a subititue teacher the most relible now that is over because of this!

      • Tiffany Baker says:

        dear vicki,
        I had the essure done 3 years ago. The doctor never told me anything about the procedure and if I would have any issues. I told him from the beginning that I was allergic to metals but he said it was safe. Ever since then my body has been acting weird. I have allergic reactions to body washes, soaps, clothing materials, ect. I have had pain in my cervix and my menstrual cycle has been out of wack since. Im not sure what to do or who to contact to get them removed, but like you I am willing to do anything.

      • shereese says:

        trying a lawyer wont help, the people who make essure, have a air tight aliab. some lady is going to congress, with it, i hope they listen, i am like you i dont want to have a hysterectomy, im saving up to get a essure reversal, i only hope that i wont be 2 late its gonna cost 7,000 plus i have to go to north carolina, thats the best place in the country to go. i am only 27 and yet i feel like these people have stole, my joy, my hopes, my life. i hate essure, and the people who made, it, we as women have got to find away, to save someone else from the mistake, that we have made, we are ginea pigs, they dont care about us…….

    • Vicki w says:


      I too have the tingling muscles, esp in my legs. It almost feels like I have3 a circulation problem in my legs and my legs are alseep all the time. Not sure if your tingling in your legs are like this, but I would like to know. The aching and tender muscles also. I have realized that most of the tenderness is from inflammation in the muscles. Have you gotten allergy tested and if so how did it turn out? I am getting tested this week and have no signs of rash to prove an allergy. Just curious Thank you

      • Tracy H says:

        I had the devices in for 4 years before discovering my allergy. It was like my body was sick all over but not like a flu. I felt lethargic and everything was such an effort, not just from the lack of energy but from the weakness in my muscles. My body became extremely toxic

      • Shanna says:

        I had this procedure done March 2011. Ever since the procedure I have had cramping, but didn’t think much of it and thought I will just see what the HSG shows. Well sure enough, the left coil was not in my tube. It had curled around itself and looked like a horseshoe. Once my dr. received the results he called me and said that it looks like the coil perforated out of my tube and out of my uterus and could possibly be stuck to my bowel and that I would have to have surgery to fix/remove the tube and remove the coil.
        So one week later I had a laparoscopy. My dr initially said that they removed the tube, but they couldn’t find the coil, they think it’s in my uterine wall. I was a little worried that they didn’t know with 100% certainty where it was, but I just thought “whatever”. I have called several times to complain about the pain that I am in. They kept saying not to worry it’s just the healing process and that the coil is now possibly in the tube that they removed. ??? The cramping first started on the left side (no tube, missing coil) once a day and it has now moved to the right side as well and is a constant pain. The dr. just keeps saying that it’s not Essure, because it is meant to go into your body, it’s probably my body just healing from the surgery. I requested a CT Scan so that they could be sure of where the coil is and if there was anything else going on. He wrote up a referral, but defensively told me that he got a better view with the scope and said my only other option is to take out the uterus. I received the results from the CT scan on Monday and the nurse said that the coil is now lodged in the “nub” of the left fallopian tube that was left from when they removed the tube. I told the nurse that I am still in pain and something doesn’t feel right, so she told me that it’s probably a bowel issue and that she would refer me to a GI specialist. I am going in for a second opinion on the 30th, but I know something is not right. I either have a throbbing pain on the left, a sharp pain on the right, or lower back pain, all of which is accompanied by a daily headache. I am still breastfeeding so I haven’t started my menstrual cycle, so I haven’t had any issues with heavy bleeding, but who knows, I may find that out in the next couple months.
        My appt is with another dr. that also does Essure, should I find someone who doesn’t do the procedure?

    • Ali says:

      Hi Traci,

      I had the Essure method done in April 2008, suffered for a year and finally convinced my OB to remove them exactly 1 year later and do the old school tubal ligation method. I had extreme pain on my left side for a year and was stuck taking vicodin or motrin for the pain. My OB had only done a handful of these procedures but had an “expert” in there while doing mine. After hearing me complain for a year and finally removing those things, she vowed to never do that procedure or even offer it again because of my issues. she said that she, as a doctor, was never told of the comlpications of this device. I advise no one to do this method because of what happened to me. I can only hope that a class action lawsuit stems from these issues women are having. I am so thankful i was able to have them removed.

      • Marina says:

        Hi Ali,

        I have a pain in my left side for a year after Essure procedure and seriously consider the surgery to have it removed. What was your experience with removing the inserts? Was it major surgery? Did your doctor removed only fallopian tube or more?

        Thank you.

      • jesi says:

        i am having another dye test done today. i have had so much pain and so many problems. i too did all of my research online and never found all of these issues that women were having until after i had the procedure done. i wish that i had never had the procedure done 😦

      • Michele says:

        I had the Essrue procedure done last August the 13th to be exact. I should have followed my gut and not proceeded with it!!!!! I have been spotting or bleeding at times since the procedure. I continually feel a tingling sensation where I believe the coils to be. It is now almost 8 months since the procedure. I ahd it done six weeks after my 4th child and was told I needed to have the Depo birthcontrol shot to smooth the lining of my uterus since it was so close to the birth of my child. Now the doctor says my continual bleeding is a result of the Depo. HMMMMM? Not sure I buy it! I have seriously considered having the coils removed but I’m not sure how to go about it and what the procedure is. I would be greatful for information regarding the removal procedure. Aslo I wouder if the bleeding could be a result of a allergic reaction….any thoughts? I’m out of my mind worring about the fact that nickle can be a carcinogen as well. Does anyone know haw nickle can relate to a carcinogen in the body (not by inhilation)?

      • Herlinda Tapia says:

        Hi I had this procedure done in 2008 and had no complications til now. I am experiencing sharp stabbing pains once in a while on my left side. It just comes real fast and goes real fast but it’s sharp. I am scared of everything I am reading here. Now I want them removed but want more info on that procedure. Do we get other complications for taking the coils out of our tubes? Do I have to take another birth control method? This is scary.! Please give me more info of how you are doing after you took them out. I don’t want to do the tubal ligation either. I prefer to take pills or something else…no more surgeries for me…I am really scared…Help…please email me asap! Thanks

      • teena says:

        so what do you suggest the best birth control method to be.

      • tammy says:

        may i ask who removed them i was told they could not be. I have weird reactions happening to my skin< my derma said it was sun damage, i don't think so. I aalso miss periods for months i had it done in 2008

      • veronica says:

        hi ali,

        my baby is 4 months old and i noticed im gaining weight like crazy. i too am suffering from confusion and my cycle is not regulated. i am very worried now!

      • Kim says:

        Have you felt better better since removal

      • Christiane says:

        I had my Essure placed almost two months ago and I have been experiecing pain ever since. First I was told that it my be PID and I was placed on 2 antibiotics to treat it. Plus I have been on Tremedol and Motrin and it’s not getting better. I want the coils out!!!! I was told that the only way to remove the coils is to remove my tubes!?! Could this be true???? I feel like I should have left things alone. I have great reason to be sterile but do believe that it’s not for everyone. I just wants things to go back to normal because I am simply miserable. I just don’t know what the next step should be but I am seeking a second opinion. I need to get these out ASAP!!!!

      • Monika Grant says:

        Hi Ali,
        Did your insurance pay to have your essure removed. I am going soon to ask my ob to remove my essure. I am concerned with the lack of experience obs have at removing essure.

      • ellen401972 says:

        I’m in the same boat as everyone else here , I had mine done 5 years ago to. My husband just googled ESSURE Lawsuit and they are out there , he just called them and left a message to call us back on joining this suit .. You can bet we will be joining it…I’M sick and tired of being in pain . I have went to dr’s over this all all they do is put me on TRAMADOL 50 mgs they tell me to take 2 pills 3x’s a day. and this is not right for us to have to take all this medicine and still be in all this pain, mine pains hit anytime day or night…

      • Kelly Coffey says:

        U had this procedure in 2007 and still have pain and a burning sensation on the left side. Going to another doctor soon to see what I can do. How do I join the class action lawsuit

    • corinne says:

      had the procedure done in 09 and i always was a thin person. i had it done four months after my 2nd child was born. have more weight gain now then when i was pregnant, the back pain im in on a constant basis is a terrible effect from this, i feel i made a terrible choice and now i dont know what to do. we need to get a petition going to give to the fda

      • octavia says:

        I was considering having this procedure until now. You guys have scared me to death. I have cancelled this procedure 3 times. I already have horrendous cramps every month and to think of having them more and gaining more weight is just unthinkable. thank you for the heads up…

      • Amy says:

        I am haveing all the simptoms these women are haveing. I want to start a potition.

      • Cheryl says:

        i definately agree with you corrine. this is affecting women all over the country just because they didnt do enough studies on it. I had the procedure done in April 2008 and have had pains tingling nausea vomiting heavy periods cant wear tampons because its too painful. and i to have considered having it undone but i cant risk the chances of becoming pregnant again ( essure was chosen for me after i was diagnosed with blood clots in the brain due to my pregnancy and i was 18. )

      • Heather says:

        I had essure done almost 7 years ago and started having bad pains in my back 3 years ago. The pain is constant right where my kidneys are and doctors tell me it is from ovarian cysts which i do have but i feel that essure has made them worse and more frequent. I am hoping to get it removed.

      • Melissa says:

        I am so worried now after reading all of this I just had mine placed today!!

      • Cris says:

        I had the procedure done in ’08 and have had the weight gain, spotting, and confusion, but no pain with the exception of back pain but I’ve always had that. I NEVER associated it with the ensure. I have always been thin and have gained 30 lbs and gone from a size 4 to a size 13. I’ve been tested for pre-menopause and the result was negative. Sometimes I am so tired that I cannot keep my eyes open and take care of my kids and I have a 5 year old with Down Syndrome. My stomach is so big that I have been asked if I was pregnant again by more than one person. I think I am going to make an appt with a new gynocologist!

      • Sue says:

        I was part of a trial procedure of this device in Australia back in 2000. the first few years were great, had pain here and there, thought nothing of it. slowly over the past few years my pain got worse, i was given anti biotics for supposed bladder infections etc, then this year I was told i have a cyst in my left ovary. I wish i never got this device . I should have just got my tubes temporarily clamped. I want these coils out of my tubes before i ned up with something worse than what i already have, i’m sick of the pain, i’m sick of being bloated and constantly looking like i’m pregnant. For all the issues i’ve had recently, especially the past year, I would rather pregnancy, it was a breeze in comparison to this. I’m miserable, depressed and frustrated with these coils and i’m actually really angry with myself for going through with this. Now i have to find a surgeon in my state that can safely remove them with minimal scarring and hopefully not needing a hystorectomy.

    • jennifer says:

      I had mine done is july 08. i had no period for 9 months, not sure if it was the depo shot I used for the three months, but after that I haven”t been the same. I do have shorter less painful periods but after a week I have extreme bad in my back. I have since been having the same problems as you. I have had test done that came back normal. I am going for a lyme test to make sure on that. I have reported it to essure site and FDA

      • Tashima says:

        Well Amy if you start a potition email me Because my story may reach headlines. lol..I hate essure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • laetitia211 says:

        I had the essure procedure done in August 2011. First I was bleeding for a month after the surgery, my GYN give me a birth control pills to stop the bleeding for a while and make my period come after that. Now its February 2012 and I still don’t have my period. I’m really concern about that Essure thing. I m experiencing the same symptoms like everybody, pain, weight gain,severe migraine, etc….

      • brandi pickens says:

        Im having a lot of the same problems, no weight gain, but the long periods etc, doctor also said it was from depo. Ive been on depo, aside from the two times i was pregnant, for over 10 years and this is nothing like what has happened to my body before(i know my body) , so i know its the essure, since ive only had the problems since the procedure. Ive also had bloody mucus come out. If there is a petiition email me at thanks brandi

      • Brenda says:

        I had mine done in February of this year and am also having terrible problems. Constant bleeding, and a terrible pain in both of my hips. I keep calling my doctor and they keep tellling me to give it more time, but the more time i give it the worse it gets. I also had the Thermal ablasion done that was suppose to stop my periods, and am not on any birth control. I did all this because my periods were so bad, and the longer I go it seems this has made it worse than they even were.

      • Rosanna says:

        hi, jennifer 1 month ago I have the procedure and I feeling bad with those cramps, hedache, back pain I think to remove them, please made a complain and every woman who had that procesure should made a complain to the FDC

      • Hilda Fraser says:

        I had mine done today..and while I was waiting for my husband to pick me up.. a lady was telling all of the scary things that her mother ( a nurse) had witnessed at the hospital because of the essure and I got so scare…and now after reading this I’m just wondering why don’t the doctor talked to me about the this possible side effects….

      • becky chapple says:

        I have hade the essure done in 09 I have had been having pain in my stoumch snice it is painfull to be intament with my husbeand snice the essure I have paine all the time it is wors with intercourse and bad days after for the last fore years I have been told that it could be do to my baldder wich they say is isd some bladder deasaes but I was fine way befor I got the essure done does any one have this perobmle?

    • Melissa Smith says:

      I thought that I was the only one going through it there has been more. Have had some bad black outs as well I was in the drive way with my two kids

    • Victoria Smith says:

      Hi Traci
      OMG!!I have been suffering pain in my arms,legs. back.stomach. and wrist and ankles, feet, its basically just my whole body. I had my proceedure done March/2006. The proceedure itself did not hurt because they put me to sleep. But when i awoke i thought it was the greatest proceedure for birth control. Alittle cramps and that is all i experienced. Then 1 year after i started experiencing leg pain and back pain. Then i felt like i had the flu. 2yrs i started experiencing bad back pain and extream bleeding with big clots. 3rd yr, I am on disability. I had pain in wrist, ankles and feet. My doctor perscribed cymbalta, I too have a big mid section but i only weight 146pd but my stomach is now extended and i tried everything to get rid of it. Now in my forth yr, I can’t tolerate the pain and the cymbalta only masks some of the pain. I hurt all day every day!!I never thought that the Essure could be the cause and now after reading these articles, I am gonna have a long talk with my physican. Because i do believe i am one of the females on this page who has had the Essure in since 2006 when it first came out. I am actually disabled, I can’t even lift a gallon of milk without pain or hold the telephone without experiencing pain. I’ve had mri of my brain and back. I’ve had all kinds of blood test and ive had the testing to see if i have carpal tunnel, that is not it, I came back negative for everything. Starting to have new sympthoms, I now have numbness in the back of my neck and see white stars if i move fast and my vision has become worse this yr. My health is declining and they can’t find a problem. Now i think i have the answer it is the Essure. I got the essure at 35yrs old and i am 40 now, my body feels like a 60yr old women. So i strongly believe that women should not go get this proceedure, it hasn’t been reserched enough for women to risk there health to avoid pregnancy. Think twice before proceeding. O and my doctor sugar coated the proceedure too. If anyone has had the essure as long as i have can they please let me know if they too have been experiencing all these serious health issues. Cause it is starting to look real serious for me now. My periods r heavy and i literally have bloodclots bout the size of quarters. I was told that is normal but all these symthoms aren’t normal. I willl keep everyone updated with my outcome.

      • Tracy H says:

        Hi Victoria. I had the coils put in in 2004. They took 5 years of my life. I just kept getting sicker and sicker until I felt like I was going to die. I know the symptoms were due to the coils because since I have had them removed I am getting healthier and healthier. I still haven’t been able to shift the weight gain and BV is an ongoing issue but I have my life back. Good luck

      • Melissa Smith says:

        you are not the only one I have had the same problems and I had it done June of 2006

      • Melissa Smith says:

        has anyone talk to a lawyer about this

      • Ann says:

        Oh wow…I have had the Essure in since Oct 2003, only a couple of months after having my 4th child..
        I was put to sleep for the procedure, and when I woke, my doctor said everything went fine except that it took a little longer than usual to insert, and that I would have little cramping. But should be ok. Within 6mos of the procedure, I had to have local injections into my left side, because I was having severe leg pain.My doctor had told me that it was possible to have a pinch nerve from the procedure. I stopped the injections, because I just couldn’t bare to get the shots on a weekly basis. And there was nothing else they could do..
        I am now 37yrs. And now, I have been having alot off issues with my health..I cut myself shaving in 2008, that it turned into a bad infection, and it still wont heal completely. I have steriod creams that barely work for it. And then I have severe water retension that I can not get rid of, I half to take lasix on a daily basis. And now lately, every time I have my menstral cycle my cramps are so severe that I can not work. Nothing seems to be taking the pain away. I went into seeing my regular Dr. in 2009 and 2010 And they had me go in for an ultrasounds. They said they found a cyst on my left ovary, and that maybe it was causing my pain. So they have me go back in every 6 mos to check on this cyst. But within the last 6 mos now, I have been having really severe cramps, and now I have new pains, to where I was thinking that I have a pinched nerve in my back. But I am now starting to think it may be cause of this Essure..I am really thinking after reading all these stories, that I really want to get this thing out of my body..

        Thank you,


      • kenyata says:

        I didn’t know what i was experiencing until i found this blog. I had essure done 10-17-06 and i equated my pain to a pre existing condition. Extremely painful intercourse is how i found out something was wrong with Essure. My gyne is saying the coils are becoming unraveled. As this is happening there is a pain on my side that causes me to bend over. I am now scared reading what’s happening to others. I want this out before my symptoms get worse!

      • Erin says:

        I had the procedure done August 2003 and have not had any problems. Procedure was quick and painless. I was out shopping the next day with my 2 young children. No back pain. No weight gain. No changes with my menstual cycle.

      • teresa says:

        Yesterday at 6 a.m. I had my Procedure Done and i have been cramping bad and tingleing in my legs and hurting…now my Dr. assure me this was the best thing to do I now Wish i had not Had it after Reading everyone else news feedback its scarying me.

      • Sabrina says:

        I have also had the Essure procedure done since 2006. I am not experiencing any of the same symptoms. The procedure was sugar coated by the Doctor. But I also had severe pain right after the Essure coils were put in. It only lasted a few days. I have been overweight since giving birth to my second child so I cannot say that it is from the Essure. I have regular sonograms of my uterus and fallopian tubes. The Essure coils are still in place and I can only feel them in place when my period is coming. I too was one of the first women to get the Essure procedure done, but I have not had any concerns. I have been reading through websites ever since I got the coils put in and this year is the first year I am really seeing any probelms coking up from them. Mostly people have complained of pregnancies. Feel free to contact me, Sabrina Levine, if you want to ask any specific questions.

      • kr says:

        A lot of the symptons I am seeing reported on this site seem to suggest some sort of systemic body reaction. They can do a heavy metal screen to make sure you don’t have toxic levels of nickel in your body. The ob/gyns are so busy denying problems that you might have better luck with a regular dr. I believe everyone should insist. If it is found that the metal coils are releasing toxic levels of nickel in the body then most likely FDA will take action then.

      • Indi says:

        OMG i am so glad that i finally found other women that are having the problems that i am too..I thought i was going crazy.. been to the GI Specialist, Internal Doctor, Endocrinology, NO ONE can figure out why i am having stomach problems, numbness and tinkling in hands and feet and legs!! The constant cramping and stomach naseua. I too suffer from depression of it all. I never thought for a second that i may have had an allergic reaction to it or that it was ever the issue causing all of my pain. Now i am so mad thinking all the copays and the 2 biopsy’s i had to have and they cant tell me nothing.. I have to research it myself. SO NOW i am running to the GYN ASAP. I need this out of me. I am only 39 yrs old and i feel like my body is breaking down.. too damn young for this.

      • Garolyn says:

        OMG… I am having a lot of the same issues, Severe cramps during my cycle, back and abdominal pain so severe I can’t get out of bed. I am fatigued the entire time. Pain on the bottom of my feet

        I’m going to make an appointment to have this checked out… Good Luck!!!

      • Tiffany Baker says:

        I to have had the procedure since 2006. I have had allergic reactions to basically everything I touch. I have so much pain in my left side and my lower back. It is much worse during that time of the month. I can’t hardly have sex any more because I feel like I am going to pass out because it hurts so bad. i really don’t know what to do yet.

      • Rhonda Chappell says:

        I had the procedure done just last spring (2011) after my 4th child was born. They told me no big deal…it was horrible! Afterwards, I had bad pain, would skip a period and then would flood the next month…hot flashes, migranes, mood swings and feeling like I have the flu. Now, I have swelling in my toes and fingers and they have checked me for everything under the sun. Said I have arthritis, but the only thing they found in my blood work is I have a low vitamin D count. Have trouble picking things up, opening my sons sippy cup lid or getting him out of his carseat. I emailed essure and they told me that they can’t give me medical advice. I told her I didn’t want advice, I wanted to know if anyone had the same issues I do. Haven’t heard back. I had my procedure done when I lived in Florida and now live in West Texas…in the process of finding a doctor who knows about this procedure to see what I can do. Just want to be normal again and be able to enjoy my kids. At least I know I’m not crazy. Will keep you updated.

      • Sherrie says:

        Hi Victoria,

        I had the Essure put in February 2008. I used to have periods that lasted 3-4 days, super light. I had regular periods every 28 days. My doctor sugar coated the whole thing. She said that they were not reversable. I thought at the time, “Well thats fine I don’t want any more children anyways”. What she failed to advise me on were the possible side effects and if I were to experience them the only way to relieve me of those side effects is a hysterectomy. I would have said, “Hell no, I don’t want those things in me”! I bleed for three weeks after the procedure. I went to the doctor. I explained to her I was having server cramping, and bleeding. I also told her that I can feel them in my body and they were giving me a stinging pain. Her reply was, “Really I never heard of any negative side effects”. Well my problems have continued to get worse. I’ve had tests done, you know the works. All were negative. Then I had an episode of bleeding for a month. I’m tired all the time. I bleed all the time, heavy blood clots. I can discribe it as to how a women bleeds after giving birth. I have miss work. My job aggervates my symptoms, and I can’t loose weight. I used to be so active, snowshoeing, hiking, backpacking,skiing, running, working out, ect. So I go back to the doctor and was told I would have to have a hysterectomy. She was so rude about it, cold and no emotions. She pissed my off. I started a quest to save my uterus. I did my research online, etc. I was about to fly acrossed the united states to Florida to have them removed when my friend gave my her Gyn number. He is a doctor from South Africa praticing here in Reno, Nevada. He did an ultra sound and found that my uterus is enlarge (which explain the bloating feeling I’m experiencing, something like your two months pregnant). The last doctor performed the same tests just a few months ago and were negative. He also told me that Essure should be taken off the market. He put Essure in women for a year and stopped doing it. He informed me he also shared some harsh words with the Essure’s Rep. He also said doctors are not doing their research on Essure before putting them in women. They are a problem. I am happy to say this doctor from South Africa in my town will remove them and has done a few already. I’m scared. As with any surgery there comes risks. I’m ready for this risk. I’m done bleeding through my clothes at work, constent cramping and pain. I willing to do progressive medical treatment and not go straight to the extreme of having a hysterectomy. Good luck to you all on your quest and pray that my procedure is successful. I will update you all of my outcome.

      • Jennifer says:

        I have had Essure in for a year now,going through the same thing.body pain all over…legs,feet,ankles,wrists,back and stomache. I have seen diffrent specialist for my pain.pain doctors,nerve doctors,obgyn,and regular doctors.They thought it was from my car accidents,nerve damage from the accidents also, but all my testing is coming out they want me to go for testing for my nerves saying it could be nerve pain i’m feeling.I was not this bad until after essure but never put 2 and 2 together since the pain wasnt in that position.I’m also getting hot flashes,very bad mood swings almost everyday,i’m always in the hospital for stomache pain that turns out to be kidney infections or UTI’s.This pain is ruining my life also I have 2 small children who need me but never have enough energy to do anything.They had me on all diffrent medicines from loratabs,morphine,tyolonal codenine,motrin,prozac,perocets I can go on and on.something told me to finally read the essure websites which for a week I have now and starting to know where all my pain is from.My husband and I have 2 beautiful kids a son and daughter,I was pregnant with my daughter when we found out were both gene carriers for cystic fibrosis and each child we have has 1 in 3 chance of getting it.After my daughter I was pregnant again with our 3rd child to find out he/she had it so unfortinally I had to have a abortion due to the fact the doctors were telling me this baby wouldnt have a life and it wasnt fair to my living 2 children who wont have alot of my attention.After that I decided to have my tubes tied thinking the old fAshion way the regular tubal.she never mentioned essure or told me I had to have the nickel allergy done,until I was at the hospital ready to be put under then she mentioned it would be alot better for me and the recovery time would be just 1 day instead of 2 weeks,so I just agreed and my husband signed things too for me to get that done.since day 1 I was having problems with my stomache very painful pains. so I was a pain for the doctor after awhile the nurses would tell me she cant see me for months.I tried to see other doctors that wouldnt help me with the essure since someone else did it for me.After hearing all these complaints and having the same symptoms as me I am deffiantly going back to my old doctor monday morning to tell her to test me for nickel allergy and also to have these things removed.I want the regular tubal not something that is sorta new.I’m 29 and also feel like i’m going through menapause I shouldn’t feel like this at my age and I shouldn’t feel like my body is dying at this age…something has to be done about this procedure!!!!.Thank you for listening to my storey

      • Suzanne says:

        Victoria, I had my coils put in in September 2009. I have severe pain in all of my joint areas and thought that it might be arthritis but all blood work came back negative. I have also had very bad cramps that was thought to be a cyst but ultrasounds showed no cyst. Just curious what you ended up doing and if you are feeling any better. I seem to be getting worse everyday but I don’t have insurance to take care of it right now. But wanna know what you ended up doing cuz you sound like you experienced what I am feeling. Any feedback would be great. Thanks

      • shannon says:

        i had my proceedure done in april, 2007, i actually thought it was a good thing……until i read this. everybody here has all the same symptoms as i do. i even have to go to my ob/gyn in the morning, to rule out a pregnancy. omg, i have 5 kids already, and am 42 yrs old. i can’t go through this anymore…….enough, can’t we call 1-800-bad drug?

      • Melissa says:

        i know how you feel i had the essure done in june 2007 and every since been sick and have pain in my back,hips,legs and there days i cant move because of the pain, I have been told by doctor that its not the essure but i have been getting sicker by the days all my doctor does is give me pain med, I have had tests done I was told I have PID and Cysts and many infections I was even told by a er doctor that the device was holdin the infection inside me but couldnt do anything about it just gave me med and more pain meds and sent me home. I have done resch on these and I foumd a clinic in north carliona chapel Hill Reversal Clinc and they remove them I am starting my payment account up this and having my removed once I have enough money its 7500 for it but it is worth my life to do it, but being a single mom its hard with money but i feel if i dont get them out i wont be here for my kids. I dont recommed this to anyone to get th essure put in . If I was told about them more I would have never done this to my body.

      • marcella says:

        I had the Essure done in 2005.Heavy periods with lots of pain. I have massive pain in my lower back also now in the hip and pelvic area. It is to the point where I have a hard time doing anything as the pain is so severe. I am in pain weather standing, sitting, or lying down. I get to the point that I can’t even move in bed. I would love to be able to sleep a full night as the pain is awful that I toss and turn all night. The pain is getting worse as time goes by. I spoke to my Dr. I was told that the Essure has nothing to do with it. He did mention I had a cyst and he didn’t think the pain would go away. He offered to do a partial hysterectomy. Insisting that neither had anything to do with the pain. I have had many xray on my back and hip also MRI scans. They really didn’t show up with anything on them except asking if I had any thing put in me. That is when I mention the Essure and they really have no response to it. With the more activity the pain seems to get worse. I have had been going to pain management for a few years now and the medication does not help nor do the injections. I even had an oral steroid and it did not even touch the pain. I just don’t know what to do, I just want my old life back when I enjoyed doing thing with my kids. I feel that I have deprived my almost 8yr. old the fun times in her life due to my pain. I hear you when you say something as small as a gallon of milk causes pain.

      • Tami says:

        Having the same issue! Thank you for letting everyone know. I have had mine since 08 and im getting worse. I now have twitching in my hands. Meeting with the ob next week and hoping to get them removed.

      • Melissa says:

        Wow, I have been going crazy thinking I am a hypochondriac. I got the procedure done in 2006 I was 30 and am now 36. I feel like I have the body of a 80 year old. I am constantly sick. Migraines everyday, sometimes vomiting, swelling hands and aching joints. No strength in my hands,stirring things n writing to long hurts, numbness sometimes on one side of face, when u wake up in the morning it hurts to walk on my feet, I feel tugging n pulling with a sharp pain where my tubes r, my periods lasts weeks and I have days of clotting and I am bed ridden with no strength at all. Dizziness, confusion, depression n headaches all day, my lower back hurts. I feel bloated all the time and I can not sleep for the life of me through a night. It is very scattered and very little hours. I am on elavil for depression, Ativan for anxiety, fierecet for migraines and now on cholesterol meds for trigliceroids being super high. My heart skips beats, sometimes feel like I can’t breath. I got the shingles and when they did an X-ray on the Essure one of them was shaped like a L. The OB said it was normal. I would love to feel normal…… I get an ultrasound tomorrow. Now I am scared of those results and what more I will be going through.

      • Georgeann Garcia says:

        Dear Victoria, I had my procedure in 10/10. I truly have experienced all your symptoms along with others from other women on here as well. This is absolutely unreal. I was one of those people who was in denial of it being the essure. Im currently looking for a new dr to help me get these damn things out already. We are way too young to be feeling so bad. Its crazy how doctors have looked at me like im on drugs making up these ailments. I truly hope you are better and have gotten them removed 🙂

      • Gwenn M says:

        Wow, your symptoms sound like mine! I have had tingling in my arms and legs (legs especially). I also have some kind of pain in my neck in the back below my head. I don’t know what it is and I’ve never associated it with Essure. I have missed this month’s period but have had severe cramping. I always have severe cramping and heavier periods. I was thinking I might be pregnant after 7 years of having the Essure placement done. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and they were pressing on my stomach and I had a sharp pain on my right side and they said it was because of past pregnancies. I’m in shock to know it could be Essure placement that caused all of this!

      • Rachel says:

        Please visit face book and search “essure problems” you will find a support group if women. and there is a partition to sign to get the product off the market. There are tons of women that are having these problems. In favtvjbam one if them. I am getting ready to schedule a hysterectomy in a few weeks. All due to essure.

      • Tonya says:

        I had the essure placed in 2005. Safest option b/c of other health problems. Have had all of the same symptoms, hundreds of tests that are all negative. I am a nurse and had them put in when they first came out so there was little research. I feel awful all the time and it has impacted my life horribly. One of the ladies put up a post about nickel poisoning….I am waiting on the results of a heavy metal screen and if it is positive…..out comes my uterus b/c the coils are embedded in my uterus… some research and get tested for heavy metal exposure. I will let you all know when the results are in. There is hope for all of us.

      • shonda says:

        Oh my goodness.. I too feel my body has fallen apart since my procedure. I’ve always been a plus size woman (xl-1x),so being overweight is not a shock but I have gained more weight unexplainable since. I have been on several diets,one even with the help of a prescription from my Doctor. I don’t understand why I can’t loose extra weight while dieting. AND, I also have other same symptoms. My body hurts all the time,my hands and rists constantly hurt like I have Carpal Tunnel or Arthiritis,my energy is very low although I have been on B12 shots, I find myself staggering at time losing my balance and my memory is as sharp. I’m only 47 yrs. having this done early 2012. I wish I had enough to back me up to consider joining a lawsuit if there is such a thing. I dought I’ll have remove-too expensive.

    • Amy says:

      I had the procedure done in Aug. 2009. As I was reading your post I felt you had wrote all that about me. It had also crossed my mind that maybe I am just pre-menopausal but I am only 33 so I though maybe having this done just jumped started it.
      Thank you!

      • Jess says:

        I am scared to death! I had my fourth baby in 2012 and had the essure procedure shortly after. I have been on four different meds for anxiety and depression. I get terrible PMS two weeks before my period is expected but it arrives later and later each month. I have this awful pain of cramping in my right side. It feels like if I could just push something out I would feel better. I feel nauseated all of the time and swimmy headed. I get a lot of headaches that I blame on tension which is also on my right side. My heart flutters and one point I almost blacked out from it. I feel shakey a lot like a jittery feeling. I am also tired all of the time. This is really scary.

    • Stephanie Aguiar says:

      I had it done 7-1-07 in office with rep from essure to make sure all was good. Was ok for first month then started spotting everyday called doc they did nothing no test done even called essure they said i could spot forever. ?,went back to obg
      luckly i got new girl doc there she finially gave me a swap inside to see whats up came back immediently with infection she gave meds took anti biotic for 2 weeks period finally stopped then 2 weeks later got spotting again so she gave me birth control. exactly 1 month later. i had numbness in right side of tongue spread to chin lips nose and eye All right side went to several docs finallly ENT asked for MRI i had a tumor on top of brain stem at the center of brain went to Boston stood for a week they couldn’t figuer out what it was left with iv to heart antibiotic givin every 6 hrs for 6 weeks tumor started to shrink. had to learn to walk write speak hold a fork everything. No one will admit it was essure procedure but the antibotics was what help stop tumor growth. Also surprise surprise i no longer spot anymore . Now tell me at 33 should i be on social security cuz i can not work please have a mri just to be sure tell doc to call me i’ll tell him what happened to me. if this happened to any one you know of please contact me i’d love to sue them. thank you

      • Letitia says:

        I too had the procedure done on 12/28/2010. All went fine except the first coil was defective and he had to take it out, but I was told that it was no big deal. I spotted after like they said I would. But two days later my period came and after it left, I have had some form of spotting where I have to wear a pantyliner because I never know when the discharge will come.

        I have not yet experienced any of the other symptoms that I have read about thankfully. This is my only problem with the procedure. I just want the spotting to stop. Its not even like period blood, its like a brownish discharge.

        I just want it to end…..

    • Belinda says:

      OMG! I thought that I was going nuts until I searched the web for Essure and problems. I had mine inserted October 2009. What a nightmare of pain. My symptoms started about 4 months later. Weight gain, memory loss, anxiety, nonstop bleeding with very large clots, depression, horrible metal taste in my mouth all the time, back pain, muscle cramps, every posting on this sight sounds like me describing myself. I also was fed the sugar coated “It doesn’t hurt!” Bull! If I had known how painful the HSG procedure to check the coils was going to be I would never have had it done. I had to have someone drive me home and missed 2 days of work. I never had such terrible pain. My doctor has pretty much wiped her hands clean of me after the procedure. Now looking back I feel like I was on an assembly line. Get them in and get the patient out. I’ve had such horrible leg pain that when I squat down my muscles “lock up” and I have to have help to get back up. Now sex is a nightmare! It is very painful! Wasn’t like this before procedure. I’m a nurse and I thought I did my research. I spent 2 months reading everything I could find. I never once came across anything negative. The insomnia is so awful. I’ve tried ambien, sonata and others without any relief. I’m now on medication for depression, anxiety, and mood swings. I really noticed the confusion and memory loss just in the past two months. My work has started to suffer! I’ve had to take time off. I feel like all of the women who have had this procedure will end up like the women from the 60’s & 70’s who had the IUD hot mess. The company doesn’t want to hear about any complaints regarding this product. My next step is getting in touch with the FDA. If that gets me no place than maybe I’ll try the local media? I’m to scared to have them removed. I may consider it because I can just be relaxing reading a book and a sharp stabbing pain will hit me in my lower pelvis and I’m in the floor crying. God help us all! Best of luck to you. Thank you for your story. I don’t feel like “it’s in my mind anymore”.

      • Amber I says:

        I too am having the same problems, I had the procedure done March 15 2010, had heavy bleeding like I just had a baby for about 4 months after the procedure. I still have irregular bleeding but not as bad, terrible cramping and the worst pain with intercourse it feels like someone is scraping the inside of me with a razor blade. I am in the process of talking to a third ob and it sounds like I am probably going to have to need a hysterectomy at the age of 31 to fix these problems.

      • Samantha says:

        I have had problems as well. I had the procedure done on December 31, 2010. I have bleed non-stop since them…for the past month have been dealing with anxiety and depression and just the week I have been having cramping (sometimes sharp pains) and constant lower back pain. I was never told of how this could end was very sugar coated

      • dee39 says:

        Hello girls,
        I had the procedure at the end of September, 2010. I went in on December 23rd and had the HSG test and it was SOOO painful that I thought I was going to pass out, right there on the table. My Dr. didn’t prepare me for what this test would be like and the pain associated with it, nor did she mention any of the possible side effects and acted like it was the best thing since sliced bread! I stopped taking the pill at the end of January, had a normal period and haven’t had one since then. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative, so I’m going to take another one, then make an appointment with my regular Dr. and speak with her about everything. I’ve also not felt like myself over the last month or so and have felt extremely moody and noticed that I’ve been a bit agressive. Also, I’ve experienced flu like symptoms the last three months and now after reading some of your posts, am wondering if it has something to do with the coils. I’m very upset about all of this and wish my Dr. had been honest with me and just agreed and let me do the tubal ligation as I wanted originally. I didn’t like the idea of something foreign being in my body and definitely want them out after reading all of your posts!! It’s horryfying!! My Dr. insisted that a tubal ligation was more invasive and that this would be much easier and was THE best option for me and my body. BULLSHIT!!! And I had to call HER after the HSG test to find out if it was all good and took… what happened to Dr’s calling us and giving us the results?! I mean seriously!! I’m definitely looking into this more with my regular Dr. as she is awesome and really listens to my concerns. This is just not what I expected at all! I’ve even noticed a difference in my vision and not sure if that’s associated with all of this or not, but am now definitely wondering about that too.
        Good luck to all of you and hopefully they take these damn things off of the market!!! They are NOT safe and should be taken off the market!!
        God Bless… Dee 🙂

      • DIANA says:


      • chan says:

        Hi, my name is channon and I am experiencing everything too! I just wanted to say that contacting the media is exactually what I was thinkn today, just think how many women out there have this same stuff and dnt hav a clue what it is. I hav a ? essure say that our body absorbs our eggs is the coil blockn the egg from releasing

      • Yace says:

        Belinda, the way you described it is exactly how I feel, I went today to my regular OB to find out that I’ve got a mess up tubes, its being a year since they did mine but I starting to feel bad up to the point that hurt to even breath!!!! Ive got two babies (2 &1 year old) and now Im on pain killers until the people that did the procedure can give me an appoinment ha! in the mean time I want to sue somebody, Im so swelling and my back hurt so much too, the stabbing is the worst part though, like I said as soon Ive got my pain taking care I will do what ever it take to sue them.

      • Yace says:

        the way you described it is exactly how I feel, I went today to my regular OB to find out that I’ve got a mess up tubes, its being a year since they did mine but I starting to feel bad up to the point that hurt to even breath!!!! Ive got two babies (2 &1 year old) and now Im on pain killers until the people that did the procedure can give me an appoinment ha! in the mean time I want to sue somebody, Im so swelling and my back hurt so much too, the stabbing is the worst part though, like I said as soon Ive got my pain taking care I will do what ever it take to sue them.

      • Michelle says:

        Letetia, I have had that same brown discharge on and off now since I had the procedure done. I have not had my HSG as of yet, but i got the procedure done October 2011. I have been waiting to have the money to get the HSG. I have been on Depo now for 11 years, and am still doing the shots, which is another reason why I have not been in a hurry to get the HSG. I dont have any children, nor have ever wanted children so when I found out about this procedure I jumped right on it if it would help me get off the Depo, because the Depo is also damaging my body, especially being on it for so long. Like the rest of you I thought I did my research and I never did come across anything that was negative. I have also been getting the pains in the low back, but honesely I thought it was just from drinking caffeen. Same thing with the muscle aches and pains. I have drank Red Bulls now every day sometimes multipe times a day for the last 5 years. Some say carbonation causes your bones to break down and muscles to hurt. But until I read this form, I never would have ever expected to think it was the Essure. I think I will go to my regular Doctor and ask to get a nickle test done because if thats what the problem is, and that the coils are putting toxins into my body, well then I would much rather them take the whole package out!!!…

      • Suzanne says:

        Belinda: I had mine put in the month before you and didn’t even think that my memory loss could be linked to that…. And the sharp stabbing pain.Sounds like me too. I have also had severe pain in my joints that no med or muscle relaxer will even begin to touch. I too am scared of having it reversed but I don’t have insurance so it’s not even an option for me right now. I am curious to see what you ended up doing? Thanks

      • Jessica says:

        I had Essure done June 20th 2012. The first coil went in great and no problems, the right coil took a little longer b/c my tube was spasiming my doctor said. She even had to open a new package and get another coil b/c the first one she was trying became bent a little. After a struggle the right one finally went in. I had some side effects right after like cramping and feeling as if I was going to pass out. I had some cramping and sharp pains on my right side in the days preceding. I went in for the HSG test three months later to find that the right coil (the problem one) was curved back around itself, not straight like the other one. The dye was able to get by the right coil so my doctor said the options were to redo the HSG test in 3mo again to see if the tube was blocked or go in laproscopy and tie my tubes which was why I did Essure to not have to have surgery. Ughhh! I wish I would have never done this procedure. I feel like the side effects and risks were so downplayed. Now I have this coil in me and I don’t even know if it has perforated my tube and my doctor says the only way she would know this was to go inside and look with the laproscopy. Please help with any suggestions. I just want them out of me, this was a very expensive procedure for not even being a surgery. Keep me posted with any info regarding Essure please.

      • Mellissa says:

        It has been a very longtime since I have read or replied to the blog. I had my essure reversed over a year ago. Once you are not living the nightmare it is easy to move forward and put it behind you. I realize that not everyone has had the opportunity I’m sorry. I just wanted to check back in and remind everyone that there is life after essure. My surgery was reversed (the coils were taken out). It was covered by my insurance with a copay of 250.00. There was of course a healing period of a few weeks which was no worse than the side affects of getting it in the first place. I elected to have an ablation at the same time because I was scared that I may not stop bleeding as I had been bleeding for months after the surgery. Today it is like it never happened. Please don’t let your doctors or anyone else make you feel like something is wrong you or your crazy. Something is wrong with you! It’s called essure. I hounded my doctor made appointment after appointment and called his nurse atleast three times a week. I’m happy with my decision to reverse. I don’t have a period. I spot sometimes and get cramps rarely.

      • Georgeann Garcia says:

        Belinda, That’s exactly how I felt “That it was all in my mind. When I called my doctor the next day after the procedure I told her I could actually feel them, she laughed and said to me “no you cant.” The pain is unbearable. All of your symptoms also I have experienced. Im on a mission to find a doctor that will remove them.

      • Kim Snyder says:

        OMG I am so glad I started keeping a journal of my symptoms and after two months – the similarity of how I feel before I start my period – wow – just blew me away. Been having severe (is mild) lower back pain (almost labor type), butt numb, legs numb, headache, weight gain, did I say lower back pain, short tempered, memory loss – OH WOW – I was a little leary of the Essure – but my dr – totally reassured me that it was great – peachy – walk in the park… I had mine done a year ago this October. and for the past 8 months – nothing but pain – so bad I can’t work, can’t stand, can’t sit, it all hurts – getting out of bed hurts… I do have some neurological issues that showed up – but this definitely explains the severe pain – … thank yhou all so much for sharing.. here is my email – please stay in touch – just put in the subject essure victim…. I even thought I researched it thoroughly…. wow… hang in there and lets get heard… Kim Snyder, Zanesville, OHIO

    • Darlis says:

      ******************DON’T GET THE ESSURE***************************

      I had mine December 2008. When asked about nickel alLergy, I said I don’t know but my mother was. They didn’t test me. The TV said 10 minutes, no side effects, no tubal. Notice the commercial does not run anymore? The dr. said 1 1/2 hours before. Then it took another 45 minutes. The medication was to strong and all of the shots hurt. I had vaginal pain until recently. Unfortunately, my xray showed 1 of my springs did not take. While the dr. was putting it in he asked if I knew I had a lot of scar tissue in my tube. My reply was no and I knew that moment it was not going to take but, it was already in.. I had to get a tubal on that side of my body and the spring couldn’t be found at time of surgery. The dr. was going to see why it failed. I can never be removed now because it is most likely in my uterus at the tube. He didn’t want to look and cause problems with my uterus. The tubal was less pain than the essure. I wished I would have not been scared and just got the tubal to begin with. Now, if my period is late, I get really upset and start to think I am pregnant. I am on Cymbalta for depression now and have been diagnosed with fibromyalga. So, I don’t know if all of the stomach pains and back pains are from the essure or other things. Oh yeah, now I have a hernia in my navel and have trouble holding my urine. More surgery this year. Yeah for me.
      I was checking to see if others had the same problem as me and if there was a lawsuit yet. My dr. and the xray tech told me I was the first to not have the essure take.

      *****************DON’T GET THE ESSURE************************

      • Amber I says:

        Well I ended up having to have a hysterectomy, this dr was a different ob from the one who put the essure coils in. When they did the surgery they actually found 2 coils in my right fallopian tube and one in the left. Has anyone ever heard of them putting 2 coils in one tube??? I had a ton of scar tissue in my right upper quadrant they had to remove that was from the coils,( I’ve never had any other surgeries this could have been caused from and am still having pain where the scar tissue was. I hope they get rid of this product and I hope other females read this and don’t get this done. I am 31 years old and had to have a hysterectomy. They left my ovaries so hopefully I won’t go into menopause.

      • DIANA says:

        hey girls its diana,i have an update.1week ago i got a thousand dollar bill in the mail for my first hsg test that said my right tube is not blocked.i was told that medicaid would pay for it and that because i hardly make any money to support my family it would be i am responsible to pay this horrendous bill for my 1st hsg.not to mention i need another hsg in 10 days to see whether it has scarred up this time.because of the money i cant have it now,no insurance.BUT WHATS REALLY INTERESTING IS my doctor that originally did my essure has been calling me personally to check up on me,and telling me that if my tube hasnt scarred up he would give me a tubal.he even said that if i didnt have the cash to pay for the second thousand dollar test he would pay for it.he keeps saying that he will help me get the results i want whatever happens.which is nice but very odd to me.all i want at this point is to get these things out of me.i can still feel my coil on my right side when going to the bathroom.all the lower back pain imaginable.and a burning sensation under my armpit,breast area.i have also developed irritable bowel so i have terrible stomach cramps and explosive back door trots.i have talked to my dr about all my symptoms but he doesnt believe me.OF COURSE.he said that he reviewed the 1st hsg and that i have perfect placement on both sides so he doesnt understand why one wouldnt close.i am so sick of all this worrying and waiting.ive had 6 months of hell as to all of this anxiety about whats been happening in my own body,and the shear pain of this frankenstein procedure and the hsg torture dr said that millions of weomen are happy with this procedure,but to me that doesnt mean crap.this is my body and my life.and i really hope that both of those arent ruined by having this procedure.get a tubal,you might be in pain physical pain for awhile but its better than being in mental emotional and physical pain possibly do not know what your body will do with these inserts in them until you put them in and if something goes wrong after that its too late.i will post after mt second hsg and tell my outcome.if all of us can tell our story then maybe we can help other weomen to make a more informed decision.i hope the best for all.

      • Amira says:

        Darlis,you are not only one ,I just had my 3 month test done yesterday and I was told that one coil is gone.I am still so mad and can’t wait to see my doctor.I really think that somebody has to file lowsuit against essure,because there is so many women suffering.

      • tasha says:


      • Amanda Cooper says:


        I just had the Essure procedure done January 2012. My left insert didn’t take. I had the conformation x-ray on April 30 and even went for another x-ray one a week later which was May 7. My doctor says I could have another one put in again on my left side or just get a tubal and fish for the insert. I am going to consult a Medical Malpractice Lawyer and see if I can have something done with this Company.

        Here is my e-mail if you want to talk.

        Good Luck with everything. I wish I wouldn’t of had it done.



      Hey Tracy Nichols
      You and I were dealing with some of the same issues and we both got the devices removed. I am wondering how you have been doing after having yours removed??? I know that you told me that you were suffering from some of the same things after surgery like inflammation like I was. I am wondering how your muscles have been feeling and if this has taken care of itself for you?

      I am still dealing with muscle weakness and inflammation. I was fine for about 3 months after them removed, but since September I have had muscle weakness in my core and pelvis area that have now lead to back problems. I am going to physical therapy 2 times a week which is helping. I have always been so active and I go to aerobics 2 times a week, but my muscles are so so weak.

      • Rebecca says:

        Did you have the same syptoms as the rest of us, before having them removed? If so did the weight, mood swings, sleeping troubles get better

    • Dee says:

      I had the procedure done in Nov. 2010, I felt no pain at all. About a week later I started to get heated sensations on the lower part of my ankle. I told the dr. he said that it was nothing. It soon stopped. Now i’m experiencing sever hot flashes during the day and all through the night. I can’t sleep at all because of the hot flashes . I have also gained weight around my mid section and no matter what I do I can not lose the weight. I’m careful about my intake of food and everything that I eat. Mind that I exercise daily but still have not lost one pound.

      Can somone please tell me what is going on.


    • Artissha Graves says:

      I thought it was just me! I have cramps like 10x’z worse than labor. I have episodes of horrible mood swings prior to my period and emotional changes that are just unreal. I have weight gain and a sleep disturbance like you would not believe I have gone from the extreme of being so sleepy I could not function to not being able to sleep. I can literally feel the coils and describe it as being like someone trying to cut through my skin. I am not happy that you are having problems but I really was beginning to think that I was just going crazy.

    • Chariotte says:

      I have had many of the same side effects. Did you find anything that helped or did you have to have them removed. I am at a lose on what to do. Thanks!

    • amber says:

      i had the essure procedure december 2010 and had nothing but problems. the day of the procedure i was unaware of what to expect and asked questions about it and my dr was sugar coating everything about it and said i would be fine and would not have any problems. since then i have gained 23lbs even with a good diet, painful periods not to mention very heavy periods, pain in lower abdomen area as if i was pregnant. i am suppose to get an u/s to see whats going on i am hoping nothing major but still upset over the whole ordeal and not being told what i was getting into.

      • Heather says:

        I had the Essure put in December of 2011 and had the same symptoms….Also when I went back to have them checked after three months the right one was all curled up so my right tube was not closed…I had to wait to see what the Doctor decided what he wanted to do….guess it was not to important to them….but to me it was very important! Nothing is worse than a constant back that you cant do anything about!! I would not recommend Essure to anyone!!

    • misty says:

      I HAD MY ESSURE DONE OCT.2006 and i have the very same problems,every last one of em as Traci plus more……IF I HAD KNOWN ALL THESE SIDE EFFECTS COME WITH THIS I WOULD NOT OF HAD THIS DONE!!

      • CL says:

        I am wondering about the ladies who had the coil(s) perforate their tubes and are in a coiled up or circular position. This is the case with my left insert. The Essure doc’s advise and Essure: stick another one in on that side. I said no way! I have since seen another doctor who stated to me that under NO circumstances should I have that doctor put another one in. I also had a person online who saw my HSG image suggest that it looks to be broken…sure enough, I went back through the disc of images and the radiographic dense marker looks to have a good amount of space between it and the rest of the coil. The second doctor I saw (not Essure doc) is recommending removal of my uterus, tubes, and both coils. E-mail me at if you would like to see the HSG image or if you have any other advise for me. I’m on this side looking for help/advise, and if I can help anyone else w/ this maybe it won’t make it quite so awful.

    • kr says:

      I don’t know if my post went thru. Can’t find it so I’ll repost. I’ve been reading thru the posts & it seems many of you describe what I’d call a systemic reaction which could mean that you might be allergic or even have toxic levels of nickel in your body. The ob/gyns don’t seem real interested in helping (except this clinic) so you might see if you can get a regular dr to order a nickel allergy test & a HEAVY METAL SCREEN to make sure you don’t have toxice levels. If any of you have toxic levels of nickel it could prove to the FDA that this procedure is just too risky.

    • Rebecca says:

      I have had the same symptoms…Massive weight gain (when not warranted) and it takes every ounce of energy and concentration on MYSELF to loose even just a few pounds. as we all know eith children that is just almost impossible. However I’ve been eating healthy workouts 4-6 times aweek and to no avail weightloss is almost impossible.. I have hot flashes or bouts of being sticky… clamy from being over heated. My face turns red and will remain red for hours. Im sorry to hear you have these troubles but Im also glad to see its not just me. I have also had an increase in facial and arm hair-dark in color and hard like a man. I am 33 and I have a long hair that I have to pluck off my chin. I dont haveanswers, but I am in middle of a “saliva hormone testing” procedure to see if I have a decrease of estrogen… which I will atribute to the procedure.

    • Niki Hirst says:

      I am so glad to have found this site. I had the procedure done in June of 2009. 60-90 days after the procedure I have had a serious case of eczema all over my body. I have been on constant steroid cream which helps but does not get rid of it. My mid-section looks like a leopard. I cannot wear bathing suits and shorts. I also have the longer painful periods and extreme mood swings. I finally decided to go back to taking birth control pills about 3 mos ago and noticed most of all these symtoms have subsided. The eczema no longer itches but the rash remains. I have called and asked several times about an allergic reaction to the nickel. I believe my skin problem is a direct reaction to the essure. Although my doctor constantly dismisses me sending me off to the dermatologist. I have noticed an extreme fatigue in my body. I keep thinking Im fighting a sickness or something but never have I experienced this type of fatigue before. And yes I have experienced weight gain as well and i am a fitness freak! I get dizzy really easy and have shortness of breath which I have never experienced before the procedure. My OB gave me the impression how easy and great this procedure was without any problems and now she dismisses everything I tell her only eluding the only option I have is to have a histerectomy which she is well qualified to do. I would highly caution any woman from doing this procedure. If i had to do it again i would’ve never had this procedure done.

    • Chas says:

      Hi ladies I had the essure done april 2nd 2010. Now I have all the symptoms of pregnancy.this will be our fifth child. I too have experienced all these symptoms, I am so upset that I let them do this to me

      • josoline says:

        So what happend. I had the essure procedure done in march of 09 everything has been good. Now my period is late but a test says im not pregnant do you think i should be worried.

    • Misty Hope says:

      I have had some simular results! I have been having the issues with “menapausal like” symptoms, have only had 3 horrid cycles in over a year. I have constant exreme back pain, and recently the area around my ovaries and uterus have began sticking out. I have had pain and these issues ever since my procedure. I am simply waiting for a class action and hoping one will come soon, as I now am uninsured!

      • jodi says:

        All i have to say is get the coils out ASAP!
        I had the esure coils for 2 1/2 years suffered from all the symptoms everyone has complained about. I had a hystorectomy Oct 11th 2011 within 4 wks of surgery all my pain was gone! Listen to your body get them out. The carcinagens in the nickle from the coils is like poison in your body. Do what ever it takes to get them out your life/ health is more important than than any financial burden!!


    • hope champion says:

      i too had the essure done in may2008,since then i have been experiencing the same symptoms,painful intercourse,extreme anxiety and depression and countless other aches and weird pains!! i have no health insurance with no money,so im kinda stuck,in disgust,that i ever had em put in!! i want them out but its gonna cost me 4500 dollars,which will take a miracle!!

    • Melissa says:

      Hi My name is Melissa
      Yes I have had problems long after it was done in 2007. It is now 2011 and each month it feels like i cant get up an move because it hearts more when I move but I have to do it for my kids. I would also like to know I any one any things about the recalls

    • Desperate for relief says:

      I too, seem to be experiencing some of the same symptoms. Plus, my cycle is horrible now. It would usually be 3-4 days, but now its no less than 7, 9 at the most. I battle with constant fatigue and mood swings, and pain in my legs. I am really leaning toward having them removed.

    • Marichino Jones says:

      Omg Traci I am glad I found this site and u said that I have had mine done since 2006 and man I am looking into getting a lawyer. I think we all should. I just now found out my doc was suppose to do a metal test or even ask. Guess what I am allergic to nickel any amount breaks me out. And if my memory serves me right he didn’t have me wait till after my daugther was 6 weeks old. I have had pain since I had it done, my period is all off since then. I sweat more than I use to and lets not talk about weight. When I went into labor with my now 5 yr old daugther I weighed 178, guess what still weigh that now. Never up nor down SAME WEIGHT. Here is the other biggie I NEVER had a follow up, and when I ask him to check till this day he has yet to do so. He tells me nothing is wrong. Here is another question? WHO HAS HAD ABNORMAL PAPS SINCE THEY HAVE HAD IT DONE?

      • Tracy H says:

        Marichino, the FDA has approved the REMOVAL of the nickel contraindication for the Essure device! Yes, you read that right! Doctors were not telling women about the nickel before however now they can do it guilt free and we have no recourse. The FDA agree with the not so independent study (the Doctor on the study works for Conceptus) that claims the nickel is absolutely fine! Well I know it’s not fine …. you know it’s not fine, and hundred (probably thousands) of other women know it’s not fine! But money is what decisions are made on these day

    • HarleyMom says:


    • jackie says:

      yes ..I am now going on my 3rd month after having the Essure put in and now it is causing many issues between me and my husband.I no longer have sex because every time i do the next morning i’m in severe pain .It kind of feels like i got jabbed too many times in my abdomin and i can’t sit down.

      • melony says:

        I too have that problem. Initially I feel like I am being cut with a knife but it does subside. The next day I am in agony and I don’t want to tell my husband and make him feel bad. I don’t know what to do as this has never happened before. I am hoping that I am still healing because it’s only been since sept. they could only do the right side, then I had to have the left tube cleaned out do to polyps. In Oct. I had the left side done. This has been an extremely painful process that I was not told about. I am considering not having the HSG test done due to the fact that so many have said how painful that is. I wish I had seen this site before I had this done because if I had I wouldn’t be here now.

      • Vicki W says:

        hey girls and women having problems with Essure!!!! I have found some information that may help all of you!!! I had my Essure removed last year, but I have still been doing research. Recently, I began having pain symptoms in my legs, and back, night sweats, etc. After doing some research I found that hormones are causing all of these issues. After seeing a hormone specialist, she informed me that many women who have their tubes tied or even removed begin to have hormone related issues. I am wondering if having this Essure procedure is the same as having tubes tied and removed. She said regardless if doctors believe it or not, fallopian tubes do and can cause issues with hormones. Doctors do not recognize hormones as issues. They simply find a medical reason and prescribe medication to deal with the symptoms. Hormones also are not accurately measured in blood samples. The best method is saliva testing. Upon doing my saliva testing, I have found that adrenal fatique and progesterone deficiency is the reason for all my troubles. bleeding problems, and severe periods, etc. dizziness, aches in the body. I urge all of you having these symptoms to see a hormone specialist. Not a medical doctor. I have included a link to a website that I was able to find some answers to my symptoms. After finally getting some answers, I hope that I am on the road to recovery. here is the link if anyone is interested.
        I hope this helps everyone!!!!! Like I said go to a hormone specialist not a doctor!!!!! It is not something that doctors are trained at and recognize as issues.

    • Pamela Naibert says:

      In complete elation a year ago to have essure done…a year later I am not the same person I used to be. Having constant cramping especially on right side, non stop weight gain, periods of almost passing out dizzy like feeling, mood swings, back pain and over all body aches with extreme hair loss and tingling in various parts of my body.
      The Essure representive sugar coated her whole speach and never once mentioned these side effects. I am praying for a reversal on this terrible procedure.

      • tammy christopher says:

        well i had my procedures done a month i think after my fourth child was born i was 29 then and now i am thirty four and i was never given a nickel test plus when they did my procedure they find out my uterus had to compartment they did the procedure any way when the brocedure they give me said its not allowed i been cramping on my right for quite some time and i bleed like i started my period during intercourse and i have headaches alot but i dont have insurance to get check out again so hopefully they get the suite started for essure real soon

    • Angela says:

      I had my procedure last year 05/2010 I have had those same symptoms since and I thought I was going crazy i am going to get it removed i cant live like this anymore I am so depressed aching all the time cannot get enough sleep and I have dizzy fainting spells I know u wrote this some time ago so I hope u read this and others and if there is a lawsuit going on I would like to be a part of it
      thank you

    • fawn says:

      It is so nice to not be alone….I had essure done in july of 08…got pregnant in oct 08 because one of the coils went through my tube, carried a child in a high risk pregnancy, got the punctured tube cut and tied, a gasto intestinal surgeon had to remove the coil from my loweer bowels, no 1 yr later, i am constantly bloated, i cramp just being….my periods are excrushiating and beyond heavy….my ob/gyn said they can’t just cut a wedge out of my uterus to remove it…they are going to take my whole uterus. this has been the most painful and disappointing thing i have endured

    • brandy says:

      i have a lot of the same problems the pms is so bad that none of my family wants to be around me!!!! i had my eesure done in nov of 09 i’ve had issues w/ sex sometimes it hurts. my periods r crazy!!! sometimes they last up to two weeks!!!! i’m always tired and i can’t lose my baby weight for anything the harder i work to lose it, it seems i put more on!!!! sometimes out of the blue like when i’m riding down the road i’ll have a sharp pain down where my tubes are for no reason at all it kinda feels like a shock!!!and on top of all that after i get off my period and have sex the first time it smells like something died i thought something was wrong w/ me!!!!

    • Nataleigh says:

      I just want to say THANK YOU ladies for speaking out and informing the public. I ALMOST had this procedure done!

      I remember thinking this Essure sounds to good to be true and I better do some research. Thank god I ran across this blog! I just cancelled my appointment. My prayers are with you all.

    • Kelly says:


      I have had the same side effects since having my procedure in August of 2008, weight gain, hot flashes, irritablility, heavy menstral periods, insomnia, etc. I was wondering myself if anyone else had the same side effects or if I was going crazy.

      • Jessica Wills says:

        I had mine done August 18th of 2009. I have been struggling with all of these issues and had no clue what was up. I have had hand swelling, leg pain, especially in my calves. My periods are always different, sever abdominal pain, nausea and horrible right side pain/tingling. I’m glad all of you posted this, as I would have had no clue otherwise. My doc also did not try to follow up and I too felt like I was on an assembly line. For the last week I have been sicker, very fatigued, my abdomen is bloated as is other parts of my body, the pain is worse and I feel sick and as though something is very wrong.

    • DIANA says:

      It will be one year since ive had the essure.Ive had two hsgs and no one can tell if my tubes are blocked.Dr wants me to go in for a third.Ive been on birth control all this time.The lower back pain is awful.I want them out so bad.I have developed irritable bowel since the procedure.I have lost a dangerous amount of weight.I have told my Dr this and he says any surjury to have them removed isnt necessary.Isnt necessary! I wish I had never heard of this procedure.All I wanted was a tubal but medicaid wouldnt pay for it.Now im sick.Girls stay on the pill or get a tubal.This procedure sounds nice but get a tubal ,it might be more pain and hassle now,but I am now facing an uncertain future.GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.

    • Ashley says:

      I had the Essure procedure done in Dec. 2010 and I am having constant infections, bleeding, cramping, initial sex hurts, burning while urinating, and I feel that something inside my vagina is swollen. I want the coils removed but I have no insurance. So, I feel as though I am stuck with this miserable pain. Also, I had to go to the ER once from the pain and they gave me a pap smear and a ultra sound and told me that they knew nothing of the procedure but that one coil isn’t scared down all the way and I have some infections, and that my body may be rejecting the coils. They gave me antibiotics to take for two weeks and told me to follow up with an OBGYN but like I said, I have no insurance. They antibiotics cleared my infection and stopped the bleeding discharge but that was 3-4 weeks ago and now I am back to the discharge, pain, and uncomfortableness. 😦

    • berenice says:

      hi im berenice im only 22 and got the essure november of last year, three months after i had my third chil.i was told about the cramping after the essure was put in. my doctor did it under general anesthesia so i didnt feel anything during the proceedure its self. just had minor crampic and a little spotting sfter but that was it. and oh my…so i see that it causes back pain, that explains alot..i get very bad back pain when i just simply sit and fold laundry. also i get pain just under my stomach i didnt think it could be because of the essure.

    • Misseann says:

      I am having the same issues as you. Also my periods are always messed up and never have been. I wish I could get these things out of me.

    • sara says:

      i 29 i had the essure put in april 08 i also hve a lot of the same things going on with me too.i have thought for a bit that the essure could be what was make me feel this way..the night sweats,pain for no reason my tubs hurt..pain during sex and after sometimes for 2 to 3 days, insomnia ,weight and more..i did not get put out during procedure no pain meds nothing and it hurt sooo bad while he was putting them in and after i was in bad pain they said it would be fine it was not fine at all.i am getting them taken out cant take it anymore.

    • linda says:

      i this done 4 months ago and dont know if its because of the doctor or what but it broke yes it broke inside me it is just floating around one of the springs do you know if that can hurt me? my tube was fulll of liquid when he put it in me this is terrible know he has to go back in just tie the tubes. all because i had him keep the mirena in for the 3 months so i wouldnt get pregnant so glad i did but now i am so scared that this could kill me.

      • Kathy says:

        Your body is going to react when you have a foreign object “floating’ around. I would get a second opinion and see if they can remove the broken piece.Mine was lodged in my uterus so i would cramping and bleed every day of the month. If you are having symptoms that are out of the ordinary Always,Always, Always get it checked out. I suffered for three years and my doctor telling me and towards the end yelling at me that i should stop listening to people. I cant stress enough that you need to get a Sonogram but not by your GYNO but by a radiologist. No one needs to suffer.

    • Debora says:

      I had this procedure back in 2008. I have had severe pain on my right side and back. I have gained alot of weight and constant nausea. I have severe allergies now that never bothered me before. I wasn’t told that the coils had nickel in them I was told that it was plastic. Years later with pain in different parts of my body I don’t know what to do. Doctors will not point out another Doctors mistake and more than likely sugar coat what is seem in ultrasound. I’m glad I found this site. I have been out of work and in too much pain to even be outside playing with my kids. My quality of life has been taken. I feel hot all the time my moods are horrible. Somebody has to stop this essure procedure given to women because too many of us are having issues from it.

    • natasha says:

      I had the essure done in 2006,, since them my back pain has increased terribly where most morning i have to roll out of bed and to stand to do dishes is very painful,, my pms is horrible i get that bad of cramps i cant move for hours and nothing takes the pain away, when haveing intercorse it hurts alot most of the time,, and i have also gained an extreamly amount of weight and i have been trying to lose it for the last 3 years and it seems like the more i try the more i out on,,

      • CL says:

        I took this from information on the web that shows what Essure reported in clinical trials. I am sure that my doctor didn’t tell me 9% of ladies reported back pain….that’s 67 WOMEN WITH BACK PAIN!!! I am not having back pain (yet) personally, but had I been told that 9 out every 100 women suffer from chronic back pain I would not have had Essure…I don’t think any of us feel like that’s great odds, but I was not told about this and so many of you w/ back pain….bless your hearts…it’s simply awful the way you were not informed of the risk(s). This is also just at 15 months. I wonder how these statistics look now for women who had this done after the 10 YEARS this has been on the market. The company should be forced to truly disclose the number of pregnacies and women w/ hysterectomies or tubal ligation following Essure!!…Can ya tell I’m mad/saddened by this device/company/doctors still offering it?
        “In clinical trials for Essure, the manufacturer found that out of 745 women, a “very small number” reported significant pelvic pain, and one woman requested the inserts be taken out because of the pain. During the 15 months after the procedure, 9 percent of women experienced back pain, 3.8 percent experienced abdominal pain and 3.6 percent experienced pain during intercourse that might have been caused by the inserts. Read more: Essure Complaints |

    • cheryl says:

      hi i have had the essure proscedure done in 2005. and i have been in so much pain,i am only 35 and i feel so whole body hurts all the time also swelling in my left side by my lung,,pain in my back,legs bad periods and i get the tingly feelings also..i can’t work i have 4 children i am raising,and i can’t keep up with them at all..the docter that did mine made it seem so simple easy..WELL IT’S NOT i need to get them removed i can get better

    • SAMANTHA says:


      • CL says:

        So many with insurance that won’t remove it….that should also be disclosed UP FRONT. Hey, BTW, if anything goes’s on your dime!…would have been nice to know. My insurance would also not cover putting them in (no coverage for birth control/sterilization) so I would get to pay twice to have the coils removed. I have developed pelvic pressure which my doctor says is a medically necessary reason to have a hysterectomy…I’m just so nervous/upset.

    • Toni Williams says:

      Had the Essure about the same time and now I am having bloating and increased weight. Insomnia and lots of forgetfulness. Not much pain however I do not have my period for the first time either.

    • Patricia Burgos says:

      OMG I had this procedure since 2007, I am 38 years old and sadly to hear about the same problem hat I have, plus I don’t have menstrual period since couple years ago!

    • Vetta says:

      Hi Traci,
      I to am having the same type of problems weight gain in the mid section, bad pms and before I had this procedure I didn’t have these problems its been almost seven years and since than I have had blackouts mini seizures and I’m now on a lot of medication after reading your problems this really hass me thinking that I should bring this up to my Dr. and try to get this removed. Thanks for sharing your story this is really sheading so lite on my condition.


      Vetta G.

    • gabriella says:

      I have had the same, I cant loss the weight in ,my midsection and i count calories, use the stairs (not the elevator) no matter how many floors and now i am feeling pain under my right heel. I wish i had known more before i had this done. Plus i had the thermochoice done and i will be honest i feel like i am going through menopause..

    • Kimberly says:

      I have had mine done nov. 2008 and I have the same problems but I keep being told that my issues have nothing to do with essure. Now its to the point I cant do anything without over exhausting myself or hurting myself. I am always in pain may arms and legs are numb and tingling all the time. I have all the same problems you have Traci Nichols. I had one doctor chalk it up to fibromyalgia and put me on meds. Was on the meds for a little over a month and dont remember doing it but tried to commite suicide and if it wasnt for my two little boys finding me I wouldnt be here today. Now im going to another doctor and they are telling me I have a rheumatic dieseas and on top of that I also supposubly have a sun allergy (polymorpouhs light erruption), vitamen D difficentcy, and other issues. This all started after I had my essure procedure done. Another thing I have had an issue with is being on my cycle for months at a time and no break. I would be put on pill form of birth control to regulate it back on track. Now I feel like I have an infection because now I dont smell right when im on my cycle. But they keep telling me its not that. I dont know! I am only 28 years old and this all started when I was 25 I just wish I could do more with my kids and not take 8 pills a day just to function and do what I have to do and not what I want to do.

    • Hi Tracy. I have been in severe pain for a couple of years. I went to my gp and she ordered an ultrasound that showed nothing. I had to go to a surgeon for an xray to be requested. In it my left coil was bent backwards into a y. They got me right in for removal but when she touched the coil it disintegrated and they had to go in cervically because the pieces went everywhere. I want to start a major lawsuit. Why would a ‘stainless steel’ coil disintegrate? If I had waited any longer I’d have been in big trouble. Like you, hot and cold sweats, cymbalta…..tossed right into menopause at 48 when it should have happened at 54.

    • Susan says:

      II had the procedure two and a half years ago. I have started to notice that I am having extreme mood swings before my period and back ache. The doctor did inform me that I may still have some of the backache after the procedure but it would less than before the procedure. The backache is less. The Mood Swings are killing me! I noticed a pattern over the last few months that my four days before my period and two days on…my emotions run from happy to sad very quickly. Today, I actually started feeling really low and was wondering if I had depression. I’m 39 years old and healthy..I have never been diagnosed with depression and my family is mentally healthy as well. I am concerned that maybe the mood swings are horomone or essure related. What do you think???

    • Bluebird11 says:

      Please join Essure Problems on Facebook to find out more women just like yourself.

    • Phoenix says:

      I spoke with my OB/GYN about Essure. The procedure sounded like a dream come true until I read the above article. I have major concerns about a surgical procedure that places nickel coils in my body; did the pharmaceutical company which developed this permanent method of birth control not consider nickel toxicity. The side effects of nickel toxicity seem to parallel the symptoms many women are reporting in their web postings. Symptoms of nickel toxicity if absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested include vertigo, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, brain and liver swelling, diarrhea, liver degeneration, skin rash, weakness, coughing, headache, respiratory illness, thyroid malfunction, interference of enzymatic reactions, irritation, and various cancers. I can only imagine the type of symptoms you can have if nickel is inserted directly into the uterus. I want to thank all the women who took the time to post their experience with Essure. I have changed my mind about this birth control.

      • Traci Nichols says:

        I haven’t posted in a while – but want to let everyone know that things do get better once you have those stupid coils out of your body! It’s been over 2 years since my hysterectomy and I have to say – I have never felt better! Yet, at the same time, I’m still pretty p***ed about the whole situation. I continue to read the posts as they come in and it disgusts me that this is still available, with no repurcussions to the manufacturer or the doctors. I saw the post about contacting Erin Brockovich – and I did, and received the response about her firm looking into it. I sure hope that something can be done. In the meantime, we can hopefully educate other women considering this as an option and sway them against it.

    • Heather says:

      WOW – I found this website because I started thinking I’m pre-menopausal at 35 ! I had Essure DEC2012 – and have experienced the same symptoms! I can’t fall asleep, wake up throughout the night, hot flashes during the day – random extreme hot flashes – major mood swings, dizziness, and yes – a lot of weight gain – oddly enough around the middle which I have never struggled with before. Sometimes my eyes hurt – around my eyes — it’s the feeling as if I had been crying for hours – a soreness and pressure around them – yet I’m dry eyed at at work. My back has started hurting and at some points very very tender – I assume this is due to the weigt gain. I am not on any medication —

    • says:

      Please update me on any recent studies, facts. I’M having so many of these symptoms and would have never suspected Essure until I am now late or missing my period. I understand these things can’t be removed and I am worried to death. Please feel free to reach out to me at

      • Jordan Leininger says:

        Essure can and has been removed since it has been on the market ! It’s a horrible product make women think it’s other health issues and it’s really just Essure the whole time ! More women that have this should be reporting their problems to the FDA and Conceptus ! Oh and Erin Brocavich ! That’s what it’s going to take to get this off the market !

    • I just have my essure few months ago (May 2012) I gain so much weight, I also ask my doctor because I feel so depress and it hard for me to sleep. I was think it is from essure to but my doctor don’t think so..Waiting for your response.

    • Jessica k says:

      Hello, I had essure put in Dec 2010 I have had hot flashes and I do have very heavy periods although I have always had them. But on the up side I have lost 40 pounds in 4 months!

    • Candie says:

      About Essure
      Essure Stories
      Contact Erin


      Essure Petition

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      Thank you to so many women who have told their stories on this website. While I knew the situation was bad, I did not know there were so many out there who have suffered from this procedure. As I continue to investigate what remedies there could be I wanted to share with everyone that we can clearly see that you are not alone. When we are able to open up and discuss what has happened to us we can become empowered to take control over our situation and can speak out to change something.

      I think it would be powerful if those who have come to this site and have shared their stories sign a petition to further send a message that we need to stop and or remove this product from the market altogether. Your stories are powerful and while we may not know what the future holds we can certainly use our voices and our John Hancock to maybe STOP a bad situation before it affects many more women.

      I send my thoughts and prayers to those who have been harmed and I WILL continue to look into the problem to see what can be done.

      Post your story and sign the petition!

      Sign Now

      137 signatures

      Share this with your friends:

      © Copyright 2012 by Dan Toombs. All Rights Reserved.

      About Essure
      Essure Stories
      Contact Erin


      Essure Petition

      First Name*

      Last Name*


      Thank you to so many women who have told their stories on this website. While I knew the situation was bad, I did not know there were so many out there who have suffered from this procedure. As I continue to investigate what remedies there could be I wanted to share with everyone that we can clearly see that you are not alone. When we are able to open up and discuss what has happened to us we can become empowered to take control over our situation and can speak out to change something.

      I think it would be powerful if those who have come to this site and have shared their stories sign a petition to further send a message that we need to stop and or remove this product from the market altogether. Your stories are powerful and while we may not know what the future holds we can certainly use our voices and our John Hancock to maybe STOP a bad situation before it affects many more women.

      I send my thoughts and prayers to those who have been harmed and I WILL continue to look into the problem to see what can be done.

      Post your story and sign the petition!

      Sign Now

      137 signatures

      Share this with your friends:

      © Copyright 2012 by Dan Toombs. All Rights Reserved.

      To all of you…There is a link/petition on facebook that has been started by Erin Brockivich on behalf of my sister,among others.PLEASE join them in signatures and best of luck.


      • Kathy says:

        I am one of the few people that do not have a facebook account is there any other way to sign the petition. I too had my uterus removed due to the Essure, and had the same symptoms.

    • Annette says:

      I have had the essure procedure 6 months ago. I just started to have hot flashes and weight gain in the middle area. I also wake up at night in a puddle of sweat. Unsure if its menopause. Unsure if have I should have the essure removed.

    • heather says:

      i had it done at the same month and year as you it is the same side effects too.

    • Jessica says:

      Yes I had a lot of the same issues please go to essure problems in Facebook. Check out all the stories. Also dr Nash in Ohio with reproductive gynocology will take essure out threw insurance.

    • Deborah P. says:

      I got the Essure procedure done in 2010 and since then I have had problems. My side effects are weigh gain, dizziness, heart palpatations,insomnia,arching joints and muscles, the worst periods I have ever had(heavy), depression, confusion, headaches,bad cramping before and during period, bleeding after sex, random spotting, etc…
      I really want the procedure reversed. I would definately NOT recommend to any other women. I have had vaginal scans and bladder scans , numerous appointment to my primary doctor who states there is nothing wrong bu tI feel and I know something is not right. The reversal is $6000 (expensive). Does anyone have any suggestions for me .PLLLEEEAAASSE!

    • melissa says:

      I’m currently waiting for tests results for Lupus. I also am having all of those problems. My doctor tested me for auto immune diseases and I have tested positive.

    • Gina Gausman says:

      erin brokovich has a web page for women having side effects from the essure procedure..please check it out…. nickel is very very dangerous when implanted into the human body and will cause the weight gain and possible fluid overload on your heart!!!

    • April Love says:

      My name is April and I am experiencing the same symptoms you’re having. Also one of my coils came out. I am going to take that thing out. Before it harms me in a way I would never have projected.

    • johannah lancaster says:

      I am 29 years and had the essure done in 2010 I have similar problems your having I am to also lost on how to fix my issues in having the essure done I cry every day cuz I’m in so much pain and I dropped weight so fast and can’t get the nutients I need due to feeling like I can not eat my periods are so bad idk what to do from here theyvsay I need a full hysterectomy to fix the problem I just wanted to find someone else that is going thru the same stuff and hope all goez well your way thank you for listening

      • Rachel says:


        Please visit Essure Problems on face book. There is an enormous amount of women with the same problems you have and worse. I’m sorry you have these issues. I had a hysterectomy dye to the essure. It almost killed me. Please join us and report your side effects to the FDA please. The more reports of adverse events the more of a fighting chance we have against this. Erin Brocovich has a page called

    • angie says:

      i have had the essure sense 09 i’ve been going threw the same problems and now i think i might be pregnant with my third child my youngest right now is almost 5

    • Dana Little says:

      Since the procedure in 2009 I have had similar issues. I did not associate the issues to the procedure until today when I had my regular OB/GYN visit and was told that my uterus is coming out of my 2 cm dilated cervix. She told me that she had not ever seen this at her practice even with women that had many children. In the past year have had many diagnosis such as depression, anxiety, rosacea, hyperventilation syndrome, and have to take birth control to deal with the hot flashes and lack of menses after having horrible periods. I also have much pain in parts of my body (concentrated in my hips now), sleep problems, weight gain, and other symptoms. My memory is really bad too and I felt like I was going crazy. I had no idea that essure could have caused this and probably did. Someone should have to pay for all of this suffering.

  2. Courtney says:

    I had the essure implant in nov 07. What a mistake. yes the dr.s totally sugar coated it. it’s been a devastating few years since. I bled for months, had chronic diarrhea, chills, night sweats, extreme weight loss, pelvic and ab pain, nausea nausea and more nausea. AI found out a couple of weeks ago I’m allergic to nickel which is in the Essure. I had told my dr.s before hand I wasn’t sure if i was. they replied the chances are extremely slim that i would be. Well lo and behold. Life has been hell.

    • Vicki w says:

      Did you have your devices taken out? If so how did the procedure go? I am scared to death. My doctor is going to take them out, but has never done the procedure. I have posted to other blogs on this page and you can read my story. Not sure If I am allergic to nickel or not and not going to another to find out!!!

    • Darlene says:

      I had the essure done January of 2007. right after my procedure I was bleeding so heavy I went to the hospital. They ended up putting me on double birth control and they said if that didn’t work they would have to perfrom a DNC which never happened. So in the past almost 4 years. I have had very bad periods. Extreme pain in my stomache and back. I want to get it removed but I do not have the $ to do it and I don’t know if insurance covers it.

      • Jennifer says:

        How long after your procedure did you start to experience problems?

      • ladawna says:

        I have had all the same things going on! 4y of pain and 6weeks ago no periods and bad bad pain went to doc said everything was fine the put me on some meds, well I still have no period sick all the time and have brest milk like crazy but the say I am not preg…I am tierd and dizz all day even pasted out at work. My periods are always bad 1 box of supper tampons a day..I dont know what to do and my doctors dont know anything pl help

      • Mulan says:

        I had the procedures done three months after i had my son. I wish my doctor told me more about this. I have two kids because of my ex and his familly i wanted to make them happy anyway long story short i’ve been having irregular period vertigo anxiety attack and all. And no the insurance do not pay for the reversal. I think this is a scam it cost about six to seven thousands dollar to reverse it. I am n a relationship now i wanted to have one more kid i don’t see it happening.


    • hope champion says:

      omg same symptoms,i have nausea and more nausea i had these things out in,in 08! countless other problems,and aches and pains!

  3. Yvonne says:

    My name is Yvonne and I’m new to this blog thing, but I need some advise. I was scheduled to get the essure place this Tues April 13th 2010. Well after doing some research and reading a mess of negitive things about it, i’ve cancelled my appt.. Problem is, is that i don’t have alot of birth control options. So I’m ging to try my best and give you the short version of my medical history. (I could write a book.) I hope someone can give me some answers.
    I Have a history of ovarian cyst. In 1994 my appendix ruptured, i had it removed. After that surgery i was in and out of my gyne’s office in alot of pain for about 2yrs, until she agree to do lapo surgery. She found a mess of scar tissue, said it was from my appendix surgery. But the pain never really went away. A couple months later i got pregnant and ended up having him 3mos. early in 1997. (He is now 13.) 2001 and only after moving across the map to find a Dr. willing to go back in my stomach and explore. He was going to look for endometriosis but found a piece of my appendix stuck on my bowel, which ripped a hole in my bowel and more scar tissue. He never got a chance to see if i had endometriosis. I was laid up for a month, luckily i didn’t need a colostomy bag. But i have alot of bowel problems now. A couple of month after recovering i got pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage and needing a D&C. Then about a month later i got a DVT (blood clot) in my left leg. Well in 2004, after 8 yrs. of not using birth control.( was told scar tissue blocks my tubes) I got pregnant. I had to be on blood thinners the whole pregnancy, i had unexplained bleeding for the first 5 or 6 mos. I got so constipated i was hospitalized for 10 days. Thank god he was full term. My little rug rat is 5yrs.old. So now that i know i can get pregnant without having surgery first, I got the depo shot right after delivery. I was on depo for 3mos before i got the Mirena IUD. The Dr. that put it in, put it in wrong. I lived with the worst pain in my life for 2yrs. and bleeding everyday. The first time i went to get it removed, they couldn’t remove it, it was stuck in my uterus. So i left in more pain having to reschedule. It was finally removed 2wks. later without surgery. I then decided to go back on depo shot. Because of DVT i am very limited to what birth control i can take. 6 mos. later and 50lbs heavier, i give the IUD another chance. But this time i had the Dr. who did the studies on it and trained the Drs. put it in. Everything was good until about 3mos. later. The pain started but without the bleeding. So now after alot of thinking it through My husband and I have decided the risk are to great for me to get pregnant again so to get something permenant done. But the Drs refuse to go in my stomach and do a tubal. Say there maybe to much scar tissue, they may not be able to see my tubes. So i agreed to get the Essure. But common sense says to me that if the IUD causes me pain, there is a great chance the Essure will also. And after reading the horror stories about it, i really don’t think it’s for me. I hope someone can help me. I’m tired of being in so much pain all the time. I would like to try and get my body back to as close to normal as it will get.
    Thank you

    • lisa says:

      I had the essure done on wed april 14, 2010 it was a cake walk i felt four cramps took the dr five minutes total to get them in. Unfortunately you dont get to hear about the good stories, most people with problems will be posting, two days later i am fine, if the dr cant find your tubes than they will not get placed, but he had a tool to help him find them.

      • stephanie says:

        I had mine done in July of 2008, I also thought it was great and easy, since I have changed my mind. I am one of the luck 3 percent that one side did not seal, also since having it done I have a vaginal vault prolapse, I can’t do much about it now, but it is extremely uncomfortable. I will need surgery to fix it, and am now one of the lucky “loose” girls, nice. I so wish i wouldn’t have done it.

      • dawn says:

        I agree Lisa! I had Essure done on May 5 and my tubes are lateral which my DR said would just take a little more time to get the coils in place. A couple days of bleeding and a little crampy was the worse of it.. I would highly suggest having Essure done!

      • Ali says:

        Feel thankful. they numbed me to do the procedure, but i felt EVERYTHING. My blood pressure sky-rocketed. the walls started clsoing in on me. finally got the stupid things in and had continuous pain for a year, finally got them removed, THANK GOD! These things are miserable and i DO NOT recommend it at all, it is too new and they don’t know enough about it. There are alot of people on here having issues. my doctor doesn’t even recommend them anymore unless the women are extremely heavy because the old school method is to hard to do.

      • Courtney says:

        My placement was simple. It was a couple of months later I began having all these horried symptoms. I did have them taken out last Wednesday:) Although the only option I was given was a partial hysterectomy. I went through 4 surgeons in Maine before finding one who would perform surgery. The final dr. actually looked at all my records and decided no if and or but’s – let’s get it out. My surgeon said there was inflamation in my tubes. Directly after the surgery I was in a lot of pain! After 4 days I noticed an immense difference. I feel amazing. My lymph nodes aren’t swelled, my nausea is GONE! I have more energy and I don’t feel like my head is in a complete fog. I feel so much better and am so thankful I had it removed

      • Amanda says:

        I had the Essure procedure done in April of 08. The procedure went fine, I actually watched them do it on a monitor up next to my head. I did have a severe allergic reaction to the medication they numbed me with which caused my blood pressure to drop dramatically and I blacked out afterwards. I did notice that I had gained weight in the mid section but I am a large woman anyways. I have not had any problems. In May of 2010, I began to suffer from light headness and faint spells, cramping, back pain, shoulder pain things that were just not normal for my body. After testing, they discovered that my gall bladder was causing most of these things and I am having surgery to have it removed. I will let you know about this because if I am still having issues I will probably look into the essure procedure going wrong. I had already made up my that if it had not been the gall bladder the essure procedure will be where I look at next.

      • Cynthia says:

        Hi Lisa-
        I had the essure procedure done in Sept 06 and it was a cake walk for me. The entire procedure took 7 mins and I have had no issues since then. I had minor cramping later that day, but since then I have been fine. No issues here. I don’t think it is the actual coils that cause a lot of these problems, I think it may be the placement and that is on the dr not the manufacture. I love essure and I recommend it to anyone that ask me. I am very sorry to hear about all the issues the women here are experiencing.


        I am so so glad that things went well for you. I just wanted to respond to what Cynthia said about it being placement by the doctor. I wanted to put out there that after having my HSG to check to make sure the tubes were blocked and coils were in place all was fine. When the doctor took out my tubes and examined the placement of the coils all was fine again. It was not the placement or the coils themselves that caused my issues. I can not vouch for anyone else. I later was nickel allergy tested and it was negative also. For some it is a placement issue or a problem with the doctor, or both. This procedure is still new. I am glad that many do not have issues, but for those of us that do have issues, we don’t have anyone to turn to except doctors and even they are snubbing us off.

        The doctor that removed them is not the same doctor that put them in and NO Medical explaination for the pain that I was having. He said that my tubes may have just been hypersensitive and that procedure was just not right for me.

        All I know is that all of my symptoms and pain has gone away since they removed my tubes with the coils inside them and now I have my sanity back.

        With all of that said, I just wanted to let you know that thanks goodness there are women that do not have issues with this procedure and I wish you the absolute best for health in the future.

      • Denise says:

        Hi Lisa, I wanted to know how is everything going now? I am scheduled to have the the surgery on Dec. 14th after reading all these post I’m litrtle afraid.

      • Rhonda says:

        I was wondering now that it has been 9 months are you still happy with it? I am scheduled to have it done. Just wondering what you think now.

      • Tracy says:

        Hey Lisa, I just wanted to know how you have been since the insert of essure. I am thinking of having them put in and after reading the negative im scared. Any comments would help

      • Michelle says:

        I had mine put in October 26, 2010. It really was a cakewalk. No pain at all. No pain for the confirmation 3 months later either. It was the easiest thing ever. I came across this site because I googled to see if anyone else was experiencing heavier periods like I am or bloody discharge mid cycle. So far, these are the only side effects for me. But now after reading all of this, I am scared. So far, I am 5 months in. I feel really good. No weight gain or anything. Just heavier (week long) periods. Fingers crossed….

      • Keisha says:

        I’m glad to hear your procedure went well. I had the essure procedure done on 4/13. I felt some mild cramping and the procedure did not take long. The dr. did have a problem placing the 2nd coil but did not force it to prevent problems. The doctor says it looks like its blocked so I may have only had 1 operating tube to begin with but we won’t know until the HSG testing. Just wanted to know if you are still spotting? I stopped 1 day after procedure but the spotting keeps coming back. I don’t have pain so just wondering.

      • Hilda Fraser says:

        I hope that is my case..because just had mine today..pray for me!:)

    • deidra says:

      I had essure done March 2009, It was a little painful only because I had cysts on my tubes, they had to scrape off. After about 6 hrs I felt great and have every since. I recommend it to anyone.

      • Shelly B says:

        After the first 2 months I was recommending it to everyone I came in contact with. The procedure was not bad at all, but after that everything has changed. My health is terrible! I have all of the same symptoms as what the rest of the women are posting. I am very thankful to have come upon this website and seen that I am not the only one with near blackouts, milk coming from my breasts etc.
        I will be curious to see if you feel the same 5 months from now!

      • Tracy H says:

        Hi Cynthia. I am so happy for you that you have had no problems with the essure procedure. I was one of the unfortunate ones who had to suffer 5 years of agony and distress due to them. My coils were perfectly placed so it had nothing to do do with the placement.

    • Kayla says:


      There are other methods out there, some all natural. Natural Family Planning (fertility awareness) is extremely effective — if you are willing to put the effort into learning about it (going to a class is the easiest way) and then paying attention to your fertility signs. It’s basically learning when the body is fertile, keeping a record of your fertility, and abstaining during fertile times. Even Planned Parenthood says it is extremely effective when practiced correctly (less so when not practiced correctly). It’s something to consider, especially if you have sensitivities to drugs or other procedures. I personally know at least a dozen people who use that method effectively. No drugs, no altering your body, and completely safe. If you really want “normal,” you can’t get any closer than not changing your body at all. Look into it, whether you decide to go that route or not. It never hurts to know all your options and know your body a little better.

      • Keisha says:

        have any of u ladies have problems with bacterial vaginosis since you had this procedure. I had this procedure done Feburary 20 2007 an the last two years iv been gettin bacterial infections.

      • Tracy H says:

        Keisha I suffered with bacterial vaginosis for the whole time I had the coils in (4 years!) I couldn’t get rid of it … I also had unpredictable gushes of acidic fluid that would drench my underwear and burn my skin!. Both went away after I had the coils out but the BV has come back (which is typical after a hysterectomy) and I am treating it with natural therapies but I haven’t been able to get rid of it. Does anyone have any remedies? I am desperate. This is stopping me from wanting to be in a relationship. I have been single for 6 years because of the essure procedure 😦

      • Cynthia says:

        Tracy- I have suffered from BV since 2001, and the one thing about BV is; it always come back. I have had several doctors give me medication, but it always seems to resurface as soon as I have intercourse. The one thing my most recent doctor told me was that I can manage BV. She told me to go out and get some Hibiclens and a douche bag. This has been a life saver for me and I recommend it to anyone with BV. I actually think BV is heriditary because after having a conversation with my female cousins, we found that all of us suffer from it. I told them about my doctors suggestion and now they are all using it and is still thanking me for telling them about it. It does not cure BV, but it manages the smell and discharge that is associated with it.

        Hope this helps.

      • Virginia Richard says:

        To Keisha,
        Hi, I had the procedure done in 3/2011 and since then I have had two Bacterial infestion, it hurts when I have sex, I feels like some one is stabbing me when I try and relax to urine, and now I just went to the regualr GYNE and she exam me and said that its my uterus thats tender. My fiance even said that the last time that we had sex if felt like something was sticking him. I just called my Gyne and DR. to try and get on top of this. Also, I have problems with sleepy legs sydrom and recently at work I look up and saw stars out of no where, problems with high blood pressure too.

    • Anna says:

      Gee, after all you have been through you would think your husband would volunteer to have a vasectomy. Fifteen minutes in the doctor’s office is all that is required for them. Interesting that many women never think man should be responsible for birth control.

    • Tricia says:

      It sounds like you have been through enough. How about your husband getting a vasectomy and using condoms as a back up to ease your mind?

    • beth says:

      Yvonne – will your husband get a vasectomy? I don’t think you want to put ANY foreign objects or hormones into your body!

    • Robin says:

      My name is Robin, I am 23 years old and I had Essure put in 6 weeks after my daughter was born and she was born 10/20/09. My dr made it seem like Essure was better that tubal ligation and that there were fewer problems. Man was she wrong….After having the procedure done I was in a ton of pain and I still am. I also bled for more than 60 days straight after the procedure. I went to the dr and they did ultra sounds but never said anything was wrong; instead they put me on antibiotics and birth control to try and control the bleeding. After a month of birth control the bleeding stopped. Unfortunately shortly after that I lost insurance and I have not been able to go back to the Dr or afford the test to insure that it took properly. In the past year sex is almost not even an option and the majority of the month I am always tired, moody and I have had horrible anxiety. I have tried to take medications for the symptoms but they have all made them worse. I wish i could just have the coils taken out but i dont want any more kids that was the whole point in permanent birth control. As soon as I can get them taken out the better off ill be, its been a year and i just seem to be having more problems and more pains.

    • Peita says:

      Dear Yvonne,
      Yes I had just read your very upsetting story. ( I have just looked on the web for any adverse effects to essure as I was wondering if the irregular painful periods and cramping I have may be related to my essure procedure done 5 years ago – looks like it may be from everything I have read.) In regards to you, I feel maybe you should either go for a full hysterectomy or get your partner to have a vesectomy since you really don’t need to suffer much more. This is the only advise I can offer.

    • janette says:

      It sounds like with all the problems you have had, maybe your husband should get a vasectomy.

    • Dee says:

      Best birth control method on the market. Thou I have started to have sever hot flash. I can’t say if it is the essure or my age 43. Best surgery that I could have ever had, completely painless. NO PAIN at all after surgery and I have had normal monthly cycles. Everyone’s body is different, but one thing I know for sure is if you don’t want to get pregnant and you have tried other methods, essure is the way to go.


      • teresa says:

        everyones body is different but i am 38 and just had the procedure done yesterday and have been cramping ever sense i am a ginny pig is what i fell like…however i am gonna wait a little while see what it does.

    • Sras says:

      Yvonne – If it’s such a high risk for you to get pregnant again why won’t your husband get a vasectomy? You’ve been through enough, tell him to man up.

      I was considering this procedure but have a known nickel allergy and nothing was mentioned to me about this. Really glad I did my research and I hope all you ladies find a way out of the suffering you are experiencing.

    • catherine says:

      I had the procedure done 4-11 it was the worst mistake of my life. You would do better to just have your tubes tided. The Essure was very painful. I had medication the night before to dialate my cervix. The day of the procedure had pain medication and shot for pain before procedure. My tubes did not dialate so I had to have them manually dialated, which was extremely painful. Then the procudure started, it was so painful I felt like I was going to pass out and like this had been going on for an hour. I had talked to my doctor and he made the procedure seem easy, quick and painless. Since the procedure for the first three months after had spotting and bleeding constantly with blood clots. I was told it was from the deprov injections they put me on before the procedure. On first follow up visit, I described to the nurse the pain I felt as they were doing the procedure which was pain shooting through my femoral arteries and she laughed at me. With follow up with doctor he said he never heard of this compaint. It has been seven months and I have weight gain, problems sleeping, and stabbing pain in my inner thighs down to my lower leg by my calf area. I told my doctor I would have rather had my tubes tided with no medication than to go through the pain of the procedure and the pain that still remains. I had to fight with the insurance company two years to get any form of sterilization, just wish I had had a tubal.

  4. Kimberly says:

    My husband is scheduled for a vasectomy next month. I told him I think he needs to give a little in our relationship and be sterilized instead of me. I told him I’ve been through enough this past year. From having a lump removed from my breast to having my gall bladder removed. It’s been one thing after the next, and I think he should be the one to get fixed. He called me and told me to look up this Essure procedure that he heard about on the radio. Well, there goes his vasectomy. After reading so many horror stories, I don’t want to get this procedure. I don’t want to get any procedure for that matter. Plus, I’m allergic to nickel, and I just don’t think having a device like that put in your body permenantly can be a good thing. Any feedback on my situation?

    • Vicki w says:

      DO NOT HAVE THE PROCEDURE DONE!!! If you are allergic to nickel definately not. I just had my procedure on Feb 11 2010 and have nothing but pain since and doctors think it is in my mind. I am now attempting to get the device remove. June 10 is the surgery date, but after suffering complete pain for the last 2 days and loosing my quality of life I am ready to have it done tomorrow. YOu can also read my reply to Tracie’s comment that I posted.

  5. Yvonne says:

    Hi Kimberly, I am going through the same thing you are. ( my story is above) If you are allergic to nickel then you can not get the essure! I was scheduled to get essure & cancelled because of all the horror storys i read. I went back to Drs. & convinced them to do a tubal ligation, even thou they are very hesitant to go back into my stomach. I’m scheduled for pre-op appt. next month. In the mean time I am trying to convince my husband to get a vasectomy, (which is not an easy task). I think it’s about time the men stand up & get fixed instead of the women! As we are the ones that carry, deliver, feed, get up all night & in wee hrs of the morning ect. to take care of the babies! It’s the least they can do. The risk are alot least for them then for us. So best of luck to you.

  6. Samantha says:

    This is the first time I am reaching out to other people with pretty much the same situation. I had the essure done in Oct. 2008, I orginally wanted to just have my tubes tied, but the doctor who took over the facilitly, I was attending after my son was born refused to do the surgery 3 days before the actually surgery. He told me he would only do the essure and told me just about nothing about it. Well, I was pretty sure I didn’t want kids again. So, I wen tahead asnd had it done. I hear of storys where women are in and out of there in 30 mins. Well, he actually took me into the operating room and put me to sleep. I thought that wasn’t supoosed to happen? I woke up in the recovery room, I was in so much pain and bleeding so bad. The bleeding finally stopped after about 2 weeks and the pain just keeps going on. He has never preformed the dye test to see is they were even blocked. But, since then I have had this pain in my lower front sides of my stomach area. I can’t even have intercourse without it hurting and start bleeding. I have tried to reach the doctors about this and they are just giving me the run around. I was told that the essure can be reversed, is this true? Where can you go for it?

  7. Yvonne says:

    Hi Samantha. There is a place called Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, I believe it’s in S.C.. They claim to be able to remove the Essure. I would research them thou, as they are the only place i heard of. Every Dr. i spoke with says it’s not removable. Best of luck to you

  8. vervilledeb1 says:

    Hi Ladies,

    Samantha, yes Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center which is located in North Carolina does perform Essure reversal. Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith are both experienced in this procedure.

    If you would like to call them for a free phone consult the number is: (919) 968-4656. The staff is excellent and friendly. The website also has a message board that you can read as well as videos to watch. There is also a blog on which one of Dr. Bergers patients put her story on about having her Essure reversed. She is remarkable in the fact that she not only shared her story but has remained in contact to help others who are searching for answers and support.

    Here is the link to the Essure Reversal video with Dr. Monteith from CHTRC:

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask. If you need any information I am available pretty much all of the time.


  9. John says:

    @Yvonne – maybe your husband walks all over you and demands you get an invasive surgery and then does nothing to help with the kids – but there are ALOT of men out there, including me, who not only insist they get a vasectomy but also are there bottle or binky in hand in the wee hours in those1st few sleepless months, and then make it home in time to take care of the baby (and wife) while working a fulltime job, etc. So please don’t generalize and stereotype all men because of your husbands shortcomings!

    • Anna says:

      John, why are you even on a website about women’s health issues?

    • Vanessa says:

      That was very well put John. My husband is the same way. It was my choice to do the essure procedure. But my hubby is up at night with our daughter either by himself or sitting with us. Then gets up works all day and is back home to help with the dishes, laundry and cooking and cleaning.

  10. Yvonne says:

    @John- For ur information my husband doesn’t walk all over me & does take care of kids when not working. I have been a stay @ home mom for 3yrs & my children & I are very well taken care of. I also never said he wouldn’t get a vasectomy. So before u write back to someone understand what ur reading 1st!! Do some research John & u will find out that there are less men in this world that are willing to get a vasectomy!!

    • Vicki w says:

      I am curious to know how your reversal went and if the doctor that did your procedure did one before. I am having my coils taken out on June 10 or sooner if I can get my doctor to do it sooner because of massive amounts of pain and complete discomfort.
      Please let me know how it has gone. I just had it put in on Feb 11 2010 and I do not know if I have a nickel allergy and I am not going to another doctor to find out…I have spent way too much money to find out what is is going with me when I have been telling them it is the coils or something. The HSG showed nothing wrong.
      Let me know how the reversal procedure goes.

      • Yvonne says:

        Vikki w
        I have never had the essure placed. I was scheduled to do so but cancelled after alot of research & reading nothing but horror story. I am now in the process of getting a tubal. And the only reason i am getting a tubal & not having my husband get a vasectomy. Is they agreed to remove some if not all of my endometriosis & try & find out what else is causing me pain, as i have alot of stomach problems. Best of luck with you getting the essure remove. Please let me know how everything goes.

  11. Tracy Hedges says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in 2004 and ended up having to have a hysterectomy in 2008 to get the coils out! My doctor never did a nickel sensitivity test on me and after suffering with chronic problems for 4 years and getting no answers from my gynecologist I did my own research. When I discovered that nickel sensitivity was a contraindication I had an allergy test … I have a sensitivity to nickel! … yet my gyno NEVER investigated this as a possible reason for my problems. I went from being a healthy, fit, vibrant woman to; gaining 15 kilos even though I eat well and exercise regularly, feeling extremely lethargic, ongoing pain, bloating, foul smelling vaginal odour and unpredictable gushes of acidic smelling fluid that would leave me embarrassingly drenched and sometimes it would burn the skin of my vulva. My hormones are now horribly unbalanced, I can’t shift the weight gain, I still suffer with vaginal odour and lethargy. I had the procedure done after getting divorced and not wanting anymore children but because of the problems that I have had since having the coils inserted I have not wanted to get into a relationship as I am so embarrassed! It has been a nightmare. Oh how I wish I could have my time over again, I would never have had this done

    • Vicki w says:

      Hey Tracy

      I am wondering if you had a skin rash of any type with your nickel allergy? I do not have a rash of any type and my doctor doesn’t think that I am allergic since I do not have a rash and I saw some of your symptoms and it is the same as mine, but I no longer have burning or irritation around the vagina area or the foul smell odor. I am just curious since a rash is what is most recognized with a nickel allergy. I am getting tested for the nickel this week and hope it is my solution. I had surgery to remove the coils, but my doctor chose not to remove cause no medical reason for the pain coming from the coils. Instead he found a cyst on my ovary, endometriosis and fibroid on my uterus that he removed. All was saw on the ultrasound with exception to the endometriosis (which I had since 15) He thought that these were legitamat reasons for my pain so he did not remove the coils.

      I am also wondedring how you have been doing as far as your symptoms that you were having after your unfortunate hysterectomy. Did the symptoms from the Essure go away? and how you feeling now?

      • Tracy H says:

        Oh Vicki, how awful. My doctor did say that my fallopian tubes were inflamed when he took them out. When I discovered that nickel sensitivity was a contraindication I suspected that it might be my problem as my ears would get infected when I wore some earrings. I had never heard about nickel allergy before that and just assumed my ears were reacting to cheap jewellry. I went to a allergy specialist and I didn’t react in the ‘usual’ way to the nickel allergy test. The reaction was mostly under my skin. I didn’t get much of a rash but it was extremely irritated and itchy which lead the specialist to conclude I had a nickel allergy. He also said that because I had had the nickel in my system for so long my body had built up a tolerance for it and that is why I didn’t produce the usual rash. Since having the coils removed I feel a million times better. I have been seeing a herbalist throughout the ordeal. My body is still eliminating the toxins so I still suffer psoriasis and boils. I do have to urinate more frequently now as the hysterectomy has effected my bladder. The symptoms I suffer with now are mostly a result of the surgically induced menopause however I have been experimenting with a number of natural supplements and feel I have been able to minimize the symptoms. I still am carrying the extra weight and no matter how healthy I eat (I am Vegan) and how active I am I just can’t shift it. The vaginal odour and acidic fluid that would gush out disappeared after the coils were removed however the vaginal odour came back a couple of months later. I did some research and discovered that Bacterial Vaginosis can be a side effect of having a hysterectomy which produces a foul smelling odour so I am know treating that with natural therapies. Sadly, I am not feeling like my ‘old’ self but am getting there. When I had the devices in I was just getting sicker and sicker but now I feel I am getting healthier and healthier. It has been more than just a physical ordeal though I have had to mourn the loss of part of my body and of course the anger of having to suffer due to the negligence of my doctor and not being able to receive any compensation

    • Vicki w says:

      Thanks for the advice Tracy H!!!

      My doctor said that my tubes were not inflammed, and coils were in correct place, not bend, not twisted, or anything. My only hope is this allergy test this week. I was just curious what your allergy test showed since you did not have a rash. I do not expect to have a reaction to the test, but I may have what you have had and have problems under my skin. I do not wear earrings often cause they hurt my ear lobes, do not cause a rash but get bumps under my skin. So just not quite sure. I feel that doctors do not push nickel testing enough and it should be a requirement before having this procedure and I would suggest anyone to have it done before having this procedure. I am just frustrated at this point and want these things out!!! If I am not allergic to nickel, and after they are removed they I feel better, I can then say that there is definately and my doctor will agree that there is something wrong with the coils. I just want to be normal again.

      • Tracy H says:

        Vicki, nickel sensitivity IS a contraindication and doctors ARE meant to carry out a test BEFORE going ahead with the procedure. In the Essure “Summary of Risks and Other Important Information” it states under the Contraindications for use: Have a sensitivity to nickel as shown by skin testing. The Essure “Fact Sheet for Clinicians” states under the Contra-indications to the Essure procedure: Allergy to dye (contrast medium) or nickel. I only discovered this by doing my own research. I was never tested before having the devices inserted and NEVER told they were made of nickel. My doctor told me they were made of titanium and perfectly safe. They are actually made of a flexible stainless steel inner coil, an outer coil made of nickel titanium alloy (nitinol) and a layer of polyethylene terephthalate fibers (this is what causes the tissue ingrowth into the device). The fact that your body is reacting to earrings indicates you may have a sensitivity to nickel. An allergy and a sensitivity are different in there degree of symptons. You don’t have to be allergic to nickel only have a sensitivity to it, to NOT be suitable for Essure. My research revealed that you can also develop a nickel allergy as a result of the coils. In a paper I found on the internet it states “It is important to note, however, that the risk of becoming sensitized to nickel after an implant of stainless steel is approximately 3%” I also discovered that approximately 8-10% of women are sensitized to nickel and once sensitized, minor contact with metal containing nickel can cause a reaction. Go to Google is a great way to find out information

      • Vicki w says:

        Thanks for the link Tracy!!!

        I have researched nickel sensitivity and also wanting to see if your body can become immune to it after time and wanted to see if any side effects of the allergy is what I am having like muscles aching and inflammation, and tingling. I have not been able to find anything showing those kinds of effects mostly just skin irritation that I do not have. I am just really thankful that my doctor is listening to me, even though he didn’t take the coils the first time, I understand his reasoning cause they want a medical explanation for it. Sometimes, I do feel like maybe it is just in my head and maybe the thought of having these things in me makes me feel this way. but we will see with the nickel testing!!! The doctor doing the testing is also sceptable since I don’t have a rash. Keep your fingers crossed and I will let you know how it goes. Did you have to keep a patch on your arm for 3 days? They ordered the test from Canada, as they told me they don’t keep it in the office cause not many request the testing, so I am waiting for it to come in.

      • Tracy H says:

        Yes Vicki I had the 3 day skin patch. While it was on I had severe irritation on and off for 3 days yet when the patch came off there wasn’t much of a rash. I had definitely reacted to the nickel but it didn’t show up in the typical way. The other thing I did was to wear a pair of earrings that contained nickel to the specialist so he could see how my ears reacted. I also came across research about other types of metal implants eg. hip replacement that had to be removed because the person had reacted to the metal.

      • dianne says:

        Tracy so glad you are feeling and doing better, so i’m suppose to have this procedure done next month…but after reading alot of negative comments i’m having second thoughts. I need to hear this from someone should i just stay with birth control pills or go on with the essure procedure? My pills have worked for me marvelous I have never had any complications, and never given my any problems at all, I’m just tired of paying $30 every month and taking them daily.

      • Tracy H says:

        Dianne I would make sure you get tested for nickel sensitivity 1st however the problems that women are experiencing after having the procedure done seem extreme and I have to wonder if there is something more than just the nickel sensitivity going on?

  12. Jessica says:

    I got the procedure done in 07 and since then I get infections once a month every month about a week before my period. I think I might be allergic to the nickel. I just want everything removed. I am going to the doctors today to get some more information. Oh and I have also gained a lot of weight and I can’t seem to lose it.

  13. Vicki w says:

    Does anyone know if there is a class action lawsuit against Essure or Conceptus? I could sure use some help with medical bills, since I not longer have insurance.

    • Tracy Hedges says:

      Vicki, I live in Australia and I haven’t been able to find a lawyer to take on my case as they tell me that medical litigation is so hard to win (and of course they are only interested if they are guaranteed a windfall) and that the time limit to litigate may have lapsed (they say it’s too much of a ‘grey’ area) as I had the coils inserted in 2004 but didn’t have them out until 2008! Perhaps that’s why my doctor didn’t investigate the coils as a potential reason for my problems???? I haven’t been able to find any class action lawsuits in Australia … I would be very interested if there is any in the U.S

  14. Jessica says:

    How did they remove the coils and what did it take to get your doctor to do it?



      I went to several doctors and I went back to my original OB that I used to see years ago and he is willing to take the coils. He is not sure if this will help my symptoms, but my gut instinct is telling me that these coils are causing my problems and I can no longer live like this. Just insist to them to take the coils out!!! They can do the procedure by either removing the coils, taking out your fallopian tubes, and it may sometimes lead to a hysterectomy. I am hoping that I do not have to have a hysterectomy, but my quality of life has been horrible since I had the coils inserted. My doctor that inserted the coils has insisted that nothing is wrong. Nothing is wrong with how the coils are placed, but the constant pain, confusion, night sweats, muscle weakness, and tremors tell me that something is wrong!!! Just insist they take them out, if that is what you want!!!

  15. Tracy Hedges says:

    To remove the coils I had no choice but to remove both fallopian tubes. I was then given 2 options; I could have my uterus removed fully or partially but removing the coils meant that some of my uterus HAD to go. After discussion with my gyno/surgeon and lots of agonising I decided to have all my uterus removed however he was able to leave my cervix. I decided that if I was going to lose part of my uterus then I may as well go for the option that at least left me with no period as I had a huge fear that the excessive bleeding I had after the coils were inserted, would continue. Now my hormones are horribly unbalanced and my estrogen levels are very low (this has brought on a whole new set of problems!) Getting my doctor to agree to remove the coils wasn’t difficult once I informed him about what I had discovered as a result of my own research ie it was a contraindication to have the procedure done if you had a sensitivity to nickel and that I has then taken myself to an allergy specialist who confirmed that I in fact did have a sensitivity to nickel. My gyno sent me to another gyno for a second opinion. The second opinion confirmed that the coils had to come out! At this stage I was very ill and suffering terribly and felt that if the coils didn’t come out I would die of toxicity. I had to wait ten months on a public hospital waiting list before I could have the operation. I then had to take 6 weeks off work to recover. The whole ordeal took 5 years from my life. I am only 44 and I am now going through surgically induced menopause!!

  16. Jasmine says:

    I went to my Well Wwoman/Yearly annual exam today and was weighing Tubal ligation and Essure. I’m 40 by the way… My Dr. recommended Tubal…I was seriously considering Essure, but forget it now…I will just stick to what I am doing now, the rhythm method. This procedure just isn’t worth it to me… neither is Tubal ligation at this point.
    I am so very glad I did more research that I did today and found a few websites of actual patients that have had this done. The posts are frightening.
    The more and more I read patients posts…it makes me angry that men cant take more responsibility and get a vasectomy, quit whining about it and stop being selfish and thinking about number #1.
    Why do us woman have to put our bodies through even more trauma then we already do in life?

    • Alice says:

      I’m with you Jasmine. I was considering Essure, but after reading these posts, I’m so thankful to all you ladies who took time to post your experiences. You have probably saved me from a lot of grief. I’m healthy and fit, and want to stay that way. My husband won’t have a vasectomy, but he is willing to wear condoms, so we’ll just continue as we have been. Thank you so much!!

  17. Jana Petty says:

    My niece had the procedure about a year ago, since then she has experienced weight gain, night sweats, severe headaches that pain pills will not touch. She also has elevated blood pressure and has to be treated with medication, lethargy, mood swings, and homicidal thoughts. She is on anti-depressants, and other medications.

    Has anyone else had any of these same symptoms?

    • Vicki w says:


      I have had some of the same symptoms. My blood pressure was always low but now it higher than usual but dr’s still consider it low. I have nightsweats, mood swings, and YES I am always tired, and have a feeling of confusion, and sometimes feel like i’m going to black out. If she did not have any of these symptoms before she had the procedure, I would suggest that she see a dr that is willing to remove them, If they are making her feel that bad.

      Many of the symptoms that women are having are the same with some variation. I do not have all of these symptoms everyday with the exception of leg, abdominal, and back pain, I have everyday.

      She needs to listen to her body and if something is wrong or doesn’t feel right, she needs to insist they are taken out!!!

    • natalie mallard says:

      I am experiencing all the synptoms that all you ladies are havimg, but im also not having the desire for sex, is anyone else having that symptom, and i had mine in 03, and i absolutely hate sex and ive gained and extra 60 lbs, slurring of words insomnia and my health is just getting worse, i hope i can find some relief soon

      • Amber I says:

        I too have no desire for sex. It is very painful for me but I don’t even want it other than that.

  18. Cindy says:

    I am thinking about having the essure procedure done. The doctor made it sound like it was nothing to have it done. Maybe some cramping the day of and that is it. My husband is open to having a vasectomy but they made it sound like having the essure was less “down” time, etc. After reading alot of the stories from people who have had it done…I am worried! Should I not have the procedure done because of all the possible side effects? Wondering if it is safer for my husband to have a vasectomy than me to have the essure done. Tell me when you had your procedure done and when you started to have problems. Any advise would be greatly appriciated.

    • Tracy Hedges says:

      Make sure you get a nickel sensitivity test done first however, after reading the problems women are having I believe the issue is more than just a sensitivity to nickel. I wouldn’t recommend it



      My personal advise to you is to not have it done!!! Many women do not have problems but many do and you could be one or not.. You can also go to a website called and see the posts on Essure. many other women are having issues. I would recommend the vasectomy. Let me explain why… Many have been done and doctors have been doing it for years and years. This procedure is 5 years old and I beleive that “Yes” doctors are making it sound very easy and no complications. That is why I had mine done. I had mine done on Feb 11 of 2010 and having the devices removed on June 10. I began knowing that something wasn’;t right approx 1 week after the procedure and was ignored by my doctor and even after 2 weeks she still ignored it. She has still ignored it and I have found a different doctor that will help me. If I knew now what I do, I would not have had it done. We have learned to trust our doctors and put our life in their hands, but with this matter, I don’t think they know. I will never put another foreign object in my body again!!!! I hope this helps you and if you have any other questions, please let me know.

  19. lydia W. says:

    i had essure around april 2010.
    When my son was born, i had eclampsia and i can no longer have any more kids with my medical condtion, he also has what i have which is 22 q deletion. (DGeorgious syndrum) Me and my husband decided to go wit essure, my obgyn made it sound like it was a simple procedure, which it was, hardly any pain. I had cramping after and muscle spasoms for two days, but no more pain just constant bleeding.
    I’ve been spotting for at least two months, sometimes back pain and mood swings, but other than that nothing major.
    The bleeding is what concerns me, is it normal to bleed this long after the procedure? my obgyn’s head nurse said that it could be from me coming off the depo as back up. Is that true or is there something else going with my body. She did also state that i would continue to bleed for three months. i just want to feel like a normal 23 year old again. without the mood swings and back pain. Does anyone have any answers? Could i possibly be going through early menopause? is that even possible??

    • TINA says:

      hey lydia was reading through and wantin to know did the bleeding stop..i got the procedure done in mar11.n hate i got it done i also want my old body before the essure:(

  20. Michelle says:

    HI everyone, I also have alot of the same S/S I had mine placed a little over a year ago after I had my last child, and since have not been able to shead the belly weight. I also have hot flashes, lower back pain, light headed feeling and concentration problems at times. I in the past had an irregular period and at first things seemed to be fine but this month I just have it on and off non -stop. I went to my dr. who gave me pap smear and my results were -. (i swear i thought i had cancer) until I stummbled on to this sight now I starting to wonder if its this device inside me running my life. I also contributed my break through bleeding with stress, But if any one has any helpful info I will gladly listen, Also I don’t remember ever being asked about the nickle allergy. One more thing not sure if it matters but, my left side ended up being put in a little higher then the right and dr. was not sure it would be successful but when xray done it was. Thanks

    • Tracy H says:

      Michelle, after I had the essure procedure my periods became much heavier and I would often get breakthrough bleeding. I was unable to use a tampon as it would not handle the blood flow yet before I had the essure procedure, my periods were an average flow. Before I discovered I had a nickel sensitivity I too wondered if I had cancer. One of the contraindications of having this procedure done is nickel sensitivity. Doctors are meant to carry out a nickel sensitivity test prior to doing the procedure. My doctor didn’t carry this out nor did he inform me of it either. He actually assured me that it was made from titanium (the coils are part titanium, part nickel). VERY misleading!

    • Shannon V. says:

      Well hello everyone, this is a first to about any of this I had the essure done Dec. 9,2009 and up until now I thought it was great. I never had to be cut after having children so this seemed like the best option for me but now I am having second thoughts. Well after doing the procedure I bleed for I know about 3-4 months straight non-stop and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what was wrong I didn’t bleed that long after having children. Now that this has stopped I have been having non-stop yeast infections and I didnt have none of this before hand and my doctor was like different things could trigger having yeast infections but its funny how I never had this many before and now they are constantly coming and I am so siiiiicccckkkkkk of it also every now and then I do experience painful intercourse and slight bleeding afterwards and that question by my doctor has yet to be answered. I went back to the doctor for my pap and it came back that I wasn’t pregnant but 7 months now after the procedure I am having pregnacy systoms that are now scaring me and I am going to call and make an appt with my OB dr first thing in the morning. The reason I didnt have the re-test done is because it cost 795.00 after my insurance was going to pay their part and when I went back June 9, and had my pap done and I wasnt pregers she said oh that means it worked but now I am so second quessing it and after reading about someone being pregnant and actually was about to be delivering after having the Essure as well now I am even more freaked out and my husband asked me are you pregnant and now I am really worried because each time I have been pregnant he has always told me I was. I guess my question now would be if i am what is the success rate of baby and mom being safe and everything working. Any suggestions Thanks

      • Ruby says:

        I have a 4 year old son after having my essure procedure…I to started gaining weight had pregnant symptoms but I was not paying attention to my symptoms…I went in to see my doctor thinking I had a UTI. She suggested I have a pregnant test also. I stated there was no need for the pregnancy test because I had the essure procedure and there was no way that I could be pregnant. Maybe I was in denial when my body was sending me clear signs that I was pregnant, when I found out that I was pregnant, I was entering into my second trimester. My son has a lot of problems with allergies and a seizure disorder, which non of my other four children have. It seems as if he has a runny nose all year.

    • Sarah says:

      I had the Essure procedure done in December ’09 after having my son. Since then I have experienced a lot of what the other ladies have. After having the procedure I had spotting and then no period at all. I went for another month bleeding almost the whole month. Since then I have had nothing. It’s been 2 months now. Has anyone else had this problem? I saw my OB/GYN and he said it was me. I explained the weight gain, back pain, abdominal pain, hot flashes, dizziness, and nausea. It’s been almost 8 months. I need some relief.

      • Robin says:

        im right there with you its been almost a year since ive had my procedure and i seem to be accumulating more and more problems.

  21. Alissa says:

    I had my second child on January 15, 2010 by c-section. My oldest was born in 1999 and was an emergency c-section. I wanted to have the second naturally but the doctors talked me out of it since I wanted to have a tubal done at delivery and they reasoned we could do it all in one shot.

    Taking that route meant switching healthcare providers in November 2009 as the Catholic hospital I was originally working with will not do any type of sterilization – I was told. So I switched. And it was a pain getting into to see the doctor as it was over the holidays, etc.

    I finally got to see a nurse in the new hospital on December 21, 2009. She did not tell me or ask about a consent form needed for the tubal. On December 23, I finally got to see the doctor who would be delivering. It was at that meeting that I was informed that because no consent had been signed, my insurance would not cover the tubal at delivery because the consent had to be signed 30 days in advance. I did everything I could to try and convince the doctor to do the tubal – nope.

    He transferred me to another doctor to get the procedure done later, at my six-week check-up. Essure was often suggested and pushed by all doctors and midwives involved. I kept saying no, I am not comfortable with what I have read about it. C-section went great, everybody happy, healthy. I had my six-week check-up scheduled and assumed that my tubal would be done then, as discussed.

    When I went in a week prior to the 6-wk check for my post-op meeting with the dr., he flat-out refused to do the tubal. He basically told me Essure or nothing. He pressured me into it. I was desperate to be done with babies for sure and agreed to it. I asked about nickel sensitivity and was told not to worry about it, very few people have it… A week later, my procedure was scheduled. The hospital made me wait over 3 hours before they finally got me into surgery. I was completely anesthetized – that was not supposed to happen either. But I came out of surgery and all was well – supposedly. My Essure procedure was done 4 days shy of six weeks after delivery. It has been 14 weeks since it was done.

    Last friday, I had my check-up (13 weeks since the procedure) and all supposedly checks out. I have had no real periods yet (although plenty of intermittent spotting) but the blood test confirmed not pregnant prior to the x-ray, which no one told me would be excruciating…

    However, my symptoms since having the Essure implants include weight gain, nausea, vomiting (and I NEVER got morning sickness with either pregnancy), fatigue, dizziness, pain during intercourse, frequent bouts of diarrhea, headaches that nothing kills, abdominal twinges and sometimes slight pangs in my abdomen and the worst symptom so far is the hives. They keep coming back, getting worse. They keep me up at night. My legs are the most affected but I have had hives on my arms, neck and upper abdomen also. I do not know what to do. I have had hives several times in the last couple of years but not like this! I am not sure if my problems are the device but I strongly suspect so!!!

    Also, I do not know what to do because I have no insurance. I had Medicaid while I was pregnant but since I do work I am over-income otherwise and too poor to buy it on my own… Any suggestions or other possible causes would be greatly appreciated. I am at my wits end! Thank you all for any help.

    • Tracy H says:

      Alissa, one of the many symptoms I suffered with and still suffer with is psoriasis. If you have a sensitivity to nickel the metal in the coils makes the body extremely toxic. When your body cannot eliminate the toxins faster than they are being made it will eliminate it through the largest organ – the skin. Hives could be your body’s way of dealing with having a toxic system. The other side effect of the toxins is weight gain and not being able to shift the weight. If your body can’t get rid of the toxins fast enough it goes into survival mode and absorbs the toxins into fat to protect itself. I had the coils removed a year and a half ago and my body is still struggling to eliminate the accumulated toxins

      • Amanda says:

        When I had the essure procedure done I asked about the sensitivity. The doctors office told me they didn’t know anything about allergies. They would figure something out. They contacted me a few days later and came up with the idea for me to wear the coil taped to the outside of my skin to see if I would have a reaction. I did not have a reaction but I am now wondering if something is up. As I said before, I am having my gall bladder removed on Monday and if the problems do not cease with that then I will have to look at essure procedure being my next alternative.



      since you have hives, I would first consider geting a nickel sensitivity test. More thn likely that is the case. If you do have the sensitivity that is a medical reason for them to remove the coils. I would act as quickly as you can before the coils have time to settle and start to form around your tubes, since then in most cases they have to do a hysterectomy…

      My dr. attempted to remove the coils on June 10, (just a few days ago) and he could not because they are too much embedded in my uterus and was concerned with my safety and thought that a hysterectomy would be necessary to remove them and did not want to do it without having the proper permission to do so. I feel deceived, betrayed, and need for these coils to be removed. I now must undergo another surgery to get them removed or have a hysterectomy.
      He also did not see a medical reason to remove the devices. I am beyond frustration at this point

      I also want anything more than to feel like myself again, and know that this pain is from the device. I have cried rivers and rivers the last few days and wish that if I could just go back in time and take away getting these devices inserted, I would!!! MY QUALITY OF LIFE HAS NOT BEEN THE SAME SINCE.

      • Shannon V. says:

        OMG I am so upset the more I read the stories the more I was deceived as well I didnt know anything about a nickel allergy and she never spoke to me about any toxins or anything of that nature now I am really upset and scared I wanna have them removed as well but dont know what to do. I have though experienced alot of head aches and alot of irriability and this is not me I dont know what the problem is I need answers. I feel like I got fed a bunch of crock now i will be filing a complaint with Essure.

  22. Linda says:

    Had my procedure done Wednesday June 8th. Everything went fine. I took 1 ibuprofen, 1 Cipro adn 1 valium 1 hour before the procedure. As squeamish as I am, I watched it on the screen. There was a little problem of finding the tube on one side. On that side, I did have some cramping but nothing worse than the cramping I use to have when I was a teenager. Afterwards, they had me take a pain pill, which I believe made me nausious. I took another one, and I think that made it worse. I came home and went to bed. After 2 hours I got up and took 2 tums. This seemed to settle my stomach. On Thursday, I went to work with not problem. A cramp every now and again but that was all. I do have some bleeding. Not a lot on Thursday, but more on Friday and today. It is also very red with chunks. The only issues I have is a cramp now and then. I have a followup in 2 weeks. I hope the bleeding goes away soon. Overall (only been 3 days), it has been a good experience.

  23. Ma'Lynda says:

    I had the Essure done in Sept 2008. It went great…only 6 minutes to put the coils in and I got to watch it on the monitor…..Then when I went to make sure my tubes were blocked,,,they gave me no pain meds and said it wouldn’t hurt…it was one of the worst pain ever and I’ve been through natural child birth….every month I get back pain and cramps…..but in the last few months, my period started lasting longer….then after my period last month, I had a week break and have now been having bleeding daily since the 2nd of June….on Monday I stated bleeding more and having blood clots…it just keeps getting worse….tomorrow I’m going to get avreferral for my gyn……I also started having dizziness in Oct 09 and I see others have had this too…I’ve also had near blackouts…..My doctor said in 2008 that the coils can’t be removed,,,but I hopefully now they can be.. I also have experinced anxiety and tingling and numbness to my arms, hands and face…..sometimes I feel q heat sensation from my fallopian tubes.

    • sara says:

      hello people…I also have had this procedure done. where do I start??….Was done in 2008, I didnt have any problems until about a year later, just 4-5 months ago things are getting worse..I am enimic, Im on vitamens and Iron pills, depression, mood swings, dizzyness, and I forget stuff allll the time (confusion). when I get my period I would feel like I have to go bathroom alll the time, like a urinary intraction…would go to the doctors but the test they did would come out negative for a ui…, and would go away, and yeast infections just before every period….that has stopped ever scence I been bleeding heavely…large clots the size of lemons, very pianfull…I had an ultrasound done and the walls of my uteris are enlarged 14mm I guess the normal is 5-9mm…Im on birthcontrol to control my periods,prenatel vitamens, vitamen d, and iron pills…and in three months there gonna do a biopsy if things dont change, although I have requested to get one done a.s.a.p!! most thing that gets me down the most I have no energy and 4 children, with preyer and the Lords help and my husbands been great, Iv made it…a day at a time. oh, and I cant loose weight, its super hard…Iv worked out and ate right, and lose VERY little, have been having t work my butt off to lose what I one should have to go through this, my doctor pressured me into getting it, I told him NO soooo many times, I wanted to have my tubes tied, he said he couldnt do it because he was on vacation, and no other doctor was available to do it after I had the baby, and I didnt want to come back and do it later so I got the essure…=( I wish I wouldnt have!!!!

      • Tracy H says:

        Oh Sara my heart goes out to you. It is so awful to hear this happening to women over and over. So much suffering is being experienced because of this procedure. I hope this site has brought you some comfort that you are not alone and you are not crazy! Make sure that you report the effects to Essure … they need to know! I sent an e-mail to them but did not get a reply. If they get enough of them they may take action.

      • Courtney says:

        I’m so sorry! 😦 I went through 3 years of being very ill and it was not immediate after receiving the Essure that I became ill. All the while I was raising 5 kids and almost lost my children when my Gyn reported me to the state when I told her yes I could use help with the kids ( I was thinking a nurse or resperate care or something) But no she reported I couldn’t take care of my children! I had days I would sit in the bathroom for hours feeling like I needed to go. You can e’mail me if you’d like. I feel your pain.

  24. Ma'Lynda says:

    I wanted to add that I also had the weight gain issue….but now I’m on the vitamin B combo shot diet and I’ve lost 24 lbs. since March. It’s a doctors supervised diet that might help help others who are dealng withvthe weight gain caused by Essure.

  25. Cherish says:

    Hi there, I had the essure done on July 31st of 2009. I was put asleep for it. I had my dye test done in december and everything came out great!..But however a couple months rolled by and now Im having heavy clotting periods,sometimes pain on both sides even when Im not on my period, and I have gushes to where it makes my underwear wet and I have to change them mood swings like your wouldnt believe and feeling tired all the time.Personally I really wish I never got this done and went had just a tubal. I did my research on this and my doctor was board certified and what not and thought it was a awesome time because you dont have to have surgery and no cutting and healing is fast. But anyways now that I have moved to a different state (military) I have to find a new doctor that will listen to my concerns about what is happening to me! I would like to have them removed and I wouldnt care if they have to take everything out, Im just tired of what is going on with me!

    • HI everyone I am so gald I came across this I am waiting on my phone call to make my apt to go get my esure put in. My question is both me and my husband are done having kids I am 30 years old, what about the iud?

  26. Traci Nichols says:

    This blog and everyone’s responses have really helped me understand that 1) I’m not crazy or alone in this and 2) there’s more to all of these issues than I thought! I FINALLY have a doctor that is listening. I was referred to a hemotologist / oncologist about a month ago because my MCV levels have been high, as well as my BP. Everything else is fine, other than still experiencing the same symptoms (even worse). Nonetheless, we’ve done test after test and still my MCV level is high causing my BP to go higher. I have been diagnosed with Macrocytic Anemia (enlarged blood cells). The next step, he said was to do a bone marrow biopsy. It was then I said, well – could it be Essure? So we started researching more and I gave him this blog. We are now in the process of a full heavy metal test (thanks to the input on the nickle sensitivity here) and a liver ultrasound tomorrow. Then, hopefully, we can find something conclusive. I, too, realize that I may have to have the tubes removed or a full hysterectomy. At this point, I don’t care. I want, like everyone else, to get back to normal. I wouldn’t know what I know if it wasn’t for everyone here. Thank you and I’ll post after I know more next week!

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Hi Traci,

      What you have been going through is not uncommon at all (which is bad in itself). Have you discussed with the physician about reversing the procedure? It is possible and with a great outcome. Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has performed these successfully. I will add the link to the video and the website so that you can review things. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find relief soon. Please keep us updated.



      hi me again!!!

      Well turns out that the dermatologist did not order the nickel test last week. I called on Monday to confirm the status of it (which was a week) and my dr and the dermatologist had a lack of communication. Anyway….I told my dr I was not waiting anymore!!! Get them out!!! today was the surgery and they were removed with success!!! and also my tubes!!! I have heard stories of women feeling better right after surgery, but that is not me!!! I still have extreme muscle inflammation, back hurts a little, and ciatic nerve is still inflammed, and leg muscles still hurt, and the pain in my left side that I was having is still there….I am hoping that this will get better and I need time to heal!!! Say a prayer and hopefully this will help!!!


        FEELING GREAT!!!!!

        Wanted to update everyone and let you know that all symptoms of the Essure has gone BY-BYE and I feel great!!!

        The day after surgery, I woke up and felt like my body was back to normal.
        Muscle inflammation gone
        Confusion gone
        back pain gone
        Tiredness gone
        Tingling in legs gone

        Anyone contemplating if your symptoms are from the Essure, listen to your body!!! I did and my doctor did not know what to say when I called him the next day to let him know that all symptoms were gone!!! All he is waiting on to make a medical reason for the pain is the nickel sensitivity test.

        I hope that these posts will help others that have the same symptoms and do something to get them out!!! Someone will listen to you, just insist on it!!!

      • Tracy H says:

        Oh Vicki that is such great news 🙂

    • Tracy H says:

      Good luck Traci. I didn’t find this post until after my ordeal was over but it has brought me comfort knowing that I am not alone. I live in Australia and I wasn’t able to find anyone on the internet who shared my experience. It took me 4 years to finally have my coils removed, I just wish I had come across this earlier so I didn’t have to suffer so long.

    • dianne says:

      Good luck Traci N


      Traci Nichols

      I could have spent thousands of dollars investigating what was wrong with me. I just keep going until a doctor listened and I insisted they take them out since I did not feel this way before Essure was put in. I told the doctor to take them out, cause my gut was telling me that is what was wrong. He did not think that the Essure was causing me the pain and other symptoms, and that is why I went through 2 operations in order to get them out. After the 2nd one when he removed my tubes, I have felt better. I told him that I wanted them out to see if that is what was causing my pain, then after if I was still hurting then I would do and go anywhere to find out the cause, BUT get these things out of me first!!! Now my doctor does not know what to say or have a clue. My nickel sensitivity test is Tues and I will know something by Fri if allergic or not, but I do not think I am. Doctor says that my body may have just hypersensitive to having the devices put in and it was rejecting them. Who knows??? I feel like myself again, and I wish you the best!!!! How long have you had them in?? My muscles in my body are still trying to recover from the deep aching and pain that I had in my legs and back so right now almost 2 weeks after having them removed, all I have is some muscle inflammation from the aching, which is normal.

      Good Luck!!!! and hope all goes well.

  27. Tracy H says:

    Wow Vicki … it is great that you were assertive with your needs. We instinctively know our own bodies and it sounds like you really knew those coils needed to come out. It took me 4 weeks to recover from the surgery and then several months to be able to live a ‘normal’ life but the symptoms of the coils were gone quickly, however I was left with a very toxic body from 4 years of the coils so I am still detoxing after a year and a half (since they were removed). Did you have to have any of your uterus removed? My prayers are with you Vicki, take this time to let yourself heal. It has been lovely to connect with you. Don’t you love how the internet can do that 🙂


      FEELING GREAT NOW!!! Please retract what I said earlier about after surgery, I still hurt in the same places!!!!

      I had the devices and my tubes removed on June 23,2010 and I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!!! I feel absolutely wonderful!!! I have some soreness from surgery, but all the symptoms from the Essure have gone BYE-BYE!!! I am so glad that part of my life is gone and I can now move forward with my life!!!

      My nickel sensitivity test will be with in the next week, but I wanted to give all an update and let you know.

      If for any reason you have symptoms after the Essure, don’t question it or think you are crazy, GET THEM OUT!!! You will feel great after!!!

  28. […] like no downsides, right? With not too much digging you can find information on problems women have experienced. Possibly due to the fallopian tube having a spasm, getting the spring […]


      yes…Families of Two….so true…I have learned my lesson about putting foreign objects in my body, and will not advise anyone to do this or even put in an IUD…Many friends of mine had problems with IUD’s so I went to the permanent and most effective, what I thought. But yes, so true, “Never put any foreign object in the human body” did you have the procedure done?

  29. pam says:

    Hi i just had mine done may 18 2010 , i was told it was like a walk in the park, it was painfull and i continued to have bad back pain for few days… wish my Dr. explained more to, and now just waiting on my first period after the procedure, and am having sharp pains on the lower left side wierd.. Drs medical staff says maybe ovulation .. and to call if continues … but hope i am sealed when my 3 month comes.. no regret yet:)

  30. pam says:

    What we have to get tested for Nickle? they never said anything of that …..


      Yes Pam, the devices are made of a certain percentage of nickel and if you have an allergy to nickel then it is not suggested you get the devices put in. Some of us have had our issues because of a nickel allergy. The issues are because the doctors down play the allergy to nickel and do not suggest getting tested after answering “NO” to a series of questions. But some of us believe that there is more to these devices than just a nickel allergy. I had pain, pain, and more pain. I do not think I have a nickel allergy but getting tested next week for it. If it is not a nickel allergy, then I know something is wrong. My doctor suggests that my tubes were just hypersensitive for the procedure. ?????

      • pam says:

        Wow they never explained all that although i have high respects for my Dr. i am concerned… please let me know the results and what are the symptom’s.. And Hypersensitive tubes? will that ever go away? and how can they get away with not going over the possible risks, I just went in for a pap and set a date to remove a 10 yr old IUD.. i seen the essure vidiE AND THOUGHT WOW SIMPLE AND I WOULD BE DONE..not so sure now:(

  31. Erica Tate says:

    I had essure done 2 weeks ago. Procedure was easy and quick. I had light spotting for a few days and now I am having major major bleeding and large clots. I have a follow up app tomorrow. I know that I am not allergic to nickel. I am just wondering if anyone else had the problems with bleeding and for how long? Thanks


      hI Erica

      Bleeding like that should not be normal, at least I don’t think it is. If you read others up above I believe some had issues with bleeding. If not go to womens and search essure and many women on there have had issues with bleeding. Make sure you take care of yourself. If you feel the need to get the devices taken out insist before it gets to late and a hysterectomy or tube removal is necessary. If your tubes are not sealed they can certainly take them out the same way they put them in, as long as the tubes are not sealed. I have heard of women bleeding so much that they were taking iron supplements and doctors suggested an ablation. Good luck and hope all goes well!!!!

      • nancy brewer says:

        I had mine done 2 days ago and i am now haveing back pain and bleeding i had a tubal ligation 4 years ago and i had a baby girl aug 3 this year so i went and had this done but now i am not sure i did the right thing has anyone else had a tubal ligation before and then had this done???

  32. pam says:

    My bleeding went away 3-4 days after my procedure, thought kinda strange being i was told 2-4 weeks of bleeding maybe?? i told my Dr. at my 2 week exam and she was little like ok already hummm.. i was bothered, and she didnt do a exam just asked me how i was feeling .. should there of been a actual exam internal?

  33. pam says:

    I just spoke with my Doctor she said if a nickle allergy is expected but rare it will not be pain, it actually is red skin itchyness… anyone have that symptom?

    • Courtney says:

      My nickel allergy test had been positive and I had no outward symptoms with the Essure. My dr told me I’d know because I’d be bleeding. I had had some bleeding but not enough for them to be concerned. Thankfully I had one dr that was insistant it must be the Essure. I happy to say Wed. I had a partial hysterectomy to remove my tubes. It was the only choice I was given. 4 Days after the surgery I began to feel different. Still mild pain from the surgery but different, lymph nodes have gone down, NO NAUSEA! My moods are better and my heads not in a complete fog. For those who’s test came out negetive I pray your dr.s listen to your complaints and you find help to remove them. As some of my dr.s have said “IT is also a foreign object in your body and not everyone’s body is even going to accept something so foreign.”
      I had days I didn’t think I was even going to live through the day and days I was in my OB’s office litterally crying for help. Thank God it is finally gone!

    • Alissa says:

      Ever since I had the Essure placed 02/2010, I have had recurring eczema which has gotten progressively worse. I also have some other problems, like lower back pain, headaches and nausea that I have never had before this. There was no allergy test done to my knowledge when I went in and my doctor absolutely refused to do the tubal ligation that I wanted. He insisted on Essure, how great it was, and how many he had done successfully. That may all be true but it is not working 4 me. My skin never stops itching, nothing makes it less. I have tried every lotion on the market, baby oil, changing my diet, laundry soap, bath soap, etc. Even hydrocortisone does next to nothing. It works 4 a little bit but then the itching returns with a vengeance. I have no insurance which is why I reluctantly agreed to the Essure while I was on Medicaid 4 my 2nd pregnancy. And I am employed f/t but no benefits and hardly able to support my 2 children as it is. Their dad never contributed and I had to leave when it got beyond toxic. So now I really feel stuck & hope the call I will be getting from Chapel Hill in NC later this week will give me some answers on getting these things out!!! I would suggest that everyone due their own research and if you are not okay with the procedure, DON’T do it! Listen to your instincts!

  34. pam says:

    Nickle allergy is itchy red skin???


      Pam and Erica

      In many forums and posts that I have seen some have the itchy redness from a nickel allergy, but sometimes they don’t. Many that I have spoken with on forums have had pain and some have had infections every month or an itchy vagina with some irritation. Not always have everyone that is nickel sensitive have the rash. You can also read forums and posts at

      I am just so thankful to have my life back and feel normal again!!!!

    • Courtney says:

      my surgeon had said post-surgery that my tubes had inflammation.

  35. Erica Tate says:

    Thanks Vicki..I will be sure to be take care of myself. I want to give the procedure a chance to work since my only problem is this crazy bleeding but I have to admit I have thought about insisting they take them out. I had my checkup yesterday. July 1st. There was no physical exam just talked with doctor, she just asked if I had any pain. I told her moderate cramping. So she said that was good. She said the bleeding was in response to the depo pro vera shot I got one week before the procedure. This makes sense to me since I had actually started spotting the morning before the procedure was done. She told me that bleeding like this happens after the shot for some women and would continue as long as the depo is in my system. The key with the depo is to take at the right point in your cycle to avoid the bleeding. Which in my docs defense she did have me scheduled for the right time and then I had to reshedule the procedure. So we are looking at 2 1/2 more months of heavy heavy bleeding. She gave me some estrogen patches to “give me some relief” from the bleeding but she told me as soon as I take the patch off the bleeding will come back. I have had patch on for 14 hours now and the bleeding is slowing down…… I hope this post helps someone that may have had the same issue as me. If you are researching having essure before doing it I would really think twice about it. It really sounds like a lot of women are having a really bad time with this. I don’t expect any more problems since I do not have a nickel allergy. And yes a nickel allergy presents in the form of a raised bumpy red rash at the site of contact. I know this from years of working at a jewelry store in college and my dad is a jewelry designer. He would often make mock ups of jewelry in nickel and cz’s. All the ladies at the store would wear them and so would my sis and I. Several had allergic reactions to them. So if you have an allergy but the device is inside who knows what kind of problems you could have. Obviously not a rash at the site (at least that you could see). Before you do it make sure you do not have an allergy. Most costume jewelry is plated with rhodium so don’t try that to see if you have an allergy. Often though the posts of earrings don’t get rhodiumed or it wears off quickly so if you do have a reaction to “fake” earrings I would check with an allergist to make sure about it before doing the procedure.

  36. Traci Nichols says:

    I am so excited – I will be having a the coils taken out at the end of August! My doctors are listening…what a relief. I am looking so forward to getting back to normal again. I am having the pelvic ultrasound tomorrow morning to determine how difficult it will be to just remove the tubes – worst case, they will take out the tubes and my uterus through a laporoscopic procedure. I’m ok with that – my ovaries will still be there so I’ll have the necessary hormones I need.

    Thanks again to everyone for the support and helping me to gain knowledge…normalcy is right around the corner!

    • Tracy H says:

      Traci I am so pleased to hear that you are able to remove the coils. I had to have a hysterectomy but still have my ovaries. I just want to prepare you for the possibility of your hormones being affected even though you still have your ovaries. I am now going through surgically induced menopause at 44 y.o. and my estrogen levels are extremely low. All the best, my thoughts are with you


      That is great and wonderful news!!!! Good job at being persistant with the doctors… How long have you had the coils in? How did you finally get them to listen? Were all your other tests negative? My doctor also told me that I may risk a hysterectomy to take them out, but he just didn’t know how the removal of my tubes would go because of a risk of bleeding, but I was also ok with removing the uterus also if that is what it was gonna take to remove the coils. My doctor told me that everything went smoothly in surgery. He just removed my tubes and burned the outside of them to open them up to see where the coils were then pulled the coils out…The doctor was just giving me all possible things that could happen, cause he really didn’t know what to expect when he removed the coils. YOu will do great and what a releif you will feel when they are gone!!! In my prayers!!!


      Traci Nichols

      Please file a report with the FDA notifying them of your issues. You may want to wait till after your procedure so the coils are out of your body and you have a full history to give them in your report.

      This is the only way that they know of any issues with the devices. We can not leave this up to our doctors to take care of.

      You can also read reports on the FDA website of issues women had with Essure. It is called “MAUDE ADVERSE EFFECT REPORTS”


      Traci nichols

      I also wanted to let you know that I had a lot of the same symptoms that you have experienced with the Essure. Like the leg tingling, confusion, tiredness, and so on…. I had mine in since Feb 2010 and I know that you will feel much better once they are taken out.

      have you ever gotten tested for nickel? Just curious since you have gone through a work up at the doctor.

      However, I have been suffering from a pinched nerve in my back since the surgery, because of the inflammation in my muscles, but all is being taken care of now. I think once you have these removed, you will be able to move on with your life!!!!! 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Congratulations! I was able to avoid the laporoscopic surgery and they went in vaginally. Only thing was they had to take my cervix then too. But recovery didn’t take as long.


    Just did my nickel sensivity allergy test and the result were NEGATIVE!!! no nickel allergy, now there is no medical explanation for the pain that I was having due to the Essure. I am just happy that they are out of my body and I have my life back again. Anyone considering this procedure should definately re-think the opinions…Go the old fashion way with having a TUBAL LITIGATION!!!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Vicki that is very interesting indeed! No nickel sensitivity hey. Have you notified Essure … have ALL the women notified Essure about their problems? Have you notified the American Government body that deals with medical complaints? I e-mailed Essure but got no reply. The Australian Government Body is the Therapeutic Goods Administration and they investigated and found Essure had nothing to answer for as they had nickel sensitivity as a contraindication. I am going to contact them again with all the feeedback I had received on this site. essure needs to be investigated before any more women suffer!


        Tracy I have tried to contact Essure with the issues I have had. I filed a complaint with them and they said someone would contact me, but it has been 2 weeks and I have not heard a word yet. My doctor said that he was going to file a complaint with Essure also and let his rep know. All I can encourage everyone that has had issues to do is file a report with the FDA. You go to the website and it is called a “MAUDE ADVERSE EFFECT REPORT”


        This will be the only way that can be done through the government, so they are aware of issues with the Essure.

        While speaking with Essure, I asked them if they keep track of any complaints or what they do about it? She told me that after the trial and the reports of their trials are complete and they receive FDA approval no further research is done unless otherwise suggested by the FDA.

        I also have a friend that works in a lab and does paperwork etc for a laboratory trying to get FDA approval for a bone implant and she has told me the same thing. Many hours go into getting FDA approval and after they get the approval the rest is history!!!!

        I encourage everyone to file this report with the FDA. Your doctor does not have to do it. You can do this yourself. You call also call the FDA and someone will call you back. There are some reports on the FDA website about the Essure failure.

  38. Erica Tate says:

    The estrogen patches did not work .Still bleeding really heavy and now I am taking double BC pills tp try to make the bleeding stop. The doc still insists this is from the depo provera shot. I am not so sure now…… She said to give the pills 7 days to work. So we will see.

    • Keisha says:

      Hi Erica, I just wanted to let you know your doctor is right about the depo, I have been on depo for 4years now, when I first took the shot I bled for 2 months non-stop, moderate to heavy bleeding and I did not have the Essure at that time but I have friends on Depo that never had the problem I had but they experienced other known side effects that I did not so it just depends on your body. Try to stay positive and I hope everything works out for you. I just had my 2 week follow-up visit last week and thankfully all is good so far.

  39. Maria says:

    I wish I would have read all of this and maybe I would have done something else….i had my insertions done October 2009… Since then I have experienced… heavy bleeding every menstrual cycle, I have horrible mood swings ( it has gotten so bad my husband already told me we need to do something about it asap it’s causing a lot of trouble in our relationship.) Hot flashes, cramping, my feet out of no where start falling asleep, alot of anxiety, when having intercourse certain positions bother me a little.. I never thought all this was going to happend to me… I researched and I guess didn’t do a good job because I never found this until now… Help what should i do


      Sorry Maria you are having these problems. The only solution I can give you is to talk with your doctor, and if you think the symptoms are from Essure, you will have to demand to get them out. Only you know your body. I had a lot of the same symptoms including the leg tingling. I went through a long battle to have them removed. Now that they are removed, I have my life back!!! I have felt great for close to a month now!!!!

  40. pam says:

    wow i think i am the only one who is doing well with the procedure.. bleeding is normal, no pain , no red itchy skin! yea at first it was a change but its a new thing put into your body there is bond to be some changes.. ( not saying your symptoms are norm ) i just was reading all these complaints and i thought maybe i shouldnt have done it! but i did and i have no probs.. good luck to all of you that have issues with it.:)

    • Kathy says:

      I’ve had mine in for over a year. During the insertion I felt cramping but the doc put lidocaine at the insertion point and all went well.

      I’m older ladies – still fertile at 51, and tired of the pill, IUD, roulette. I had one period since the insertion, but none since in a year.

      Menopause has been my issue. Symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, lethargy, depresion and weight gain. I’m now involved with a naturopath – taking supplements to get my body back and finally am loosing weight, finding energy to walk and move. Listen to your body folks, but remember our American diets do not lend themselves to good nutrition so find a good naturopathic healer who can help you find health and vitality.

      My husband of 20+ years couldn’t imagine a vasectomy – a house husband stay at home dad who just didn’t want his stuff touched!

      I’ve read all of your posts and have wondered about my own experiences, but wanted you to know that it was a great experience for me and has freed my life from the possibility of more fertility…

      I wish you all good health – take care all.

      • Bobbi says:

        anyone having major weight gain, and how did you lose it. I feel fatter everyday, I first thought it was the depo they put me on before the essure but now I have gained 30 pounds since may 2010 and it’s now novem 2010, no other syptoms or side effects, you would think I would be having sex like crazy with not having to worry, but since the feeling very sexy…please anyone have magic shot or pill, besided diet and excerise, been doing that and no luck.

  41. Tracy H says:

    The contact number for the manufacturers of Essure in the USA:

    Corporate Headquarters
    Conceptus, Inc.
    331 East Evelyn Avenue
    Mountain View, CA 94041, USA
    Phone: (650) 962-4000
    Fax: (650) 962-5200


      Thanks for the info tracy H!!!!

      I contacted them by phone in May and I have yet to hear from from. Have you called and gotten a response? They did however take a report, and someone would contact me.

      Also please, Everyone on this forum having issues or have had issues, please file a Maude Adverse Report with the FDA.

  42. Barb says:

    I had the essure procedure done about a year and a half ago. Now when i get my period, i bleed heavier and sometimes have to wear more protection then i really should have to. i also have frequent blood clots, which is something i have never had before either. Sometimes its so bad that i can actually feel it running out. i can not wear tampons because that does not provide enough protection. I have always had light periods with no pain, but now i have cramping and excessive bleeding. I knew it had to do with the surgery but never said anything until i read that the essure procedures were causing problems for many other women. i thought it was something i would just have to get used to; now maybe i don’t.

  43. Shawn says:

    I wish that I had done more research regarding this proir to getting having the Essure procedure done in June 2009. I wanted to have my tubes tied because I was sure that I didn’t want anymore children but my OB said that that the risk of them coming undone was high & recommended Essure b/c the risk was low to none. Since then I’ve had several Baterial Vaginosis & Urinary tract infections, irregular periods (2 periods in a month) excessive bleeding w/large clots, leg tingling, muscle cramping, dizziness, light headed, moody, hair thinning, confusion, back pain, abdomin pain & cramping (like my fallopian tubes are spasming), sore lymph nyodes in my groin area, & server tiredness (among other issues I’m sure that I forgot). I have called the OB regarding these issues & he does not think that any of these issues have anything to do with Essure, he referred me to a Primary care Dr to have my issues looked into. Which she has referred me to a Hemotologist (b/c I’m anemic b/c of the heavy periods) & Urologist (for my UTI issues). I have never felt this ill before & need help/advice. I’m not getting anywhere just the run around & just want this to be all over with & this device OUT.

    • Tracy H says:

      Shawn, I suffered all the same symptoms for 4 years and since having the coils taken out (sadly requiring a hysterectomy) the problems have gone so it MUST have been the coils. Why don’t you print out ALL the posts from this site and let your doctor read them. Surely that would convince him. Good luck



    The only advice that I can give is to go to another Gyn/OB. Find someone that will listen to you before you spend thousands of dollars on unnessary tests, etc like the rest of us. Insist that you never had these problems until the coils were inserted. I had to find a doctor that would listen to me and it took 2 surgeries in order to prove that it was the coils. I had the same symptoms as you do and now that it has been over a month since the coils have been removed, I couldn’t be happier. I only suffered for about 6 months before I had them removed, but new 1 week after the procedure that I was having issues and the original GYN that put them in wouldn’t hear it from me that the coils were causing problems, so I found someone that would listen. I also want to encourage you to file a report with the FDA and contact Conseptus. The only way they know that we are having issues is if they are reported!!! 🙂 Good Luck and hope all works out for you. Keep us posted!!!

    • Rose says:

      I had no idea about the side effects of this procedure until now… after reading each post it is now making sense. I am 41 looking to get this reversed because I would like to have another child within the next year. I was beginning to wonder if I was experiencing early menopause or possibly just aging.
      I have always been pretty fit but feel that within the last year I have more aches and pains to the point that I cannot exercise as I used to. I have gained weight around the midsection. My skin is extremely dry, my face looks like I have aged significantly within just one year. I knew my body would change once I hit 40 but so drastically? I can see that something is just not right.
      I feel very depressed before my periods, confusion, and occasional dizziness occurs at times, frequent urination and a lot of the same symptoms described by many of you. I regret getting this done and I wish I had done more research. Is my only option South Carolina to get this removed and possibly get pregnant again?

      • Tracy H says:

        Rose I would imagine that after one year the coils would be well and truly embedded into your fallopian tubes which means they have to remove the tubes to remove the coils. I had to have a hysterectomy. I was given the option of a partial hysterectomy leaving some of my uterus but I was very concerned about what they would do to my menstrual cycle and I had already suffered enough so went for the full hysterectomy. He was able to leave in my cervix and I still have my ovaries. Rose, I look back at photos of when I was sick from the coils and I do look sick and old and bloated. I now look healthy and youthful again I am still struggling to shift the weight though and my body is still eliminating the toxins and my hormones will never be the same but compared to what I went through this is nothing and now I am getting better instead of worse


        The place you are talking about is in Chapel Hills, NC. You can talk with your doctor about removing the coils, but most likely they will have to remove your tubes or possibly a hysterectomy. If you want to have another child, I would recommend you going to someone that has experience in removing the coils. Drs do not know how to remove or want to chance removing them. They do not have the experience like the drs at Chapel HIlls do. When I wanted my coils removed due to symptoms I experienced, the doctor had to remove both of my fallopian tubes to do that. After surgery he told me that the coils were so deeply embedded into my tubes and I only had the coils in since Feb. 10. I was perfectly fine doing whatever he needed to do, even a hysterectomy to get the coils out.
        I wish you all the luck and please file a report with the FDA. This is the only way they know there are issues with the coils… 🙂

    • Bonnie says:

      Hi, I had Essure put in in 2005, it went great, no pain, bleeding or problems. For over a year i have had a pain in my lower rt side on and off. Sometimes its bad and i dont want to get out of bed. About 3 months ago the left side started to hurt severely. I have been to my GYN and urgent care several times over the year. Only for them to find nothing and i get sent home with pain pills. I have had 2 ultrasounds, 1 vaginal, CT scan, bloodwork done MANY times, was sent to gastro dr. for a colonoscopy (which i could have lived with out) and now last week just had laporoscopic diagnostic surgery ALL WHICH HAVE SHOWN THERE IS NOTHING WRONG. I have asked my GYN if the coils could be causing the pain, he claims no not after they were in for so long. I tend to have a very high tolerance to pain and wonder if they had been hurting way before .. The pain in my lower abdomen feels like something is stabbing me from the inside, when i sit or lay wrong the pain is horrible. Driving is the worst. I am in NY does anyone know of a dr. who would remove them? I am getting desperate and tired of being in pain!!

      • Tracy H says:

        Hi Bonnie, I endured test after test after test. The worst being a hysteroscopy, very invasive, followed by a curette 😦 ALL the tests showed their was nothing wrong but I knew there was something VERY wrong. It was only my own research that alerted me to the fact that it was the coils. Once I presented all my evidence to my gyno he sent me to another gyno for a 2nd opinion and only then was he prepared to take them out but I then had to wait 10 months before he could fit me into his very busy schedule!!! The coils have cost be a fortune! Not to mention the 4 years of pain and suffering. Good luck Bonnie … don’t take NO for an answer!


        Yes Bonnie…I understand the driving part as being the worse. Driving hurt everything in my body it seemed. I dreaded having to go anywhere. You are loosing too much money on frivilous testing. You need to find a doctor that will listen to you. Have you tried to go to a new GYN and tell them your story and all the testing you have already gone thru and insist that you think they are the coils?? Try that. 🙂 you can also read my other posts of the symptoms and the trial I went thru to get the coils removed. I live in TN and the doctor that removed the coils was not the dr that put them in. You have to find someone to listen to you!!!! don’t stop until you do!!!! Please also file a report the FDA. We as women, need to come together on this, if we want anything done and for others not to suffer what we have!!!! 🙂 Keep us posted

      • bonnie says:

        i have now had laproscopic diagnostic surgery only to find NOTHING!! My GYN now wants me to see a urologist….. I have to find a dr. in NY who will remove these coils… anyone in NY/NJ that has had them removed ? I cant find a dr. that will remove them.



        I want you to know that I feel your pain. I went through the same situation. Had laproscopic and they removed a cyst and a fibroid that they thought was causing the issues, but just hours after surgery I was still having issues. I would not waste your money going to specialists. Concentrate on finding a doctor that will listen to you and remove the coils or remove your tubes and if you are prepared for a possible hysterectomy. Do NOT take NO for an answer. There is a doctor out there that will listen to you!!! If you have to print out posts from this site and others and also take Maude Adverse Reports that can be found on the FDA’s website. That might help for the doctor to listen to you. You got to be persistent!!!! Once my tubes were removed with the coils in them, I feel 110% better!!!! you can too, just search for a doctor that will listen!!!!

  45. Molly says:

    I had the essure done in Oct of 09 and I’ve been sick every since, I never had a nickel allergy test done prior. 3 weeks after the procedure I had horrific lower abdominal pain and went to the ER. They told me I had a small bowel obstruction after having a CT Scan, after futher testing, turned out nothing. 2 weeks later I was back with the same pain, told me I had pancreatitis, another CT scan showed that my left coil was in my uterus. showed on the first CT scan but no one bothered to tell me. OB said there was no way this was causing my pain and referred me to my gastro. 2 weeks later I had surgery to remove the floating coil and did a traditonal tubal. She left the right coil in place. gastro ordered a colonoscopy in Dec to ensure that noting was causing my pain. All came back good. A month later I was in the ER agian this time for upper abdominal pain, referred back to my gastro. Has a upper endoscopy done, came back fine. He said it was my gallbladder and in March I had it removed. 3 weeks later back in the ER, referred me back to my gastro. He ordered an endospic ultrasound thinking it was a stone left in my ducts. Came back normal. This pain is coming more frequently and is so bad, I sweat, can’t breathe, can’t walk and I vomit. After some online reseach, I thought about nickel allergy, I told my gastro, he said nothing impossible, however he thinks I have something called Sphincter of Oddi dysfuntion, but asked me to have a nickel allergy test done. I am wearing the patches currently and my OB said if it comes back positive she will remove the right coil. I think this is all related to the essure coils, I was prefectly fine until I did this and now I feel like I’m dying. Has anyone else had a severe allergy that caused this much pain? I’ve been in the ER over 13 times since January. The dermatologist told me this morning that it’s all in my head and I’m stressed, that there is no way that this is caused by a nickel allergy???! He said if I have a nickel allergy he will eat his tie!

    • Tracy H says:

      Molly I suggest you read through all the posts. You will see many of us have suffered the same. I too felt I was dying. If I didn’t get the coils out I believe I would have died of toxicity. Remember you don’t have to be allergic to nickel only have a sensitivity to it. It is clear from all the women’s problems that this is more than a nickel sensitivity issue. I am sure the nickel causes a great deal of the symptoms however I believe the procedure is a problem. Our bodies are reacting to it somehow ???

  46. Yvonne says:

    Hi Ladies

    Its been since May that i last wrote on here. But i still receive the emails of the new post. I would like to start off by saying that. We as women need to start doing our research before trusting a Dr. that a foreign object will be ok to put in our bodies. Unfortunately I am guilty of not doing my reseach when it came to the Mirena IUD. My story was posted back on April 11 2010 if interested, as this will be an updated post. The last time i wrote i was suppose to get a tubal plus some done & was going to go through with it. But i just got tired of the run around the Drs. were giving me. It’s been appt. after test after appt since Feb. In the process of all of this i was trying my hardest to get my husband to get a vasectomy. At 1st. he wouldn’t hear of it. But as he seen what i was going through & him thinking it over & doing his own research, also coming to peace with getting a vasectomy. He finally agreed & is getting it done Sept. 8th. So hopefully by Nov. i will be able to get this IUD removed & get my body back to as normal as it will get. I would also like to say, i am very sorry for those women out there suffering from a Drs. lack of informing you of all the risk. But in the end, it is up to us to protect ourselves & do our own research. I would also like to say as i said it before on here. Men need to step up & be the 1’s to get a vasectomy! As it is only 1 or 2 days of recovery for them. Compared to 2 to 6 wks for us women or longer. It was sad to find out that my husbands Dr. only performs 3 or 4 a yr. I thought the # would be higher then that. Best of luck to everyone trying to get the essure removed., stand your ground with the Drs. You are the only 1 that knows your body best.

  47. Molly says:

    Thanks Tracy, I belong to several forums regarding the essure, I’m just glad I’m not the only one who is experiencing these issues. I wish I would have done more homework before trusting my doctor to get this done. After all I ended up with a traditional tubal anyway. After I get my resutls from this patch testing I will be makign a report with the FDA and possibly seeking an attorney. I seriously doubt I will get anywhere but you never know.

  48. Sarah Barrett says:

    Hi Ladies, I also had the essure procedure done about 3 years ago after the birth of my 3rd child because I can’t take birth control. The procedure itself went smoothly however I have had nothing but problems ever since. I have gained 60lbs, I feel like crap all the time, depressed at times+anxiety, tingling in extrem. insomnia, hot flashes, ibs increased horrible pms and the list goes on. My doctors don’t agree that it has anything to do with the Essure. I had to really get on their butts to do anything so next month I am going for an Allergy test to see if I am allergic to Nickel. You would think that the Doctors would find this out before putting them in. My Doctor says if I have to have them out I will prob. need a hysterectomy. I said no way am I having that so if need be I will contact an attorney because I feel that this procedure is bs and it is suger coated, because they are making mad money on it but they really don’t know much about it. I would not recommend it to anyone. I feel for you all who are going through the same thing because it is just horrible.

    • Molly says:

      I understand Sarah, besides the horrific pain, my periods are awful, I’m moody, tired and can grow a mustache and goatee now. I also have a giant what looks like a liver spot on my forehead that’s super attractive. I’m 33!

      • Tracy H says:

        Molly I too have huge liver spots on my forehead … I never attributed them to the coils but I only got them after the coils were inserted! Yet another disturbing side affect 😦


    I am sorry that everyone is having issues with this. I also suffered many of the same symptoms and you can read my earlier posts. I DID NOT have an allergy or sensitivity to nickel. I had the devices removed on June 22 and since then, I feel like a totally different person and I have my life back. I suffered from muscle inflammation for approx 1 month from having all the muscle pain I suffered from Essure. You ladies are spending way too much money going thru procedure after procedure. Insist to your doctor that you didn’t have these problems before Essure. I went thru 2 different laproscopic surgeries before my doctor finally said he would take them out since I was still having the same problems. I printed reports that were made to the FDA regarding this and gave them to my doctor. Everyone having problems….PLEASE FILE A MAUDE ADVERSE EFFECT REPORT WITH THE FDA. This is the only way they know there are issues. 🙂 Please keep us posted on all of your progress.

  50. michelle says:

    I had the coils fitted in Feb 10 and have all the same symptoms, when i am due on my periods, i feel like i have morning sickness for the duration of my bleeding and when i stop the sickness stops. I have never had a coldsaw in my life but for the last month have had a break out one after the other, i have gained weight but hardly eat now cause if im not feeling sick ive got intergestion.
    I visited my doctors today and she sending me for blood tests, i asked her about side effects but she hadnt heard of any and told me to look on the internet, which im so glad i did, i thought i was going mad,i have felt really run down since having them fitted, when i go back next week telling her i want them taken out, it was my choice to have them in so it is my choice to have them removed .
    Thank you all for posting, thought i was turning into a hypacondriac

    • michelle says:


      I had my results back and i have an infection in my blood doctor wants to retest them just to make sure, so dont know what the infection is.

      Came on my period AGAIN and have been bleeding for 10 days now and the stabbing pain is driving me mad will keep you posted.

      • michelle says:

        Been back to the hospital and doctor tried to lie saying they couldnt be taken out, and recommended i had the coil fitted. So not only have i got the essure fitted im taking the contraceptive pill to regulate my three week period and now they wanna stick a coil in me, i refused, he then said well you could have a hysteroscopy, going back in six weeks to get the date to have my evil essures removed and cant wait woop woop, keep pushing your consultants ladies and dont take no for an answer. Good luck all



        From my personal experience with numberous amounts of medical bills from countless tests and procedures. I would not allow them to do a hystoscope ONLY….When the doctor removed my tubes he also hytoscoped me at same time. The reason your doctor wants to only do a hystoscope is that if they perform one surgery, insurance will NOT ALSO pay for the other procedure, like the Hystoscope TOO. My insurance paid for the laproscopic part of it, but the doctor also billed for hystoscope and my insurance denied the claim for the hystopscope saying that it was 2 procedures done in one day at the same time, and no need to pay for this procedure!!! I laughed my butt off at it!!!!
        I would just be very cautious as to how many procedures you are getting into and how many medical bills are adding up. I did not know this and am now in numberous of thousands of dollars in debit over this one procedure of Essure that I took my savings in order to pay for since my insurance wouldn’t pay for it.

        I just want you to be aware that no matter how many procedures you have taking out your tubes will be the best option. they always can’t just take those out without a hysterectomy. it depends upon the placement of the coils.

      • michelle says:

        Thank you VICKI WEATHERFORD for your advice, i am lucky though i live in England and it will be done on the NHS so i dont have to pay for treatment, so sorry you were made to pay,

      • michelle says:

        Hi ladies, just updating to let you know, i seen my consultant yesterday and i am booked into have my hysterectomy on the 18th of March 2011.

        Once again my consultant insisted that there were no side affect with the essure, but do find it strange that not one doctor has examined me, has checked my stomach, or even sent me for a smear test, I live in England and they dont give you a hysterectomy for no reason.

        Every time i mention this web site they change the subject. I have even offered to give him the website account and i just get ignored.

        I know i am lucky that i will finally get the essure removed after just one year and my heart goes out to you all who have been suffering for so long, and wish i had a magic wand to remove all your essures,

        Keep fighting ladies.

        Will keep updating when i have any news.

  51. Britnee says:

    I am so sorry that so many of you have gone through all the horrible symptoms. However, I must thank all of you for post them on this site. My husband I have decided that we we do not want to have any more children, and i was told about the Essure from my PA. We wanted to research it before we made any decions and now I am able to tell him that I will have a tubal ligation, but i will not do the Essure. I will not take that chance. I am a mother of three, 5yrs, 3 yrs, and 6months. I cannot afford to take the chance for being that sick!! Thank you all for putting this information out there. Maybe this will help others like me who are considering the Essure.

  52. Paula L. says:

    I had my procedure done April 30,2010. All went well and I was a little sore for a day or two, but all went well. When I went in for the procedure they didn’t tell me that I would have to give a urine sample so they could do a preg test. So of course I went before I left and couldn’t go when I was there. They pumped me full of fluids…but got nothing. I seriously doubted I was preg any ways since I was on injectible birthcontrol. So, since then I have not been able to stop going to the bathroom. Something I go 4 times in one hour and I’m up at least 3 times a night going to the bathroom…drives me nuts. I was told that I would have spotting for a couple days…well, I had spotting off and on for 4 weeks. And, I got my first period since the procedure about 3 weeks ago…and I still have it. It’s there and then it goes away for a couple days and then it’s back…this is week 3!! Anyone else experiencing the bathroom issue or long periods??

  53. Jennifer says:

    I had the Essure procedure done about 5 yrs ago. My doc put me to sleep for the procedure so I had no pain at all. I think I had cramps for the first house after I woke up, but that was it. So I never had any pain, but now about 5 yrs later I think I am pregnant…

  54. Traci Nichols says:

    I have confirmation that I will have laporoscopic surgery to remove my tubes and uterus (ovaries and cervix stay in place) on Sept 1…..people ask me if I’m scared. I say hell no! Especially after hearing the stories here – I really cannot wait to get back to my normal self!
    The great thing is my doctor called an Essure rep to ask questions and had a follow up face to face meeting. My doctor referred to this blog and the FDA postings that people have submitted and stated matter of factly: I will not consider Essure as a means of birth control based on the research she had done after meeting me. I love my doc!
    I’m very very excited. I’m not one to take much time off of work but this is something that will only make me so much more effective and more …well? HAPPY!! I want to be happy with me again. The pain, the weight, the tingling, the misery, the tiredness – I want it gone and I only have a few weeks left! I will post again closer to surgery but I send special thanks to those who have helped me to get my docs to agree that yes, there’s a problem!

    To be continued………..


      Traci N.

      That is great an Wonderful news for you!!!!! I am so so glad that your dr took the time to do that for you…Was it the same dr that put them in??

      Traci, I hope all goes well for you, and you feel as better as I do since mine has been removed….

      Keep us posted, and be sure to file a report with the FDA.

    • SAMANTHA says:


  55. Traci Nichols says:

    Thanks for the support! I will definitely be filing with the FDA after surgery. My doctor is a different doctor than who put them in. I will also be providing the original doctor with the update so they learn from this lesson. Education and communication is the best method for making sure others are safe and don’t go through what we have!

    I’ll keep everyone posted!! 🙂


      Yes absolutely Tracie!!!! My original doctor that put them in has been sending me bills for visits that I saw her for after the Essure was put in to explain I was having problems. These bills will NOT get paid!!! She did not listen to me or even try to accept that it was the coils causing the problem!!!! I also tried to call her to give her an update on my long and horrible process, she nor her nurse will return my calls.

      It is absolutely amazing Traci, you an I have had some of the same symptoms and I know you will feel much better!!!!
      Good Luck!!!

    • SAMANTHA says:


  56. Erica Tate says:

    Paula—- Yes I have the same problem. I’ve posted on here before but I had procedure done June of this year. My doctor says its the depo provera shot making the bleeding happen. It won’t be out of my system till Oct. To try to stop the bleeding I have been on estrogen patches-did not work–then 2 birth control pills a day—then once the bleeding stopped go down to take 1 pill a day for 4 weeks. So I did that, and as soon as I stopped the pill I have started bleeding again. It is not longer than my normal period yet so I dont know what will happen. I’m thinking that the frequent urination is due to things being “swollen” down there. I’m like that with my normal period anyway so that is what I think. I just hope all this stops when the depo is out of my system. If it does not I will know that it is the coils….because I had 0 problems like this before the coils were put in.

  57. Michelle says:

    I am completely disgusted that I have had the essure procedure and I am just now reading this website/blog. I wish I would have seen this before I had the procedure done. I had the procedure done on August 12th, 2010 by Dr. R. Durron in Decatur, GA. I have been feeling sick ever since, I have no desire to even look at my significant other due to the mood swings and feeling like I want to vomit constantly. The dr. made it seem like it was a simple painless procedure. BS….! I left the office in EXTREME pain. I was crying and could barely walk out of the office. I got home and literally passed out on the couch with the door keys in my hand I was in so much pain. I couldn’t even care for my children at all! The ibuprofen 800mgs that they give you to take after the procedure dont even begin to help the pain, which by the way you are supposed to take every 8 hrs. This procedure hurt worse than my c section! I was given 2 pills take before the procedure…1 valium and 1 demorol. All they did was make me sleepy. I felt everything during the procedure and let me tell you it hurts like hell. Today is Monday night…the 16th and already I feel like this was totally the wrong choice. the drs make it seem like a routine office visit but you are not told that it is actually a very painful procedure and that you may be bleeding for days as I still am. Still having back pain. Called the on call physicians over the weekend and they tell me that can’t prescribe anything stronger…go to the ER. Right ….just sol they can make more money. Talked to them about the bleeding and they say it is normal…the depo shot making me bleed. Ok but what about the tingling in my hands, lower back pain, mood swings and nausea now? I am in tears constantly for no reason and I just feel plain WEIRD! I feel like there is som ething going on inside my body and it is also hard for me to sleep. Had no issues before the procedure last week. I can barely wait until the morning so I can tell the office how I really feel.In addition I have had headaches and a feeling of confusion ever since and all of a sudden Friday I cam down with a severe allergy attack out of no where which can not be explained so now I am wondering if this is related. I feel that this procedure is turning women into guniea pigs and we are falling for it due to no fault of our own. I do not recommend this procedure to anyone. I hope that they ban this procedure and all of the owmen who have been LIED to receive some sort of compensation at a later point. These dr.s care nothing about us and totally sugar coat this procedure. It is not worth the pain involved or the risks! Please share this blog with everyone one you know that is even considering this procedure. i will be calling Essure directly as well as filing a complaint with the FDA. This procedure is just plain wrong!

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Hi Michelle and Ladies,

      First I wish I had put this post up earlier and I apologize for not doing so. Although I am a writer I am also a woman and a mother and I read these posts and my heart goes out to you all. I do not add much in the way of comments because I did not have the Essure. BUT, I can tell you I am doing my best to get the word out there for all involved.

      I also write with the Examiner and it is read nationally. Yesterday I put up an article on the problems with this procedure. PLEASE stop over and comment if you have time. The more we get this out there the more women that we can help. because I have not personally gone through this procedure I cannot write in first person. And I have to tell you all my daughter will NEVER have the Essure or anything like it (she is 18 yrs. old).

      I have the resources and ability to help but I need a little back up to push this. Here is the link if anyone is interested.

      Again ladies I wish you the best in getting relief and if anyone needs anything please do not hesitate to ask me.


  58. Michelle says:

    Here is the link for the FDA to submit a complaint. I encourage everyone to file. And again…listen to your bodies. Drs are in business to make money. To all the mommies out there please make it your business to be around for your children! Also here is the info. again for the makers of the Essure device so you may file a complaint with them. I dont care that these have only been in aweek. I already want them out!

    Conceptus Incorporated, USA
    331 East Evelyn Avenue
    Mountain View, CA 94041
    Telephone: 1-877-377-8732
    Fax: 1-866-259-6413


  59. Michele says:

    I had the Essure procedure done January 2010. I was tested in March to ensure the procedure was successful. I was given a pregnancy test, as protocol, prior to this xray test.
    I have just found out I am nearly 6 months pregnant. My baby was conceived AFTER my xray confirmation test in March. Thus, the Essure procedure failed for me.

    If anyone is aware of a class action due to failure of this procedure, please let me know. I have no complaints about the’s not comfortable but having a baby hurts worse. Now it seems I’ll get to find that out again for the 3rd time, when my husband and I were happy with the 2 children we had.

  60. Lisa says:

    Good Morning Ladies,
    Well maybe not so good for some of us. This procedure is so bad, I had the procedure done on April 2010, I hate Essure. I don’t know what I was thinking when I did it. I am always: tired, have hot flashes, confusion, mood swings, tender muscles, chills, depression, pain in my stomach, legs, back, diarrhea almost every day. My periods are for 2 weeks and then if I have sex it starts again. I can’t even have intercourse without it hurting and start bleeding.

    My period started on the 2nd and I still have it. I called the doctor yesterday and the nurse told me that there is nothing bad with having your period for more then two weeks. My husband is thinking that I have somebody else because I always tell him that I can not be with him because I have my period.

    We need to do something!!

  61. Rebecca says:

    I had the Essure placed a year ago and everything went fine. Three months later and I was blocked on both sides. I was releaved that everything was going so well after reading the horror stories. I did have pain on the left side and my Obgyn said that is was just the scar tissue and not to worry. Well a year later and still the pain is there. I am having blood in my urine,my periods are abnormal and having headaches. My family doctor sent me to the urologist and after a CT and a scope, my bladder is fine internally. So back to the Obgyn, I had told her that my family doctor advised me to get checked because of the Essure could be the cause. Well my Obgyn was not happy. She said that everything is fine but would perform a transvaginal ultrasound just to make my doctor happy. After the ultrasound my Obgyn talked to me and said that her tech said that the left coil has moved into my uterus, but her tech could be wrong so now I have to have surgery so she can see where the coil is. She also said that the scar tissue more than likely pushed it down. I am very upset. I am too young for a hysterectomy…. I trusted my doctor and now she doesn’t even want t o acknowledge that something is wrong.

  62. maria says:

    I had my essure procedure done a few years ago, I have been feeling horrible for a while now. I have many of the same symptoms that many of you have complained about. But I also have had very irregular periods since implantation, maybe I get it 4 times a year now. This is after having very regular periods- I was like clock work. I was just reading yesterday an article that says its very dangerous to not get your period because cancerous cells stay in your body if you are not shedding the lining. This is what brought me here to this websight today to see if there were other’s having compaints like mine. I didnt realize the body pains, hot flashes and confusion could be associated with essure. I only knew my periods were messed up because of it- geez!
    I did not have any problems during or right after implantation, I thought my procedure went well. But now I realize that I have a big problem!


  63. maria says:

    I think Im gonna go cry now and then I will get mad and do something about it!


  64. Jocelyn says:

    I had the Essure done July 2009 on a Friday. I didn’t experience any pain. Just some spotting. My Doctor also scheduled me for the Cryo-Ablation on that following Tuesday. That went well also. I had some cramping from that but nothing major. I bleed in August of 2009 and from September 2009 until May 2010 no bleeding. I did began to notice these short spurts of pain in my stomach. Then I started bleeding in June 2010. I had a heavy period in June and July 2010. I just had the NovaSure done on August 13, 2010. So far I’m only having a discharge from that procedure but no pain. I think by having the Cryo-Ablation a few days after the Essure procedure prevented me from having any heavy periods associated with the Essure. I am now looking forward to getting rid of the period once and for all. The Essure has worked for me no problems with it.

    • Diane says:

      I had both procedures done at the same time, felt great afterwords with little cramping. This was back in February of 2010. Every month since then I still have something of a period when before it was 3 weeks out of the month. I can live with that but I know a very hard cramps every month which I never had before, lack of energy, headaches, tired all the time, lack of wanting to have sex, just not feeling like myself at all. I also have MS so I kept thinking that some of this could be MS related but after reading some of the other stories I’m not sure.

  65. Stacey says:

    I had Essure done over 5 years after I had my third baby. Everything went very well with the procedure and I was back to my daily routine the next day. The few years following the procedure was fine. But in the past year my periods have been extremely painful and I have been getting tested for Cervical Cancer. My body does not feel the same. I am tired and my lower abdoman is sore. Every period I get cysts on right ovary. I have talked to my doctor numerous times and she does not seem to think that it is the coils that are causing the pain. I have also gone to see an OB for ultrasounds and they can never find anything wrong. No reason to why I have cysts all the time. I have inquired about getting the coils removed but the only place that removes them are in Georgia and only for a very high bill. I am kind of in a lost. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to have a hysterectomy because at my age I want to have the option of having another baby if my boyfriend and I decide to.

  66. Tana says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in Jan 2008 in haste because in Oct 2007 my doctor told me she would not give me anymore precriptions for pills because I was 37 and a smoker. Just like that I was forced to make a fast decision and chose this procedure because it was quick and required no surgery. My husband is active duty military and he had just been transferred to another duty station and I stayed at our old duty station so my youngest daughter could finish high school with her friends. Needless to say I needed something without alot of down time and Essure soundded like it was right for me. I went through the surgery no problem. No one ever asked my about a nickel allergy test, but then I was told it was made out of titanium. Actually for a year and 1/2 I didn’t have any problems or so I thought. I guess I just didn’t associate other issues with Essure. I have back problems (but then I’ve had back problems long before, but just worse now), I have sharp stabbing pains mostly on my left side of my abdomen that I double over in pain, severe, severe headaches. Pain in my eyes, confusion (space out) now that I go back and think about it. Also have painful intercourse in certain positions, major bloating in my stomach all lthe time. Within the last couple of months I have started gettting flu like symptoms (fever, chills, sweats, etc) exactly a week before my period. And it all goes away after I have my period and starts again 2 weeks later. I also suffer from severe seasonal allergies and I’ve always have a reaction to any type of earring, therefore I only wear earrings on special occasions. I have absolutely no energy to do anything. I had just associated it with stress, work, getting older (I’m only 40) etc. I went to the gynecologist today and he said he didn’t think it was from Essure but rather me being premenopausal. I know there is something wrong with me. I’m sorry we are all going through this, but am fortunate that I found this site so I know I’m not the only one. I think I’m going to the nickel allergy test done, it wouldn’t surprise me if I am allergic since I’m allergic to so many other things.

    • Tracy H says:

      Tana, I found this site after I had the coils (and half my reproductive system) removed. I wish I had come across it earlier so I didn’t have to suffer so long. As you have read, your symptoms are pretty typical amongst all of us so it can’t be coincidental. Since having the coils removed all those symptoms have gone … also not coincidental. I had them in for 4 years and I just got sicker and sicker until I felt like I would die. Now I am get healthier and healthier and have my life back

  67. Traci Nichols says:

    So! Tomorrow I have my pre-op testing and Wednesday is the big day! I am sooo looking forward to getting back to normal! I do have a question though – for those that have had their tubes / uterus removed, how long was the recovery? How painful is it afterwards? That’s really my only concern – I’ve heard varying stories from women who have gone through the surgery.
    Other than that, I can’t wait to tell everyone how it goes – how I feel afterwards – and to hopefully be an example to others that your body is your body! Doctors can’t ignore this any longer….and once you find one that listens, it’s such a relief! As others say, print out this blog – all the postings – it’s undeniable that this is a serious issue and we can make a difference for others out there that may consider this procedure, and hopefully provide the education they need to make a smart decision.
    OK – Enough of the soap box – I’ll keep ya’ll posted how everything turns out Wednesday!

    • Tracy H says:

      Traci that is fantastic. I had to take 6 weeks off work after my hysterectomy. As with any surgery it is quite traumatising to the body and initially very painful. It was an ordeal I wish I never had to experience however I kept telling myself that I can recover from the surgery but I would never have recovered if I left the coils in. I wish you well, you will finally be able to live again!



      I know the excitement you must feel!!!! That is great news!!!!

      I had just my tubes removed at the end of June. Quite honestly, I only had 1 day of pain. The rest of the time I was just sore. However I did not have my uterus removed, so I am not sure how painful that might be. I was up and going in about 3 days after surgery, but with some soreness of course.

      You will be in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday!!!! Hope all goes well and you will be on the road to having your life back!!! Good Luck!!!!!

  68. Traci Nichols says:

    Surgery was a success Wednesday – the doc took out my tubes, uterus, and cervix, but left my ovaries. This means, no periods or menopause or paps. And it means I should be able to get rid of all the horrible Essure effects. I’ve been sore and had some pain today….until I finally took a mid day nap after trying to simply pass a bowel (which hurt like hell). However….after the nap, I’m AWAKE for the first time in ages. I’m not in pain. I don’t feel confused or dizzy. I can’t wait to feel even better over the next few days. Next step: filling out the Maude Adverse Report on the FDA site. I’ll save that til the weekend so as not to overdo it yet.
    I can see that light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for all the input and support!



      I am so so glad that you are feeling better and on the road to recovery!!! 🙂

      I can’t beleive that they had to take your cervix also???? Was there a reason for that or what did the doc say about that??? Usually they just remove your tubes and sometimes it is necessary for the uterus depending upon the position of the coils….

      I am so glad that it was a success and like you I felt better after surgery. Did the doctor say if there was a medical reason for the pain, and other symptoms that you had after he performed the surgery?

      I hope that you feel better everyday and it has been a great journey that we have had together and with the support of everyone on this blog, it would have been hard to go through or even know that problems like this have occurred to others. 🙂

      • Tracy H says:

        It is so wonderful Traci that you finally have the coils out. Isn’t it disturbing that we are happy for you to be experiencing something so traumatic as a hysterectomy! Conceptus and the gynaecological medical profession have been seriously negligent. I wish you well in your recovery, take good care of yourself


    I wanted to share something with everyone that I just saw on television. I was watching TV this morning and saw an interview with a doctor about Essure procedure. The doctor that was being interviewed was the doctor that performed my reversal of the Essure and removed my tubes because of problems I have had from the coils. The doctor was still saying how easy the procedure was, blah, blah, blah…Everything that we were all told before getting the procedure. I do not understand the ethics behind his positivity of this procedure. I do understand that I was the only reversal that he performed of the over 300 Essure he inserted. Our voices need to be heard. How many have issues and are not coming forward or just think it is them and in their head?

    My stomach dropped as the interview went on. These doctors are promoting this procedure. They are paid depending upon how many procedures they perform. This is something that we as consumers do not know and are not told. I am very grateful that this doctor listened to me and did something about it, but my heart aches for the next person that has this procedure done and has the same symptoms that we have all experienced.

    Seeing this interview made me realize that we have got to do something about this procedure!!! We have got to stop the insanity of doctors being paid to perform procedures. This doctor also told me that he attending conferences for Essure and Conseptus where he was recognized for performing the most procedures successfully!!! How can drug companies do this when so many of us are experiencing issues and near bankruptcy due to medical bills associated with this procedure???? What a crazy world we live in!!!!!

  70. Tracy H says:

    Yes Vicki, what a crazy world we live in! Have you noticed a theme with us all … NONE of the doctors suggested that the coils could be the problem … they fought very hard to argue against it! It was only after we DEMANDED they be taken out that they did and some simply refused. It seems the doctors want to protect there profits and prestige … F**K the women. They are interested in getting as many of those coils in as possible because once the procedure is done they get paid and what happens after that is no longer their problem. I tell you Vicki, I am ANGRY. My life was absolute hell for 5 years and now I am left with parts of my body missing and my hormones causing a whole new set of problems.

  71. Michelle H says:

    I had Essure about a year ago. I found out today from results of a cat scan that one of my inserts is protruding from my uterine wall and needs to be removed. The Ob/Gyn that did the procedure has moved to another part of the state. I am seeing a different Doctor in the AM to see what they are going to do. I have had pain, abnormal periods, and frequent vaginal infections since the procedure. I am on the wait and see mode.

  72. Sheryl G says:

    I am scheduled to have this surgery tomorrow and I have been having 2nd thoughts so I decided to do a little more research and came up to this website. After reading about all of the issues, I am definately going to cancel and just use the pill


      Great idea Sheryl…If I would have found this website before I got it done, I would have cancelled also!!!! 🙂 Doing your research pays off. 🙂

      • Tracy H says:

        Yes, research does pay off. I too wish I had discovered this before I had the procedure done but at least I didn’t have to suffer for the rest of my life which my doctor would have been more than happy to let me do. After I presented the evidence of my research to him (4 years after the procedure) he told me that he was concerned about the nickel component initially because his wife has a nickel allergy and he knew how badly she suffered with any nickel product. He claims the reps from Conceptus assured him the devices were safe … yet he told me the devices were made of titanium, deliberately deceiving me. He did not do a nickel sensitivity test nor advise me to have one. We should be able to trust our doctors, clearly we can’t

  73. Traci Nichols says:

    I feel like I’m in a daytime soap opera, or an unfortunate episode of Seinfeld (the Jr Mint episode). So, I’m going back into surgery Wednesday – just day surgery – but surgery nonetheless.
    I was doing GREAT – feeling wonderful, more energy, sleeping well, no pain – GREAT. Until last Friday – when I got out of the house for a bit and my lower back starting hurting. I just figured – no biggie, probably from sitting so much, which I’m not used to. But, the pain on the lower left side has gotten worse – and there’s noticeable swelling….very odd. Timing was good, since I went for my follow up this morning. The dr ordered a renal scan, bloodwork, and xray – not just from my symptoms but also because: the pathology report only showed removal of 1 coil!!! The right coil had fallen out….not cool. Come to find out, it’s just hanging out in my pelvis so they have to go back in to get it out. I’m annoyed, yet glad we found it fast so I didn’t feel worse.
    So, after Wednesday, I hope to be on the road to recovery. I’ll be sure to post after! Wish me luck!


      oh tracy…I am so so sorry for that mishap…How awful!!! I hope everything goes well for you and I will keep you in my prayers. How have you been feeling otherwise? Have your symptoms from the Essure mainly gone away?

      How could the doctor not know that the coil was not removed and still in your body??? Poor you… I am so so sorry and Yes, I am also grateful that they found it before it caused more problems.

      Keep us posted!!!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Oh Traci, that is just awful. The whole point of having surgery was to get the coils OUT … how could he not see that he only had one coil when he had completed the surgery. That is a scary display of incompetence for a surgeon. You are in my thoughts

  74. Traci Nichols says:

    Well – good news is the Essure is OUT! The second surgery was more difficult to recover from and I’m still working through that. Apparently, the coil on my right side was embedded in muscle in the pelvic wall? How could that happen?
    I’m in the process of getting a lawyer to help do some research and root cause analysis from the last 2+ years. Something somewhere went wrong and I’m not happy about it. I did, also, get a response from the Exec VP Operations and CFO of Conceptus (mfr of Essure) – he wants more information and I’m happy to have a contact. This should be useful as I go through the legal process.

    I am happy that I am on the road to recovery. I can’t wait to start exercising again and getting back to normal. As always, thanks for the support and I’ll keep you posted on the events!


      Traci, that is great and wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for you!!!

      I am glad you have gotten someone to call you back from Conceptus??? but also puzzled???? What did you say and how did you get them to call you??? ?!?!?!?!? I have attempted lawyers, but none would give me the time since it was not a class action suit yet.

      Exercising??!!!??? Yes, after my surgery I am finally able to exercise again and can’t wait to hear that you are doing the same. The was the catcher for my doctor, was the fact I told him it hurt too bad for me to exercise. ha ha… I have been exercising for about a month now and energy level is great, but I can’t loose the abdomen weight that I put on. oh well…it will come off…

      Yes, Traci keep us posted on the lawyer success that you have, and also tell me your secret to the Conceptus contact or put them in contact with me also…. 🙂
      Best Wishes for your improved health!!!!

    • Indi says:

      Traci i would like to know the number of the VP at Conceptus i would like to tell him my displeasure as well. I am going to the Dr. today for a 2nd opinion about a hysterectomy. Is this the only way to get this out of my body..Since 2009 i have too been suffering greatly with this. And it has ruined the quality of my life.
      I am glad to hear it all worked out for you.

  75. Robin says:

    After reading all of this, I now wish I never had the Essure proceedure. I had the proceedure back in 07. I thought everything was okay and my hormones were just off. I never attributed all my problems (weight gain, mood swings, painful periods and ovulation – even though the eggs go no where, hot flashes, ect.) to the essure. Now, my hormones are so screwed up my periods are no longer regular, my hair is falling out more than normal, my hair is so greasy I have to use a major cleaning/ dandruff shampoo just to not have to wash my hair twice a day. I can’t imagine having to have a histo at the age of 29 becasue of Essure but something’s gotta give.

    My doctor never informed me of and risk associated with essure.

    Ladies, if you are considering this proceedure PLEASE reconsider.

    My recent period consisted of one day of a pink dischage along with a chunk of tissue that literally was the size of a grape. It wasn’t a blood clot or anything like that. It was pink tissue. Has this happened to anyone else? I know I need to make an appt to see the gyno but they’re the ones that convinced me of this in the first place. What to do?

  76. Yesi says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in Feb. 2010. I had no problems during the procedure or afte my 3 month test. About three months ago I started noticing that during sex with my husband I started spotting. I didn’t think much of it, but it kept on getting worse. Now if we have sex I bleed during the intercourse and have ab pain. Has this happen to anyone? I went to my OBG and she said it might be an infection and gave me antibiotics. If it continued she said to come back and they would do an ultrasound. I told her I never had any of these problems before I had the procedure done, and she just said it might be coincidence. I was fine after taking the meds, but it has happened again.. I have an appt. next monday for an ultrasound. Can anyone give me any advice please? Are infections common? I’ve never had any kind of infection before.

    • Tracy H says:

      Yesi, I started going out with a man shortly after having the procedure done and I used to bleed after having sex and some positions were just way too painful. It was very embarrassing. The relationship wasn’t long term and I haven’t been in a relationship since as all the side affects of the procedure made me too self conscious to get into an intimate relationship

  77. LaDonna Clark says:

    I have three children and had the essure done June of this year. I just found out the bothe tubes are still open. I now spot ever time me and my husband have intercourse and cramping threw my back and stomic. I thought I was just feeling this was because I was breastfeeding my last child but now I’m starting to wonder. I’m stuck now and don’t know what to do, I lost my insurance.

  78. Angela Hamby says:

    Hi. I am so scared now. I just had the procedure done on Sept. 23. I am still having moderate pain, like menstrual cramps, I am bleeding pretty heavy and it comes and goes. I guess I need to give this more time, my doctor was very laid back about the whole procedure…I am totally scared now. I wish I had of found this blog before I had the Essure procedure. I recently lost weight, about 25 pounds and it scares me to think a side effect is weight gain, which I was never told about. Also, my doctor did not do the nickel test on me. Gosh, what did I do to myself? I go back on Oct. 6th to see her. I hope I will do well with this. Thanks for reading. Angela

  79. Maliakah says:

    I had the Essure procedure and now I have iregular menstral cycles some times twice a month. They are very painful and befor my cycle comes on my mid section swells so big until i cant breath. I have gained weight in my mid section. I have back pains and lower abdminal pains. i hve also been having very tenderness in my breast when its time for my cycle. I hate I had this procedure done now. Its been a couple of years and the problems are still there. My doctors acts like I am the only one having these issues inwhich i never had untill i had this procedure done. The moode swings are afull. I stumbled on this site in which i am glade i feel much better knowing that i am not the only one and now i can share this with my doctor so that she can see that other people are expericing the same symptons.

  80. Misty shoffner says:

    I happened upon this site tonight and was so releived! I’m not going crazy!!! ut I am so saddened that I am not the only person going through this horrid experience. I had my procedure about 4 months ago, and my life has never been the same. I am depressed, have extreme chronic pain in the back and down the right leg, fatigue, mood swings, hot flashes, stoppd menstration.. the works. I had issues within days of the procedure:however, my doctor seemed to simply brush off the issue. I am currently trying to get insurance to have this problem resolved as I definetly cannot afford to deal with an issue of this extent.
    Has anyone contacted a lawyer? I think with this many people and this large of a problem, we should have a class action case. Is anyone else interested in looking into this area? I am definetely going to file a claim.

    PLEASE DONT DO THIS if you are considering essure. Your life, and health are worth more than being destroyed by a proccedure like this!

    • Erin says:

      I am new to this site, so I’m catching up. Did you ever contact a lawyer? Did anything come of it? I agree, I too think we should rally and fight this. I often here those commercials on TV- the most recent 1 I’ve heard was problems w/ Nuvaring, and to contact a law office, and I thought, wow we need to get this going for Essure. This just doesn’t seem right. Making the decision to get this done was hard enough, then to have to deal w/ problems on top of it, makes me very angry.

    • Janey says:

      I wondered if that was my cause and now reading all this it has confirmed what I though.

  81. Traci Nichols says:

    For everyone else – I’m healing great – BP down, lower back pain subsiding, sleeping like a champ, energy levels going up, no hot flashes, black outs or nausea since surgery – amazing! Even lost 4 lbs doing nothing other than normal and the swelling in my feet and hands has gone away – so happy!

    I’ve sent details to the FDA (filed a Maude Adverse Report), communicated with Conceptus product surveillance, and hope to soon have a lawyer who will take the case! (Misty – yes, I am looking at pursuing a class action suit – please keep us in the loop.) I love that my doctor is learning more and more about Essure and testing the sales reps that are pressuring her to adopt the procedure – without stating that testing needs to be done nor indicating that there’s any nickle in the coil. What negligence those sales reps are performing – it’s abhorring!

    Anyways – wanted to give an update – I’m so happy to be getting back to normal so quickly! I just hope everyone else is doing better with their journey, as well!

    • Vicki w says:


      I am so happy for you and that is wonderful!!!! I felt better after my surgery and everyday I improve more. As far as the weight, I wish I could say that I am loosing as soon as you are but it is taking a little more effort to loose it for me. It is mainly all in the mid-section of my stomach. Wanted to let you know that I also had back pain, an it took quite some time for it to go away. Maybe a month or so. I went to a chiropractor and he helped some. But overall it just took time. I believe the muscles are so inflammed or something that it takes time to heal.

      In response to Misty and you also. I have researched lawyers and called about class action lawsuits but no one was willing to take the information or even talk with me about it. There is a law firm in Virginia I beleive that only handles class action lawsuits against drug companies, and they WOULDN”T take the case.

      Traci, Please know that you need any support or back up for your lawsuit, I am willing to hlep in any way. We have both had these devices removed recently and can attest to the relief we feel after they are gone.!!!! Keep us updated!!!

      If you have a class action suit, please let us know and I will be glad to give any and all information.!!!! I have not been successful in finding anyone in my area willing to do it!!!!

      Keep healing Traci!!!!!

  82. Traci Nichols says:

    Thanks Vicki – I’ll definitely keep everyone posted!

    And, regarding the weight – I’m finally going to start back into working out (I said it before, but I mean it now! haha). My main problem is the mid-section too – I would prefer to not look pregnant and have that go away (considering I’ve actually had 4 people over the last year ask me if I was…..frustrating). And you’re right – the inflammation is overwhelming in that area!

    Nonetheless, I’m excited for the immediate results for you (and me too)…..I truly hope we can help others (on this blog and elsewhere) so they either can start their journey back to normalcy or avoid Essure altogether!

    (Ps – My doc told me there is a new product that’s silicone that is just like Essure – so it may be safer since there’s no metal….that’s all fine and dandy, but I think that this experience has made me wary of anything that is placed inside the body that isn’t organically grown!)


      yes Traci keep me posted….

      Yes having the pregnant looking belly is getting very old and to be quite honest with you, it has began to hurt my confidence and my self esteem. The clothes that I used to be able to wear and look good in, I no longer wear cause my belly sticks out. The really funny and weird thing about it is….My stomach is flat in the upper ab area and the lower ab area, but right around the mid section the area directly under my belly button, pops out like a mound.

      I have been doing aerobics, walking and running for about a month now and just waiting to see results, but it is not happening as quickly as I want it to. 😦

      Traci if you find any suggestions or exercises that would help loose this gut let me know.!!!!


      hi Traci!!!! I just wanted to see how things are going for you? and give you an update on my beer gut!!! ha ha ha….

      After a month of dieting, aerobics 2 times a week and walking 3, I am finally able to see an feel a difference. My weight has dropped 5 pounds. I have not measured my abdomen yet to see if I lost inches or even centimeters. H hahahah…I am afraid I will get discouraged if I do that.

      I hope all is well for you, and your success is growing everyday!!!! 🙂
      There is light at the end of the tunnel!!!! Thank heavens!!!

  83. Mara says:

    I had Essure done in August of 2009. I LOVE it. I have had no side effects from it really. My periods are back to what they were pre-kids. I do sometimes get pain with sex but a quick change in position and everything is better. I have also gained weight lately but I know that is due to other factors going on in my life right now. I am so sorry so many of you are having issues with Essure. It was the best decision of my life.

  84. Kelley says:

    I had the Essure done & basically was happy with it. I didn’t like the testing part after the three months to make sure the scarring had happened (or not). However, now I have to go have a tubal done anyway because one side didn’t scar over and they have to go in and “find” the coil since it has slipped out of place. I don’t know if I would do it over again or not- I am a little disappointed.

  85. Stefani says:

    I had this procedure done in November of 2008 and for the most part, have felt great. I was still breastfeeding, so I did not get my period for a full 12 months after the procedure was done and it is actually shorter/lighter than I remember it before (contrary to many reports). The pain from the procedure was more than I recall being warned about, and no one ever asked me if I was allergic to nickel, but fortunately, the procedure was done after giving natural birth so the pain paled in comparison and I am not having any skin reaction.

    What I am not happy about is my current exercise regimen. I have focused the past 5 years on having children, eating healthy and staying relatively active, but not really “working out” formally until this month, when I started an athletic training program at home. It is a little more intense than average but I was doing fine on it for a few days, until a pain in the area where my fallopian tubes are located starting keeping me from doing the sit ups and push ups in pretty much every different position I try.

    Has any one else experienced problems with this? It may just be a sprained muscle, but I am concerned that the tubes are either dislocated or preventing the muscle from its full range of motion. Thanks!



      I would be cautionous and keep tabs on the progress you make. I couldn’t not exercise from pain that I experienced when I did exercise in my lower abdomen. When I had the procedure done I was healthy, and exercised and weighed about 125. 3 weeks after the procedure when going to the doctor for the pain, I weighed 135. How does that happen???

      I just wanted to warn you that was not able to work out or stretch my stomach muscles in any way. The pain and uncomfortable feeling was too unbearable.

      Best of Luck to ya.

  86. Jane says:

    I had my essure procedure done on 10/13/10. The doctor knocked me out cold and I’m so glad he did considering some of the horror stories I’ve heard! I mean if the Dr has to give you a shot to numb your uterus, isn’t that a sure sign that screams ‘PUT ME OUT!’ I’m scheduled to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks so he can so a sonogram/xray to see if the coils have remained in place. I have very little spotting and just cramping, sometimes more on the left side than the right. At times I swear I can feel them (not used to have metal in my body! maybe more pschological). I am 5’5 and weigh 125, I’m healthy, walk 4-5 times a week. I keep reading all these horror stories and I’m someone concerned if I made the right decision. After losing a fullterm stillborn and then having a miscarriage, it was time to shut down the “mommy factory” for good. I do have 2 beautiful children. I will follow-up in 2 weeks to see what the good ol’ doc says.

    What I don’t read here is any follow-up as my Dr suggested so it makes me wonder if all of you had to wait 3 months before going back? I did have some back pain, but mainly the cramps for now. I’ve heard about the Chapel Hill Center which is in NC, only 2 hours from my house, so if worse come to happen, guess where I will be!!

    • Mara says:

      I didn’t have any follow ups like your’s Jane. But I also had an ultrasound before hand to make sure my uterus was in the right condition for this procedure. My doctor has very strict guidelines under which he will do this procedure. So I had a lot more testing done before than most people.

  87. Naomi says:

    If only women knew what they were getting into when they got this Essure procedure done. I had mine put in in august of ’09, and went through a year of HELL. I was in so much pain, and was so sick I thought I was going to die. My doctor kept brushing me off, telling me that my symptoms could not be from the coils. after doing a lot of research I decided to fly to Georgia to Lakeshore surgical center to have them removed. They removed the coils and I feel so much better. this proves to me that all my health problems were due to those coils being in me. I wish I knew how to make this problem more public and involve the federal institution that approved this horrible device.



      Please file a Maude Adverse Effect Report with the FDA. this is the only way that they FDA will know and beware of what is happening. The information is posted above on the FDA website and the link to file this report. I beleive that Traci posted it for everyone not too long ago. By filing this report you are making them aware that there is a problem, and if we all make these complaints, it can be a possibility of a recall or some kind of investigation will happen later. Until then, we are all keeping our fingers and toes crossed that something will be done. It can only happen if people like you and me file these reports and make it known. 🙂 I am so glad you are feeling better!!!!

  88. Johanna says:

    I had the essure placement done in August, 2010 arn agree that there was no mention by the doctor of any post procedure side effects except for the immediate cramping and slight bleeding. I did not have much pain during the procedure because i asked my doctor to give me a cervical block. When the coils were incerted i got alot of heavy cramping and just wanted to lay down the rest of day. Problem is that since procedure i have gained alot of weight in my stomach and have been having progressively worst abdominal pain and nausea!!! I thought maybe it was my gallblader but had it checked and its fine. I have been weak, having insomnia, and excessive discharge which i never had before. I wish i never had it put in and feel worse everyday. Now i want it out but i’m scared because i got it because i didnt want surgery to begin with! Also don’t know if insurance will cover. Something is not right with this procedure!!!

  89. Sara says:

    I have the essure since feb. 06… I have back pain! A bad metal taste in my mouth every so often…. I read most of the stories on here! I am making a appointment with my OB to see if it could be the essure.. The back pain is making me nuts… The pain has been there for almost 2 years now.. I just brushed it off for pushing myself to much… But it always the lower back, I wondered if it could be the eessure, I have had weight gain also… Not alot of weight but weight I am not liking..! I have four kids and after each one I dropped all the weight.. After the essure it was like I kept the baby fat that I gained..! I do want a hysterectomy…! I should of had that done..! But the OB doc told me the essure would be simple, which it was, but I hate the pain in my back…..!

  90. sharon says:

    i had the essure procedure done in june 2010 since then ive had pain in my right side that comes and goes but when it does hurt i cant go to work i cant hardly walk or anything ive went to the er over it b4 and was told it was nothing but the scar tissue forming and not to worry but how long is this stuff supposed to hurt……im tired of hurting and taking a chance at losing my job because of this

    • Tracy H says:

      Sharon, how awful 😦 I call this negligence! It appears that doctors are deliberately concealing vital information about this procedure. My life was a living hell because of this procedure and it was completely PREVENTABLE. If the doctor had sent me for a nickel sensitivity test BEFORE the surgery I would have never have been able to have it done. He didn’t tell me about the contraindication for nickel AND he went so far as telling me the coils were made of titanium! (they are a mix of titanium and nickel) I see this as an open and closed case for litigation however I can’t get a lawyer to take on the case on a ‘pay if you win’ basis. I can’t afford to pay a lawyer up front so he is going to get away with it and I am pretty angry about it! I wish you all the best but it sounds like you are suffering similar side affects than the rest of us and it was only after the coils were removed that we had relief 😦

      • Christie Norwood says:

        Hi Tracy, my name is Christie and yes i also had the procedure done and yes IT IS ALSO A MAJOR REGRET!!!!!! But I was thinking about the lawsuit. do u think if we all get together & go in on the payments 4 the lawyer fees that a lawywer will maybe take the case then?

  91. machelle says:

    hello my name is machelle i had the essure procedure done in april 2009 i have had nothing but problems with it im trying to have it taking out but my insurance is refusing to pay for it…they paid for it to be done but wont pay for it to b taking out .i have had serve pain in my lower abs i can feel the spasams through out my lower abs i lost my love for foods making love to my husband and i just dont feel like myself. i plan to file a claim angainst the hospital ….this procedure is not worth the pain or losing your maggiage over dont do it please!!!!!!!

  92. April R says:

    I had the procedure done in Dec 2008 2 months after my daughter was born. I’ve never had so many health issues in my life!! My period is never on set dates anymore, and its so heavy and its hard to even move when I’m on it. Alot of doctors I talk to now don’t even know what ESSURE is or they tell me the truth about it (which I wish my ob gyn would have). I had the test done 3 months after to and he told me I would not get pregnant anymore and that it isnt reversable. LIES ALL LIES now u can get it reversed but not just anywhere, that and i’ve had 3 misscarriages within the past year. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT GET THIS DONE THERE ARE SO MANY PROBLEMS WITH IT! IT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE FOR ME TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. Ruby says:

    I had the procedure done in 2006. I ended up getting pregnant after the procedure with my 5th child. I love my 4 year old son. I was very angry with my doctor because I signed paperwork to have a regular tubular ligation in which she decided not to do while the opportunity was there since I had a Cesarean section after my 4th child. She was very excited in explaining to me that she had a new procedure she wanted to try assuring me that everything would work out. Well it turned out that because she decided to change my procedure form the approved tubular ligation to the assure procedure my insurance company did not cover the assure procedure. Here I was unemployed at the time had these tubes placed inside of me but could not have the follow up dye procedure to ensure that my coils were in the correct position. My doctor’s office called to say that I could not have the follow up because my insurance company would not cover the procedure. I personally felt that I had been tricked by my doctor to undergo this procedure for her and the makers of the essure coils. I ended up pregnant 8 months after the insertion. I did not want anymore children at that time. This was a great financial burden on my family after having my 5th child. The crazy thing is, I saw a different doctor throughout my pregnancy following the essure procedure. After delivering my son, this doctor was able to perform the original tubal ligation that my previous doctor had said that she couldn’t do before deciding to perform the essure procedure. I felt I had been tricked and used by doctor just so she could experiment with this essure procedure. Oh Yeah, by the way she also stated to me that I would be the 4th person she was trying this procedure on. After convincing me that she could not ligate my tubes the usual way, I felt I had no choice but to let her perform the essure procedure on me. She also made it sound like it would be a piece of cake. It was not. I am thankful that my new doctor was able to ligate my tubes the way that I wanted them and I have not gotten pregnant again.


    Just a message to everyone that rescently posted comments about Essure….


    The link is listed above on someone’s post.

    This is the only way that anyone will know that we are expereincing issues and perhaps a recall can take effect or will also improve chances of CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS!!!!

    Please, please everyone do this…Even if you have become pregnant, had them removed, whatever your case may be…..this is our only kind of help or support at this time is to let the FDA know of each and everyone’s issues….

  95. rebecca says:

    I had the essure done about 3 years ago. . I started having very heavy painful periods lasting about 9 days. I asked my Dr if it was possible the essure was causing the trouble,, of course she says no. Also, I am not able to be intimate the way I want to be anymore. I bleed after intercourse, I can’t stand the pain. I am so embarrassed and I am so tired of not enjoying myself with my husband. I wish I never had the procedure. I want it reversed so bad but I cannot afford it. I am in complete misery. I am only 29.

  96. Sarah says:

    I had my Essure done in August 2008. Since then I have had a period every 2 weeks. I also have chronic Bacterial Vaginosis. If I’m not bleeding then I smell horrible. My sex life is non-existent because I feel so self-conscious and disgusting. I’ve had every test known to women done since then and no one can figure out what’s wrong with me. My hormone levels are perfect, no allergies, no cysts, nothing. The OB/GYN who put the coils in told me to live with it. My new OB/GYN has jumped through hoops for me but he still can’t find a cause. He seems to feel it isn’t the coils that are causing my problems. In May, 2010 I had a hydrothermal ablation done. That didn’t help, I still have a period every 2 weeks and I still have chronic BV. I’ve become severely depressed. I won’t even let my poor (incredibly patient) husband touch me anymore. I pretty much cry all the time. My doctor wants to perform a partial hysterectomy but from everything I’ve read about that is it can cause BV!!!! I don’t know what to do, I just want it all to go away. I’m 40 years old and prior to the Essure procedure I have never had any problems. My periods were always every 28 days and average length and flow. Prior to the Essure I’ve only had BV twice in my entire life. I don’t have any of the pain problems that most of the unfortunate women here have posted; my problems are causing emotional damage.

  97. Sarah says:

    I had my Essure done in August 2008. Since then I have had a period every 2 weeks. I also have chronic Bacterial Vaginosis. If I’m not bleeding then I smell horrible. My sex life is non-existent because I feel so self-conscious and disgusting. I’ve had every test known to women done since then and no one can figure out what’s wrong with me. My hormone levels are perfect, no allergies, no cysts, nothing. The OB/GYN who put the coils in told me to live with it. My new OB/GYN has jumped through hoops for me but he still can’t find a cause. He seems to feel it isn’t the coils that are causing my problems. In May, 2010 I had a hydrothermal ablation done. That didn’t help, I still have a period every 2 weeks and I still have chronic BV. I’ve become severely depressed. I won’t even let my poor (incredibly patient) husband touch me anymore. I pretty much cry all the time. My doctor wants to perform a partial hysterectomy but from everything I’ve read about that is it can cause BV!!!! I don’t know what to do, I just want it all to go away. I’m 40 years old and prior to the Essure procedure I have never had any problems. My periods were always every 28 days and average length and flow. Prior to the Essure I’ve only had BV twice in my entire life. I don’t have any of the pain problems that most of the unfortunate women here have posted; my problems are causing emotional damage.

    • tina says:

      I have the same odor problems horrible periods and major mood swings my doctor says it doesnt have to do with essure after reading all this it sure makes you wonder.I have a friend who had a hysterectomy she said she hasnt had any problems. you might ask your doctor since he is helpful to do some research on the problems other women are having. good luck. I know Im not to helpful but just knowing your not alone helps. tina

      • Sarah says:

        Thank you Tina, it does help knowing I’m not alone. Not that I’m happy any one has to go through this miserable ordeal, but just having a place to talk to someone who understands is wonderful! My doctor too keeps telling me that it’s not the coils. He’s not the doctor who inserted them and he admits that he doesn’t know a lot about them but from the research he’s done and the doctors he’s consulted with, he is positive it’s not the coils. Although from the tests he’s done he has confirmed that one of my coils has slipped and is “displaced.” I have an appointment Dec. 1 to discuss having a partial hysterectomy. I’m scared to death! I’ve heard just as many horror stories about that as about the Essure coils!!! From everything I’ve read, the hysterectomy won’t stop the BV, in fact it can cause more BV, and there’s a good chance I could still bleed after the surgery. I don’t know what else to do…I’ve really reached the end of my rope and I’m scared. I don’t know what to do.

  98. Cathy says:

    I have been having problems such as excessive bleeding, my periods last 14-21 days and the cramping is unbelievable during my mestral cycle. I have had two children and my cramping was no where near what it is now i get sick with it and have bad migranes and this has all started since i had the essure done!!,and for some reason ive had a lot of lwer back pain!!

  99. Nancy says:

    I had Essure put in Tuesday of this week i know it has only been 2 days but i had a tubal ligation 4 years ago and i had a lil girl aug 3rd of this year so the ob told me about essure she made it sound great so i went with it only to find out that the comp do not recommend having it done if you have had a tubal ligation but i was never told that has anyone had it done??? My back has been hurting and i called the doc and they said that it is a side effect that would go away. I wish i had been aware of all of this before hand i would have not had it done. Thanks Nancy

  100. […] more and more calls have been going into Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center about Essure reversal. This is something that many women seem to be having problems with and again many of the doctors […]

  101. tina says:

    I have all the problems the rest of yall do. But my concern is I had a friend research this and she said she read that someone had bigger problems that had procedure done when it first came out and that with her bad periods there was tissue coming out because the springs where not done right. I have really bad periods too with alot of clotting but doctor says it doesnt have anything to do with esure! If anyone else has heard this and knows where to find this info please let me know.

    • Sheria says:

      I have the same problems as everyone on here I feel as though you guys are writing about me… I have had so many procedures done to see if something was wrong with my stomach I have had MRI on my back an endoscopy physical therapy everything you can think of! And they say they cant find anything wrong. but after reading on here I think its my essure! I have a dr appt today to talk with her about getting them taken out! I also have the tissue coming out thought it was something to do with my period… I never said anything to anyone cause its embarrassing! Glad to know im not the only one! Def will bring that up in the dr appt today!

  102. Kelly Lucas says:

    Hello. Thank God I found this information. I was scheduled to have the Essure procedure done on Dec. 21, 2010. I think I will be canceling. We just had our 8th child and we are finished having kids! Looking for a safe, permanent birth control. Does anyone have any suggestions? I wish all of you the best of luck in dealing with this mess. I can’t believe this has happened.

  103. Karen says:

    Hi ladies, I had the procedure done in august 2010, it was great until a month agao i have been experiencing a shooting pain in my left groin down my left leg and my leg gives out on me, it hurts when i drive, walk, etc. i can go days with nothing and then it takes my breath away it hurts so bad. i thought i tore a muscle but i didn’t do anything to strain it. makes me wonder if it could be essure… please let me know if there is anyone out there with this symptom. thanks karen

    • Traci Nichols says:

      Karen –
      Definitely check with your doctor – I had pain, as well, and until I had my hysterectomy, didn’t know that Essure coil on my right side had moved out of the tube and embedded into muscle that attaches the uterus to the pelvis. Not cool. I had the tests done to make sure everything was fused off after the original procedure it things were fine. I only found out about the coil move after the hysterectomy when my dr got the pathology test back showing only one coil. I had more tests and they found through additional xrays that the coil was in the muscle – likely the reason for the pain. Ask your doctor to check for this. Use this blog as proof that others have the same issues – I was lucky to finally find two drs that would listen to me and understand that I know my body and knew that something was very wrong.
      Best of luck – keep us posted!



      Most important!!! Know your body!!! If something is wrong, then something is wrong!!!

      A lot of my pain is what you described and gradually got worse over time. Just driving my car was the worse for me. I didn’t want to go anywhere cause just sitting driving for some reason, hurt so bad. I was not able to exercise because of the pain. Talk with your doctor and don’t give up until someone will listen!!!

  104. Karen says:

    OHHH i forgot my periods are waaay worse than they have ever been in my entire life.

  105. Traci Nichols says:

    I know it’s been a while (work / life / travel) but wanted to provide a quick update on a few things:

    1) I’m doing great – working out, losing weight (6lbs in 30 days! YAY!), gaining focus and energy more and more each day – what a change! Hopefully, I’ll find out this week that my MCV levels have gone down. Cross those fingers!
    2) I have still not found a lawyer that’s willing to take on such a case with Essure – I find that interesting since we see all the class action suits for everything else: hip replacements, prescription drugs, etc – I’m tempted to just call one of those ambulance chaser numbers on TV to see if they’d be interested….maybe I will. (Anyone have luck with this at all)?
    3) My doc stated that Essure may ‘go away’ soon – there’s another product coming on the market (yikes) that is very similar to Essure but no metal – all silicone. Same concept, just no metal – I’d just recommend to anyone interested that they find out more and do the research to make sure that doesn’t cause the same effects so many of us went / or are going through.
    4) To Vicki – although the losing weight is happening, my doc said that due to the hysterectomy, it will take about 6-12 months to get the abs back to ‘normal’ – it’s primarily due to cutting through muscle and the swelling / scar tissue takes longer to heal. I’m hopeful we will both find our physical happiness again. Thanks for always checking in – I hope all is going much better for you too!

    Best of luck to everyone and if I learn more, i’ll be sure to provide an update….things will get better!!!! Have happy holidays!

  106. Clara says:

    I’ve had the dang things in since june of 2009…at first everything was find and dandy but I noticed I feel like i’m on my rag almost everyday…like bloaty and like I can feel them in my tubes…sometimes there’s cramping and I can FEEL specifically like where they are at…its the most unsettling feeling ever…i’m cramping right now (i’ve resulted negative on a pregnancy test) and i’m 2 weeks late on my period…seriously WTH is going on?? Are they falling out like what is this?? I’m a lot more snappy than I used to be (granted I was still snappy but not like this) i’m tired all the time, I’ve been breaking out like CRAZY. I just feel out of wack…and I have a feeling it is from this…as of right now we have no health insurance (husband finished his term in the navy and is now in college)…i’m 22 have one child and I KNOW I dont want anymore kids…absolutely not…but man I cant live the rest of my life like this…I feel so bleh all the time…like someone has two sticks on either side of my pelvis applying pressure…

  107. Lynn says:

    I had my procedure done in May of 2009. By January of 2010 I ended up in the hospital and had to go in for emergency surgery. I started bleeding and literally the flow wouldn’t stop. I’m talking a flow like a water faucet left on. My the time I got to the hospital I had lost so much blood that my blood count was 2. It should be around 13. The doctor said I had more blood pockets than he had ever seen. I had pockets inside of pockets, inside more pockets, on top of pockets all over. Apparently the spring were put in too far and they were destroying my uterus from the inside out. The springs were removed, I had to have a DNC done. Although the springs are now out I still have episodes every day, multiple times a day where different limbs and even just partial sections of an arm or leg loose all feeling. I have migraines like i’ve never experienced in my life. I have cramps that feel like i’m in labor. I get these horrific dizzy spells and blackouts. The whole episode leads my body into sort of a convulsion. It has definitely been the most horrifying experience since I had the procedure done. I have yet to hear anything good about it. I’m currently looking around for a lawyer I can talk to as I feel that there is a lot more to this birth control than any of us were ever informed about and something needs to be done about. If anyone else travels this road and is doing the same and finds anything out please let me know. Maybe if we all get together on this we can change it and stop it before too many more women have to experience what we have. My personal email is ShortcakeAngel

    • Lisa says:

      I had my procedure done in April of 2010. I almost have the same problems you have Lynn. I have horrible migraines, real bad cramps that I never had before, I get dizzy, and blackouts that make me real embarrassed. Some times I forget things and that is so embarrassing… I feel like an old lady. I get my menstrual periods like crazy, like 20 days on a month. If I am with my husband, I will get my period again… but I am thinking that maybe is not my period but that I am just bleeding. I have missed work like I had never done before. A lawyer is going to send me some information. I will send you an email with his information.

  108. LanT says:

    I had the procedure done 2 years ago. The procedure was extremely painful. Since then I have had pain on the left side, on and off. Recently, the pain has been increased. It now happens every day and I am really suffered from it. I spoke to the doctor (not the one who did the procedure, he moved away) and this doctor recognized the problem. However, he said the only way to remove to coil is a hysterectomy. Please let me know if there are other options beside a hysterstomy. I would like to hear from those who have already had the coils removed. What was the procedure, how do you feel now, what are the issues after the surgery… Thank you for your information.

    • Tracy H says:

      Hi Lan
      So sorry to hear of your suffering. I have had the coils removed … you will see my posts if you scroll through. I also have some using the name Tracy Hedges

  109. Shannon says:

    Hi, I have had Essure for about 3 years. I had it put in because I have four kids and my husband and I decided we were done.The process of putting it in me went fine. Seemed like a dream come true for someone who already has four kids. Then about four months later I started getting infections.Symtoms were lots of fluild, looks like discharge, started burning of cousre can’t stand that so I took azo.I thought it might be a infection ,family member had extra med. I took it. It went away. But then right after that I got a fever for 14 days, I went to the doctors and found out I have arthieritis.Never had any symptoms before. A few months later woulnd’nt you know another infection. Doctor said looks like a bacterial infection, test came back, it was nothing. It didn’t feel like nothing to me. Anyways, every since then I started having fluid come from me, I thought I was just ovulating alot. I have had soooo many days right around my period that I will have soooo much fluid come from me and it will start burning, but everytime that I go to the Dr. she will tells me nothing showed up. Most of the time she will just prescribe me an antibotic and it will sometimes go away. I got tired of that, I went to an u-ologist he gave me a catscan, he said I have kidney stones and prescribed me urocit-k, well the infection went away for a month and then back again so I call him and told him how I’m feeling and he said it sounds like I have IC, then he prescribes me Elmiron. Now I am on two med. six pills a day very expensive and hard to pay for. Like I said never had any symptoms before. I have been taking the Elmiron for about two months now, so far it has helped, but there is also a big list of food you have to give up and I have only been drinking water for two months with recently green tea caff. free no surgar sometimes. The reason for taking Elmiron is micro holes in your bladder. Theses were my symtoms I told him that I was having,(lots of fluild coming from me, burning, bladder pressure, always felt like I have to pee, started hurting durning intercourse.) You know I had Essure done so that me and my husband would be able to have intercourse without worring about getting pregant. But I think I would have rather had another kid instead of all these problems. It scares me, I just keep think whats coming next. I really would like to get these things out of me, but I’m scared of the side effects of that to. I have not had an allergy test yet to see if I’m allergic, but I do know that certain ear rings make my ears swell and get infected, and I am very sensitive to eyeshadows and many other things. I should have never got these things in me, my Dr. told me this was the easiest procedure, I don’t believe that all these problems are easy.

    • Tracy H says:

      Shannon, I had all the same symptoms as you. I would have unexpected gushes of fluid. I ended up having to wear a pad all the time because it would drench my underwear … very embarrassing. The fluid was so acidic that it would burn my skin. When it first happened I though I had herpes as I had blisters so I had a blood test, which was negative. That has stopped since having the coils removed, along with almost all of my symptoms

  110. Shannon says:

    I forgot to put on there, I also get the feeling of having nausea.

  111. fawn says:

    i had the procedure done feb2010. it went great. slight cramps the rest of that day. went to work the next. awsom. i didnt really like having to go a least 60 days not knowing if they took ,when my husband is quite the baby maker. we just had our 5th that november. and i know we could not aford anymore. i really wanted the tubal ligation. it is done and over. my doctor kept nsisting on this procedure. yeah all went well. but latly i’v beenhaving difficulty sleeping or even trying to sleep. never withall my kids ever had a problem there. my body hurts. mostly my joints stiffen. my legs fall asleep whether i have them flat or crossed, sitting on thefloor or in a chair. i am constantly hotflashing. iv neverexperienced his before. i feel like iv had the worst headcold nonstop. nothing helps. my mom thinks im starting menopause early because i started my period at age 8. but then she said maybe its because i got fixed. thats is what led me to this sight. i think ig been making excuses,my body aches because of i need a new bed, my legs have less cicirculation because iv gained 20lbs since the procedure. but hen again the wieght gain could be because ivgotten fixed, like cats and dogs do, that i am constanty having watery discharge that smell and wear a pad 24/7 because my bladder is week from having 5babes. but i know its not me peeing myself. maybe there is more to these problems than i knew. i wish i would have vame across ths site long ago. it would have made me less persuasive by my doctor. thanks yo whoever made this website. you and to many who gave me a different view. i might look into this. i hope its premenopause. because if its the coils causeing all this well then thats 100$out of my pocket. that doc wont get paid the rest anyway. we are bankrupt now. unfortunatly.

    • Tracy H says:

      Oh Fawn, it breaks my heart each time I see a new post from a woman suffering the effects of this hideous procedure. It sounds like you have similar symptoms to many of us. You are not going crazy … this was done TO YOU. I wish you all the best on what will be a challenging journey to get your health back. I had the coils removed and I am getting healthier by the day

  112. Ro says:

    Hello everyone, I had the essure put in around the beginning of May 2010. My doctor told me all about the side effects and the pain that the procedure may bring. I asked to be put to sleep during the procedure. As far as the side effects goes, they still didn’t seem as bad as the ones that come from getting your tubes tied. I have not felt any side effect nor did i feel pain once the procedure was over. Its been over 6 months and I feel fine, and as far as I can tell it works for me. As in any birth control methods, it may not be for everyone.

    • Tracy H says:

      Ro, I am sincerely happy that this procedure (so far) has worked for you however the women who have suffered are seriously suffering. It is so much bigger than inconvenient side effects … this procedure has ruined our lives. The issue is also medical malpractice with the majority of doctors intentionally misleading & withholding essential information from the women … perhaps to get their generous bonuses from the manufacturers of Essure ??? This procedure made 5 years of my life a living hell only to be know enduring the consequences of a hysterectomy. I think there needs to be an investigation into this procedure

  113. Ro says:

    Although I do wish it did one thing that it doesn’t, TAKE THIS PERIOD AWAY!!!!!!!

  114. Tina says:

    Oh my goodness! I have tossed all my symptoms that I have had over the past two years to just getting older….Now I am thinking otherwise. I had essure put in in early 2008. I have always had a belly but this is more like a pregnant looking belly that will not go away. My hands go to sleep alllllll the time. If I hold a glass, or really anything they both go to sleep…this is consistant. I just thought it was carpol tunnel syndrome since I have experienced different symptoms of it before. Hot flashes, yep I have had them too….said it must be early menopause. Fatigue…..geez I have been so tired all the time…I literally have to motivate myself to do anything. I have also experienced the very painful periods with the blood clots too. As far as the nickel allergy, I was just told the other day that since my ears break out when I wear earrings that I most likely am allergic to nickel. And after reading all of your stories, I am kinda freaking out. My insurance has changed so I can’t go back to my old obgyn, but I am going to make an appointment today with a new one. I sure hope I can have them removed…

    • Tina says:

      I have recently been experiencing the fluid leakage…it’s sooo awful. I have to change my underwear several times a day…or wear a pad all the time.

  115. Ruby says:

    I also have the fluid leakage, it just gushes out at any time. I were a panty lining everyday except when it’s that time of the month, the fluid is clear! I also have not been able to lose the extra weight from my stomach area , which use to go away with no problem after each pregnancy.

  116. Laura says:

    Hello to all. All of these comments are scary. I had the Essure done Sept. 14 and the depo shot for the back up birth control. Everything went great no pain, but had bleeding for 3 months- Called doc and nurse said the depo shot was causing the bleeding. finally stopped week before HSG. Comes to find out my left tube is still open and the coil has gone some where? I was supposed to get the Novasure done tomorrow and can’t now. They need to re-do the coil in left tube 😦 . So bummed. So now I need to wait another 3 months before Novasure.

    • TINA says:

      Hey Laura just wondering abut the Novasure. How do it work and what it did for u just.. I need something to stop the bleeding..

  117. Mrs. T says:

    Hi all, I am so sorry to hear of everyone’s pain and discomfort. I think they need to post some of the side effects and experiences you all are having on their site which you look there and it’s all a cake walk and wonderful. I am not sure if anyone else has had this issue (to much to read all sorry) but my Sister in law had them placed a few months after her baby was born. Which is now been a year and she’s had them for 8 months and found out she’s pregnant! My concern is the baby with the coils still in place. I’m at a lost and going to send them an email that they better change their website of no pregnancies reported! Cause I’m reporting it. Her visit at 3 months with the dye was said to be perfectly fine. I do not know if she experienced any other issues with it but getting pregnant 6-7 months later is strange enough. I was trying to do some research to see if anyone else has ever heard of this or had it happen? I was thinking of doing it but now after all I’ve seen and heard no TY! I’ll keep my Mirena! Eventually getting tubes tied. Please let me know if any of you have heard of such and if there’s any risk to baby. Thanks so much

    • Mrs. T says:

      ok just to update everyone. Sis-in-law went in and had a check-up not sure how it got brought up but she calls me and says the doc told her she had the Adiana not Essure. Which works like Essure but it’s silicone the size of a grain of rice and works in same way. Except it’s only 98.9% effective and Essure is 99.9. Now I know essure had like copyright issues or something with adiana and Fda wouldn’t approve it at first because of its pregnancy rate but followed the ones who weren’t preg. for another year and they were fine so they got approval from FDA. So will keep everyone updated as to what happens.

  118. Kakieta H says:

    OMG!! I am so happy I found this site. I had my procedure done in August of 2008. About a year after that, I started having terrible headaches and waves of nausea. It wasn’t happening often so I ignored it. Sept of 2009, I was driving and got so lightheaded I thought I was going to pass out. Went to the emergency room and after having a MRI and several blood test was told it was an “aura migraine”. Feeling has been on and off until March of 2010…it’s daily! The dizziness, heart palpations, facial tingling, arm, hand, leg and feet tiggling, headaches, sensitivity to light at times, and lower pain on the right side of my abdomen, horrible back and neck pain/tension that will not go away with medicine. My doctor suspected MS but ruled it out and have since said that I’m just having anxiety attacks! That’s a bunch of bull. I know my body and this is not right.

    After reading all those posts on the Essure procedure, I am angry that none of this information is on the Essure website. I have been suffering for months with no support from my doctor. I did print out this post and will be revisiting her.

    I’m tired and moody all the time fearing that I’m about to die at any moment…that’s when the anxiety kicks in! Thank you all for sharing and giving the rest of us some hope at a normal life again!

    • Tracy H says:

      Kakieta, you have suffered long enough! I didn’t find this site until after I had the coils removed and so I spent many years feeling like I WAS going crazy! I went through test after test after horrible test trying to find out what was wrong with me. I was the one that demanded the coils come out, if it was up to the medical profession I would be still having test after test after test. The symptoms you are experiencing ARE a result of the coils, because they are the same symptoms I and most of the other women have/had. I wish you all the best in getting them removed … I know it is so much harder in America with health insurance. Conceptus should be made accountable for all this pain and suffering!!!!!

  119. Laura says:

    Oh wow!! I cannot believe she is pregnant? Wow..I wonder what that does to the baby if both tubes were blocked?? it is too bad she did not get the Novasure done 3 months after her coils being put in..Scary

  120. Ruby says:

    I got pregnant about 8 months after I had my essure implants placed in also, My son is now 4 years old and has the worst problems with allergies, it seems as though his nose runs almost everyday all year long and he takes allergy medication, with very little relief. He also suffer with seizures and takes medication on a daily basis for the seizures. None of my four older kids have ever suffered with seizures or allergies like my 4 year old has. My sister also was very concerned for me to have become pregnant after having the essure procedure and how it would affect my child.

    • Tracy H says:

      Oh Ruby, I am SO sad to hear your story. This is just tragic. There is clearly something very wrong with these implants!

  121. Shannon says:

    Tracey how did you have the coils removed ,what doctor did you go to, and about how much did it cost? What was your down time after the you had them removed?
    I really want these things out of me.
    I went to the urnologist yesterday for a checkup and I explain to him that I started feeling these symptoms 4 months after I had essure put in.He said it could be a possiblity that they were giving me the symptoms of IC, IC is an inflamation inside you. He could not tell me for sure, but he himself thought so! This med. I am taking is $ 800.00 dollars a month untill I reach my deduc., then it is still $100.00 a month .I really can not aford this, that money could be going on things we need. I really would like to be part of having this procedure stoped. I would’nt speak so soon if your not having symptoms and you are looking at this page, the symtoms come at different times for different people, and when you get the symtoms we are having you will know what I mean, it is a very bad feeling and you feel like your wonderful life is gone.

  122. Shannon says:

    I hope that my last comment didn’t sound rude, it’s just that you feel like Essure has taken over your whole life, I would not wish that on anyone. PLEASE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD THIS REMOVED LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU WENT TO HAVE THIS REMOVED AND HOW YOU FEEL NOW!

    • Tracy H says:

      Shannon, I live in Australia and we have a pretty good health care system. I was able to have the coils removed free of charge through one of our public hospitals however I had to be on a waiting list. I waited for 11 months after it was established that the coils needed to come out. The surgeon that put them in took them out. I was given 2 options 1. Having my fallopian tubes and part of my uterus removed or 2. having my fallopian tubes and ALL of my uterus removed. I chose ALL of my uterus as I was SO concerned about continuing to have such heavy bleeding. He was able to leave my cervix in place. I was off work for 4 weeks and then 2 weeks of working with pain and discomfort

  123. ladawna says:

    I have had so many problems with essure and no one knows what to do…I had it done in 2007 My periods are so bad for 2 to 3 weeks I go through a box of tampons a day.. bad bad cramps pains in my tummy all the time.. And when me and my husband have sex he says he feels something all the time..I asked doctor about it, got a test done and the where still in place. Essure has been bad for me…It’s 4 years later and I still have all these pains..Been in and out of hospital..6 doc will not take it out and I dont have the money for them to remove them. 3 of my friends had it done and are have babies after 2 years… that scares me that more and more women are haveing babies after 2 years…

  124. Erica says:

    I have been doing research about women getting pregnant after this. It seems to be much more common than essure or the doc’s want us to think. I have read a few stroies of healthy births after the essure. One website that was dealing with infertility actually talked about recommending it for a condition of the tubes that causes infertility and then doing in vitro. Evidently there have been some in vitro’s done after essure(even though essure themselves does not reccomend this) and what the doc reported was that the coils were not bent or misplaced during the pregnancy and 1 healthy baby was born after the 1 successful in vitro round. (I just don’t know the wiseness of doing that). Mrs. T I’m telling you this in hopes that you can have some hope that your sister’s baby will be healthy. I sure hope so. I am so sorry Ruby for the health of your baby. I have done a good bit of research too on getting them removed. I’m not having pain or discomfort or weight gain but I do have heavy periods twice a month now. The doc tried to tell me that it’s just because I’m off birth control now. I don’t accept that I was off BC for 6 months before I got preg, with our 3rd child. I had NO irregular periods then I’m sure it’s because of the essure. A few of the women on here have had them removed so it can be done. There is a doctor in Chapel Hill NC that has done several reversals now. He can save your tubes and reconnect them in some instances (all depending on your scar tissue) or he can remove your tubes and from what he says in some cases that is the only option and in some cases the only option is hysterectomy. It all depends. I hope this comment is helpful to some people and Shannon I agree that people who have only had them in a few months and have had no problems should not post to quickly that it is the best procedure ever. I’m a little suprised that some women have had novasure done after this procedure. My doctor told me that is was not an option because I had essure… that the heat from novasure could heat the coils like a microwave and cause severe damage to the uterus and tubes. I’m at least thankful my doctor was honest about that. And if you have had novasure…it is no guarantee of no pregnancy…look it up there are plenty of women who have gotten pregnant after that too.

  125. sharon p says:

    OMG…This is so flipping crazy!! I had my essure procedure in June of this year. I was fine a couple days after my procedure, just a little cramping..nothing major!! Fast forward to my HSG test (Holy Crap…so much pain) If there was not an xray machine on top of me, I would have jumped up and punched my doc in the face!! At which time the dye was inserted into me and the xray showed that I had one coil penetrating my uterus wall and the other coil just hanging out inside my uterus!! LOVELY!!! So I just went through all that pain just to find out that the damn procedure didn’t work!! My doc. told me that she would do a tubal ligation and at the same time…Go in and get those coils out. Great! That sounds like a plan, I say! So, I go in to have my surgery last week (Dec. 16th) To my surprise when I awoke, my doc. tells me that the coils were no where to be found and that maybe they fell out during my menstrual period(Yah right, I thought) HELLO…wouldn’t I notice if a coil..not one but two, had come out of me?? She tells me, well if you have been having blood clots, perhaps you wouldn’t know!!! I called my doc. yesterda because I am still having pain and I am out of pain meds and really want to get to the bottom of this!! Going today at 1 o’clock !! P.S. I have been experiencing the same pain since I had the dye test!!

    • RACHEL says:

      omg thats awful, my doctor didnt even use an X ray machine or dye he went in blind and they think he broke it off inside of me. The nurse in the room asked me why I acted like it it and why i was shaking uncontrolably. i was like why dont you lay here awake while I stick think through in your uterus!

  126. Tina says:

    Hello again…I have found a doctor and go to my appointment on Jan. 5th. I will surely post here what transpires from this appointment! Wish me luck 🙂

  127. sharon p says:

    Hi All, went to the dr.s yesterday and she has ordered some blood work(just to rule some things out). She told me that it is unusual for someone to still be feeling the amount of pain that I am experiencing; a week after the tubal!! I also insisted on having an x-ray(which she said she will order on my post-op appt) Jan.13th!! She still insists that she doesn’t think that the coils are still inside me but I told her (again) that I think I would notice if something came out of me, as I am one of those people who does check the toilet everytime I go…maybe kind of gross to some of you, sorry!! Anyway, I told her I wanted the x-ray if nothing else but for peace of mind!! She has agreed so…kind of relieved about that!! I will continue to post on my progress!! Thanks Again for this site!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Sharon, you can refer your doctor to this site and let her know that it is actually VERY common to still be experiencing intense pain. I wonder if the doctors have to give back their bonus cheque if the coils get removed!

  128. RACHEL says:

    I had this procdure attempted 2 years ago. It was horrible 45 mins after he started he stopped said he couldnt get the coils in. i had my tube tied the old fashion way much better!While in there he dicovered a large cyst on my ovary that was full of blood which I am sure added to the pain during the essure procedure also that my tubes curved so bad there was no way to get the coil in with out extreme pain or something worse. I had pain after the essure and it continued. So last year I went in to my new doctor and had an ultra sound thinking it was a cyst. No cyst but something was in there. After a year of going back forth and no doctor wanting to tell me what is there I request my medical records from the orginal dr. Never recieved them until my new doctor asked for them. after she reviewed them she pretty much said she thinks he broke the coil off. I am getting a CT on the 29 of december to see forsure if that is what it is. An ultra sound or some kind of test to see how your tubes are positioned should be required. i honestly thought i was being tortured from the inside! There should be a class action law suit against this procedure.

    • Tracy H says:

      Rachel what a horrific ordeal. What an awful doctor. Malpractice BIG time!

    • sharon p says:

      That is aweful Rachel..Good Luck with your CT and I hope you get to the bottom of it!!
      I have been in HELL with my pain, hoping to get to the bottom of it sooner rather than later!!

  129. Shalia says:

    I had the Essure done in November of 05 the precedure did hurt a bit, but it was after all the problems started. I had bed cramps felt like I was in labor and heavy bleeding I bleed for about 3 months. Went back had the dye test done they said everything took and I told the doctor again about my problems he took some blood and told me everything was fine and gave me birth control pills like a week later I get letter telling me to stop taking the pills that I am going through pre menopause and I was only 23 at the time. The problems have just been getting worse sharp pains in my lower right and left stomach that at times take me to my knees bad back pain I am tired all the time I never seem to have any energy I bleed all the time sometimes for 2 months straight sometimes I will bleed normal them stop for a week bleed 10 more days stop 3 or 4 days bleed some more or sometimes they are normal but that is rare and sometimes it is very heavy I have a lot of pain sometimes during sex also. Well the doctor who did the procedure will not see me now and I cant find a doctor who will as soon as I tell them Essure they tell me to go back to the doctor who did it I had one hang up on me when I said Essure. I have tried everything I even contacted a lawyer and I thought he was making progress, but all of the sudden after 6 months of him handling my case he send me all my records and told me there was nothing he could do for me. I am all out of options and not having insurance doen’t help I think these people should be held responsible for all of this and should at least have to pay our medical expenses.

    • Tracy H says:

      Shalia … what has happened to you is despicable … health professionals are there to HELP! Your story highlights just how serious this issue is … there is something sinister going on

  130. Michelle' says:

    I had the essure done in November of 2010 and I began spotting…so I took out my Nuvaring to have a “full” period per my Dr.’s orders and that should have taken care of it…well I am still spotting/bleeding. I am not in any pain and after reading these stories…I am scared to have that dye test done.


  131. sharon p says:

    I had my x-ray yesterday, just got the results today!! The coils are still inside me!! Which is what I had suspected all along!! Next thing I have to do is get an ultrasound to pin-point their exact location and then we will figure out, where to go from here!! I will keep everyone posted on my progress!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Sharon what an ordeal, if you left it up to the professionals you would have been suffering for the rest of your life. You knew your body! Best wishes for a great outcome

      • sharon p says:

        Yes Tracy it has been quite an ordeal!! You are right about knowing my own body..Nobody knows it better than me!! Just like nobody knows your body, better than you!! It is so important to stay on the doctors if you feel like something’s wrong! You have to be your own advocate and be very persistant!!

  132. Pat says:

    I had my procedure on 12/30/10. It has been 6 days and I am still bleeding and cramping. I’ve contacted my doctor’s office and was advised that bleeding and cramping could possibly last 4 to 6 weeks. This information was no where in the brochure or on the essure website.

    Has anyone experienced the negative results for the full 4 – 6 wks? I don’t think it’s very healthy.

    Your thougths?


    • Erica says:

      pat, I’m so sorry you are having problems. I hate to tell you this but I bled for 4 mos straight. I had procedure done in june 2010. I had to take dbl birth control to get it under control. Then I started having 2 very heavy periods a month. so I started taking progesterone to get regulated, but it took several months. It seems to have worked. I have only had 1 period for dec. so I’m hoping jan will be same-so far so good. Did you have the birth control shot before getting essure? I did and my doc felt this was causing the out of control bleeding and irregular periods. I looked it up and it is a common side effect of that shot. The shot can mess your periods up for a full year-even after only one shot. I have really bad cramping now even when its not my period and its pretty unbearable during my period. I feel sure that is the dang coils fault. I hope you have a better outcome.

  133. Tina says:

    Well I went to my appointment..and the doctor said that I will have to have a nickle allergy test done by an allergist ( already set appt for feb.) and also to see a neurologist to see if my hands are stayin numb due to carpol tunnell…but he did inform me that if I am allergic to nickle then I will have to have a hysterectemy…to remove the coils. WOW…..I am extremely nervous bout the outcome of the allergy test…Never in a million years woulda dreamed I would have to have a hysterectemy at 36.

  134. Traci Nichols says:

    Sorry it’s been so long – happy new year to all! I see that more and more women are still having the issues. As it’s been stated before, listen to your body! I am thankful I was persistent! Post-hysterectomy, I sleep better, I’m down 9lbs, the tingling has gone, the hot flashes have gone, I have more energy and an overall better mood and outlook on life! I feel like I’ve gained so much that I was missing!
    The only unfortunate point to note is I still can’t find a lawyer that would take a class action case like this. I’m still searching, but it’s been a challenge. I also haven’t heard anything from the Essure manufacturer lately either. Where there’s a will, there’s a way to get this noticed and I truly believe that there’s a bit WILL!
    Hang in there everyone – keep being persistent and you will get to YOU again!

  135. Christy says:

    I had the essure procedure done in October 2008. Since that time I have gained weight (however have had weight problems in the past so I don’t know that this has anything to do with that), and mid month when I am supposedly “Ovulating” I experience severe body aches and pains, specifically with my back – I live on Midol, which does help some. Last few months the “Mid month” time is pretty much all the time. My body aches constantly, and a few days ago I experienced severe cramping and pain in my abdomen to the point where I almost made my husband take me to the ER. I never associated all of these problems to the possibility of being from the essure procedure, but I am finally at a point where it is becoming unbearable. I barely have any energy for my 2 year old and 4 year old because I ache constantly. I am on anti-depressants already for body aches, which I started shortly after the birth of my 4 year old. I have not had a period in over a month now and am worried about the possibility of essure complications or worse yet, failure. Does anyone else have these same symptoms of body aches and back pain? My sister has told me once you start becoming pre-menopausal (I am 41) the period symptoms become worse, so I sort of attributed it to that, but now I am wondering if this may be more due to the essure procedure. I also have tingling in my arms and they “fall asleep” a lot – especially at night time, which becomes so painful it wakes me up. Just curious to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing….

    • Tracy H says:

      Christy, I suffered ALL the same symptoms as you. The pain was unbearable and the lethargy was depressing. I felt like I was dying, convinced I had some serious illness / disease / cancer. All tests came back clear. Since I had the coils removed ALL symptoms have disappeared and I am almost pain free – hysterectomy comes with it’s own issues 😦 I am healthy, vibrant and full of energy. I have my spark back! The essure procedure well and truly extinguished my spark. What you are experiencing IS NOT normal, it sounds like you are suffering the way many women are due to this procedure. My heart goes out to you

    • had the tingling in arms no one even mentioned essure to be problem i had a much worse case had to have MRI and it save my life please read my post let me know what happens

  136. Julie Carlson says:

    I had the Essure procedure in October 2005. I was the 2nd one my Dr. did. The procedure was a breeze but about a year later, looking back, I started having vague symptoms. Fast forward to now–I feel like I am dying and have been to numerous doctors who have found nothing wrong. I do have hashimotos thyroiditis and some other autoimmune stuff so now I am thinking—it has to be the coils!!! It never dawned on me that the coils could be causing all of my symptoms!!! I am inspired by these posts to now check this out and especially find out about the nickel allergy since I do get rashes almost daily all over my body. So glad i found this site!! Thanks to all who have shared their experiences!

    • Tracy H says:

      Julie, it brings tears to my eyes when I read messages from women who finally discover the truth. It is just a shame that way too many are discovering the site after they have had the procedure. I know in the USA (I live in Australia) the health care system is not great so it means that women’s health issuance will not always cover the removal of the coils … IT SUCKS!!! Conceptus should be made responsible for this. I hope you have a good outcome Julie, all the best

    • please read my post and get MRI it saved my life

  137. Anna says:

    I had my procedure done on may of 2009 and am currently pregnant 13wks totaly sucos

  138. Christina says:

    I had the procedure done in March 2010. Didn’t do enough research. Wish I had. I had severe pain for days after the procedure but it eventually went away after the 5th day. The first few months my periods were heavy and I had cramps like I did when I was a teenager. Unfortunately I lost my insurance when I left my job so I never went for my follow up. The past few months were filled with pain during my period that such that the bloating had become so bad that my stomach was distended like I was 3 months pregnant. The PMS was the worst it ever was in my life, crying, depression no energy. My bowels suffered, constipation, and when I went it is extremely painful and “deformed” and gas was another symptom. Just assuming everything was safe I haven’t really used any protection. My fears may be that I am pregnant, I am going to the drugstore first thing in the am. My period is about 2 weeks late. My breasts are engorged like they did during my son’s pregnancy and I have experienced all the other symptoms as when I first did when I conceived. I will keep updated>

  139. olgspavone says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in December 2009, for the past 6 months I have not felt right, something was not good and I knew it… After 3 trips to the ER and many panic attacks, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. I too have felt tingling all throughout my body, aches and pains, etc… and have had blood work to rule out any other issues, and everything came back fine…. My Dr. has me on Celexa an Xanax if needed in my panic attacks… But this has all came after my procedure…. I never thought to think this would all be linked, but now I wonder.

  140. Meg F says:

    I am so upset reading all of these posts! I had the procedure done on November 5, 2010. My dye test is scheduled for Feb 4, 2011 but I want them removed all ready. My doctor made the procedure seem so much “less invasive” then tubal ligation. I thought I had done enough research. For the past 2 months I have had major bloating, major weight gain (15-20 lbs), blackouts, cannot sleep, severe mood swings, trouble concentrating and remembering the simplest things along with major stress & anxiety. Had a ton of bloodwork drawn and have appt this Friday with my regular family physician. Was going to ask for antianxiety or depression meds but now I just want to call my OB/GYN & flip the hell out on her for ruining my life!

    • sharon p says:

      Hi Ladies..Just wanted to update…I had my ultrasound on Monday and it showed that the coils are embedded in the muscle wall of mu uterus!! I was fortunate enough to have the radiologist come in during my U/S to read it in “real-time”!! He told me that I should be hearing from my OB/GYN by the next day (Tues)..Nope!! I did put a call into my PCP though, I wanted to make sure she was being kept in the loop!
      I have a follow-up appt with my OB/GYN today at 2:45pm. Guess that’s when she will fill me in, on the details!! I am so sick of feeling sick and in pain!! Also…sorry if I sound like a broken record…I’m pretty sure you all understand!! Thank You all for sharing your stories!!!

    • please read my post get MRI asap let me know the results the obg won’t help much at least mine didn’t.

  141. sharon p says:

    Went to Ob/Gyn today..she will be scheduling my partial hysterectomy asap!!! She was very apologetic and sincere and assured me that I would not have to pay for any of this..I feel so relieved!! Still in pain but relieved!! Soon it will all be a bad memory!!

    To all of you…be persistant and stay focused!! You are your best advocate!!! If things aren’t “Right” it is your responsibilty to make it so!! Have a Great Night!!! 🙂

    • Julie Carlson says:

      Wow–I am so happy for you and that your doctor listened!!! I am just starting to figure out how to proceed with all of this. I have had these coils in now over 5 years and have had all of the symptoms that everyone has mentioned here. Time to do something about it!!!

      • sharon p says:

        Julie…I cannot believe that you have been suffering for 5 years now!! I have only been going through my ordeal for about 5 months now and I am going out of my mind!! You definately should look into making things right with yourself!!!! Keep us posted on your progress!!!

  142. Liberty says:

    I had esure put in, 6 weeks after my daughter was born in June 2010. Went back to my Dr to get check to make sure my tubes were closed. He gave me the green light. I haven’t had to many problems with them, but I have noticed around the time of my period, when I’m supossed to ovulate, or after sex that I get a sharp stabbing pain going from my left tube down to my knee cap. and I have had some weight gain in my stomach, but I have chalked that up to not eating right with 3 kids under 5 in the house, and not getting a minute to make a healthy meal for myself except for dinner 🙂 It’s been almost 5 months since I got these things put in and I’ve talked to my Dr about the pain. He said that it was weird, but that my tubes are closed and not to worry. I’ve talked to my cousin who had it done about 3yrs ago and she hasn’t had any problems what so ever with them, but she did have to have one side taken out and have a new spring put in becuase the placement was way off and her tube would close at all. I’m so glad I found this message board!

  143. Marla says:

    I had the Essure proceedure done June 2009. I had pain from the beginning and my doctor just looked at me weird when I told him . He said that it isn’t from the Essure . I started having bleeding all the time in September, so he put me on birth control . I thought this is so stupid ! I have been taking birth control pills for 3 months and the bleeding is lighter but I still bleed everyday and always when I have sex . I also have leg pain and numbness . The pain in my pelvis is so bad to the point that I double over . I can’t do anything like I use to . I am tired all of the time too .It seems like my health keeps getting worse . My doctor said that I should get an ablasion or hysterectomy . I wasn’t sure what to do so I started researching . I felt that the ablasion wouldn’t help my pain . Then I found this blog and now I know that it’s the Essure for sure now . I will be looking for a doctor that will remove them very soon . I also want to seek legal action . We all need to band together and make someone take responsibility .

  144. Ann says:

    Oh wow…I have had the Essure in since Oct 2003, only a couple of months after having my 4th child..
    I was put to sleep for the procedure, and when I woke, my doctor said everything went fine except that it took a little longer than usual to insert, and that I would have little cramping. But should be ok. Within 6mos of the procedure, I had to have local injections into my left side, because I was having severe leg pain.My doctor had told me that it was possible to have a pinch nerve from the procedure. I stopped the injections, because I just couldn’t bare to get the shots on a weekly basis. And there was nothing else they could do..
    I am now 37yrs. And now, I have been having alot off issues with my health..I cut myself shaving in 2008, that it turned into a bad infection, and it still wont heal completely. I have steriod creams that barely work for it. And then I have severe water retension that I can not get rid of, I half to take lasix on a daily basis. And now lately, every time I have my menstral cycle my cramps are so severe that I can not work. Nothing seems to be taking the pain away. I went into seeing my regular Dr. in 2009 and 2010 And they had me go in for an ultrasounds. They said they found a cyst on my left ovary, and that maybe it was causing my pain. So they have me go back in every 6 mos to check on this cyst. But within the last 6 mos now, I have been having really severe cramps, and now I have new pains, to where I was thinking that I have a pinched nerve in my back. But I am now starting to think it may be cause of this Essure..I am really thinking after reading all these stories, that I really want to get this thing out of my body..

    Thank you,


    • Tracy H says:

      Ann, your awful experience sounds very similar to mine. All my symptoms went away after I had the coils removed. Coincidence? I think not!

  145. Tracy H says:

    Hope … I understand your desperation. Nickel sensitivity is a contraindication for having the Essure procedure done however I haven’t come across any woman on this site that was given a nickel sensitivity test or even told about it before having the procedure. I discovered it by my own research 4 years after I had the coils inserted! Did you know that approx 10% of the female population are sensitive to metal? I do believe it is more than just the nickel sensitivity however. There is something seriously wrong with what these coils do to your body.

  146. Tracy H says:

    I meant to type sensitive to nickel not metal

  147. Chandra says:

    I had my daughter August of 2008 and had the essure procedure 6 weeks after she was born. Afterwards I have had no complications and missed periods until now, which is January 2011, I just found out that I’m 5 weeks pregnant!!!! This procedure did not work for me and the doctors are trying to find out why. If anyone has had this issue please contact me immediately..Also, if you have a lawyer involved I would really like to know. Thank you Chandra Hawkins…

  148. Tiffany says:

    I wish I had found this forum and researched the Essure procedure more thoroughly. I just had this procedure performed last Friday (01/14/11) and a week later I am still in severe pain. I am so upset and feel very misinformed by my doctor. During one of my routine exams I mentioned to my gynecologist that I was interested in a more permanent form of birth control that didn’t involve hormones since I wanted to stop taking the pill. I asked if he had any recommendations for a doctor that my husband could go to for a vasectomy or how I would go about tubal sterilization. My doctor quickly jumped on the question and told me that I shouldn’t make my husband go through that pain and that I should try this “great” alternative method called the Essure. He advised that it was a very simple procedure that could be done right in his office and was a much better choice since most insurance companies will cover all or most of the cost. He said that I wouldn’t even need anesthesia and all I would experience would be very mild cramping during and immediately after the procedure however I would be back on my feet within 24 hours or possible even that same day. My doctor gave me Essure’s pretty little brochure to take home and review. He asked that I highly consider the procedure and to call his staff later in the week to setup an appointment if I wanted. I went home that night and read what I refer to as a “sugar coated Essure procedure brochure”. After discussing with my husband we decided that it looked like a great option and it kept my husband from having to be sore and off work for several days if he did the vasectomy. I called my doctor’s office the next day and they jumped on my call. The nurse said she would check with my insurance on cost coverage and do all the leg work. Within an hour she called back and said all I had to pay was my $35 co-pay and they could bring me in next week to do the procedure. She mentioned that she would mail me some more information on the procedure preparation (which I never received oddly enough). So last Thursday the day before my procedure I called the doctor office to confirm my appointment and see if I needed to do anything special before the big day. She said that I needed to go to the pharmacy that day and pickup FOUR medications that she was about to call in. When I questioned what they were all needed for the nurse just advised that one was an antibiotic and the others were for pain and relaxation and to bring all four with me to the appointment. I should have realized right then and there that this procedure was going to be a bit different than I expected. I went in the next day and immediately the nurse called me back to get an injection of some sort of medication to calm me (I received this shot in my lower back/hip area). Then she had me take a xanex and 800mg ibuprophene. An hour later I received another injection of something and the procedure was performed. It took about 20 minutes and I found it to be very uncomfortable and more like severe cramping and sharp pains. I went home in tears and rested. All weekend I was spotting/bleeding and having major cramps similar to labor pains. On Tuesday of this week I called my doctor back and explained how bad I was feeling. He said he was very busy and didn’t have much time for me but that I could stop in and he could check me. He took not even 5 minutes with me and said that there’s no way I should be having this so called pain from the Essure procedure. He also said he doesn’t know why I’d be bleeding (really reassuring). He said that maybe I’m just not taking enough pain meds. I was very upset and felt like he thought I was making up my pain and discomfort. He said to take 2 Hydrocodone and 2 800mg Ibuprophene every 4 hours. This is not a possible “solution” for me since I have to work and can’t be drugged up all the time. Now yesterday I began experiencing additional side effects…lower back pain/aches…and a bloated/full feeling. I’m also feeling the need to urinate very often. I know I am not pregnant because I am actively still taking my birth control pills. I also still have brownish bleeding/discharge. I don’t know what to do and feel so alone and helpless. I’m hesitant to call my doctor because he makes me feel crazy and stupid. He was so kind and understanding before the procedure and now it’s a totally different story…almost like he got the money and now doesn’t want to deal with me anymore. Any suggestions or feedback? It’s been exactly a week and I am in an equal amount of pain with new complications arising.

    I know my story was long but I’m hoping other women will read this and highly consider another option for their birth control. I’m sure there’s lots of women out there who have had the procedure and been perfectly fine, but doctors shouldn’t brush off those of us who are experiencing pain and discomfort from Essure.

    Please feel free to email me at I’d welcome any support or feedback on similar experiences. Thanks! -Tiffany

  149. i had procedure done 7-1-08 in mass in doc off. w/ essure rep. all well until a month later got period and it never stopped. Asked essure ob, pcc no one would help. first it was depo shot called depo they said no way after 3 months it was 6 months.Essure said I could spot foever ?what…Made another apt like 3rd or 4th time for same problem i wanted them out he said no insur won’t pay. waited another 2 months went back luckly i got another doc she did swab it came back in seconds that i had infection she gave anti botic for 2 weeks. period finally stopped yea. NOT.2 weeks later got spotting everyday again she gave birth control over phone.she didn’t even have me come in. Exactly 1 month later began to get numbness right side of tongue went to ER said i pulled a muscle threwing up two days before. went to pcc next day they said it was my tyriod so called him he saID NO WAY its tyriod .By now only 3 days later lips and chin numb. I referred myself to ENT doc was so sick used own pen cuz i didn’t want others to get sick. he had no idea why so he ordered MRI for next week .Drove home like i was drunk. Went to bed next morning woke up could barely walk and was hyper ventilating , threw up uncontrolably i knew something serious was wrong. went to er told them everything gave me cat scan saw nothing? How. sent home with meds for verdigo. 2 days later went to dentist cause its the mouth right? x rays show nothing could be bell paulsy. Had MRI doc can’t look at it for 2 more days i have cd of scan asked pc to get report she refuses i again self refer to Neuor. doc he looks at slide oh i see problem he says.U Have A 1.5 by 1.3 cc tumor on the top of brain stem in the middle of your BRAIN. Sent to Boston they run MRI daily 3 Spinal taps numerous blood test they have no clue Sent me home with PIKE to the heart and had to have the strongest antibotic pumped into me every 6 hrs. for 6 weeks . By the time i had left hospital i had to learn to walk,right,feed my self everything. i was only 33 and now i’m on disablity cuz everything is still numb. i can only cry out of one eye my hearing has diminissed and i’ll problaly never get my balance or feeling back again. So if you get numb ask for MRI asap cuz if they listened to me i might not be dissabled. if u know if this has happened to u or someone u know we can stand together and sue them.Thank u and please contact me if u have any questions

    • Nicole says:

      My friend had the same proceedure done approximately a year ago. Last month began getting ringing in her ear when she laid down to the point her husband and private doc could hear it. she went to an ENT who said it was possibly cardiac, while waiting for Cardiologist went to the ER with a migraine and stroke like symptoms, while in the ER had seizure activity and was admitted to ICU. She was averaging 8-10 seizures a day lasting about 20 min each. She was released from the Hospital weeks later after 30 hours of being seizure free. When she got home the symptoms begain all over again, lasting longer in duration. Now she is experiencing paralysis on one side of her body due to prolonged seizure activity, they have run every test possible in two different hospitals she is now going to her third hospital. None of the doctors can find a cause or a diagnosis. I was reading your blog and you had very similar symptoms minus the seizures was just wondering if you had the proceedure rev ersed and what was the outcome. Thank You for your time.

  150. Debbi says:

    I had the coils inserted in February 08. I was never asked if I was allergic to Nickel. As a child I was diagnosed with a Nickel allergy that was believed that I had out grown. I had three of my six kids have a reaction to Nickel as babies and they too outgrew the allergy. When I was a child, the reaction I had was my skin peeled like after being burned by the sun. I now for the past 2 years have been experiencing severe problems with my ears. An allergic type reaction. I also get constant infections in my eyes. I have been to the emergency room 3 times and all they tell me is that they don’t know what is causing my symptoms. So, today I mention to my mom…what if there is Nickel in the coils they put in me? What if all I have been going through is my body reacting to the coils? So, I sit down at my computer and I find these posts. And I sat here and cried. Not sure if anyone else has similar experience as I have had but, I have experienced so many of the symptoms of others. I was one of the first my Dr performed the procedure on and at the same time he performed the Novasure procedure, which was to make my periods go away. Since then, not only do I still have regular monthly periods. They are heavy and with clots. I suffer with cramps for 2 weeks before my period even starts. I also feel like I am going to black out a lot and it scares me to the point of panic. I have pain on my left side and cuts I have had since the procedure have taken forever to heal and leave horrible marks. Insomnia is one of the worst symptoms I have. I am lucky if I sleep more than 3 hours a night. It is helpfu.l to know that I am not crazy or alone.

    • Tracy H says:

      Debbi you are definitely not going crazy and you are not alone! My doctor deliberately deceived me, telling me the coils were made from titanium and very safe. It was only due to my own research that I discovered they also had nickel in them. I then took myself to an allergy specialist and he told me that I did indeed have a nickel sensitivity. When I told my doctor of my research he admitted to being concerned about the nickel component because his wife is allergic to nickel and knows how bad the body can react to it! So why did he withhold this information … money??? Doctors get a generous bonus to carry out this procedure

  151. Susie says:

    If you are having problems, you and your doctor should report these problems to the Federal Drug Administration. Doctor’s do not always report the problems if they are mild. I urge everyone to report problems with this device to:

    Where to Submit a Medical Device Report
    Form 3500 VOLUNTARY MedWatch Reporting Form
    Health professionals and consumers may submit reports of device adverse events or product problems to FDA via the MedWatch program in one of the following ways:

    online at: MedWatch Online Reporting Form 35001
    by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088
    by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178
    by mail to:
    The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program
    Food and Drug Administration
    5600 Fishers Lane
    Rockville, MD 20852-9787


  152. sharon p says:

    I have some good news…My surgery for my hysterectomy has been moved up from March 29th to Next Tuesday!!! I had to turn into a Bitch but I had to do what I had to do!!! I will soon be freed from these friggin Coils!!!!! I am having my last menstual period right now and will be so happy to say good bye to that as well!!!

    • Christina says:

      How did your surgery go and how are you feeling now that you’ve had them removed? I have the excessive weight gain, painful periods, achey leg muscles and the sharp pains in my abdominal area. I thought this was from the C-Section. After reading all the stories and I’m quite worried.

  153. Kimberly says:

    Oh ladies, I am experiencing the same issues. I didnt know what was going on though. I have not gone yet for my scan to make sure that they are in the right place. That appt is tomorrow. I have been to my PCP a few times though because I just feel aweful. Within 3 weeks I gained 17lbs. I was scared out of my mind that something was really wrong with me. I had testing done and the doc said that I was ok. I was prescribed diet pills. I had the Essure procedure done Nov 2010 and 3 months later I am miserable. I thought that it was from the Deprovera shot..but after reading all of this, I think its the Essure. Has anyone found out what to do yet?

  154. Lesley says:

    I am having my procedure done tomorrow. Of course after reading this I am scared to death now. I am going to be praying that I don’t have any problems. I will post my story good or bad… wish me luck !

  155. Leslie faubdez says:

    I gave a constant pain in my back and left leg. Is not going away and I don’t like taking pain killers. I will like to know if this is normal or what should I do

  156. Amanda says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in Oct 2009 the pain started right after went back to Dr. several times he just brushed me off saying its scar tissue forming, it was always on my left side felt like a stabbing pain. I had the HSG dye test Feb. 2010 say 100% blocked so Dr. said it was good for me to get off birth control. still always in pain thinking that i will just have to deal with it the Dr. suggested i have get a hysterectomy since I’m complaining about pain & i was done having kids so i was scheduled to have that done Dec. 2010 but didn’t get that far in Nov 15th i find out Im 6 WEEKS PREGNANT baby where it should be. Hubby & i were/are shocked we were done having kids but what scares me the most is I’m still in pain & the Dr say it can’t be the Essure . I’m now 18 weeks & the pain some days just doubles me up its making me crazy

    • jesi says:

      Hello Ladies!!
      I want to start out by saying that I am so happy that I found this site. I did research before I had the procedure done but I wish that I had found this blog sooner it may have saved me alot of pain and hassles. I had the Essure procedure done December 2008. Initially I was very satisfied with it and it took about 8-10 months for things to start going wrong. I do not have alot of the severe issues that some women have but I do have extreme pain on a frequent basis. I am now convinced after doing extensive research that it is due to my nickel sensitivity. At the time of the surgery I did not know that there was nickel in the coils, i was not tested for a nickel allergy which i have learned that the doctors are supposed to preform this test but hardly ever do. But all that aside, I am now trying to get these horrible things out of my body. So my question is since I do not want to have anymore children is having a partial to possibly full hysterectomy the way to go or should i go to georgia and have them removed? I am 28 also if that helps at all. please let me know what experiences you have had, your opinions or anything that may be helpful to me. Thank you ladies I am so thankful to have found this site for awhile i thought that i was crazy and the only woman in the world that has issues with the essure. but now i know that essure is a horrible mistake and anyone i know that has considered having this surgery i have advised them against it

  157. Duanika says:

    Hello ladies,
    I have read every single story blogged on this site and wish to hell the I knew in June of 2010 what I know now, I too was deceived, and when I told the doctor how I felt , she said it wasn’t the procedure, I could not feel the coils. As women we know are bodies, hell we’ve been dealing with them all our lives, not these doctors. It’s February and I still feel off, can’t have a normal sex life, due to constant bleeding, fortunately my husband is very understanding. I don’t recommend any women get this done. I am getting ready for a lawsuit. I have four children to take care of and can’t because I don’t have the energy, I’m tired, and sore. I know for a fact that I have a high sensitivity to nickel, and bullshit. I have informed the FDA, the Dr. and whomever else will listen, I will go to Oprah if I have to. Ladies we all need to take a stand, we are responsible for what happens to our bodies within our control, let’s make the doctors pay for what they are responsible for. I pray for all who have this procedure, and those thinking about it (DON’T) ;take care. CAN YOU SAY LAWSUIT!!!!!!!

    • Dawn says:

      How do I find out if I have a sensitivity to nickel? I don’t know where to start. This is so overwhelming and I’m miserable. I feel too tired to battle doctors. (Wow, that was not well written.)

      • Tracy H says:

        Dawn I took myself to an allergy specialist. Remember, you don’t have to have an allergy only a sensitivity. The patch test that I had to leave on for 48 hours drove me insane with irritation. I could hardly stand it however when the patch came off it didn’t have the visual result the specilaist was expecting. It was based on my experience that he concluded that I was sensitive to nickel. Also, do you get pain after wearing metal earrings? My ears woul get red and sometimes pussy. I had no idea that alot of jewellry has nickel in it.

  158. sharon p says:

    Hi ladies..I am 11 days post-op from my hysterectomy and i am getting better and better with each day!! I am so happy to finally have those damn coils out of me!! I already feel better than I did before my hysterectomy!!! Physically and emotionally!! Keep on sharing your stories..and maybe we can stop other woman from having the essure procedure!!
    Duanika..I’m very glad to hear that you are telling whoever will listen..we woman have to speak up and not just take a doctors opinion at face value..we know our bodies better than anyone else!! Also…contact your insurance company and let them know the hell your going through..they maybe willing to step in and work with you!!! My insurance co. has been great!!! Thay actually have been calling me about every two weeks since this nightmare started..they were actually about to assign be a case manager to move the process along but fortunately another route that i had persued panned out!!
    Have a Great Day Ladies!!! Don’t be silent!!!

  159. Melissa wilcox says:

    I have all the same symptoms, i don’t what made me look but i just decided to research a little i wish i would of done this sooner.. I had mine put in Dec 2009 and about 6-8 months later stated having the panic attacks and the weakness in my arms and legs etc… i have been put on a couple different pills for depression and anxiety, and i have never had these problems before… i also get a shortness of breath and have had a couple pulmonary tests done.. I am calling tomorrow to make an appt to try and have these removed.. I am very scared after reading all these reviews..

  160. Racheal says:

    i was just wondering if any of you ladies after getting the essure has repeatedly gotten a bacteral infection? i have never gotten them before and i am getting them almost monthly. i am a very clean person so my doctor isnt sure why i keep getting them either. im wanting to get it reversed to hopfully stop the infections. i am also having the painfull intercourse and back pain, and pains in my abdomen right at my ovries that doubles me over. but was just wondering if any of you was getting the infections or if im alone with that.. thank you

    • Tracy H says:

      Rachel I had a never ending bacterial infection the whole time I had the coils in. Sadly, I havn’t had any success getting rid of it since the hysterectomy as bacterial infection is common after a hysterectomy too. It is ruining my life. I had the coils put in after my divorce because I didn’t want anymore children but because of all the problems with the coils I have been single ever since – 6 years 😦

      • Racheal says:

        thank you Tracy, i really thought it was just me or my imagination at work with all of that. but i have an appointment to talk with my ob/gyn on tuesday. hopefully we can get them out and the infections will stop

    • Shannon says:

      Racheal I have had the same symptoms as you. I had essure put in me a little over 3 years ago. At first everything was fine, about 3 to 4 months later i started having different symtoms of infection . I got tired of going to the doctor because most of the time the doctor gave me a presciption and sometimes it would take it away and sometimes it would’nt, most of the time when she got tests results back she would tell me nothing was wrong, she did’nt know why I was feeling that way

      • Racheal says:

        i keep getting put on the same prescription as well this is the 3rd time that i went to see what they could do and the same meds all 3 times. then my ob tells me yesterday that it can not be reversed till i told him that i looked it up and it can be. he wasnt happy about that. then he said hes not sure he can and that im “dealing with the devil” when it comes to getting the essure takin out. i just want them gone now.

    • Shannon says:

      Sorry my computer cut me off , anyway I have had something that feels like an infection. At first I didn’t want to think it was essure, but that is when it all started at first it happened maybe three to four times a year, but the past year has been non stop there is always something wrong, and I also was having pain after intercourse with my husband. I say was because I am on a med called elmiron, it has helped but there is a diet that is very hard to stay on that goes along with the elmiron. I am at this time seeing a urinolgist due to all the problems I have been having.Here is a list of my problems( bladder pain, need to urinate alot, burning fluid gushing out of me, something that looks like toiet paper in my pee sometimes, I think maybe its to much tissue forming inside of me, anyways I have wrote a few times before if you look back at my name. I have had many problems this year, the med. I am on is for something called ic , But it also helps with inflamation, I think essure is giving me a infection and that is why the elmiron is helping. I live in Texas. In march during spring break I am going to Gainsville, GA. to have this surgury reversed. There is also a surgury where they can go in a take out the essure and tie your tubes at the same time. There is only two places I have found who can reverse it without having a hysterectomy. One is in North Carolina and then the one I am going to is in Gainesville, Ga. They have a website (www. there # is 877-588-5594 I Pray this is the last of my pain and I am back to normal, I will let you know how things turn out. I hope this is helpful.

      • Tracy H says:

        Shannon, the fluid that would gush from me (not urine) would often burn my skin. At first I thought I had herpes as the skin on my vulva would blister. I wasn’t sure how I would have got herpes as I wasn’t having sex with anyone however I went for a blood test just to be sure. It was negative. The gushes of acidic fluid continued, frequently, without warning until the coils came out. I would also get a similar white, thick, stringy white substance come out of me, again, gone after the coils were removed. I would need to urinate ALL the time and now I urinate normally. Good luck Shannon, I hope you can have the coils removed without a hysterectomy

    • Candace says:

      I am just noticing signs of vaginal burning and a discharge with odor. Haven’t beent to the dr yet, but am going to make an appt. I had my procedure done in Sept 2010. No pains anywhere to speak of.

  161. Christna says:

    I have the procedure done in April 2010 and have expericened some if the symptons but not all. Has anyone had them removed?

  162. Racheal says:

    hey ladies was just wondering if any of you have had regular bactiral infections since your essure? i have been wanting to get my essure removed for about a year its been that long since ive been having them on a regular basis. im a very clean person so i have no clue why i would be getting them like i am. it is leading my boyfriend to believe that i am cheating on him and im not, i love the man with all i have. but have any of you had to deal with this since your essure?

    • Scheree says:

      omg I have had that same problem.. it seems it was one right after another.. wow this is all adding up now .

    • katrina says:

      same here i just got treated for one, i blve they should have affordable reversal rteatment for those with complications and those who just want them remove,, i wish i wldve never gotten this done!!!

  163. Racheal says:

    sorry for the double post my computer is acting up

  164. Mandi says:

    I had my Essure procedure in the end of May 2010, a few months before my 24th birthday. I have a 5 year old, a two year old, and a one year old. My older sister had it done and had no pain. I could feel the coils going in and almost passed out or puked on the nurse. I was put on the Depo shot for the procedure and had my last shot in June, but I bleed the whole time on the shot, so I did not stop bleeding until the end of August. I did not have my period again until the beginning of this month, but it was heavy and instead of the usual cramps I had stabbing pain mostly on my left side. I have had problems with my arms going numb since I had my oldest daughter in 2005, a surface numbness. In September 2010, I started getting a stabbing pain in my right forearm, which has now spread to both arms from my shoulders down. I am in pain constantly and at times it feels like someone is cutting my bones. I thought the numbness, which was never painful before, was connected, but now I’m not so sure with reading about other women and their unexplained pain. I have been tested for rheumatoid arthritis, MS , and everything else, but the only result is a high vitamin D, 99, 51 points from lethal. I do not eat healthy, (I know I should), and I am always running around with my kids. My doctor says I am just fat (I am 5’9″ and 180 lbs) and I lift my fat kids too much, that is why I have the pain. But I weigh less than I did at one point in HS and my kids are a little big, but I can just be sitting there and have shooting pain in my arms. I would like answers and no one can give them. I am going to a new neurologist next week and I am going to mention Essure, but I think I will just be looked at like I am crazy…

    • Melissa wilcox says:

      That is the way i feel, crazy, whenever i bring it up…

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        You should never feel crazy for bringing up something to a physician or anyone in the medical field. If the person you are speaking with does not choose to want to listen or believe you then move to the next person. There are many women here who are going through the exact same thing. If they didn’t have the courage to come forward then others would never know of the problems that are happening to all of you.

        You are far from crazy and you are suffering. There are many here that offer support and a shoulder to lean on and are willing to put up a good fight to be heard!!!


    • michelle says:

      Mandi photo copy all the above posts and take them with you,
      i was made to feel i was going mad as well,

      I am getting rid of my evil essures next month and cant wait, even though it means im having a hysterectomy.

      Dont be fobed off, you know your own body.

      Good luck

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        As Michelle stated take copies of this page and print them out. You certainly will not be the first to do this and you are more than welcomed to take whatever you need from this site. If you need help with anything please feel free to contact me at:

        I will be more than happy to send anything you may need in the way of posts or information to help you.


  165. ukok says:

    Interesting reading all this. Thnak you. I am almost 40 never really had a problem with weight gain, figured it was my age as cannot seem to lose any. Had essure in Jun 2010 periods irregular and usually just after sex. Thought perhaps the catheter was left in. finally made an appointment and will have an ultra sound soon to see if all is well and nothing there that shouldn’t be. But reading this I wonder if I am heavier because of essure? The HSG procedure was by far the worst experience ever and I have had 3 kids. no one tole me to take motrim and I almost passed out several times trying to get back to my car. I was sedated for procedure although didn’t feel great on my right side and sex irritated my right side for a whil and is sill the one side to flare up. Sorry to hear all the qwful stories but glad Iam not a nut job. Thanks for speaking out and giving a safe place to comment.

  166. Samantha says:

    I had the essure procedure done on December 31, 2010. It was done 6 weeks post and since it was right after delivery I was recommended Depo shot. I did take it the day I had my son and 6 weeks later had the Essure procedure. It had stopped bleeding prior to the procedure. The day the procedure was done I had no pain and everything went smooth. It took 4 minutes from start to finish and I felt fine..however it has been after that my problems have started.

    i have spotted nonstop since having could be said it was the Depo but it has been over three months since that and I don’t think it is. I can’t drop any weight..only gain..i even went on nutrisystem to see since it is a laid out plan..lost 2 pounds the first week and have now gained back 5 pounds still eating the same way. I feel bloated all the time…always swollen to the point that my rings fit super tight. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like I am going crazy. This is no joke. I am super depressed..cry half the day over stupid stuff and then can be fine. It’s like a roller coaster of emotions. I always feel dehydrated so matter how much I drink and have headaches all the time. I have never felt like this my entire life. I have cramps all the time and lower back pain…even my right hand feels tingly and numb most of the time

    I have a doctor appointment today with my family doctor. I figured i would start at square one to see what they have to say..i am sure they will run tests..if everything comes back fine then it has to be the Essure procedure. If it is then I won’t think twice about having it removed…our insurance probably won’t pay but I can’t live my life with the way I feel now. It’s miserable.

  167. Tracy H says:

    Samantha I know it is important to rule out other potential reasons for your symptoms however you are experiencing the same problems that most of the women are/have suffered that have had this procedure. Just be reassured that YOU ARE NOT CRAZY.

    • Samantha says:

      Thanks Tracy.
      I went to the doctor yesterday and he did just the basic blood work to cover everything (this was our family doctor) and ofcourse gave me an antidepressant..but the moods have been so bad I welcome it right now. I really feel like I am going crazy. When the blood work comes back and if everything shows fine I told my husband my next step will be going to the be checked for nickel allergies. I would rather be able to back it up especially since my doctor said that he has never had a patient have any problems with this procedure. From reading the above posts there was one that actually clicked. I have never been able to wear earrings unless they were nickel free/hypoallergenic. Never been able to wear gold earrings or anything as it itches like crazy and even will cause the holes where they were to scab up..i have just always joked and told my husband that I have to wear cheap earrings but there may be something to that.

      I didn’t discuss essure with the family doctor..honestly it didn’t even cross my mind since I was just covering how I felt. My husband ofcourse said that should had been the first thing out of my mouth but it really wasn’t. I was feeling so bad yesterday that I just tried to get the symptoms in. The tingling sensation that I am getting in my fingers, palm of hand and foot sometimes..he isn’t sure about. He did a test to check for diabetes but I don’t think that’s what it is. But I will know for sure in a couple of days and then can take other steps. I so regret getting this done. I should had went by my first choice which was a tubal after baby was born but the doctor talked me out of it telling this procedure was much better and safer. I am starting to disagree. It drives me crazy how Essure sugar coats everything. I never thought to look up symptoms and tie them to Essure. I read the brochure and their website and everything sounded wonderful. It wasn’t until I started feeling “off” myself that I did a search and found all this other stuff. After reading all the other stuff that sounds like what I am experiencing I went back to the essure website and read the fine print. I think it’s terrible that they don’t list all the things that could happen. I also feel that doctors should require a nickel test before doing the procedure. They should look out for their patients and not just shrug something off that can cause problems.

      • sharon p says:

        Samantha…I hope you get to the bottom of it!!! Do not let your doctors shrug you know your body better than anyone!! Essure ruined my life for the past 6 months or so..I had my hysterectomy about 3 weeks ago and already starting to feel normal again!!

      • Tracy H says:

        Samantha I heart goes out to you.

        I took myself to an allergy specialist. Remember, you don’t have to have an allergy only a sensitivity. The patch test that I had to leave on for 48 hours drove me insane with irritation. I could hardly stand it however when the patch came off it didn’t have the visual result the specilaist was expecting. It was based on my experience that he concluded that I was sensitive to nickel.

        Copied and pasted from an earlier reply I made

  168. Betty says:

    I had the essure done in 2008 after my OB/GYN said I had too much scar tissue from C-sections to have a tubal. For the past two years I have been in pain and not sure what it is from – needless to say the doctors hadn’t been so helpful. I have an appointment with a general surgeon – my hernia surgery did not hold – and will certainly mention the essure posts here. My pain is centered mainly where my uterous would be with some severe pain to the right under my ribcage (not appendix) and intercourse is very painful to the extent I can not express any joy or the orgasms put me in another level of pain … my center area is much larger than the rest of me – oddly large for my size

  169. Paula says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in Dec 2005 along with a fibroid ablation. My periods were irregular for a while, but eventually normalized. By the way, I agree with others about the discomfort of the HSG procedure. About a year ago, I noticed that I started experiencing pain during intercourse as well as an occasional discharge that contained mucous with a tinge of blood. The doctor initially attributed it to a small fibroid. I went for a sonogram bi-monthly as a precautionary measure. After my period was 3+wks late this January, I went to see the doctor. Since I’m 42, she ordered blood tests to check for early menopause. I just came home from a sonogram today where I was told that both Essure coils have migrated from my fallopian tubes and are lodged in my uterus. Has this happened to anyone else? I have to go for a consult with another doctor on March 24th since my current GYN doesn’t perform the procedure. My guess is that I will have to have them removed which is a bit unnerving. Any words of advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

    • vervilledeb1 says:


      Yikes, I am so sorry to hear this! A bit unnerving?! You seem to be calmer about this than I would be at this point. And why such a long wait to see the other doctor…that is ridiculous.

      I am hoping someone will come forward that has experienced this. I truly feel for you and please keep us posted.


      • Paula says:

        Thanks, Deb. In all honesty, I chose the first appt available after work. I know it sounds silly, but I didn’t want to take the day off. The main reason is that my brother is having a large tumor removed from around his carotid artery so I didn’t want to take another day off since I’ll be in NYC for the entire day with him on 3/14. You’re right. I probably shouldn’t wait so long. The other thing is that I’m currently in school for my doctorate and plan to graduate in May. My hope is that any surgical procedure can be delayed until after that time. I obviously have some decisions to make and realize I must get my priorities in order.

  170. Stacy says:

    I had the essure procedure done in October of 2005. I regret the decision. My periods are heavy and I spot days before. I also get pinching in my stomach. I can not wait to have them removed. worst mistake ever.

  171. Traci Nichols says:

    I have to say, although I continue to read the despair that everyone is going through, it make me happy to know that there are so many women that are willing to speak out about this! My experience was so much like all of yours and if it wasn’t for continuing to pursue my issues, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

    6 months after my hysterectomy and getting those damn coils out of me, I am feeling better than ever! I’m down 20 lbs, with less than 20 to go to my normal ‘me’. I have energy. I have confidence again. I can sleep and without pain! Keep pressing your doctors and tell them that YOU KNOW YOUR BODY!

    I’ve not received any feedback from Conceptus but I keep trying, I still have difficulty finding a lawyer that will listen to US and take on a case. It’s frustrating, but I’m still trying.

    Ladies – this is your body and this is our right to pursue justice…keep posting and keep up the encouragement to all the others. WE are what will make sure that this doesn’t continue to happen to other women! IT WILL GET BETTER! I’m living proof of that!

  172. Betty says:

    Can anyone elaborate on the pain you feel in your stomache and during intercourse pain? I am experiencing pain in both areas and would like to know if maybe it matches so when I see the doctor next week I can have a stronger case to remove them. Does anyone know if a pelvic ultrasound will answer if my coils have moved or changed?


    • Paula says:

      Yes, Betty. When I had my ultrasound done yesterday, the coils had clearly left the fallopian tubes and migrated into my uterus. The doctor showed me and they looked like two small bottle brushes. It was quite a frightening sight to see.

      I, too, have experienced pain during intercourse but have not experienced pain otherwise. Changing to a different position usually alleviates the pain, but it’s a hassle and certainly ruins the moment. It’s also quite frightening for my significant other because the last thing he wants to do is cause me pain. I wish you luck. Let’s keep each other posted.

  173. Traci Nichols says:

    Vicky W. – I’m sorry to hear about your struggles. I’m still working on building strength, as well. However, with all the aerobic exercise I’ve been doing, plus P90x 3 times a week, I’m feeling stronger (and of course the weight is coming off). From my end, the weakness was most likely due to my lack of energy and overall lethargy – now that my energy and ambition has come back, I figure that I’ll be able to rebuild the muscle that had diminished. I guess time will tell! Hang in there! I’m positive that things will get better!


      Traci N.

      I feel absolutely 90% better than I did when I had the coils in. The physical therapist is saying that when inflammation occurs, the muscles weaken. I guess that is what has happened. I have a great amount of energy and being able to sleep at night is wonderful!!!! I gained 10 lbs with the coils and since I have that weight!!!! The muscle weakness is NOTHING compared to the pain….Muscle strength is hard to get back, but working on it day by day!!!!!



      Upon going to my GYN for my yearly checkup, he informed me that a Dr. in Houston is trying funding for women in prisons to have Essure or Mirana procedures done as a method of birth control!!!!!!!! I was flabergasted!!!! My GYN still supports this procedure and I am the only one that has had issues. I asked my GYN where my FUNDING is or having to pay all these medical bills due to this procedure!!!!!!!
      *********This is why it has to be stopped!!!!!!!!!******************

  174. Kelly says:

    I’ve had major emergency surgery, 5 days in the hospital and LOST AN OVARY and tube all thanks to Essure. It made a tiny tear in my tube that caused a massive infection. I’m looking into filing a lawsuit. I’ve had pain and hormonal issues ever since. I was told how safe these were. Women need to be made aware of these issues. I want some justice for what I’ve gone through. Has anyone else had something this severe happen after having coils placed? I would love to talk with you

    • Tracy H says:

      Oh Kelly that is so awful. I am so sorry to hear of your horrible ordeal. This is just one site that some women have happened to find. Can you imagine how many poor women have no idea why they are suffering. What you have been through will take some time to recover from, not just physically. I hope you can get some financial compensation for your suffering

  175. Amyyy says:

    I think I owe all of you a huge thank you. I’ve been home sick with a terrible cold, and while researching side effects for the antibiotic I’m on, I by some miracle came across this string of posts. You see, I’m scheduled to have Essure done in 2 weeks. I have 1 child, and she’s all I want and need…or could handle for that matter. 🙂

    Though it appeared to be a lot of Nickle allergies/sensitivity issues at first, I now see that’s not everyone’s issues, and I plan on calling the office in the morning to cancel. I’m floored at all the problems I’ve read about. I’ve debated on this procedure for about a year now – especially since it’s relatively new in comparison with other methods – but I had decided just to get it over with and stop worrying.

    Well, I know not everyone has had problems with Essure, and I know I’ll miss the idea of being free from pregnancy worries (which I thought it would offer me), but it obviously sounds like it’s not worth the potential severe effects. I’m sorry to hear of all the problems it has caused people, but, THANK YOU ALL for posting about these problems, you may have spared me from a lot of trouble and pain that I don’t have the time or energy for. I wish you all the best of luck with your health…I hope everyone having problems feels back to normal soon!

    • Tracy H says:

      Amy, it makes me SO very happy to have contributed to preventing at least one woman from the potential suffering that this procedure can cause. Thank you for your kind wishes and good luck with your future birth control whatever you should decide … vasectomy ???? 😉

    • sharon p says: are the reason the rest of us post on these sights..if we can spare even just one woman the awful experience that essure has caused…..Good luck to you and thank you for sharing your story!!

    • Tabitha says:

      I am so very glad that you cancelled the Essure procedure. I would not recommend it to ANYONE! The pain and grief of Essure has haunted me since 2007. Good job!

  176. Victoria A Smith says:

    I am so thankful I found this website, I too am having issues with my period lasting forever and being heavy along with the fatigue and not feeling right with my body. I had mine done in April of 2005 did the dye test and everything came back good. What bothers me is my periods before the coils was normal after they become long, very very heavy, painful and my mood swings double what they had been before.

    I am too wondering if anyone has contacted a lawyer about this?

    • Mrs. Stephaney christie says:

      I have had the essure procedure down in 2006. I, too was told very little and that it is the best way to go. Now i so regret doing so my period was heavily flowing. it was an embarrassment to get out of my car each month; Not to mention the cramps. I was told i would have to have a thermachoice with ablation done so i did. Now my left lower abdomen hurts very frequently especially after my menstrual cycle. My left side of my lower back would ache as well. During sexual intercourse i also experience pain each time. Question: Is there a ground for lawsuit? who to sue?, and Is the FDA aware of these severe side effects?

  177. Carla Y says:

    I am currently 43. In 2006 I expressed concern to my ob/gyn that being on the pill for nearly 20 years was causing me to steadily gain weight that i couldnt loose and I was tired of the lectures about my weight and cholestorol lvls at every yearly exam. I was told I was too young for her to ethically tie my tubes(?)…I was 38 and knew I wanted no kids. I went to a different doctor and she immediately said I was a perfect candidate for Essure…it was “NEW and so much EASIER”. I jumped at that only because I am very gunshy about doctors and hospitals. This was to be my first procedure ever. The procedure itself went ok, at the sameday surgery part of the hospital, was in and out in about 3 hours. Had minimal bleeding and was back to work in about 4 days. At my 2 week checkup everything was fine. I go to the hospital for the 90day check to make sure it took. My ob/gyns assistant gave me the wrong info sending me to the same part of the hosp as the procedure was done. When they finally figured out where I needed to be I was told I was too late and it was cancelled. My ob/gyns office called me the next morning and yelled at me for missing my appointment and said they would have to reschedule. I never heard back. I tried calling and speaking with the Dr directly but she was now on maternity leave…how ironic. After a month of this I gave up.
    I assume the blockage was correct because its 5 years later and no pregnancies. However, the growing health problems have me thinking twice. The headaches started within a few months. I had bottles of advil at work, in my car, purse, bathroom and kitchen. Odd vertigo sensations and blurred vision. I named it the “funky-eye-thing”. I couldnt stand to go to the store because attempting to focus on one thing on the shelf was impossible. My short term memory is terrible and simple math is sometimes difficult. I attributed this to aspartame, but 8 months after stopping it this has only improved a tiny bit. I have constant joint pain and weakness, tingling hands and issues sleeping because I cant get comfortable. There is always something numb or cramping that wakes me up. The mood swings are ridiculous, worse than any PMS. Before ESSURE my periods were very regular and very lite with no symptoms at all. Starting about 2 years ago there are times when I skip a month or 2, then when it shows up it is here 20-30days. Currently, I am on day 29 after skipping December. I sometimes get the weird abdominal twinges but they arent too painful. The backpain is every day, like my gall bladder needs removed. I have been having problems with recurring yeast infections, and other skin infections that I believe are yeast related. Also have been having strange rashes. Was beginning to think I had lupus.
    I have been on my couch now since 2011 started, feeling like I was hit by a truck. if I come up with the energy to spend a day cleaning i spend 2 in bed. I have little interest in sex, it hurts when I do have it, and I usually start bleeding the next day. Told my husband if I could fit I would flush myself down the toilet.
    I have no benefits now and I remember the original procedure costing around $9,000. No idea how I can afford to fix this.

    • Carla Y says:

      I also have the abdominal bloating and cant seem to lose more than a few pounds no matter what I do.

      • Tracy H says:

        Carla, I know that all your symptoms seen to me random and it’s hard to understand how they all relate to the procedure however they all the same symptoms that most of the women who have had this procedure done have/are experiencing … including me. I had them in for 5 years! I thought I was dying. My herbalist explained the memory loss, vagueness, dizzy feeling was the brain protecting itself from the toxins that the coil was producing in my body. Our body has a brain blood barrier and the body slows down the blood supply to the brain to protect itself when it identifies something harmful in the blood stream.

  178. Joyce says:

    After hearing how easy, simple, and painless the procedure was from my obgyn and failing to get my tubes tied due to severe scar tissue from my 3 sections, Essure was my only option for perm birth control.

    Well I’m a Christian and prayer is essential in my life so before I scheduled an appointment I prayed and prayed.

    To make this short as possible: On 3 separate occassions in which I was scheduled to get this procedure, MAJOR things happened which prevented me for going through with it. On one occassion, all my money was somehow gone from my bank account and I didnt have the hospital deductible 2 hours before the procedure. I had to call and cancel. I was SO UPSET because I didn’t want anymore kids and I WANTED this procedure, but things kept happening until I had to resign to that fact, God was preventing it. But why??? I was angry.

    Well, two days ago I’m at my new obgyn’s office again to get the consultation. This doctor was edging me toward a hysterectomy or even attempting a tubal. All along, I’m thinking why is he veering me toward major surgeries instead of the Essure?
    Well bells are finally clicking in my head now so I go online and what do I find? THIS SITE! Needless to say, I’m not getting the procedure!

    My heart truly goes out to you women struggling with this. I couldve been you, but thank God I am not! I am diligently praying for your FULL recovery (even if u dont believe).

    But this leads me to a conspiracy of sorts. It seems to me that these doctors are contracted by Essure to promote this procedure but not to mention any downside. The doctors are PAID somehow for each patient who undergoes this procedure, but to never hold Essure responsible for any negative side effects. I’m disgusted!

    • Tracy H says:

      I am so happy to hear that Joyce. Thank you for your concern and kind wishes 🙂

    • sharon p says:

      Devine intervention…gotta love it!!! I’m so glad you have heeded those messages…I am so glad you have found this site!! It is so nice to know that our stories will stop someone else from going through this aweful experience!!! Good Luck with what ever you choose…If I were you..I would go with the tubal..its nothing compared to what could happen with essure!!

  179. johannah says:

    I was put undef when I got the essure done. Its been three days and I have been crying since I got it done. I don’t regret getting it done cuz I have three beautiful kids I just feel as my hormones are out of wack crying for no reason and ect…..any advice anyone???

    • Samantha says:

      I felt like I was going crazy. I would cry literally all day and didn’t have that problem before I had this procedure done. I finally broke down and went to the doctor after dealing with it for a month and half and he put me on has helped but I can’t help but think it is linked to the essure. I still haven’t went back to my Ob/Gyn yet but plan to make an appointment soon.

  180. Mandi says:

    I had to reschedule my neurologist appt because my husband got called into work, so I can’t go until May now. This morning I woke up with bad back pain and had a moment that felt like the morning I had my youngest : the bad back pain and a cramp that felt like labor; really down low and it felt like I “had to go.” Has anyone else had the cramps like that? I’m going to try to go back to the Dr who put the Essure in (no other dr will touch me until I see him first), but I had a problem the day I was supposed to go to get the 3 month ultrasound done, so I called to reschedule, and I’m still waiting for the reschedule from August. They keep telling me they will talk to him and in this last month I’ve given up on it. Now I’m just having more pain and had that time of the month for all but 6 days this month. I hope someone can figure all of this out. When I go to the doctor’s I’m going to bring copies of these stories, but I don’t have much hope of them listening.

    • sharon p says:

      Mandi..I hope you are using some kind of back up birth control while waiting to have the HSG test!! You could become pregnant if your coils are not in place!! Just a word to the wise..take some motrin or something before having the HSG test!!! Good Luck to you!!

      • Mandi says:

        Well I had the Essure put in the end of May 2010, so I don’t know what they will do. Motrin does nothing, so I don’t know what to take. I’ve been on Gabapentin, Diclofinac, Tramadol, Meloxicam, Loritab… all of them do nothing.

  181. Sarah says:

    I had the Essure procedure in Oct, 2010. I wish I did more research. Like many, I read the brochures, talked to my Dr. about all the positives, but I failed to ask or research any negatives. Anyway, here I am 4 months later. I had 2 very heavy periods (each lasting 5 days) within the month of February. Clots I have never had before Essure. Just recently, I’ve had unexplained headaches that do not go away with anything less than 3-4 ibuprofen pills. My legs seem to fall asleep often. I am super tired, no desire to do anything without really forcing myself to. Lower abdomen pain and super moody. I’m wondering if it’s too early for me to determine if there’s a Essure issue, or should I just call the Dr. and look into coil removal (which I’ve read is not much of a option unless you live near S.C.)? I have documented all my symptoms and dates they’ve occured on. I wish I never had this done if this is how it’s going to be from now on 😦

    • michelle says:

      Sarah it is the essure i had exactly the same symptoms as you after having the essure fitted.

      I went back onto the contraceptive pill to regulate my periods which it does help, but nothing helps with the pain.

      Im having them taken out in a couple of weeks and cant wait.

      I wish you luck Sarah, dont get fobbed off you know your own body,

      kind regards


    • Tracy H says:

      Sarah I would get them out before you get any sicker

  182. Michelle says:

    WOW!!! I was reading stuff on tubal ligation and feeling that I should go with Essure. But after finding this site and reading everyones comments ….I am going to go back with my Pera-guard!!! I have had problems with heavy bleeding and clots over the past four years with my Para-guard and just decided to have it removed today. But I would rather deal with that than all of the things I have been reading. I am 40 years old and I myself have experienced short term memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, vertigo, dizzy spells, chest pain and blurred vision. Some would say maybe I was in “peri-menopause” and some may say “just getting older”!!! I am done with having babies. I was really scared of IUD’s because my mother was a victim of the infamous “DALCON SHIELD” . I am going back to my OBGYN and getting the Para-guard back ASAP!!!
    Thank you ladies and I pray that all of you feel better and have good health for the rest of your days.

  183. Mandi says:

    Sent to Essure Website:
    I had essure in the end of May 2010. I am 24 years old. I sent an email before. I am having pain in my arms and have had a period for most of this month. I have read about women who have irregular bleeding and back and leg pain that has gone away after having Essure removed. What does Essure say about the unexplained pain? Is there anything Essure will do to help us, like helping us get them removed or at least telling other women who are about to get Essure done that there can be side effects like continuous spotting or unexplained pain? I was told when I got it done that it could not interfere with my cycle, but it has.

    I am sorry to hear again of the medical problems you are experiencing. In the Essure Pivotal trial, 6.8% of patients reported bleeding or spotting following the procedure; 1.9% of patients experienced persistent changes in their menstrual flow. And also, 3.8% of patients reported abdominal pain or cramps following the procedure. Your physician should have given you materials to explain in detail the risks and side effects that have been reported in our clinical trial patients. It is essential that you follow up with your physician for evaluation and treatment of your medical concerns. Conceptus cannot offer any medical advice, nor do we take the place of your doctor.

    I was told when I was going to have it done that my doctor “didn’t think” Essure could change my periods; never given any pamphlets that said so either…

  184. tasha says:

    I had the procedure done 8/2008,I dont experience comstant pain or anything but my periods are very bad.I pass blood clots way beyond normal size,(still to this day)I have severe memory loss,for example I can put something somewhere and an hour later cant remember where I put it.I have severe mood swings,especially around the time my period is supose to start.I have what I think are panic attacks I just get so angry all of a sudden I cant breathe I feel like I could just kill someone.My weight is very bad I weigh 210 pounds and im only 5’2.I have been on adipex and it doesnt help me loose any weight.I dont really know if any of this comes from the essure procedure because when i had it done i did it at the hospital and i was put to sleep.Aterwards I walked out of the hospital.No pain or bleeding afterwards.Like I said I have no pain its just everything else.I will go for weeks without being able to sleep but then there are weeks that I cant get enough sleep I just want to stay in the bed and never get up.My depression comes and goes but I am only 25 and i feel like I am about 60.I just figured it came from having 5 kids in 6 years but its been 2 years and I still feel the same.I dont know what to really tell my doctor because I havent been to him since I had the procedure done because my husband lost his job along with the insurance.I just wish i had my life back and to go back to feeling like your suppose to feel at 25.

    • Echo says:

      Wow, I’ve been reading the post that everybofy has made about essure and I’m shocked. I’ve had a lot of the same problems everybody has been describing but I never thought it could be because of essure. I had my third baby March 1, 2010 I had essure done soon after. Everything went very smoothly. A little discomfort after but I was asleep for the actual proceedure. Now, the intense headaches, huge weight gain, depression, mood swings, lack of sex drive…it all makes sense! I don’t know what to do! I’m only 28 years old, I really don’t want to have to have a hysterectomy. Does anybody have an advise???

  185. Melissa wilcox says:

    I am finally set-up for an ultrasound for tuesday to see what is going on my doctor is finally listening to me.. I hope these get taken out of me soon.. I just want to live a normal life again and enjoy things i used to…

  186. Angie says:

    There is a law firm working on a class action law suit against Conceptus Inc., makes of the Essure contraceptive device. To join in, please call Claudine at Sheller Law, 215-790-7300

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Thank you, Angie!


      WOO HOO!!!!!! Kudos to you!!!! Thank you for the information~!!!!!

      I contacted that law firm several months ago and they didn’t have anything pending and were not willing to hear the story!!!!!
      That is awesome!!!!!
      Thank you!!!!!

    • Victoria A Smith says:

      This is the best news I have heard! I am so happy I am in tears! To know they are gonna finally be held responsible for all the problems their product has caused just makes my heart sing! I am calling 1st thing in the morning! Thank you Angie for setting this up for us!

    • Tracy H says:

      I may not be able to benefit from this but I am over the moon that there will finally be compensation for so many women’s suffering. GOOD LUCK everyone 🙂

      • Amanda says:

        I had my essure done 4/2010 have had lots of cramping off and on like knife stabbing pain but currently have had lack of energy cramping and back pain very unusual period and tissue comming out when i pee that looks like toliet paper bloating have talked to my doctor and told him i think it is from essure and i want them out of me and he says he dont think its from that he thinks it is endometriosis dont know what to do am in serve pain have missed alot of work and just want to have them out i know im right help anyone

  187. Samantha says:

    I posted a couple of weeks ago that I went to our family doctor and he gave me anti depressants. These seemed to have been working fantastic until about 2 days ago. I am still taking these pills but feel the depression coming back which is crazy because I am still taking the meds. I am still having headaches daily. Has anyone ever had this happen? Depression meds didn’t work because of this?

    As I mentioned I have bled nonstop since having it done on Dec. 31 and for the past two weeks I have had more than period bleeding.

  188. Traci Nichols says:

    Angie – THANK YOU!!

  189. grace smith says:

    Where to start. I had mine put in June of 2007. I already had a big family and had decided I was done having babies. The method to my madness was I was sick of having periods. I wanted to have an ablation done. The nurse at my doctors office said that knowing how easily I got pregnant, it would be smart for me to have Essure done. I hate surgery, I hate general anesthesia, this was perfect! Far from perfect is what this whole thing was. I still have periods cause the idiot didn’t burn everything, but now the coils are a big issue. Every six months I end up in the Emergency Room thinking there is something wrong with me. I get pain in my abdomen on the right hand side when I ovulate. In Summer of 2008, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia along with Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome. All the things you described above. I was not told about the nickel in the coils till after the procedure. I believe I am allergic to nickel, but don’t know for sure. Now 4 years later the FDA has said if there is a nickel allergy, that these coils are not to be placed. None of us have any recourse on Conceptsus, the makers of Essure. The coils were approved in a premarket state by the FDA. The supreme court as ruled it to be not something that can be sued when in this state. Many attorneys have tried and I have spoken to countless ones that have wanted to go after the company. Simply, we can’t do a damn thing, and I think that is total shit!!

  190. michelle h says:

    What great news at last they believe us.

    I live in England and i know it probably will not make any difference if i speak out, but dont worry ladies will be emailing Claudine tomorrow anyway.

    We have been fobbed off for far too long, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE everybody phone, email write letters dont care how we do it but Please dont let them get away with it.

    I was made to feel like a a nutter but i knew that i wasnt right, we know our own bodies.

    Good luck too you all and here’s hoping for a positive outcome.

  191. Angie says:

    join the group Essure Probems on facebook everyone! lets share there too!

  192. grace smith says:

    I didn’t see the class action lawsuit post till after the last post I made. I contacted this office and they are going to get back to me next week. Thankfully now maybe we all might get something done about the suffering we all have gone through!!

  193. sharon p says:

    This is such Great News..even if there is no monetary settlements atleast somebody is paying attention now!!! My hope is that Essure is banned and no other woman have to go through the HELL that we’ve all been through!!!! Thank You Angie for this Great News!!! This just made my day!!! Be well everyone and keep your fingers crossed, in the name of Justice!!! AMEN!!!

  194. Shannon says:

    Hi, Everyone 3 days left before I get these things out of me, I ‘m a little scared, I have never been put to sleep for 3 hours, and I have never been cut . I am very happy to get essure out of me after having it for 3 1/2 years and having so many problems it is just a shame that I have to leave my four children on there spring break and fly to Georgia to get this removed, I think the doctors that put essure in you should have to fly to those doctors and get trained on removing this! Anyway I should be returning on Thursday and I will let everyone know how I feel soon. If you want them removed they can remove them in Gainsville, Georgia and tye your tubes at the same time for about $3,500 or they can remove essure and open your tubes back up for about $7,500. That does include hotel stay and they do except payment plans, You do have to pay it off before they will do the opperation, but removal is possible. there is also a place in North Carolina that can remove Essure, I don’t know as much about that place, but I have recently heard of a few people going there to get this removed , one was a friend of a urinologist that I have been seeing do to all my problems. I will write back soon .
    I am sorry we all have to go through all of this. But it is wonderful that we can help others to not make the same mistake.This site was a big desition on my removal, I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to write. God bless all of you.

  195. Michele B says:

    Are any of you from Michigan? I had the procedure done in December 2009 and got pregnant after the HGC test confirmed the procedure was successful. I’ve spoken to several attorneys who tell me that, because I live in MI, I can’t sue for product liability. This procedure is NOT more effective than either a traditional tubal or the BC pill. When I delivered my child in fall 2010, the delivering doctor looked for the coils and found only one..the other is somewhere in la-la land inside of me. I am NOT a modern day miracle..this procedure failed me and countless others and while my child is a blessing, having a baby when you’ve elected to have no more children is not a blessing. My husband and I made a conscious choice for our family and relied on this procedure and it failed to deliver. If we from MI all get together, I’d like to approach a high-profile attorney about getting something done for us. Please post if you are interested in doing this. My heart goes out to all of you suffering, whatever kind of pain you’re having

  196. Sara says:

    Maybe we need to contact a lawyer that might help. I was looking at Gerry Spence website, well they might be able to help.. I just want them out of me..! I am not looking for money, I just want essure to tell woman out there the side effects and what could happen if you do get these in your body.. I have not been back to the doctors, I am sick of them looking at me like I am making this up.. I have had them since 2006 and I just want them out.. I have all the symptoms from right side aches numbness and feel as if I am lossing my mind..! I just want them to pay for the removal and I will be happy.. So maybe if one lawyer gets enough calls they just might look into it…!

    I am going to contact them and see if they maybe able to help!

  197. Tabitha says:

    I am so glad to know that there are other people that have problems with Essure. Not that I want anybody to have problems. It’s just that I feel like I’m crazy, especially when I tell the doctor I believe the essure is causing my extreme pain. He assures me that it just can’t be from the essure. I disagree. I had the implants in 2007 after the birth of my last child. Like you guys, the doctor said it was no big deal. Oh my gosh – I had it done in his office and I thought I was going to die. When they inserted the coils, I thought I was going to pass out from the pain.

    Since then, I have have terrible periods and terrible pain on my right and left ovary areas. It feels just like the pain when they inserted those coils magnified by 100. There are times it brings me to my knees. The doctor is scheduling a lapyroscopy to rule out endometriosis. I had an ultrasound and have a cyst, but the doctor says I just shouldn’t be having this pain, that there’s no reason for it. All I know is I HAVE THE PAIN AND IT HURST SO BAD!

    Thanks for sharing your stories. I don’t feel so stupid anymore.

  198. Christine says:

    I got my Essure in January 2011. I have to say that the doctor that did the procedure did a great job. I was done in less than 15 minutes. I did have IV sedation so I was a little groggy while the procedure was being done, but fully awake and alert enough to watch on the monitor what was being done. I have no problems except for bleeding for a couple of weeks afterward. I recently got my first period which brought me here. On the third day of my period I got a sudden pain in my lower back so severe that I couldn’t even stand up straight. I called the doctor’s office that did the procedure and they said to take ibuprofen and monitor the pain and that it might be my body getting used to the coils. Since then, the severity of the pain has subsided, however, I still have mild to moderate lower back pain and have since. I’m going to follow up with my doctor to find out if the pain has anything to do with the procedure. Other than that, my period was completely normal and I haven’t had any other side effects. I hope that the pain goes away and that there aren’t anymore complications.

    • michelle h says:

      Well ladies i am going into hospital tomorrow to have my hysterectomy, thats the only way i can get the essures out of me, im a little afraid but just looking forward that once i have them removed my health and life will get back to normal.

      Will keep you all posted on how i get on,

      Good health to you all.

  199. Joselynn says:

    Well I have been reading all these stories about the procedure I had mine placed over 2yrs ago and to be honest besides the cramping after the placement Ive been fine everything went well and I dont have any side effects!!! i feel bad for all of you that are having problems!!! Im just happy that Im not feeling that as well!

  200. Cassie says:

    OMG I had to scroll down to the bottom quickly after reading dozens of stories on this website. Scary! I had the essure procedure done on April 25th. They did it in the office and they gave me meds that made me so out of it. Well, a few days after the procedure, I was hit BAD with depression (I have had depression b4 but never “all of a sudden” ) everything was fine in my life no fighting, no death in family, etc. I cld not understand it. Well, everything has gone downhill since then. I’ve bled ever since, i’ve not had a day w/o ANY discharge or bleeding that i can think of! IF I did maybe 1 or 2 days but when you bleed so much you forget if u even had a day w/o it. I also have cramps more often, when Im sleeping, i’ll wake up with pain in my knees (joint) and pain shooting up n down my leg. So bad I had to get up and take ibuprofen, or whatever that relieves pain. It’s scaring me now because I think this is going to continue and worsen unless I get this reversed. I was set on NOT having kids (I have 5 boys). But this is NOT! worth living the rest of my life like this. It’s affecting my relationship with my boyfriend, my kids, ‘life in general”. I wish i had read THIS before having it done I’ve had a friend that had it and she seemed FINE! (been almost 2 yrs). Well, I’m glad I came across this! I hope ALL of u who have suffered gets some kind of relief from this! (whether it be ur health back to what it was b4 or compensation for ur suffering). 🙂

  201. Ashley C says:

    Hello, My name is ashley. In March 2009 I had my first son . I was born with many heart problems so I knew having a child would be a risk. But after I had him ive had 2 heart attacks and doctors told me I could never have kids again. Thats fine I dont want to die well Essure was the only thing I could do because I cant be put under anesthesia. So although the doctor who did my Essure totally lied about how bad it would hurt I understand their would be pain. But it has been over 2 years now and I am a skinny girl Im 21 and weigh about 89 pounds. I am VERY healthy though and eat all the time. But the left side of me seem like where the coil was put in is BULGING out of my stomach and It hurts when I have sex, my sex drive is totally gone like I never want to have it which is ruining my relationship, I have headaches, backaches, muscle spasms constantly and I have really bad Insomnia… I just need help I have so many issues I feel like im the Oldest young person I know and Im sick of family and friends hearing my problems but Im scared and I need help.

  202. jennifer says:

    I had the procedure on March 7, 2011. It was pain free for me. Some discomfort, but minimal for me. I was provided 2 vicodin prior to the procedure. Additionally, I was to take a high dosage of ibuprofren 3 days prior to the procedure. Approximately 30 minutes prior to the procedure, I was injected with a shot of pain medication. I have absolutely no complaints on the procedure itself. It helps that my OB is a perfectionist! 🙂

    Since the procedure, I’ve had light cramping and some lower back discomfort. Nothing that a little ibuprofren isn’t helping with.

    The only side effect is the heavy bleeding. I’m not even confident this is a side effect or a result of not having a period for 2 years.

    At this point and yes only a couple of weeks into it, I would encourage women to consider this. I’m not having any sever complications.

  203. LYNN says:

    my sister in law had this procedure after the birth of her second child and recommended it. At my 6 week check after the birth of my 4th child i was asked to consider sterilization and was offered this.I had the procedure april 2006 without any immidiate problems,other than some spotting .i was told after 3 months at the dye test i no longer needed to take any other contraception as my tubes are now blocked by the clips. Since then i have gained alot of weight even though my diet hasnt changed,my periods are irregular anything from 16 to 24 days and are very heavy with terrible cramps.i was always a 28 day girl before .i have severe headaches ,sweats ,numbness in my legs and left arm.,i am constantly tired and have trouble sleeping due to hot sweats. after reading every one elses stories i didnt realise it could be due the essure.also my sister inlaw has had so many stomach problems and has had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 34. i started to think i was going through the menopause even though im only 39.i was under the impression that after the dye test you couldnt get pregnant and am now concerned that this could happen .

    • michelle h says:

      Hi ladies its a week after my hysterectomy, feeling a bit sore and tired but alot better.

      I know this sounds strange but i feel brighter, and even though i am tired, it isnt the same tired i had before me opp, i had lost interest in everythink, i know its early days but if i am like this after one week, i will be back to my normal self and cant wait,

      Keep going girls, wishing you all the best of luck.

  204. jesi says:

    Hello Ladies!!
    I want to start out by saying that I am so happy that I found this site. I did research before I had the procedure done but I wish that I had found this blog sooner it may have saved me alot of pain and hassles. I had the Essure procedure done December 2008. Initially I was very satisfied with it and it took about 8-10 months for things to start going wrong. I do not have alot of the severe issues that some women have but I do have extreme pain on a frequent basis. I am now convinced after doing extensive research that it is due to my nickel sensitivity. At the time of the surgery I did not know that there was nickel in the coils, i was not tested for a nickel allergy which i have learned that the doctors are supposed to preform this test but hardly ever do. But all that aside, I am now trying to get these horrible things out of my body. So my question is since I do not want to have anymore children is having a partial to possibly full hysterectomy the way to go or should i go to georgia and have them removed? I am 28 also if that helps at all. please let me know what experiences you have had, your opinions or anything that may be helpful to me. Thank you ladies I am so thankful to have found this site for awhile i thought that i was crazy and the only woman in the world that has issues with the essure. but now i know that essure is a horrible mistake and anyone i know that has considered having this surgery i have advised them against it

    • michelle h says:

      jesi, you are very young for a hysterectomy i would consider having the essures removed and see if they can sterilise you in the same opp.

      I didnt have a choice as i live in England and had a hysterectomy but to be honest as long as the essures were taken out i didnt care what opp i had.

      I was the same as you found this web site after i had the essures fitted, wish i had done more research, so maybe thats one thing to consider do as much researce as possible and see more than one doctor.

      Good health to you hun.

      • jesi says:

        thank you for your response michelle. that is pretty much the samr thing that i figured, but i was unsure as to whether or not a partial hysterectomy would still have my desired results. i am only questioning this because with a partial hysterectomy it is covered by my insurance however it will and has been an uphill battle. and if i get the coils removed i will be paying for the procedure out of my own pocket. and i am a single mom but at the same time i need to have this pain over with so that I can move on with my life

      • michelle h says:

        Jesi, do whats best for you hun, you have already suffered enough, is it worth paying for it when you could get it free, why should you be out of pocket for a medical cock up.
        As long as you are sure you do not want any more children, dont rush into it, you may regret it if you decide later in life you want more children.

        I dont envey the dilema you are in at the moment,

        good luck hun

  205. SILVA says:

    I had my procedure done January 28. 2011. I was totally under, i felt nothing. No cramping, No fatigue. No headaches. Nothing. Just still spotting. Not really bleeding, just a thick discharge which is the color brownish and redish. Is anyone having this symtoms? I took the depot shot a week later after the procedure. After reading this blog, i am reallly scared. But i am not having any major problems. Did anyone else spot this long??? please call or email me 8049311649

  206. jesi says:

    thank you. i was thinking the same thing. i was not sure if there were benefits to having them removed rather than a hysterectomy. this time i will be doing much more research. before i had essure i thought that i did all of my research but everything that i found on the essure was paid for by the essure people so of corse they are not going to bad mouth the procedure….but you live and learn. this time i will not make my choice so lightly. thank you for taking the time to respond to me 🙂 i hope that everything is good with you now that you have had them removed

  207. Lori Smart says:

    I had the procedure done in Aug 2010. I was pretty drugged for the procedure and don’t remember most of it. I slept the entire day but felt fine the next day. I started bleeding right after the procedure. This was super heavy with clots. I have always had light periods so this was not normal. This went on for 3-4 months. I called the Dr who did the procedure who told me the bleeding was from the Depo shot they gave me and could last up to a year..great. About a month after that I was tired of having a heavy period that sometimes would go through my cloths so I went to my primary Dr. He gave me progesterone to stop my periods. They did stop and then I went a couple months with no period. I just had my 1st ‘period’ 2 wks ago. It was still heavy with clots but not like it was. I also have the migraines, stomach cramps, and back aches. I also have this discharge that has an odor. I went to a new OBGYN today and they knew nothing about the Essure and did test to rule out a bacterial or yeast infection. She states under the micro scope it looks like it could be Chlamydia but she wasn’t sure cuz it could be from the Essure. The discharge seems to be worse during my period and it is a thick and mucusy and is usually slightly yellow or brown. I am a clean person and was checked before I had the Essure and have been in a serious relationship for 2 yrs so if it comes back Chlamydia I will have more problems than the Essure. Anyways, seems I have most the same symptoms as everyone else but would like to hear if anyone else has had a strange discharge that was not bacterial or yeast. Thanks for any comments.

    • mysmartboys2 says:

      Went to the Dr and got the results. No infection or any kind of STD…they have no idea what the discharge is from. I bet I have a pretty good guess…ESSURE. Basically they said I will probably have to just deal with it. Nice..NOT HAPPY!!

  208. Alicia says:

    I had this procedure in 2004..I haven’t been the same since then always a stabbing on my left side, went to gyno she brushed it hurts when I laugh, cough’s terrible.i went to another obgyn and “he” listened.i went today and had a vaginal ultrasound, it took the technician about 3 minutes to find my left ovary! I’m still in shock will keep you updated with what my gyno says.

  209. Lori Smart says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in 8/10. I am experiencing the same side effects as most. The Dr’s say the bleeding is from the Depo shot and I thought the pains were from something else. I also have a discharge that is unknown. The Dr said it is not a yeast or bacterial infection. She said she didn’t know much about Essure so it might be caused by this. She said it looked like chlamydia under the scope. I am clean and in a committed long term relationship so if it is chlamydia I have more problems than just the Essure. The discharge is a thick and mucusy and has an odor. It seems to be worse when I have my period and is slightly discolored yellow or brown. Has anyone else had any discharge that wasn’t yeast or bacterial? Thanks for any comments.

    • Lori Smart says:

      Sorry about the dup post. I did the one and didn’t see it showing up so I wrote a condensed version and then when I posted it the other one showed up. Again sorry but Thanks for any comments.

  210. grace says:

    It amazes me that after all these horror stories none of us can find any sort of legal help. The pending law suit was dropped. I got a nice little letter in the mail as to their denial of this suit. This makes me sick. My issues with Essure are getting worse. My doctor wants to cut out the section of tube that has the Essure in it. He said it is very simple lap. surgery. Like the one I have had in the past for Endo. But, is this true? Or, will he end up having to take my ovary as well. The stupid lawyer suggested we all file medical malpractice suits. Ok, some of us prolly could. I have reasons enough to go after my doctor. Seventeen years of seeing him, he has messed up a few things. This though was not one of them. Basically, we all have the same issues and Essure gets to not be held responsible. I think it is total garbage. The lawyer said to me after I argued with her, we only had a hand full of cases. Like fifteen women. Well this page is not just fifteen women. This is America. Other people can sue for bullshit claims and get a huge settlement based on lies and such. We can’t get anything for REAL pain and suffering. I hope their company goes out of business. Hell we all know that wont happen. GRRR

    • Maliakah says:

      This company is getting off scott free and they should be held accountable for all of the problems that we are having. I was scheduled to have mine removed but it would have costed me a thousand dollars out of pocket and i had to pay it all up front and i just could not afford it at this time so i have to continue to suffer. Every monthy my problems are getting worse. I feel like I am having a miscarriage twice a month every month. The pains are unbearable.

  211. Shelby says:

    This procedure seems to have caused some issues with lots of women.

  212. Amy says:

    I went to an OB to discuss the different tubal procedures, and he totally pushed the essure. He said that is all they do anymore because it’s 100% successful and no risk of infection and no recovery time. Sounded lovely, so I had it done in Dec 2010. I could not believe how painful it was, and that he had given me NO WARNING. I actually threw up I was in so much pain, and I had had both my children naturally and knew how to stay calm and relax my body. The cramping was just as bad as labor, and I was totally not prepared for it. (He had prescribed a valium and hydrocodone to relax me before the procedure, but the woman scheduled before me took an extra hour and my drugs had worn off while I was laying there waiting my turn – I should’ve known that was a bad sign.) I was achy and could feel pain where the springs were located when I went to bed at night for the next week or so. Orgasms were painful for the next month or so, but eventually stopped hurting.
    So when I went back today to do the xray, I had no idea of what all I would go through – I thought it was just an xray. What a surprise to find the radiologist was going to give me a pelvic exam, insert a catheter, insert and blow up a balloon inside me, then do the dye injection. He told me to try to handle the pain as best I could, and if I couldn’t then we’d reschedule. So I hung in there and got through the balloon, and taking xrays flat on my back, turned to the left, then turned to the right. I had to stay on the table a little while after he was done, because my cramping was severe. The nursed helped me get going, and told me they had pads in the bathroom, because there would be some discharge. I took ibuprofen and tylenol for the next 6 hours for the cramping pain, and have pretty well recovered tonight.
    I am simply disgusted with the sugarcoating that this procedure got. I can’t believe practicing doctors can lead their patients along without SOME acknowledgement of the pain and misery that obviously a lot of women go through. I may still have followed through with the essure procedure even with some warnings, but at least I would feel that I had full disclosure of the realities of the procedure. As it is now, i feel like I was duped into it, and hope other women get the full scoop before moving forward.

  213. Tasha says:

    Well ladys I am feeling you all… My Dr. never did a nickel test on me either and never asked me anything…I had mine done Nov.2007.. Ifor the longest time I have had no problems at all till about a year ago… I didn’t know why till now… I have been feeling sick like crazy… I thought my husband was cheating on me because I got a foul smell went to the Dr.. I have NO std’s but I now have Cervicitis which yes it can be caused by std’s but it can be caused by Inflammation may be caused by infection or by injury to the cervix from a foreign object inserted in the vagina, from birth control devices such as the cervical cap or a diaphragm, or by cancer. Which is very scary.. My husband doesn’t have any std’s either so my only reasoning for this has to be the Eesure… I live in Texas and everyone I have talked to says they can’t remove this I don’t know what to do!!!! EESURE sucks and I wish I never had this done to my body!!!!

    • Naomi says:

      Hi Tasha,

      Finding a doctor who will remove the Essure coils without a hysterectomy is difficult. I had to travel to Georgia to a specialist to have them removed. I was able to save my uterus and tubes.

      Look in to Lakeshore surgical center

      Good luck

  214. Jill T says:

    I have had severe pain right side and now back pain, leg cramps. I thought I had M.S. or something. I decided to look up info to see if other women are having same problems. I see all are similar. . I was one of first women to have it done. Scary!. Something has to be done to help get these removed.I would like to know if womens symptoms got better after removal. Im going to research some. THe company should be responsible to pay for removal!

  215. Mandi says:

    Now I think I fully understand what you girls who were having pain on the left side feel. It feels like someone is trying to pull my ovary out through my tube. Now it feels like it moved more south and feels almost like I’m about to give birth. WTH, is anyone else having pains like this? I’m about to go to the ER, but I know they will just give me Ibuprofen and to sleep it off.

  216. Kathryn says:

    I just went into the dr yesterday to talk about Essure placement. I told her I needed to go home and do more research before the procedure.

    I am no longer going through with Essure.

    I wanted to thank all of you for posting your stories. I hope that you will be compensated for all your pain and loss. Thank you so much.

    • michelle h says:

      Thank God, this web site is stopping another woman going through the side effects, you have had a lucky escape,

  217. Suzi P says:

    I had the Essure procedure done on Oct.27, 2010 (6 weeks after having my 4th child). I am 31 years old and have always been pretty healthy. I was put under to have the procedure done and when I came out of the anesthesia the nurse said my blood pressure was high. I only had minor cramping following the procedure and minimal bleeding. But my blood pressure never came down. I am now on bp meds. My OBGYN said it’s not from the Essure, but I know it is. Has anyone else had a problem with high blood pressure? It’s still so new to my body and after reading all these blobs I am freaked out.

  218. Jeannie Morton says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in December 2010 after the birth of my 5th child. This has since been the worst experience of my life. I have had all the horrible symptoms such as, pain from back, stomach, hips and legs, anxiety/panic like issues, heart palpitations, hot flashes, tired all the time and my body just truly feels sick. I have also noticed issues with my eye sight.. almost as if they are not focusing. When I turn my head its as if they do not react in time. This was first thing I noticed because I have always had perfect vision. The dizzy and nearly fainting spells have worried me most. I have heard that the Essure can be removed without tubal or hysterectomy.. is this ture?

  219. Naomi says:


    Get the coils out of you, I had suffered sever back pain and lower abdominal pain for a year. I went to Lakeshore surgical center in Georgia to have them removed and have been much better ever since.

    Going to the ER will not do you any good. They will run tests and come back and tell you that they cant find anything wrong.

    I also had sever left sided pain

    I wish you the best of luck

    • Jill T says:

      Naomi, How long is down time after removal? DId they have to remove the falopian tube? Thanks Jill T>

      • Naomi says:

        Hi Jill. The doctor that performed my surgery specializes in removal of the coils without having to remove the Fallopian tubes. I have a friend who went to a local doctor who unfortunately removed her Fallopian tubes. Down time was about 3 weeks. Because u need to give the incision time to heal.

    • Jessica says:

      Im going to research the center you recommended. I cant take this feeling of constant aches and fatigue anymore and your right Ive had ekg’s cat scans every blood test possible only to be told Im fine. How long was your recovery and did they have to remove your tubes or uterus?

      Thanks so much and happy your feeling better….

      • naomi says:

        Hi Jessica

        The doctor that performed the reversal was great. I did not have my tubes or uterus removed. It took me a few weeks to recover, It was mainly the healing of the incision site.

        Good luck

    • Christie Norwood says:

      I would like to know after u get the coils removed, how is ur sex drive… do that go back to normal also/ because i am VERY SERIOUSLY thinking about taking that trip to Georgia.

  220. Claudia says:

    I am schedualed to have this procudure done(essure) in three days. I am currently on Mirena but am convinced my mood swings,lack of sex drive, and constantly feeling tired are due to being on Mirena.
    After reading this I have decided to cancel my appt. I don’t need a whole other set of problems.
    All I can come up with at this point is to have my husband have his procedure so I don’t have to have mine. After all, I was the one who had the kids.
    Thanks so much for posting all of your experiences. More and More woman should know about this. .. oh and my doctor also suger coated the procedure.

  221. Angela says:

    I was so relieved when I found this blog. I had no idea what was going on with me, but I had a gut feeling the Essure may be related. I had the procedure done in 09/2006. Ever since then, I’ve had the extreme pain during intercourse with my husband who I had been married to and having intercourse with for 10 years prior to having it done pain free. If I go a day without feeling like I’m being stabbed in my ovaries, it’s a good day. Other things had started happening too, that reading this blog made me sit up and say,” OMG that’s my story!” Granted, I got off easy compared to some I’ve read. I healed well, no long term bleeding, no weight gain, but THE PAIN!!! I’m more moody, the tingling in my legs, the all of a sudden dizzy spells. My doctor wants me to wait 2 months, take a journal of ovulation and pain because “theres just not enough known”, but I wold like to print all these stories and take it with me on my next visit. If anyone does not want me to, please just reply, but I really think it will help my case to get it reversed. Thank you all for taking this stand and putting this blog up. I know, now, that I’m not alone, and this to can and will pass. I will get my healthy intimate life back with husband 🙂

    • michelle h says:

      Print them hun thats what i did, not that they took much notice, but i wouldnt give up so i had them took out, dont let them soap story you, i am 3 weeks clean of them horrible esures and feel great it took a hysterectomy to get me here but i am so much happier and my mood swings, pains and wanting to sleep all the time has gone, so tell your doctor read this page and explain why so many woman are hurting,

      good luck hun

  222. Tracy H says:

    The fact that a surgeon specialises in removing the coils would suggest that he has removed a lot of them which would suggest that there appears to be a problem with the coils! 😉 Sadly, my gynaecologist told me that it was not possible to have the coils removed without having the fallopian tubes AND part of the uterus 😦 I decided on a full hysterectomy as I was terrified what my menstrual cylce would be like with only part of my uterus. I had already suffered enough and just wanted it to be over. I am SO happy to hear that women can just get the coils removed now

  223. Jill T says:

    Naomi, Thanks for info on removal. I am going to start making appts. w/ my gyno. first, then go further to have them removed. Jill T.

    • Naomi says:

      Hi Jill

      Good luck in finding your solution to this problem. I wish all the women out there who are suffering from Essure good luck and hope that this site and the other sites that are dedicated to exposing how horrible the Essure coils are can prevent women from going through his procedure.

      Also Women should look into finding a good lawyer,

  224. April C says:

    Hi i had the essure coils inserted march 16th of 2011. My doctor inserted two coils in my right tube because she wasnt sure if they put one in. Well i have had severe pain since. They told me that putting two in shouldnt cause pain but the pain is only on my right side, they have done xrays and ultrasounds and they told me everything looked fine. I just started my period today my first one since surgery and its awful im bleeding very heavily and having bad pains.

    • Jeannine says:

      I know I am replying to this late but if you read the physician brochure from the company it says not to insert 2 in one tube. You should have some recourse here to have it corrected.

  225. Jessica says:

    I had my Essure Procedure in March of 07 after the birth of my 3rd child. initially I didnt have any issue’s but for the last 3 yrs Ive been experiencing so many issues. I thought I had vertigo because the constant light headed feelings but was told I did not. The pain on the leftside of my lower abdomen is almost constant feels like a stabbing pain which sometimes shoots into my vagina on the same side. My lower abdomen has also grown and is bigger then the top portion of my stomach. I also get the tingling in my legs followed with muscle aches. Ive been to the E.R. several times within the last yr and have been told I have anxiety bcuz they find nothing medically wrong. This is very scary Im happy Im not alone and not crazy!

  226. cindy says:

    hi there my name is cindy and i also had problems with the essure i had the coils
    removed without a hystorectomy by a doctor who had never done it before any questions let mt know!

    • naomi says:

      Hi Cindy, Im curious how did he remove them? and how are you feeling

      • cindy says:

        hi i got mine removed the doctor said he just pulled them out and burned my tubes i feel much better my legs dont feel tingling and i dont have pain

    • Kim T says:

      Hey Cindy,

      Can you please tell me the name or where this dr. is located. Only options i have been given are removal of the tubes and possibly part or all of the uterus. Sure would appreciate it. Thanks!


    • Christie Norwood says:

      Hi Cindy, my name is Christie & i would love to know the info on this doctor also. thankyou

  227. grace says:

    Are any of you experiencing bleeding after intercourse? My fiance has told me that almost all the time after we have sex, he is cleaning off purple and tan clots of himself. Last night, I had full red blood, which I very rarely even have during my periods anymore. I had a uterine ablation done while I had the Essure Coils placed. Any input?

  228. Nicole Perkins says:

    I too have had the essure procedure done about 5 years ago. Mood swings, depression, anxiety, numbess & tingling in my limbs, are all things I’m experiencing as well. Has anyone out there had problems with hair loss/thinning or acne?

    • Lori says:

      Omg! Yes I have experienced hair loss big time and acne like I have never had before. I am so worried about both of these things but the dr’s dont seem to have many suggestions. I am only 35 and could be bald in the next year or 2 if I dont figure something out. I am scared!

  229. Melissa says:

    Something to consider, and this will definitely not apply to all cases but is certainly food for thought for some of us, is that many of us were on some sort of regular hormonal birth control before having the essure implants. I have had a slight persistant pain on my left side after getting Essure 5 years ago, which I still believe is due to the coils despite my tubes and placement looking “normal”, but I also had continuing hormonal symptoms afterward (i.e. tiredness, mood swings, hot flashes, painful sex, etc.). For years I thought it might be the Essure, but now it turns out I most likely had a hormonal imbalance BEFORE getting the implants that had been masked for many years by the birth control pills I was taking, which I of course stopped taking the moment I had my procedure! Now that I’ve started on Estrace (hormonal supplementation), I’m feeling balanced again for the first time in long while. Those of you with hormonal symptoms after Essure who were previously taking birth control pills/shots (why wasn’t it more obvious to me before?) might want to have a panel of tests performed to see if there’s a hormone imbalance somewhere now that you’ve stopped the pills/Depo. I can’t believe how GOOD I’m feeling since starting the Estrace!

    • Tracy H says:

      Thanks for the feedback Melissa. I wasn’t taking any birth control medication prior to having the Essure procedure. I was healthy, free of pain, vibrant, energetic, clear thinking, regular medium flow periods, a healthy weight and I wore a size C cup bra. After having the Essure procedure done I was chronically sick, in excruciating pain, lethargic, vague, loss of memory, irregular extremely heavy periods with massive clots, heavy unpleasant discharge, I gained 15 kilos (33 lbs) I went up to an E bra cup. Since having the coils removed I am almost back to my pre-Essure self.

      • michelle h says:

        I agree tracy h 5 weeks after having the essures removed i have had no pain, no sickness feelings and have lost 15 pounds in weight i have so much energy and a get up and go that i lost when i had the essures fitted, i too am back to myself.

  230. Tracy says:

    I just wanted to tell my story. I feel so bad for anyone who has been through this procedure and has problems/pain. I am 40 years old and have been diagnosed with Aural Migraines (the same thing that Serene Branson had on live television). My doctor and neurologist both told me to get off of birth control pills because the hormones could agasperate the symptoms. I had my procedure done on Feb 11, 2011. Mine went fine, with just a little bit of pain on my right side. I had no pain at all on the left. Since then, I still have just had a little pain on the right. I guess it feels kinda like cramping, but I’m not sure since I never had cramping before. I have had no problems with bleeding or painful intercourse. I have not yet had the confirmation test, but am hopeful.

    I did a lot of research before making the decision to have the Essure done. I was given a brochure that explained all of the risks, including pain, heavier or lighter periods, and the risk of the coils not attaching. I’m not sure if these risks were added recently, since a lot of women on here had the Essure done years ago. I just know that I haven’t had any serious issues and wanted others to know that not everyone has had difficulties.

  231. Sadira says:

    I just want to say THANK YOU to all who took the time to post their stories. I am scheduled to have the procedure done this Friday, 4/22/11 but I will NOT be going forward after reading the stories on this site. I had been searching for info on the procedure since I decided to get it and have only found vague positive info. I pray that the symptoms of each person be relieved and that you all be compensated by the maker of the coils for the pain, stress, and deception. Thanks again!!!!
    One Saved

  232. MS.C says:

    Can someone tell me if they have been able to have insurance cover the removal of the inserts? I really want mine out, I have all the symptoms and I can not continue to live this way, but I can not afford to have them removed out of pocket. Any information that you can provide I would appreciate, this has been going on for me since Oct 2009. I too was not warned about any side effects.

  233. Edna says:

    I have found this website & read every post, as I am 41 & considering some permanent form of BC. I want to thank each & every one of you for taking the time to share your story, your experiences, and your advice. You are brave women and believe me, you are making a difference. Please stay strong and persistant – there are conscientious medical professionals out there that can and will help you.

    All of your stories are going a long way to help others.

    Always praying,


    • Shannon Lewis says:

      wow! I was searching for a Dr. to perform this but you ladies have successfully convinced me otherwise! I pray that as you continue to share your stories that you wil be heard! thank you!

  234. neka says:

    Since I have had it done I can go with sex for about three months. And that is not good my husband gets mad and doesn’t understand at all that its not me. My girlfriend wants to get it done I told her hell no its not worth it at all. Two of the firls on the job got it done and they said the same as will they have no need for sex. Now I want it out of me asap

  235. April says:

    Hi, I have been reading these posts and I am now understanding why I am going through everything I am. I am just wondering if anyone on here is from Wisconsin. I have gone through 3 different doctors and none of them want to believe this is possible. I am hoping to find a doctor that will 🙂

  236. renee c says:

    I had my Essure procedure on April 7. I was told that it would be a simple procedure and I would be back to normal activity the next day. I chose to have anesthesia. I knew something was wrong the moment I woke up in recovery with agonizing pain and the discovery that I had been asleep for over 3 hours. They kept me in recovery for several hours and kept telling me that I was okay – they just had a lot of “complications” during the procedure. I didn’t return to normal activity the next day – in fact it was more like 2 weeks of cramping, pain and fatigue with shortness of breath.
    Today – 3 weeks later, I awoke in a puddle of blood in my bed. Rushed to the bathroom where blood gushed out of me and then slowed over the course of the day. I called my doctor right away thinking she would surely want to see me or send me to the ER. No. She said that this was all normal after having a D&C. Shocked! I didn’t even know I had a D&C. She explained that she had to do this because of all the scar tissue. However, nobody told me this when I woke up or on my discharge papers.
    Today I have suffered all day with severe cramping – I swear I can feel the coils. She told me that she is not worried about the coils at all – the blood loss is normal and if I soak a pad per hour I should go to the ER. I sort of feel now like my doctor of 12 years has just washed her hands of me now that I am complaining that something isn’t right. Called my primary care doc and she said that she would wouldn’t even be able to see me for this issue – it has to go back to my gyn. I feel completely left in the dark – and I don’t want to go back to ER. All they do is give me meds for the pain and tell me I’m fine.
    I’m so sorry that I chose this procedure and I’m so sorry to all of you who suffered as well.

  237. Roxanne says:

    Had my essure done April of 2010. I had the leg tingling for about 3 months after the procedure, but it went away. Also had really bad cramps for a while. No problem with sex at all. Now after a year I’m experiencing bad cramping on my right side. Feel it more when I’m under alot of stress, but need to have it checked out, especially after reading that the coils love to move out of place, and that they end up where their not suppose to be. Hope everything goes well or I’m going to need them removed also.

  238. Shalia says:

    Ladies I have been trying for years to get a lawyer to take my case, but no luck. I have had the Essure since 2005 and has been pure misery. I just hope that one day this company will have to pay for putting us all through this.

  239. naomi says:

    My friend and I have both been seriously injured after being implanted with the Essure device. We have consulted with the firm of Kadanoff & Kadanoff, PLLC in New York-718-875-6706. They are in the process of doing a full investigation. If anybody out there has questions or needs help, we recommend that you call them.

    Ladies please we have to make this public and we must stop this company and the doctors from performing this procedure on other women, please contact our lawyer it’s very important

    • renee c says:

      Thank you so much Naomi. I’ve been searching and searching for answers. I will be calling your lawyers first thing tomorrow.

  240. Crystal says:

    My procedure wasn’t sugar coated by my Dr at all, I didn’t really find the actual procedure painful. My issue is that I’m still in pain and bleeding today, 2 months and a week later. I’ve had a misscarriage before and it feels similar to the pain leading up to that. I haven’t received any definate answers from my dr as to why, any thoughts?

  241. Nancy says:

    UGGGGHHH! I got the essure done in Jan of 2011. I havent had any actual pain since the procedure. I have broken out in hives on a daily basis tho. I wasnt quite sure as to what the problem was until now. I have had a menstrual cycle every two weeks and spotting in between. It seems to be the worst mistake ive made. Im a bit concerned at this point. During the procedure the dr did say that the first spring did not fire and I do have two in my left tube and one in the right.. Seems like Im screwed. Hopefully insurance covers taking these things out of my body. Good Luck everyone.

  242. Stephanie says:

    My name is Stephanie and I’m 26 years old. A mother of two beautiful kids ages 7 and 6. I had my ESSURE procedure done back in Dec of 2007. I always suffer from ovarian cyst every now and then. After having the procedure done I have been having a lot of discomfort in my ovary’s. Intercoure hurts as well and now I was diagnosise with polysitics cyts and have to be on birth control to balance out my hormones.I’m a little upset because I feel like what’s the point of getting this procedure done, if I have to use birth control for my hormonal inbalance. My periods were bad due to the ovarian cyts. I will have one good month and one bad month. I’m on my thrid day of the period and I’m only spotting which concern me because this never happen to me before. I have a pain on my right ovary and leg. I’m going to the doctor today to see what’s going on. I’am so concern that I even took a pregnancy test which was NEG. But now my concern are ” what if I have a blood clot in my leg” can this happen?.

  243. Chandra Hawkins says:

    All I can is that I am 5 months pregnant now!! and I had this procedure done in October of 2008. I had no problems what so ever until I found that I was pregnant in January. I’m looking forward to the birth of my son. But my husband and I still want answers!! If anyone has had any luck contacting Essure please let me what I need to do. I can’t get answers about my body until my son is born in September, which after that I want the coils removed.

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Hi Chandra,

      Did you go for the 3-month HSG (dye test)? Did they tell you that your fallopian tubes were blocked and that you were good without another form of birth control? Congrats on your pregnancy though! And I hope everything is progressing smoothly with your pregnancy.

  244. Dora says:

    Wow, I’m scheduled to get the procedure done on May 26th. I don’t want anymore kids and my Dr. suggested. Basically told me it was very simple. After reading all this I’m seriously reconsidering.

  245. Renee says:

    I had Essure done in 2006 my doctor knows what a big baby I am when it comes to pain so she put me to sleep while they did the procedure. I woke up feeling fine and went shopping that evening. The only pain was the test afterwards to see if the coils closed my tubes that hurt like nothing I ever want to experience again.

    I have not had any problems with the Essure my periods last about a day maybe 2 and i am not experencing any problems. They really didnt change I have been very blessed in that area all my life.

    I found this site because I was looking to see if there is any weight gain side effects as this seems to be the only side effect that i am having. I am 42 years old so that could be the cause but I do eat healthy and work out regular still I can’t seem to lose wieght.

    There seems to be a awful lot of women on this site with side effects that scares the daylights out of me. I wonder way some have bad experence and other don’t there has got to be an explenation for this.

    I just recommended it to my Neice and a friend but now I am wondering. I would hate for them to have these side effects. But until I came across this site I had no idea this was happening.

  246. Julie says:

    I am not sure if I am thrilled or scared to find all of this info! I had Essure in June of 2009..Easy procedure…But I now have pelvic discomfort, brain fog, hip pain, joint pain, increased insomnia and many of the other symptoms that most women have; just a general NON well being. One symtom I have is a discomfort in my posterior pelvis if not my rectum. Anyone else? I am terrified to have the coils removed and all of my symptoms remain. Any thoughts/comments are most appreciated.

    • Amanda Morrill says:

      I have my pains in the same exact area! This is not a coincidence!

      • Julie says:

        OMG!! Like a spasm deep within your rectum!! Wakes me up in the middle of the night. I came across this sight after researching different cancer symptoms…(terrified, really, that it was cancer) Then this last weekend I was singing the praises of essure to a friend when it hit me. What if that’s what’s causing this pain as well as the abdominal cramping, the distended abdomen…seriuosly I look pregnant. I had my coils put in 6 mos after my 3rd child was born and I had lost all my baby weight. Now after almost 2 yrs, I look and FEEL AWFUL ALL THE TIME!! Wow. The more I read the more I find that I have in common with you all…even my vision has deteriorated…after having the same prescription for over 25 yrs. (I just turned 40) Nausea, headaches, exhaustion…everything! I thought I was falling apart! I’m going straight to the FDA site to file a complaint…THIS MUST BE STOPPED! I’m praying for you all!

  247. Kristine says:

    I have not had a single problem with mine.. I was just doing a search to see how likely pregnancy is after the procedure. Sorry for what you all are having to go through with this 😦

  248. Amanda Morrill says:

    I had my Essure implants done in January 2011. The HSG test was performed in April, and all was said to be “well”. I have complained to my OBGYN that I was very uncomfortable and that I have been “spotting” to “heavy flow” since having them put in. She tells me that its “normal”. I can’t see where spotting on some days and heavy bleeding on others for 4 months now is “normal”. Then you have the pain……I have MAJOR back pain and cramping constantly. It even wakes me up sometimes due to the pain I am in. Not to even mention the lethargy. I am constantly tired now and can’t seem to even make it through a single day without a nap. I am calling family Dr tomorrow to discuss this, as I think after reading about this on here, I am going to get them out ASAP!

  249. Buttacup says:

    I had the Essure placed 15months ago after given birth to my dtr..its been a horrible experience Painful Sex which I always usto enjoy, then right after sex my period comes on for about 3weeks then it goes off I have sex and its right back the months goes on very crampy feelings [periods]in my ribs and back feels like Fibroid issues which I never had but I want this thing removed, How do I go about this

  250. Pine says:

    I had my implants done May 12, 2011, and at first I was okay a day or two later. I started bleeding like crazy, now it’ s almost a week later and I’m till bleeding. This is crazy to bleed like ths I’m make an appt with my doctor we really need to talk. I did research and found nothing. There’s got to be a way to take these out.

  251. Samantha Vliet says:

    hi, my name is Samantha. i had this procedure done back in december 2006. after i had it done i had evere bleeding that seemed like it would never stop. i called the doctor they told me it was normal and would go away. it took forever before it finally became controllabale, but it is still very heavy and blood clots the size of quarters. when i am on my period i have to constantly change my tampon beccause if i dont monitore it every 30 min i bleed through my clothes… at night i have woken up running to the bathroom with blood gushing down my legs ( both legs wold be covered with blood going down to my feet!!). i have back pains severe cramping that i never had during my menstrual. numbness in my legs and my big left toe. my left arm goes numb while laying on my back in bed. i have had majore weight gain in my mid section… feels like 50 lbs!!!!! sometimes sex is very painful with sharp pains and tenderness inside..( i have a high tolerance for pain but this pain gets me!) i sometimes still spot after sex. i only read afew of these comments but of the one i read i didnt see anyone saying they developed ovarian cyst after the preocedure… has anyone??? i had a c-section with twins which was my last pregnancy, i have 5 children and have been pregnant 8 times… afte i had this procedure and the weight gain and serious bleeding i went to a dr who did an ultrasound and said its due to me being overweight which has caused ovarian cyst… but these were not present at the time of my c-section ( i assume this because the dr didnt say anything about this problem) and i have never had a problem getting pregnant hence the 8 pregnancies and 5 children!!! this was told to me when y twins were approx 2. i have very acute pains in my uterine area on accasions that almost make me scream… its been almost 5 years now dealing with the pain…. i am going to try and find a dr that can remove them with out a hysterectomy, if anyone can give me a name it would be greatly appreciated. i live in manassas virginia area. PLEASE HELP!!!

    • Samantha Vliet says:

      also i forgot to ask if anyone eles was having a metal taste in their mouth?????

      • Naomi says:


        I had the coils removed in August of 2010, I had experianced many horrible symptoms including metalic taste in the mouth. I would suggest getting tested for nickle allergy. you might have this metalic taste because the metal is in your blood system.

        I was very much against having a hysterectomy so I did a lot of research and found a place in Georgia who do Essure reversals. Check out

        I feel a lot better now that the coils are out of me. Ofcourse I will never be 100% like I was before the coils but at least I dont have to deal with sever pain, bleeding,etc.. you know the rest of my symptoms because you are experiancing them yourseld.

        Call the center and see how they can help you

        Good luck

  252. Angie says:

    I got the essure done in April 2011. Since the essure i have been a total wreck. I have been bleeding since the procedure, having severe cramps, pain in back, tingling in my tubes, hot flashes, night sweats, feelings of confusion at times, black outs, and extremely high blood pressure. I was not suffering from any of these symptoms until i got the essure. My doctor is aware of what is going on and i am scheduled for an early hsg next week to see if they find anything abnormal. He is not really sure what to do about it since this has never happened to any of his patients who have had the procedure done. He called the essure company and was told to just give me pain killers. I was shocked at their response. I took it upon myself to call the company and explain my symptoms and try to obtain information on why this is happening and has it happend before, they gave me the run around and in the end i was told they couldn’t talk to me about my medical problems with the essure. Needless to say i am very disappointed with my experience and i am looking for relief that no one can seem to provide. I am seeking a lawyer for help. I definately think a petition is in order so everyone can be compensated for all the suffering we have been put through and we need to make this info made more public so no one else will have to be put through this without knowing what side effects could be.

  253. Tracy H says:

    Want to see just how much money Conceptus (makers of Essure) are making from our suffering? check out the link

  254. Jennifer says:

    I had the procedure in 2008. I got the procedure done because I was having recurring yeast infections that I was told due to Birth control pills.I was fine in the beginning and happy. It is now 4-5 years later and I have had a colorless/sometimes white discharge that reminds me of a BV for about 2 years. Also I have that metallic taste which I wouldnt have really been abIe to describe. My other problem is that for 2 weeks out of every month i feel like my breasts are engorged. I have spend countless appointments at the obgyn 50.00 a pop for them to tell me that i am normal and its just stress. It is very embarassing as I am 33 and single again after 17 years of marraige and I dont know what to tell the next person I am going to have a relationship with. i’ve thought about getting reversed but I don’t really trust any obgyn and went broke trying to fix the problem. What bothers me more is i got the procedure done because my ex didnt want any more children and now I am not able to even contemplate.

    • Naomi says:

      After having the Essure procedure I had started suffering from BV and ovarian cysts. I had to travel to Gainsville Georgia to get this procedure reversed. I did not want to have a hysterectomy at the age of 29 so i decided that Having to pay out of pocket and travel to another state would be worth saving my uterus.

      I am disapointed in the FDA and the doctors who are performing this procedure, after all the complaints and problems that women are reporting this procedure is still not off the market.

  255. Michelle S says:

    Ladies – I am so glad that I found this blog and a few others talking about complications with the Essure product/procedure. I had a Mirena IUD placed in February 2009 and started having many of the symptoms described here related to Essure. I had muscle aches, menstrual cramping worse than before, heavier bleeding than before, no energy, could have cared less about anything, slept every chance I got, painful intercourse when I had the energy for sex, my husband complained that my insides were so tight that penetration was difficult, then to top it off in October 2009 I was also diagnoses Type 2 Diabetic. My hunch is that the Diabetes was triggered by the Mirena. Finally in late November 2009 I had the Mirena removed. All of my symptoms except the diabetic condition went away immediately. My prior GYN would not do a tubal because I was less than 40 and had no children. I was 38 1/2, married with step-children and wasn’t interested in starting the baby business. My new GYN is highly recommending the Essure. After reading all of this and already having problems with the Mirena I think I need to go the traditional route of tubal. I am so sorry to hear that so many women are having problems. It would seem that the FDA should do something to help remove these products from the market.

  256. renee c says:


    Coming up on 2 months of hell since the procedure. Doctors keep telling me “don’t worry – all the pain and blood is normal.” In the shower today washing….and guess what came out? YEP – one of the Essure stents. Just came right out of me into my hand. Absolutely horrified to say the least. Where is the other one? It’s Sunday so I called the on call doctor who said, “oh that’s too bad.” So, we’ll just see if I’m going to listen to one more day of “don’t worry – it’s normal.”

  257. Naomi says:


    These coils had caused nothing but pain and suffering for me when I had them. I have to say the fact that one of thm came out is good, get the doctor to get the other one out and you will see that once you are free from these coils you will be symptom free. I always say that everything that happens is for the best, believe me the fact that the coil came out is a good thing.

    When I had the coils in me I prayed everyday that they just came out because my doctor kept telling me that there was no way to get them out.

    I hope everything works out for you.

  258. mindy b says:

    HI ladies. I had the Essure put in back in 2006. At that moment I was sure it was the right thing to do, didnt think twice or did any research. Docs mentioned it, I said ok, mind you i was suffering from post partum depression and had just had a death in my family so my mind was far from clear. After about a year I started experiencing some pelvic pain which got worst and worst. Finally i went back to my gyn dr and trust and believe they have ran every test they possibly can and tried to pinpoint my pain on everything else and have come up clean and finally they were convinced that its not in my head its actually the essure causing my pain. My life has been miserable ever since, I cant take this pain anymore. The dr. has told me the only way to officialy get them out is with a hysterectomy, but I dont think I’m ready for that. She tried a laparoscopy to see if she can see them and how easy it would be to come out, but was unsuccessful, I recently had a hysteroscopy to try the removal again, and here I am 4 days after surgery and I’m not sure what was done or what happened. The OR nurse told me the left one was partially removed and the right side wasnt visualized, like what the hell does that mean. I dont even have a follow up scheduled with the doctor that did my surgery. I’m so ready for a new doctor. Has anyone come across any doctors in the New England that can be of any help. I’ve about had it with these things and my current doctor. HELP!!!!

    • naomi says:

      I think that you should see a new doctor and maybe not tell them of your case right away. Request a sonogram and ask them what they see first. Then afterwards tell them your history. The fact that partial was removed and the other was not visualized does nothing for you. It means that you had to go through surgery and still have those things in you.

      • renee c says:

        Mindy & Naomi,

        This story scares me. One of mine fell out and my dr is suggesting another surgery to try to get the other one out. She has never done it…….so your story scares me pretty good. At the same time, I hadn’t really thought about the possibility of her not being able to get it out. I think I’m really going to have to do a lot more research to feel good about a solution before I jump in and let the same doctor try to take one out when she obviously didn’t put them in right in the first place.
        Naomi – still trying to get in touch with your lawyers. I’ve called every day, but they are super busy and have not been able to take my call – but I won’t give up.

  259. melissa says:

    hello omg i am petrified.i just had the esure last week.i had my 3rd baby almost 3 mo ago and planned on tying my tubes when my dr said she didnt have to cut me she could go in vaginally i thought i could trust her and went along with it.i didnt even know it was called essure until now.can i change my mind to have it reversed now and because of all these complications would the insurance cover it?thanks petrified

  260. Tracy H says:

    Natural News is looking for news tips. I think the Essure problems and Conceptus would be worthy of publicity. This is what they had to say: “You may have already noticed, but NaturalNews is now publishing over 14 stories a day, with 2-3 hard-hitting feature stories each weekday. We now have a team of researchers, investigators, writers and reporters working around the clock to bring you breaking news and analysis that you just won’t get anywhere else.

    Plus, we’ve opened up a reader tips system where you can send us anonymous tips that we will review for possible investigations. Submit your tips at: ”

  261. Monesha says:

    I recently had the essure procedure done 3/17/11, besides the bleeding, Im not having any problems, regular bleeding, no cramping after 5 days. You guys are scaring me, I thought this would be a better choice than getting my tubes tided since i have had 2 c-sections.

  262. LaWanda says:

    All I can say is this is unbelieveable,I had the procedure done Dec 9th 2010 and i have been bleeding non stop since my sex life is gone i have constant cramping everyday,and everyday i wake up hoping and praying that the bleeding will go away,I’m curious to know how much are these dr’s getting paid for performing this procedure because my dr basically told me this is the only procedure that i shld have because their are no reported side effects,So i went to the website to read up on the procedure and it speaks of no real side effects at all.I’m probably in one of the worst positions than anyone that has posted their comments bec i was recently laid off and have no insurance but i will contact the attorneys listed above i refuse to live my life in constant pain.Good Luck everyone

  263. naomi says:

    Did you have the HSG done? Its only been a few months since you had the procedure, maybe, if there is not a lot of scar tissue formed yet the doctor can just pull it out. I know of a woman who was able to have them removed like that.

    Good luck to you

  264. Tracy H says:

    The following link will take you to the FDA website to report problems with the Essure procedure

  265. Addy says:

    I wish I had read all of this sooner. I had my procedure done in November 2010. My doc also “sugar coated” the whole thing. The procedure itself wasn’t bad, I did not feel a thing but the dye test 3 months later was a nightmare, I honestly think they clamped off a piece of my cervix because I was bleeding so much along with passing big pieces of tissue. Prior to having the Essure implant, my periods were always light and short. I never experienced such bad PMS as I do now. I get constant hot flashes, alot of weight gain in my mid section and I constantly feel drained and un-energized. I experience so much pain in my joints, especially when waking up in the morning, I feel like an 80 year old woman and Im only 32. I have 3 wonderful children and I sometimes feel like I cant keep up with them. My horrible mood swings are also affecting my relationship with my significant other. I totally regret this. I hope something can be done about this. 😦

  266. michelle says:

    i had the essure procedure done on may 25, 2011. since then i have had bad cramping, bleeding, and really bad abdominal pains. if i move a certain way i feel the essure poking me inside. i am in constant pain i also have bad back pain and i have insomnia, i never had any of theese symptoms untill i had the essure procedure done. is there a class action lawsuit? any one have any advice? i can not afford to have a reversal done. i need help.

    • naomi says:

      You just had them placed, I don’t see why your doctor cant just pull them out. I speak from experience the longer you keep them in the worse you will feel. I would be aggressive in demanding that the doctor remove them. I know of women who had the coils removed a couple of weeks after placement

      Good luck

      PS i am curious what state are you in

  267. michelle says:

    i was also told that it would be a 10 min procedure and that there would be no pain, i was given something in the operating room at the hospital to knock me out and i was there for 6 hours. they also had to intibate me, i had no idea that this was going to happen and now im scared.

  268. Cindy says:

    I had an appointment scheduled for June 8th to have the Essure procedure done. I was so excited because my Dr. made it sound like a walk in the park. After reading these, and some other blog site, I have cancelled my appointment. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories and possibly saving me from a lot of pain and heartache.

  269. DD Z says:

    Holy Crap People! I am supposed to get this done tomorrow. My husband and I have been going back and forth with it. there is no way I am going to do it. I thought there was some red flags going off in my head. First off the doctor briefly went through the procedure, barely telling me anything. Then they gave me a scrip for a muscle relaxer that I was supposed to take an hour before I go in. I read the label and it says breast feeding mom’s can not take the med.So I called the Dr. and told her that I saw that , and that I am nursing a 3 month old. They kind of got mad at me for not wanting to take that med! So they got all huffy becasue they would have to find something I could take. The nurse asked me if I knew how the procedure went. I really didn’t so I asked her. I had no idea ( I guess) what was going to happen. My doctor really didn’t tell me anything. The nurse actually told me some women have an extreme amount of pain with it and they can give pain meds…not that I could have them being that I am nursing. The appointment had been moved by the clinic more then 3 times. Because they goofed. Thank God they did. Thank you ladies for all the info and for saving me from probably a lot of problems.

  270. Mom of 3 says:

    Well – – – – – I had the Essure procedure in October 2009 after my third child. . . had the dye test to confirm in January. . . was told I could COUNT ON ESSURE for 100% effective birth control. . . February 28 of this year. . . positive pregnancy test. . . YEP you read right. Was told the tubes were completely blocked and there was NO CHANCE I COULD EVER GET PREGNANT then did!!!!! What recourse do we have against this ignorant bunch of morons putting this device on the market? BTW, my OB/GYN has a 5% failure rate . . . that’s 25 times what ESSURE advertises at a rate of 0.2%!

  271. TINA says:

    I got my procedure done March 2011. I couldnt even get my HSG test done because of the bleeding.. Im so sick of them saying its the depo and i say no i dont believe that.. At first this sounded so great for me and my partner but now its the worst decision i ever made. For a long time i wasnt on any bc and i feel great but now i just want to relax and do nothing. my relationship is not the same even though it just been a couple of months we were a very active couple n now by me bleeding this sh**.. When i can get my HSG I plan to get it remove ASAP..I wish i read this sooner because i would not be going through this i was encouraging my friends but now DONT DO IT.. I wonder was this ever test like they do everything else.

  272. Lynn says:

    WOW! Thought I was going crazy. Had the procedure done in 2007 and I have all the symptoms you all are posting. Has anyone heard anything about what can be done about this. My doctor made it sound like the best option for me at the time. Now I just want them out so I can get on with my life. Contact me at with any info that can help us get this fixed.

    Lynn, NM

  273. NickyLee says:

    I don’t see too many who had the procedure done in the last 12 months which is why I came here in the first place. But I had the Essure done this past week and am curious. I was reminded that my cycles would go back to the way they were before once I stopped taking my BC pills (that I’ve been on for 20+ years!). My post-op instructions were no sex for 4 weeks and no tub baths/swimming for 2 weeks. I was given a Toradol shot, viodin 500 mg and 2 xanax and was awake for the procedure that I watched on the same monitor she was using and saw them placed without problem. Mild cramping similar to a period, back to work the next day. So maybe some of these problems are from doctors who haven’t had many hours in on new procedures or didnt give very good follow-up care. Are some of these issues from women who have terrible periods and forgot about all the problems they used to have before taking the pill? Please explore all things before pursuing any medical procedure and take pains to ensure you have a great doctor!

  274. maliakah says:

    I hope everything goes well with you and this procedure, I hate you had it but you got to do what you got to do. The problems does not occur instantly for some, but give it time and you will see what every other woman on this site is experiencing. My problems did not occur within the first couple of months, but with in that same year everything started going downhill. This was in 2008 and here it is 2011 problems keep occurring . Hopefully you want any problems one or two people posted that they are not having any problems.

  275. Amy says:

    I had the procedure done january 27,2011. I was put to sleep for the procedure. I wasn’t informed of the procedure that much just that it was a simple coil and would require no cuts. I can’t remember if they did a allergy test for nickel or not. After the procedure I had some cramping. The next day I felt drained which I thought was from the procedure. My periods started out every 2 weeks, then I started at the end of april and never stopped. I also fell weak somedays, tired and shaky, and nausea and the feeling my stomach is on fire! Then somedays I feel just fine. From time to time I will have sharp pains in my stomach. Last week I had a ultrasound done. It came back that my uterus and cervix was fine. I seen my ob the next day and he put me on birth control pills saying my hormones were out of balanced. When I asked him about the pain in the stomach, he said that meant nothing to him. That it couldn’t be from my reproductive system cause it looked fine. I really hate these and would just rather have them out! Is anyone else having about the same problems or symptoms? If so please comment. Thanks!

  276. Karen says:

    I had the Essure/STOP coil procedure 4/2000, I must’ve been one of the first “guinea pigs”. The reaction/rejection after the implantation was immediate. I had severe abdominal cramping and felt nausea and light headed after I rolled off the procedure table. I remember falling to the floor and immediately having to go to the bathroom where I proceeded to have several bowel movements and serious cramping. I continued with repetitive bowel movements for about a month. Within a few months I was noticing weight gain and didn’t know why/how this was happening since I was working out for an hour every day. Since the procedure I have suffered from depression, anxiety, mood swings, heavy periods, early menopause, and other symptoms commonly associated with menopause. I believe the procedure put my body into early menopause. I have not suffered the other symptoms many others listed such as taste of metal, body aches/pains, etc. but my quality of life has most definitely been compromised the last 11 years as a result of this procedure that was most presented as a “piece-of-cake” procedure. I’ve especially become distraught with the weight gain that has resulted, I work out, and I’m at my pregnancy weight+. My mother never suffered menopausal symptoms and I truly believe that the symptoms I’ve experienced are a result of Essure. I’ve had to go on HRT because of my menopausal symptoms and have suffered from serious/severe anxiety attacks brought on by the symptoms of early menopause. My husband refused to have a vasectomy because he had an operation to help resolve infertility issues we were were experiencing prior to our pregnancy. I thought participating in the Essure trial test would be a great solution to our permanent birth control and we did not have to pay for the procedure. Well, I’ve/we’ve most definitely paid for the procedure in many other ways and I do regret the procedure and my husband’s unwillingness to have a vasectomy. After reading the posted comments Essure has ruined the lives of many women and their families. Essure should take accountability/responsibility for their actions.

    • KD says:

      Karen, we are making waves in the news right now. Have you spoken to anyone from the Facebook support group. One of the Admins is looking for someone to speak to the media about there experience in the clinical trial. Please email essureproblems AT

  277. kim bak says:

    i had the procedure done and after the dye test had to get the one removed b/c it was not in my tube , it was free floating (a couple of inches from my tubes) in my body.

  278. Jenn says:

    I havent had any pain issues , had mine done 12/2010 but since March of 2011 i have been having bacteria infections every month a few days before my period is due and no one can figure out why!! BV? since when??! Sex life was supposed to get bettter not stop because on on a 10 day medication every 2 weeks every ..every two weeks….i think its something to do with my tubes and this procedure also NEVER had issues before!

  279. misty says:

    hello, i’ve posted here before,i as well have alot of problems with essure….i got mine in oct 06….i have all the problems ,and now i’m getting WORSE!! and can’t seem to get anyone to check on my essure coils,when i say essure they look at me crazy and have NO CLUE what i’m talking about!!!! I’m really getting depressed and so tired of this!! i’ve been to the ER twice in 3 days this week and have a doctors appointment tomorrow,I HAVE NO INSURANCE,so i’m going into a debt i may never get out of all because i can’t get anyone to check these damn coils or find a reson why im so sick an in pain..anyway i’m sorry i just feel like a crazy lady today!! i was fine not sick or anything ,dealing with my everyday pain from essure,6/12/11 i woke up 1am in some ungodly pain in my neck and back lower head and my throat was very sore,pain that just got worse and worse went to E.R at 4am,..hum never heard of essure so wrote that off,lol i even had to spell it for em,…anyway i had a ACUTE PHARYNGITIS(VIRAL AND BACTERIAL)INFLAMMATION,also called a sore throat,was put on antibiotics the same i’ve been put on for the last 5 years when i get a lower bactrerial infections (from the essure) but doctors will never say that cuz they never have check coils because they have no clue about them they say…6/14/11 i’m getting even worse ,woke up 1am from all the pain,head ,neck, throat,lymp nodes,ears,and a shooting shock pain off an on in my brain,once again essure bypasses, I was told i had not given the antibots time to work,WTH i’m on em and i’m getting worse!! so needless to say i’m on more antibots for a chronic bacterial infection,and no one can tell me why or how i got it,now today 6/16/11 my neck and head as well as my throat are better,i’m still dealing with double ear infections along with a pain in my head as if its gonna pop,confussed,tired,a stabbing pain where my left coil is and numbness in my right leg,…I’M WONDERING IF MAYBE MY BODY IS STARTING TO OVER LOAD ON ALL THE TOXIC NICKLE AND METAL IN MY BODY,ANY THOUGHTS WOULD BE GREATFUL! THANKS,FOR BEING HERE!!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Oh Misty I feel so awful for you … this is exactly how I felt. I really felt like I was dying and going crazy. I didn’t find this blog until after I had the coils removed and I can’t tell you how relieved I felt just to know that I wasn’t going crazy and that it WAS the coils that were causing all my my problems. I have my life back now the coils have been removed however it took a long time to de-tox my body and heal the damage done (I had the coils in for 5 years) … sadly I am going through surgically induced menopause but it is nothing compared to the suffering I endured when I had the coils in my body.

      • Kim T says:

        Hi Tracy,

        Can you help me understand what the “surgically induced menopause” is? I have read a bunch of your blogs and have all the same symptoms, along with Shannon seeing a urologist and keep thinking it is Interstitial Cystitis. Just tested postive for a nickel sensitivity- very strong reaction the doc said to it. So having it removed. Long story on me, but one Essure device did not deploy right when it was put in Nov. 2010. So he was able to remove it. I still have the left one and then had the tubal clips put on for my tubal ligation. Want to have everything out including the tubal ligation clips. But with removing the tubes and then having part of the uterus possibly cut if coil is embedded, will this affect my hormones. The doc says no but now I am starting to second guess getting the tubes out. Thanks for all your postings. It has been such a blessing to see that I am not crazy after all. Praying for all of us to have a healing from this nightmare.

  280. kim bak says:

    My situation is a little different I got essure and when i got the dye test I was told that one of the coils was not in my fallopian tube it. The coil was FREE FLOATING in my body, which is scary b/c they are made to cause scar tissue. Sooo I had the one removed but the dr. said he could not remove the other one, i even asked him to “just cut out my fallopian tubes” (I don’t need them anymore) but he gave some lame excuss. now i have one essure coil and one cut and burned tube. I live in constant fear that the remaining coil will work it’s way out and destroy me from the inside out. Every time i get cramps ((which are worse than ever before) i think it’s the essure. I have no insurance ow, and I WANT IT OUT sooo i can have peace of mind. I wish I never did essure. If anyone is doing a class action suit i want in. I need to get the coil out of me.

  281. Amy says:

    I had essure done on March 22,2011 and everything went good no pain except he had a hard time getting it in my right tube. 1 month later started having very sharp stabbing pains i have not stopped bleeding at all really sucks! Finally went to the doctor and discovered since he could not see exactly where the tube was he said he accidentally stuck it in my ovaries. all that being saig he said he needed to get it out ASAP and he would tie my tubes while he was in there but, I have to pay for it all. I really don’t think I should have to pay seeing that he is the one that screwed up. Suppose to get all this done on thursday but not if I have to pay we are broke just had a car break down that has to be fixed and were strapped.

    All your opinions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks.

  282. Lynn says:

    Wishing I could afford to get the reversal done, this really sucks. Tired of the pain, 14 day periods and the fatigue that this great idea (according to my doctor) has caused me. I have no insurance so going to a doctor is out of the question, can’t afford to pay cash. So unhappy right now 😦

  283. nicole says:

    i live in northwest arkansas i had to have the essure put in my right tub bc my left was blocked so the dr tied that tube now i have nothing but cramps dont know when my flow will be in i am actually writing this in pain i had the essure put in march of 09 i have had to go to the dr because of it and all they did was send my home with birth control n a six houndred dallar bill for his help i cant take it i want this pain an im sick all the tie bc of it what do i do i am 25 and unhappy:(

  284. Amira says:

    I head procedure done on March 14th ,and I wish I never did it .Especially today when I went for 3 month HSG test and I was told that one tube is blocked ,but ther is no another coil.I was so mad ,they told me it probably got out.How that can happend???????I am beond being mad and upset.
    Any way ever since the procedure I am heaving very heavy periods that last7-8 days.After procedure I was spoting for 3 weeks and even I am on BC pills my period changed and every month 2 weeks after last day of period I start spoting.Now I am waitng for call from my obgyn,and I really want to hear what she has to say.

  285. melissa says:

    I had the essure done August of 2007 it was sugar coated for me too I never had the x-ray test done because of all the post I read about pain. I had a lot of problems since then pain heavy periods fatigue weight gain I even started seeing a therapist for all the mood swings and chronic fatigue everyone thought it was all in my head……I was told I was bi-polar and adhd and I was given bad psyc meds I went off all of them within weeks of taking them it only made everything worse….the only med I stayed on was adderall I was on a high dose at 60mg a day I don’t know how or why it worked but it did I felt normal for once since the essure was put in. I lost weight all the mood swings were gone I felt normal…..the only thing I had was the constant discharge of clear egg white like goo…..I went off the adderall and it all came back even worse I went and found out I had adenomyosis couldn’t have a simple ablaision procedure to help it because the essure is metal and it could cause 3rd degree burns now at 33 I’m looking at a hysterectomy of my uterus…..I’m gonna make damn sure they take out the essure as well!! I believe all my problems is due to the essure on top of all the above mention I have severe constipation, uncontrolable bladder and my hair is falling out……..I had a pap done came back normal and my thyroid and hormone levels checked all came back normal can anyone explain any of this crap?? Why would my perfect health decline after my 4th baby?? It makes no sence!! This seems to be the only reason for all this upset inside my body…….I’m hoping with the hysterectomy and removal of the essure I can go back to a normal life and get this weight off of me no matter what I do I just gain and I’m a really active person! Hiking swimming when I’m not bleeding and I go to the gym I have 4 kids that keep me on my toes……..all I can say is don’t get this procedure! I hate the man that pushed this on me!! and now I have to have a part of my body removed!!

  286. Jessica Greenwalt says:

    I had my procedure done in dec 07. I have had all the same symptoms as you other ladies. I was having horrible cramping and pain. I was actually in the hospital numerous times. I had exploratory surgery because of the pain I was having. They told me I had endometriosis. I am still having all the same pain and problems. I am thinking about demanding they remove them and see if that helps because they were already talking about giving me a hysterectomy. But then changed their minds. I have gained like 80lbs or more since 2007. I am pretty sure I am gonna look into having them removed. If anyone has had that done can you tell me what the procedure was like and what they had to do? Thank You

  287. naomi says:


    I had my coils removed in August of 2010. I was experiencing almost all the symptoms the ladies are describing on this site. Also had numerouse ER visits. I found a center in Gainsville Georgia. Had to fly there from NY and pay out of pocked to have them removed. But I am glad I did it. Hope this helps. Good luck

  288. Mandi says:

    I had the coils put in the end of May 2010. In September 2010, I started getting extreme arm pain. Neurologists and bone specialists do not know why I am in pain, but think I will be in pain for the rest of my life if no one can find out why. I am starting to think they are connected. I just got my insurance back, so I am going to make an appointment with my gyno, no other gyno will see me until then. I have also been feeling pops all over my utero-area and lower area the past few months a couple times. When I feel them, I get pain within minutes and start discharging clear liquid. I had a cyst by my vaginal opening, but it was cut out. I’m thinking I am getting cysts higher up. Has anyone else gotten cysts since having Essure done?

  289. Nina says:

    I’ve been having several of the problems you all have been having since implanted in Sept. 2010. I found this on another blog: (i’m in Virginia, but I’m going to follow up tomorrow.) Nina

    Essure Problems class action suit! Call Lawyer $??
    Become a member to remove this ad.

    I hear your pain I have it so bad myself.
    I was already on Social Security Disability for Chronic pain elsewhere in my body and spine now this on top of it.

    I also hear your pain about insurance paying for it or not.

    I am lucky to be on Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Cross and Blue shield but I don’t have a great selection of doctors now.

    I don’t know where you live but I have a Lawyer here in the Greater Kansas City, MO area that is willing to work with me through the mail for a class action suit against Conceptrus Essure company. You might be able to get some financial assistance or pay back if you call them and get in on it.

    Here is my lawyers office girls number, she is very interested, the more of our friends we can get with similar probelms with Essure online the better also. They will be getting a copy of your post online printed with a lot of tthe other girls womens too. I want all of us to get help with our doctors bills and with the pain and suffering we have been through and I want these things off the market before my daughter graduates high school she is 11 so I am willing to work on it for years!

    Here is Heather’s number she is Daniel Thomas’s gal….ask for Danny Thomas’s gal Heather,

    Heather her number is (816)836-5050

    Please give her a call, and Pass it on to others with problems like us online I could use your help on this, I have to get more information for my lawyers now…paperwork augh!

  290. Lisa says:

    I had the procedure 3 years ago. I was told the procedure would be simple and take about 30 minutes. The procedure took 1-2 hours. I should have known that something was a bad sign from the beginning. I have hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, depression, anxiety, confusion, fluids gushes and frequent urinating. I knew I had a nickel allergy before the procedure but was never told it was made out of nickel!!!!

  291. Micaela says:

    I to had the procedure done in june of 09 I am 33 and have experienced the tingling of the feet, insomnia, severe cramping and huge blood clots when on my menstral not to mention the moodswings and depression. i wish I had never gotten this procedure.

  292. susan says:

    my name is susan i the essure procedure done in febuary 2010 since then i have had alot of pain landing me in the er often finally my ob dr told me i that my right overy is bad and i need a parcial historectomy i have no insurance now so thats not an option for me and now i havent had my cycle for 2 months. any advise is greatly appreciated

  293. stephanie says:

    I had essure done Feb. of 2010 and ever since then I have pain in my abdominal area and back, weight gain, and headaches. My period has yet to stop. At least that”s what I think it is. It hurts when I have intercourse, so bad to the point where I just don’t want to do it anymore. I Would like to get them removed but not sure how. Help!

  294. AntiSocialite says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in 2007, and I share a lot of the symptoms many of the women have mentioned such as excessive weight gain and extreme mood swings. I would like to know if anyone has had the reversal, and if so did this help with the negative symptoms that were being experienced?

  295. Traci Nichols says:

    Hi everyone – it’s been a while since I posted. Here’s some positives for you – after my hysterectomy in September, I can happily say that I am down almost 30 lbs, have slept great, my mood is back to good, my energy is way up, and all the other menopausal symptoms have subsided. I truly believe that Essure has been the catalyst to all the badness!

    I’ve tried to call both the lawyers referenced in previous posts but have never had a call back. I really hope we can find a means to eliminate this product / procedure from being available. It’s horrible and seeing more and more women go through what I went through is sickening!

    I tell everyone about my experience and I hope it helps to deter other women from having the procedure. Those that are having problems, get that Essure out of your body!!! It sucks but it will get better – I’m proof! Listen to your body – if it’s not saying anything good, it’s right! Use this blog to support your claims to doctors… helps! You’re not alone!

    • Tracy H says:

      That is wonderful Traci, I’m SO happy for you. Just a heads up though, I am going through surgically induced menopause as a result of the hysterectomy so don’t be surprised if you start getting symptoms of menopause. I am thankful to have my life back but it still pisses me off that I continue to suffer as a result of those hideous coils!

  296. april says:

    Had the essure done after giving birth to my son. I did everything I was suppost to after. had the depo preveria shot, had tubes checked after 3 months and they said they were blocked and I was good to go. A year later we found out I was pregnant!! It was horrible. And the lack of compassion from my doctor was very upsetting. Is there anyone suing this company?

  297. KHmama says:

    I have had the essure coils for just over a year now. The past 6 months have been nothing but pain….i went from being active/full of energy to wanting to do nothing but sleep… I went to my Dr. last week because i have been having alot of pain..mostly on the left… not to mention the most painful periods. The past few months the pressure alone has gotten very bad….now my abdomen is sticking out so much I look pregnant. After an ultrasound Monday(which left me in pain) my Dr said that my uterus is double the normal size and the linning is three times thicker than normal. I am sched to have a sonahystogram Friday…. i don’t know what to do any more…I really think this is all related to the coils but was wondering if any of you ladies had any input….

  298. Chas says:

    I have recently had essure done, and ive been experiencing painful intercourse

  299. Vickie1202 says:

    I had the essure coils put in on May 19, 2011 and everything went good in the beginning. My doctor told me that I should not have any problems because this was the easy way to go. Of course, I listened. Two months later and I have gain so much weight in my midsection and my monthly cycles went from 3 days to…well I don’t know because it has not gone anywhere yet. I am now on day 11. I went from flowing light to flowing like a river with 2 to 3 blood clogs a day. I have never experenced cramps with my cycle but now I am having cramps that hurts so bad that I can barely walk. I want my cycle gone! My doctor LIED about how easy this would be.

    • naomi says:

      Vickie its only been two months since you had them put in. you might not have much scar tissue developed yet. you can still have them pulled out. Dont listen to the doctor. insist the he take it out. I had them in me for a year and had only pain and never ending periods. I had numerous doctor visits, ER visits and no one could find anything, I finally found a doctor who could reverse the procedure and thank God I did

  300. Amy says:

    I had the Essure procedure in October 2010. The procedure went fine, but in the last couple of months, I have had severe pain in tubes, my back, legs and arms ache all the time and have recently started feeling very faint. I am tired all of the time. Been to my doctor three times complaining of these symptoms and she can’t find anything. Thank you for all your posts because now I feel like I am not dealing with this on my own.

  301. chrissy says:

    After having the essure procedure I have experienced excruciating pain in my right hip every month during my menstruation cycle. At times it is so painful I can’t
    focus on anything but the pain. I am trying to find out if it is related to the essure procedure. Please help me find answers, this has been going on for 7 years and is increasingly become worst with each passing month.

    • Melissa says:

      I have had the procedure for 5 yrs and I have had the pain and more. It is hard to get by the pain. I think any one that is no able to find much info about this is good. In 2009 I was unable to find any thing on the net about this so now I am upset that the doc did not tell me that there could be somethings wrong.

    • naomi says:

      that was one of my many symptoms. I always had hip pain. horrible left lower side pain and lower back pain. I couldnt bend down to pick something off the floor. I had the coils removed last year and feel better. Not 100% but definitely better. check out lake shore surgical center.

  302. Antonia says:

    I just had the Essure done July 19, 2011 so far so good…….but my stomach has increase in size, maybe its due to the procedure or lack of work out… I will keep you guys posted….Hopefully I don’t have any bad symptoms like long periods(when I do have a period due to me breast feeding)figures cross

  303. D says:

    I had Essure done on May 13th 2011. It was a little painful and uncomfortable but not like others have said. It has been over 2 months and I feel great. I had no complications what so ever after the procedure. I came home and slept most of the afternoon and a little cramping but that’s it. No bleeding, back pain, leg pain or anything out of the norm. Everyone is different and just because someone had trouble doesn’t mean you will. I read all these posts before I had it done and almost decided not to move forward, but I did anyway and do not regret my decision at all. I’m sorry for those of you who are or have had problems and hope it all gets better, but for those of you who are thinking about having it done, please listen to yourself and your body not these posts weather they are good or bad!!!!!

    • naomi says:

      I think that one should tell them selves that if every women is different and there is a risk that I might have the same side effects that these poor women are having then one should not go through with it, why put themselvs in that risky situation. D you just got the procedure done. I also felt okay the first couple of months then i started to feel the horrible side effects. I pray that you continue to do well but unfortunately its just too soon to tell. Do keep us posted

      • D says:

        It has now been 6 months and I love it. I still have not problems, my periods are right on time, my cramps with my cycle went away and I feel great. Like I said on my post, listen to yourself and your own body not other peoples words. If a women don’t want to proceed she should not, but if a women does then go forward. I don’t regret my decision at all and feel actually better then I have in years. Thank you and hope things get better for you.

      • Indi kaufman says:

        Every womans body is different and will react to certain things at different times. I have had mine in for over 2 1/2 yrs. And when i started having problems i didnt even relate it to the essure until now! Lower back aches and cramping mild discharge. And it DIDNT happen right away. So when it did like i said i had no idea the essure was the problem. BUT after having every test done from MRI CT scan Back Xrays seeing the Urologist, GI specialist and a Neurologist, 2 biopsies and an Endocrionologist we still have come up with nothing…UNtil the GI doctor said the lower pain i have has nothing to do with the colon! I need to see the GYN it has to be a female problem..the only thing there are the coils. SO i do hope the best but the problems did not show right away so just be on the look out for anything thats unusual.

  304. Patricia Chee says:

    I have the essure implants for nearly 6 years and experiencing more discomfort, heavy bleeding, depressed, leg pain and so forth. For these past six years was a mistake in having this procedure. After having my daughter, I had alot going as far as full time mom, working full-time and a full time student. I just wanted a contraceptive that painless, non-incisional, long term, effective and not worry about taking any birth control. Somehow I can not remember how I agreed in getting this procedure. Now, I am desparately seeking help in getting these coils out of my tubes. I have seen OBGYN Doctors and specialist about this procedure and of course they say its irreversible, unless take the risk of hysterectomy. I do not want to loose my uterus and possibly have another child, now that I am done with school. But with the student loans and bills, I am unable to get the procedure done. If I could wined the clock 6 years ago and picked a different contraceptive, that would be wonderful. Now, I maybe dealing with PTLS and seeking help;(

  305. I had the Essure procedure on June 09, 2008 after having my son (my 4th child) on April 24, 2008 I have had 3 miscarriages plus complications with all my pregnancies, I bled nonstop with my son could have lost him at anytime, then had a scare when my tri-screen came back abnormal and was told i may have to have an abortion with my son thankfully he is fine and healthy. After everything I went through having my kids I just could not take the pain and heartache of loosing another pregnancy or the stress of the baby not living if I had him/her so I decided to get sterilized. The only procedure my insurance would cover was Essure (atleast thats what my doctor told me). I bled for 4 months after the procedure. I would get up to take out the trash or something and blood would just pour out of me it scared me and my older kids on a regular basis. I have problems still headaches all the time, hands going to sleep while i am on the phone or driving, feet going numb when I sit. My periods each month are crazy I hurt really bad I bleed heavily and clots that are golfball sized. I feel weak and have problems with my back hurting a lot to where I can barely walk. I have had CT scans, x-rays, ultrasounds, exploratory surgery to find what is the cause and they can’t find anything. I did take prednisone for awhile and that seemed to help a lot but could not take it for very long. I stay sick to my stomach have very bad mood swings and run a fever 90% of the time but blood work always comes back ok as well. No doctors can find a cause for my pain, my fever, I have trouble sleeping also. I also get sick really easy now also. I feel crazy and that maybe its just all in my head since no one can explain what is going on. The doctor told me the bleeding after the procedure was from the depo shot which I had in the past and I did not cause me to bleed like that. I have friends who take it as well and no bleeding not even a period. The doctor also told me the depo shot could stay in your system up to over a year which made no sense to me because you have to go back regularly for another shot. Now I am 27 years old and feel terrible all the time I diet and exercise but cant loose weight my doctor even perscribed me diet medicine to help and nothing. Now I have no insurance to see a doctor for any reason so am dealing with everything on my own. I wish I had never gotten this procedure my life has been nothing but emergency room visits and doctor appointments and tests ever since. When I do have insurance no one wants to give me medicine for the pain I go through.

    • naomi says:

      Brandy you need to remove the coils, that is the only way you will feel relief from the symptoms you are describing

  306. Stephanie says:

    I got my Essure done in Sept 2010 and for the past 2 months I have been expierencing pain acorss the lower abdomen and up my left flank area along with low back pain. It is not constent but when I do have it it hurts to sit, walk, and to touch. Can this be from the Essure??

  307. naomi says:

    Yes definitely! I my self had experianced severe pain like u are describing until i got the coils removed. get the coils out of your body as soon as you can, they will only make u sicker

  308. Tara says:

    Hey ladies,

    My name is Tara and I had my procedure done Oct of last year, and I asked for a tubal and the doc sugar coated how wonderful the Essure procedure was….well it was horrible. The only problems I am having is that when its time for my period, I cramp horribly and I never ever cramped before, and the bleeding is horrible. I have to wear a tampon and a pad. If I dont wear the pad, when I stand up I flow everwhere. I also have mood swings and hotflashes. I am not sure what to do. I am not sure if I can go threw the pain of having them taken out, and I dont have insurance. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to share….



  309. maira says:

    If anyone is interested in joining a class action law suit against Conceptus, Inc., makers of the Essure product, please contact Claudine at Sheller Law at 215-790-7300. Enough horror stories, this has to be stopped. Please join this fight, tell your story, get compensation, stop this procedure from harming any more women!!!!

  310. Hello I had the Essure procedure done about a 1 1/2 years ago. I havent had problems until now which is why I looked up problems. When I had this done there were no problems that i could find to cause me to change my mind so I did it. My cycle has never been normal because of my thyroid being low functioning so they are still screwed up so it was no surprise to me when I missed 6 months. However for the last 2 weeks I have been spotting and having symptoms of being pregnant. Nausea, stomach flutters, tired. Since having the procedure I too have had painful intercourse with occasional spotting I just thought maybe I was starting perimenopause but after reading everyones post it got me thinking. I do have an appointment August 5th 2011. I will let you know what the doc says. My doc has always been very good and honest so I cant wait to see what he tells me or how he acts. He is known to be one of the best of the best in town so hopefully maybe he will give me some good answers, we shall see. Also to the women who have had hair loss you may want to have your thyroid checked if you havent because that is a symptom of thyroid problems. Im not saying it couldnt be linked to Essure but I lose my hair because of hypothyroidism. Just wanted to pass that on.

  311. Oh and another symptom I am having is frequent urinating or the pressure of feeling like i need to go.

  312. Yury Sanchez says:

    Wow, i never had promblems with mine. Ive had mine since Oct 2008 going to 3 years and nothing.

  313. Helen says:

    I have had numerous issues with the essure coils since I had them in place over 2 years ago. when I first started looking up info on other women with issues I had so many similar symptoms as so many otter women. I have developed pelvic inflammatory disease because of them and have been told to have them removed. There are two places in the US that perform it and it’s a self pay procedure.. Needless to say I will not be doing that, but desperately need them out and don’t have the resources to do it. I have to live in pain constantly and it has gotten to the point where I have trouble performing my normal activities some days. I don’t know what to do and would love any advice. My email is

    Thank you
    Helen Stanley

  314. Melinda says:

    Not sure if symptoms I amhaving are do to Essure. Go to doc friday

  315. Melissa says:

    I seen that some one was talking about a law suit against Conceptus, Inc. I would like to know if I can get more information PLEASE.

  316. dede says:

    I had essure put in June of 2004, i was one of the first for my dr at the time, I havent had any side effects until last year i have been having a lot of discharge itching and burning. I have been tested for std’s cancer etc. and everythings negative. So im thinking maybe its a reaction to the metal in the essure thats causing this, i dont know what to do because the dr i had moved out of town and now i have no medical insurance. If anyones having any of these kinda symptoms and knows its from the essure please let me know, ive been looking on the web and havent seen any of my symptoms listed.

    • Tracy H says:

      Hey Dede … I experienced the same symptoms. I would often get gushes of acid fluid that left me drenched and sometimes was so acidic it burned my skin, leaving it blistered. I too thought I had std’s or cancer because of all my symptoms … they all went away when I had the coils removed …. coincidence??? I think not!

      • Candace says:

        I am having the exact same symptoms. I had my procedure Sept 2010. I am thinking with everything i am reading i want these things removed. I am calling the Dr. today. These stories are making me sick. Wish i would have researched more before I did this.

  317. The Essure procedure was pitched by my doctor as a procedure with minimal pain – less than getting my tubes tied or my husband having a vasectomy… It was the most painful thing I have ever endured, and my husband could hear me screaming down the hall. The nurses had to hold him back. I almost never complain about anything and I have a pretty high tolerance for paid so it really takes something huge for me to post like this. I also like my Ob-gyn, he delivered both my boys. Still, I can’t reccommend the Essure procedure, as it hurt like hell for a very long time, and made me afraid to see my Ob-gyn for over a year. From what I can tell, it just varies from person to person. I couldn’t have imagined that kind of pain. It was truly torture but the doctor said we were half done and had to finish. It’s been 2 years now, and no pregancies, but it wasn’t worth it.

  318. vervilledeb1 says:

    Here is something I find very interesting (to say the least). The FDA is allowing the nickel contraindication to be removed.

    • Tracy H says:

      OMG this is despicable! It is very evident that something corrupt is taking place. All the reports to the FDA have clearly been conveniently misplaced! I want to know who paid for the study that claims that nickel isn’t a problem. Someone got paid big bucks to publish this bullshit. I am mad as hell!

  319. Melissa says:

    Has any one had the problem with them shifting down out of place

  320. Melissa says:

    did they run any other test to see if the tubes where blocked

  321. sarah says:

    i have had the essure also and have had problems ever since there were implanted in 2008, It started with extreme cramping in my left side so i was automatically given pain meds, i was told that it was kidney stones and they would pass, mnths later dealing with the pain i went back and had an xray and was told still kidney stones, i then contacted another doctor and the had sent me for a colonoscopy and of corse it came back perfect with nothing wrong, long story short more xrays cat scans mri’s internal ultra sounds and external ultra sounds i still was told nothing is wrong but a small 2ml kidney stone,so i spoke to a urologist a work with and told me to come in to her office after more test i was told by her that none of my pain is caused by kidney stones and it is so small i wont even know if i pass it and to go to my obgyn asap!!!!!so i did making it about the 2000 time she had me go for another ultra sound and even another dye test, she stated everything looks great and no one ever complains of the essure, i said well i have had this horrible pain for so long missed work, interferes with playing with my children and unable to have sex,could i be allergic to the coils? its nothing agianst u but my body isnt liking the hardware! my doctor then turned into such a rude horrible person looks at me and says if u want them out call my nurse and schedule an appointment,uuuuum i looked at my fiance and i asked why i was being treated this way? and now since i finally have an approval that my doctor will remove them my insurance company because i work at a catholic hospital might not pay for surgery! im so sorry if im rambeling on but the pain is killing me and im started to get scared, i have lower abdomin pain in the r side now starting in the L, and my back and today started burning in the abdomin and extreme pressure!

  322. sarah says:

    my doctor also told me ” i cant promise the pain is gonna go away ,but dont worry!” 😦 im so tired of having to take pain meds and having to google what meds i was just given, im only 28 yrs old and cant even play with my 4 yr old,between pressure,burning aches and stabbing pains its pathetic does any one else get extreme pressure after the void?

    • Mandi says:

      I know how you feel. I am only 24 and I have three children. I had Essure done the end of May 2010. I almost fainted after it. In September, I started to have extreme pain in my arms. I still have pain and bone doctors and neurologists so far do not know what is wrong, but I have been told that I might have the pain for life. I have had severe pain even when I don’t have my period and I discharge clear after sometimes feeling little pops and pain. I just got my insurance back, but I can’t get into one doctor until October. I have been on at least 5 different pain medicines and I have a problem with tolerance levels with medicines, so even morphine doesn’t even work for me any more. I am now in constant pain and I have to take care of my 19 month old, my almost 3 year old and my 6 year old. I even lost my job because I went to the ER because of the pain.

    • Melissa says:

      I will be 28 in two months and I know how you feel. I wish there was something that they could do.

  323. Meaghan says:

    I had my essure procedure only 3 weeks ago. I have had cramping, bloating, a green discharge started a couple of days ago, headaches, and migraine. The last migraine I had swelling and numbness on the left side of my face, ear, neck, and arm. I am calling my doctor tomorrow. I just want them out.

  324. Tracy H says:

    Comments about the despicable announcement that the Nickel contraindication is being removed from the Essure device can be forwarded to:

    CONTACT: Investor Relations and Public Relations Contact:
    Cindy Klimstra
    (650) 962-4032

    You might like to mention that the study was NOT an independent one because Dr Robert Zurawin is on the medical advisory board of Conceptus, Inc.!!!!!!!!!!!

  325. Tracy H says:

    I contacted OMSJ – Office of Medical & Scientific Justice and they have asked that my Attorney contact them … I live in Australia so perhaps someone in the U.S who has made contact with an attorney could get them to contact him

    “Have your attorney contact me.

    Clark Baker CPI #26869
    PO Box 1507
    Studio City, CA 91614-0507

  326. ramos4025 says:

    i am in shock and in fear..omg i had this procedure done five yrs ago i thought i was crazy tat it was in my head tat i had gained so much weight and painful intercourse with my husband at times can not even have intercourse :O( i have and ultrasound coming in aug 25th. im worried something is not rite. and they to told me it was a great and safe procedure. thats evil they should of been honest and more accurate. this is our lives not theirs and i dont wanna be in pain for ever…that crazy..smh

    • Melissa says:

      Here is one for you I just found out after 5yrs that the left one has moved on me. The doc thinks that is what is making me in pain all the time.

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        Moved to where? Which means for it to move completely out of the fallopian tube the scar tissue never formed right? I am just trying to gather information.


  327. Melissa says:

    Moved down the tissue never formed. I found this out after 5yrs of having it and was never told that I had to have an xray done to see if the where still in the tubes

  328. julie says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in 2008. My Dr. who I shall refer to now as a quack sugar coated the whole thing. He told me there were no side effects and I would be in and out and back on my feet in days. After 2 months of heavy periods, constant back pain and migranes I went in to see him. He told me I just wanted more pain medicine. I told him that answer was a cop out because he was only one of a few doctors in Ohio who could do the procedure. Tommorrow I am having a hysterectomy (another Dr.). He told me their office will not do the Essure procedure and my family Dr. said their office will not do them either….wonder why. The FDA has a site called MAUDE where patients and Drs. can vocalize their complaints. Go there and do so. No more women should be exposed to this crap. The Drs got rich and we got nothing but side effects….which mine lied about.

  329. Jessica says:

    I had the procedure and my doc didn’t sugar coat nada. Was only slightly uncomfortable at one moment.
    Happy I had the procedure.
    Only side effect I’m having is acne now.Which is not fun!!

  330. Jessica says:

    Wow after reading a lot of these post I can’t believe that I had this procedure. ‘in November 2011’.
    I have had 2 side effects. First it was my periods. I never had any issues. Untill earlier this year. It would be a lot heavier and for longer and I would get bad back cramps along with the reg cramps.
    But luckily that only lasted about 3 cycles for me.
    But now I have major acne. Before I would get one big one here and there. Now gees I look like a teenager. It’s horrible and they are huge and hurt. My MD consulted w’the derm doc and started me on antibiotic pill forgot the name and this gel clindamycin phosphate & benzoyl peroxide gel 1%*/5%. I do both twice a day.
    It’s been a bout a week. And I have noticed a diff. So I’m hoping it will get rid of this for good.
    O and also it seems I am hot most of the time. Everyone else will be fine. But I am always hot.

  331. MELISSA says:


  332. Melissa says:

    Who is the person that has had it the longest. I would like to know how long every one has had this.

  333. Tracy H says:

    I had the procedure done in April 2004 and had them removed in November 2008. Things started getting bad about a month after and just kept getting worse

    • Melissa says:

      where did you have them removed

      • Tracy H says:

        I live in Australia and was VERY fortunate to have them removed without cost. Australia has an extremely good health care system in comparison to the U.S. Once my doctor agreed to removed them I had to go on a waiting list for 10 excruciating months though.

  334. Julie C. says:

    I had it done in october 2004. I have had numerous problems too but of course nothing can be found. Debating a total hysterectomy –I am 43. I didn’t have problems until about 2 years after I had them put in. I have two sons and I had them put in after my second son. I knew for sure no more kids. Both my kids have special needs so it was important not to get pregnant again.

  335. cece says:

    I had essure in oct 2009, my daughter was born sept 2010, pain severe in abdominal area, hysrerectomy due to the pain I have no idea where the coil went in my body now am facing another sergery. I want to talk to a lawyer but I dont know where to start. can anyone help me?

    • Melissa says:

      You are not the only one that wants to talk to a lawyer. I have been trying for over a year to see how I can get these things out to many health issues. I think that some of us the live in the U.S. see if we can find a lawyer that can help all of us

  336. mellissa says:

    I had the Essure procedure done just last month on the 15th of July, 2011. I was told that I would have light cramping and a watery bloody discharge. It will have been one month this Sunday and I have been bleeding ever since. The bleeding gets heavier every week. I am passing large clots and as of the last three days large chunks of tissue. I go through a pad/tampon about every two hours. The worst part is the cramping. It feels like I just had a baby and my uterus is shrinking. I went back to the doctor at two weeks and told him that I know something is wrong. He told me to be patient. I am scheduled for an Ultrasound on Monday. As gross as it is I have been saving and freezing the clots of tissue as requested by my doctor for biopsy. Like most people have stated here my doctor told me this procdure was no big deal in and out in five minutes no recovery. I am ashamed of myself that I did not do any research. My doctor delivered all of my children from 19 years to my new baby girl just four months old, so I trusted him. Do any of these symptoms sound normal or familiar? I will try to follow up aftermy ultra sound on the blog. I also want to mention that my doctor keeps saying things like tumor and fibroid when I know it is all from the surgery. Seems like they don’t want to acknowledge that this surgery might not be so fabulous.

    • I had bleeding for two months and it finally stopped. however, I went a month without a period and bled three months straight when it started again. My doctor put me on birth control but I am ggoing to be calling him soon and tell him I want them out. Like you, I totally trust my doctor, He delivered two of my children and I have been going to him for 7 years. He does think that my problems may be due to the procedure and if the bleeding and other symproms continue hr is going to xray. btw, I had mine dome on 12/31

  337. Melissa says:

    To me that dose not sound right something needs to be done.

  338. Penelope says:

    I had the procedure done in July 2010. 6 months later I finally was booked for the dye test and it came back that there was a small leak. I was told it was very tiny and within three months it should be completely closed off. Well, here I am over a year after the procedure and find out I am pregnant. Wow, not very effective…welcome baby number 5!!!!! Should’ve just had my tubes TIED. Not a happy customer 😦

  339. Melissa says:

    hey dose any one live in Tennessee

  340. yoshe says:

    I had my procedure after my six wek check up on june of 2011 and its now august of 2011 and i havent stop bleeding , clotting, severe cramps, and non stop pain. I had a CT scan and a vaginal ultra sound and my doctor told me that the coils are in place and the reason why im having this pain is because of the Depo shot that in was giving before the procedure. it ‘s to the point where I cant have sex with my husband cause of the pain and bleeding. Im so confused and scared at the same time i really dont know what else to do. I really want my body to be the same before I had this procedure.

  341. andrea says:


  342. Melissa says:

    I am looking for someone who lives in TN. Because I am looking to find some one that can take them out.

  343. KHmama says:

    I had the coils put in July 1, 2010 after my second child…..well needless to say after a year of getting sicker and sicker and going throu differnt tests my Dr finally agreed to take them out…My surgery is planned for Sept 8…i would give anything to have it done tomorrow…..i am so glad I found this forum.. it finally made me feel like i wasn’t going crazy and all the pain…sickness..etc wasn’t just me. I am hoping to get back to myself….i will def make a report to the FDA…..counting down the days and keeping my fingers crossed 🙂 I want my children to have their mom back!!!!!

    • jackie says:

      What state are you in.And who is the doctor yout going through..i can tell my doctors till im blue in the face that the essure can be removed and all they tell me is the people telling me they can be removed are full of shit and that they can’t .Maybe me getting in contact with a doctor that can remove it and getting there info too prove my doctor is lying.

  344. christina says:

    I had the Essure procedure at the end of June 2011. I’ve been bleeding since my procedure and its the middle of August. I am on birth control pills but I take them faithfully and never miss. This isn’t normal right? What can be going on?

    • Melissa says:

      I dont think so

      • christina says:

        I didn’t think so. I went to the dr today and they told me to start my next pack of pills and if I continue bleeding to call and they would order an ultra sound. I’m a little worried now…..

  345. HarleyMom says:


  346. mellissa says:

    Update. I posted on August 14th, and promised to follow up after the check up. Well I had an ultrasound and found out that the lining of my uterus is very thick. ??????? They sent in the tissue clots I was passing for a biopsy and I have not heard anything yet. The doctor put me on Medroxyprogesterone to stop the bleeding. He said that I have to take it for 10 days and when I stop I will have heavy bleeding for 3-4 days while my uterus sheds its lining. After that if I do not have a normal period he recommends a procedure that burns the lining of the uterus it is called an ablation. Not interested. I have nothing against this procedure but I don’t see how that solves my problems. My doctor still refuses to say this has anything to do with the surgery. Even blamed it on the depo shot. For the record I took depo for years caused the opposite I did not bleed at all. Also, worth mentioning…… I am still bleeding, slower from the pills but still bleeding and I can not even put in a small tampon hurts to bad and can’t get it in because I am so swollen. I asked about removing the wires and he said it can not be done. I am in AZ. Anyone from AZ ever had them removed?


    • Sonja says:

      mellissa I am from AZ to – so far i have have had fallopian tubes removed to get Essure out and now both of them are in my Uterus and getting help out here at times is like pulling teeth.
      Please feel free to email me

  347. jackie says:

    I had the Essure done 3 month ago,.ive been in pain since.I have had a hard time trying too pinpoint which problems have been caused by the Essure.I was in an accident 10 years ago falling of the back of a truck ,doing so i broke and fractured 2 ribs,messed up my back and dislocated my shoulder .My pain in my back has been excrusiating since the Essure procedure.i have been in and out of 2 epidural steroid blockers which have done nothing.I can barely sleep,nor sit .I cry almost everyday because i cant handle the pain.I have even stepped towards other things i shouldn’t too cope with the pain.Im elergic too most pain killers so it makes it hard.My doctors keep telling me The Essure is non reversable.But most doctors lie too save there own asses pretty much.I Can no longer have intercourse with my husband because every time i do im in alot of pain by the next morning.My cervical area feels tender.Its that or my rectal area.I can’t sit at all>kind of feels like someone kicked the crap out of my abdomin.I can’t handle this pain anymore,i have 3 kids and im the only adult left in the home that qualified too take care of them.My parents are no longer aloud around my kids thansk too DSS and my husband works.I can’t handle my children being in pain all the time.I am always feeling week aches and pains everywhere even when i’m don’t have sex.Tired all the time . I get stifness and numbness in my legs but i have also been labeled with nerve damage so its confusing for me too tell the pain apart.I keep debating on trying too argue with my doctor about the Essure.

  348. Melissa says:

    You can find some of the information that you are looking for,There is a doc out there that dose remove them just cant think of the information.

  349. amber says:

    I had the essure procedure done in Oct 2005. It was the best thing ever, no side effects , no cramping, life was good. I am 21 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy, I have to admit, I am not very happy about this. I have 3 kids an was told this would never happen, unless it was within the first 3 months. Now 6 years later I’m about to be a mom, again. How does a coil just disappear?

    • jess says:

      I had the coils put in a year ago after 4 kids. I recently had been sick, a lot sicker than i ever had been, i went to the doctor to find out that the right coil was still intact but I think the doctor used thr words “my lefy side the coil looks like it slid down” so now im pregnant and with triplets.omg! I dont know what Im going to do.

      • Melissa says:

        I have seen in the past few years it has been getting worse then what it started out to be. I know that I just seen a new Doc and she said that there was nothing wrong with this essure I wish I could change things now. Now maybe there is something that can be done for all of US.

  350. Melissa says:

    They might have moved I know mine have move in to the tubs and there has been nothing put pain.

  351. Jo says:

    I had the procedure done on 8-5-11. The Dr. could only get the coil on the right side as my left tube may have had a spasm. One week later I had to go back into the doctor’s office and try the procedure again to get the coil inserted into my left tube. After about approx 30 minutes of trying the 2nd coil was inserted. That was 8-12-11. By Tuesday of the following week I began to have flu like syptoms – back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, neck pain, headaches, low grade fever (99.6) and light headedness. Just exactly how you would feel if you were coming down with the flu. I called the Dr.’s office this past Monday to let them know about my symptoms. My Dr. is away on vacation so I spoke with her nurse. The nurse said that my symptoms seem unrelated to the procedure I had. I was thinking I may have had a staff infection but her nurse ensured me that I would have been alot sicker and would have a high fever if it was a staff infection. Her nurse recommended I call my primary doctor and make an appointment. So I now have a doctor appointment on Monday August 29th with my GP. We’ll see what they say. After reading all these posts I too now am extremely concerned as I have all of the same exact symptoms as everyone else. My doctor who performed the procedure will be calling me on Monday as well. I am 100 percent positive my symptoms are totally related to the essure procedure because I’m someone who is never sick with the flu or even a cold. I never started feeling like this until the procedure. The only thing that surprises me is to read about all the woman that had the procedure years ago and are just now getting the symptoms that I received within a few days of the surgery. I want to get these removed, never really wanted an essure to begin with. I also got an ablation in conjuction with the essure. The essure was highly recommended to remove any chance of pregnancy. Does anyone know if insurance covers the cost to remove the coils?

  352. Maliakah says:

    I would also like to apart of the lawsiut against this company. i am still researching it so hopefully with all of our research maybe we all can team up and get a lawsuit going. This is not right and we should not be suffering like this. I have read every posting to this site and come on guys we all are having pretty much the same problems. Come on now we are from all different parts of the united states and share the same issues from this procedure. How can they not be responsible. Ladies lets keep trying to find a lawer who will take our case there has to be one out there. Even if we all have to chip in and pay for it our selves. This is just a thought, but something needs to be done and this company needs to be held accountable. I informed my doctor about this site and she did check it out and say’s that she is going to warn her patients about some of the side effects before doing this procedure on them.

  353. Melissa says:

    I have look every where and can not find anything so if you or anyone do let me know

  354. Niki Hirst says:

    Has anyone seen the recent notification that Conceptus has won regarding essure and allergic reactions to nickel? The FDA no longer requires them to notify the consumer of any allergic reactions tied with the essure. I am really disappointed this has been approved.

  355. Melissa says:

    What was that all about. I did not know about that one.

  356. angelbella25 says:

    My Essure nightmare has finally come to an end. After months and months of severe side effects and symptoms I finally found a doctor that believes the Essure should not be on the market and is dangerous to womens health. I have suffered with


    Extreme abdominal pain



    Back pain

    Cold burning feeling on right side along with pain

    Hives very itchy

    Metal rust taste in mouth


    Angry moods before period

    Abnormal heavy bleeding

    Swelling in face,hands, and ankles

    Painful Sex

    Extra weight in stomach area

    Numbness in arms, hands, and legs

    Night sweats
    Swollen lymph nodes
    Sinus infection and swelling
    Shortness of breath
    And many , many more. I had seen the dr that put them in and he treated me like I was an idiot. He said he would only do a hysterectomy if I could prove I was allergic to nickel I started seeing an allergist and she was all for helping me to get these things out. Well all of a sudden she changed her mind. Lo and behold that doctor was calling every doctor I had been in contact with. My mom said she would call her dr who had no clue who I was and my mom was asking her if she would help when she ( the dr) got a phone call her and when she got back on the phone with my mom the dr ask if this was jane doe we were talking about and she said yes. My mom thinks this ob gyn had been calling my moms dr because we have the same last name.
    I was trying to come up with the money needed to travel to North Carolina but decided to go to the hospital out of my county to be seen for abdominal pain. To make a long story short I explained the essure story to her and she referred me to her own gyn who is doing my surgery on Sept 20 to remove the essure coils with out a hysterectomy. I pray that all goes well. Id like to keep my parts. And feel like a human again. I have been so depressed because of the problems I have been having and I feel like I am dying. Its a long fight ladies but keep pressing until you find someone to listen.I was able to get my surgery covered under my insurance because the dr wrote the the insurance company telling them its medically necessary that I have this procedure because of being extremely allergic to nickel. I started as a 28 year old vibrant young women to a 30 year old feeling like a millions year old disabled lady. And I can’t wait to have this surgery and start feeling alive again.I am counting down the days!
    I also learned from my new gyn that everytime a dr does essure in his office that he gets a huge amount of money. go figure….
    Good luck to all of you feeling the way I do. I thought for a long time I was going crazy….My prayers are with you and I will report back after my surgery… I told my Dr after I am better from the surgery I am going for a jog…its been too long!

  357. brandy says:

    also i would like to add my dr told me it would b painless and i was put to sleep to have it done i’m not in pain all the time my main problem is that when i get off my period and have sex it smells really bad and sometimes i only have to douche once but its the fact i NEVER had any kinda bad smell down there b4 i had it done

  358. Melissa says:

    Brandy where are you from because I was told that same thing

  359. Angela says:

    I had the procedure done in April, but it actually did not work for me. My friend had it done and she is just fine with no problems, but I bleed for too long, 4 months! Even though the surgery did not work for me, I have had some of these same symptons.

  360. Yuri Torrs says:

    The only thing that I can think about being an issue after the procedure is that I’ve had non stop menstrual, not heavy but Un-explanable bleeding for the past month.

  361. Dena says:

    I had essure put in 2008. The procedure itself was great. About 20 min in the Dr.s office no pain and I was not put to sleep. I was fine up until about 4 months ago I have been having strange periods and really bad right side pain. Went to the gyno she told me that if there was a problem with the essure I would have had it by now and just told me my hormones were just out of wack. I went with that for a few more weeks then the side pain got really bad. So I decided to see a family physician about this. I assumed it was not female related maybe galbladder. Well all my tests and bloodwork came back fine and she suggested maybe there was something wrong with essure she just seen a girl with the same symtoms and she found out that her essure punctured through the filopian tube and into something else. So Tuesday I will find out for sure.I am going to have ct scan done.

    • Tina Boland says:

      Please let us know what happens because I am going through the same thing. I had essure done several years ago and have had problems since the beginning…only to be told that my doctor never had any women have any problems like I am having…Needless to say, I don’t see him anymore. Earlier this year, I went to a different OBgyn and told her of the problems, she suggested I go on the pill to help with heavy periods , cramping, moods which only frustrated me more, as that was the reason I had the essure done, so I wouldn’t have to take the pill. I just recently went to my family doctor and was tested for a kidney infection because of the severe back and abdominal pain. I tested negative and was sent home with Percocet which didn’t help. now I am going to push for a CT scan.

  362. Melissa says:

    Still to day I am being told the same thing but I will not give up something will be done soon.

  363. Melissa says:

    Has anyone asked there docs if you can get any type of nickel poisoning from these.

  364. Tamara says:

    I had the procedure done August 19, 2011. It was so easy, a little uncomfortable with a twinge of pain here or there. I stopped at a store on the way home, picked up my kids (my husband drove), came home and slept. I was uncomfortable for a few days but by day 3 I was transplanting my perennials and felt completely normal. Two weeks after the procedure I started having back pain. I never have back pain unless I run a fever. My period was coming on, and I felt a lot of abdominal discomfort and a sense of fullness, tenderness. I felt constipated but if anything, I was having more BMs than normal. My period was heavier and longer than normal but not unbearable, I just felt tired and uncomfortable. I’ve now had 9 days straight of back pain and it’s only been 3 weeks since the procedure. I called my dr. and she left a message she didn’t know what is going on and I need to make an appt. I want to get these out – can they remove them laproscopically without removing the uterus and do a tubal?

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Hi Tamara,

      The coils can be removed without having to have a hysterectomy. The problem is many physicians will tell women the only way to have the coils surgically removed is with a full hysterectomy. Not the case at all.

      A tubal ligation can also be performed at the same time. If you are told otherwise the best bet would be to search for another physician.

      Hope this helps. 🙂

      • Tamara says:

        I went to the dr. yesterday and had an ultrasound. She said my pelvis has fluid in it. When she did my manual exam, I just about flew off the table when she pressed on my left side it hurt so much. I didn’t realize I had pain, but then again, I never pressed on myself so hard. She said it looks like I have a cyst on my left ovary. She gave me antibiotics and I go back in 4 weeks. She said the back pain is probably due to inflammation in the pelvis. I’m so tired of this. I feel I took a perfectly good body and ruined it.

  365. Neisha says:

    Thank you ladies. I feel horrible that you all are suffering. I was scheduled to get my procedure done on the 30th of this month but decided to research it on my own. I came across this site and read in horror. You all have saved my life by posting your stories. I am a single mother and definitely could not afford to deal with these side effects. Please sue.

  366. Deanna says:

    i had it done several years ago in 06, and I have had nothing but trouble and now I am going thru hell,I just found out last night that the implants are in my uterus and I will have to have something done, my stomach is where I have gained all my weight and I have had break thru bleeding all this time and I am so sick of it all. I am done with it all. I think anyone who has this done is crazy!!! I was one of those crazy women too!!!

  367. KHmama says:

    FEELING SO HELPLESS….i had my surgery thurs(sept 8th)…dr told me he was going to remove my tubes/coils and also look around for any other causes of pain…well needless to say i woke up from surgery only to have my husband tell me he couln’t take the coils out because of where they where located and they found a few polyps in my uterus which they removed but did not find anything else…..dr never came to explain anything…i have not been able to sleep/eat…etc….truly feeling hopeless at this point…….

    • vervilledeb1 says:


      Has your doctor performed this type of surgery before? Problem is not many have actually done the removal or reversal surgery.

      As far as the doctor not speaking with you at all I would push to get answers. You have every right to know WHERE the coils are and WHY they couldn’t be removed. Call the office, write a letter, fax a copy and email if you have to but push for the answers! You went into surgery knowing you wanted the coils removed and came out with nothing but more questions…not right.

  368. Fawn Mroz says:

    hi ladies, i am in the same boat, however, depending on everyone individual situation, a hysterectomy may be required, it is in my case. The dr i have now picked me up when i got pregnant 4 months after getting these implants. the dr that originally did them refused to treat me after i got pregnant, so i found the best in the fort worth, he removed the coil lodged in my lower bowels after my painful pregnancy, now the only other way to get the other one out that is in the side of my uterus is to take the whole uterus

    • naosla says:

      Your doctor refused to treat you after you got pregnant with the implants!? I just cant believe these doctors these days. Like mine who performed the procedure on me and then kept denying that all my problems that came afterwards were due to the coils. He kept pushing pain meds on me and made me feel like I was going crazy

  369. KHmama says:

    I was wondering if the women who have had hysterectomies to have coils out could explain if they had positive/negative effects from it……after surgery and the dr not taking the coils out i’m really considering a hysterectomy but i am nervous about possible side effects…….

    • Tracy H says:

      KHmama, I had a hysterectomy. I still have my ovaries and cervix. I am going through surgically induced menopause which isn’t pleasant however it pales in comparison to the life destroying impact of the coils. I am SO grateful to have them OUT

  370. That’s a great question. I am actually going this morning to talk to my doctor about a hysterectomy. I want these out. I know I can just have them removed but knowing that we are done having children I would rather just go with the hysterectomy. I am nervous about this morning and hope he doesnt refuse.

  371. The meeting went well. As I have said before…I am very blessed to have a great doctor that will listen to me and my concerns. I go in for a hysterectomy on October 5. I will be sure to update.

  372. OMG I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH for all this information. I am nearly 8 months pregnant and at my last ob appt my doctor was pushing Essure on me like it was the best thing to ever happen to medicine (I’m 37). When I sounded resistant because I’m a big chicken (I had Mirena and had problems/pain and had to have it removed) he SAID “NO PROBLEM, WE CAN PUT YOU TO SLEEP!!!” Well of course I agreed to it.
    I pray for every one of you who is suffering because of this. And I sincerely thank you for sharing your stories. There is NO WAY I’m letting them put these things in me. I welcome the tubal and any pain that comes with it. Thank you again

  373. Kimberly A. says:

    After doing some research, I decided to have the procedure done and did so in January 2009. The procedure was done in the dr’s office and was a little uncomfortable but nothing that put me into tears. You feel some slight cramping and some pinching when you receive the shots in your cervix. Other than that, fairly simple procedure. I listened to my ipod while the dr performed the procedure. My husband drove me home, I slept on the couch for a few hours, and ended up going shopping at the mall that evening. The absolute worst part (which they don’t tell you) is the follow up 3 months later to make sure your tubes are closed. You MUST TAKE some PAIN Medication before hand because the hysteropingogram exam is extremely PAINFUL!!! I wanted to scream because it’s so painful. I experienced some MAJOR cramping during and after but it went away about an hour later. I stopped by my dr’s office (next to hospital) to inform them how painful that part was and they gave me some more pain meds. I told them they needed to let their patients know ahead of time. I would still HIGHLY RECOMMEND the ESSURE as I have been pleased with it. All has been good. Tubes are closed and I don’t worry about pregnancy. Fast forward to Jan. of 2011 until Now…..for the past 8 months, my periods have become extremely odd and long. I have 9-12 day cycles about every 24 days. The first 6-7 days will be light bleeding or spotting. Then the next 3-5 days are heavy bleeding. I spoke to my OBGYN about this and he said it’s definitely not normal. He scheduled me for a ultrasound but I missed it back in June due to my vacation. I rescheduled it for Sept. 27th. It will be a sonohysterogram – they use saline solution to see if there are any fibroids, etc….Hopefully this will answer some of my questions. I have not had any other problems such as weight gain, cramps, etc…I have always suffered from migraines so I can’t point this at my procedure. My older sister had a hysterectomy at the age of 28 due to fibroids so this will be fun to decipher my problems. Until reading this blog, I would not have associated my cycles all the sudden getting longer due to the Essure. I am 35 so wondering if it’s just age or are the Essure problems catching up now??? Keep you posted.

  374. Melissa says:

    Just had mine done last month and I was not told that I had to have it done 3 months after it was done. SO I know how you feel about it.

  375. vervilledeb1 says:

    One of the first stories I ran across this morning!

    Conceptus® Celebrates 10 Years of the Essure® Procedure With Symposium at European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) 20th Annual Congress – Yahoo! Finance:

  376. vervilledeb1 says:

    Thanks TL! Going to have a look now. 🙂

  377. KHmama says:

    WoHOO….finally have an appt for a da vinci hysterectomy…its sched for the 30th….i know its not going to be a cake walk but i am really looking forward to getting back my life….I never thought at 29 i would be doing this but i know these coils need to come out NOW…my body has become so sick…my lymph nodes have been so painful…not to mention the constant pain…..i feel as though these drs are not getting the full story when they recomend these coils…..i want to keep other women from making the mistake i did….i feel like i need to something… def reporting to FDA and conceptus…….keeping my fingers crossed for a fast recovery 🙂

  378. Melissa says:

    you are right we should help others that are thinking about doing this

    • KHmama says:

      I am going to give my doctor all the blogs/articles/fda reports i have found….they need to know what we are going through and that this product can cause SO many issues…..i am out-raged at the fact that i am having a hysterectomy at 29……too many women are suffering!!!!!

  379. Melissa says:

    can you email me all the blogs/articles/fda reports as well so I can do the same.

  380. struggling says:

    I had the essure done 2 months after having my 3rd baby. I was planning on a tubal but my doctor talked me into how great the essure was, so being the trusting fool I am I went with his advice. I am now the mother of 4. The part the doctor left out was that you have to check it after three months. I realize my responsibility, should have read up more, but how could he forget to mention something so important. I love my baby, but I was and still am not in any way prepared for the cost of raising or even the cost of just getting the baby here and it has put a serious financial burden on my family. I wouldn’t trade him for the world, so don’t judge, but it has been very difficult financially and emotionally.

    • Melissa says:

      The thing about this is that I had mine done 5 years ago and I look every where before I had it done and could not find anything till now and my health is bad because of this thing and there is nothing that I can do to help myself. So if there is any one that knows what I can do please help.

  381. nora says:

    Hello,just reading site as I was concerned what happens when you have essure and are going through menopause. I had mine inserted back in 07 after having my last child at the age of 45. Recently I have been having longer periods lasting over 2 weeks and thought it might have something to do with the essure, that’s the reason I was visiting the site. I feel concerned for all of you who are having such terrible symptoms.The strange part about it is I am reading a book called” Fatherless ‘ BY BRIAN GAIL and it has some very similar stories to yours regarding the pill and it’s effect on women and their health.

  382. yolanda says:

    I had my essure done in March of 2011. 3 weeks after it was done I started to fell bloated. Felt like I was still pregnant. I would break out into these terrible sweat like hotflashes. My legs, hands and feet would fall asleep when I went to bed at night. It took me forever to even get my cycle. My back was so jacked up that it wasnt even funny. I was always out of breath. This procedure is a death trap waiting to happen. The nurse tries to make it sound like its all simple, fast, easy and effective but its a joke. I called my physician to tell them about the problems that i was having. This one doc. swore on her life that it wasnt the essure. I told her well i guess you better start planning your funeral because this mess is making me sick and I want it out asap! I cursed her out and anybody else that got on the phone. I told her that I know my body and it was not doing any of these things before the essure. In may I had my tubes removed and I feel fine. tell your dr that its making you sick and your insurance will cover it. I was lucky that I had a great dr he wasted no time taking that mess out. He was shocked that my insurance covered it. i guess it pays to work for united health care.

  383. Melissa says:

    I that I was also going crazy. But when I found all of you I could see that it was not just me.

  384. indi says:

    WOW i am so shocked by all the women that are also having this problem.. but like i said glad to know i am not crazy when i keep telling my doctors something is wrong with me!! I have gone to the GYN complaining of pain like i have a bad bladder infection.. no infection but lots of lower pelvic pain.. now lower back pain.. the numbness in the feet and toes gets painful and i am only 39!! WTH my body shouldnt be falling apart.. I am gonna call some attornies today. They cant get away with this!!

    • Melissa says:

      When you hear what they can do please let all of us know so we can do thing.

      • Indi says:

        Well Melissa as of today i had a 2nd opinion from the GYN and i will have my fallopian tubes and uterus removed. Leaving the ovaries so i wont go into early menopause. AGAIN i was told this may not be the issue and the problem MAY not go away BUT like i told this doctor just as i did the last. I am 100% positive its the Essure making me sick. So lets just get them out. I am really suprised to hear a lot of the women who say their GYN are refusing to take them out!! Anyway since the 2nd opinion gave me the info i needed i have my procedure scheduled for Dec 14. I will do the laprscopic way which is no different from The DaVinci, except i will have only 3 incisions instead of 5. Same recovery time 2 weeks. Next i will be contacting Conceptus. I already put in a complaint with the FDA. I have a paper trail for sure of all the problems i have had since getting this device. Sooner or later they will have to answer to this.

  385. jodie says:

    i was having the essure done last monday and they had me take these pills plus injection in my arm and in my uterus.. the pain was so bad i made them stop and my procedure never got done and suggested i did lapriscopic tubal ligation which is fine, but that night of almost procedure i got horrible chest pains and vomiting which sent me to the hospital. Now everyday i feel bloated and sick to my stomach and im scared cause i didnt even have procedure done, plus i bleed now too. what do i do?

  386. Tymeka says:

    I just got the essure procedure done 5 days ago & ever since I have a lot of discharge. I wear 2 pads & everyday it goes through. I would like to no is this normal & how long will it last? When I first got the procedure done I had really, really bad cramps for about 3 days & a lot of back pain. Now I only have cramping ever now & again & it still hurts.

  387. Maliakah Ward says:

    I think that every one that had this procedure done they either are having the same symptons or will be having the same symptons. I had this Essure procedure done in 200 and i am have the same problems that everyone else is seems to to be a different problem every couple of months. Has any one started having pelvic joint pain and it feels like my hips are about to give out on me. Has anyone experienced sharp pain in their chest more like a blockage or pulling pain during their menstral cycle. I have also started to have massive blood clots when my cycle comes on. These are some of the new problems that i am facing along with all of the other ones we have posted. I have insurance but i can’t afford the $1000 deductible to have them removed.

    • Naomi says:


      Sounds like some of the symptoms I was having when I had the coils in me. I had the pelvic pain, which radiated to my lower back. I felt like my back was breaking, every morning when I would come out of bed I would cry from the pain. I had HIP pain, I felt like an 80 year old woman at the age of 28. It was horrible. And yeah the periods were bad and long also with massive clots. If you can somehow raise the money to have the removal do it, don’t hesitate to get these things out of you, the longer you have them the worse your problems will get.

  388. Melissa says:

    I had this done back in April 2006 and wish like hell I never had done it. My piriods were very light before and now it is like a valcano I have all the symptoms everyone elses having. I am totally surprized that essure is still being used it causes so much pain with cramping, mood swings hot flashes cold sweats. I have to know take antidepressants which never had to do before. Now I have been having cyst on my overies and other female problems.

  389. Rachel says:

    Had the procedure done a year and a half ago after the birth of our 4th child (in four years). I had a great experience, didn’t need drugs before or after (just typical bottom shot of ibuprofren and cervix numbing – which felt strange). Recovered great, mild cramping and spotting for a day or two. I have felt great, no weight gain, etc. except I’ve had spotting between periods and this last month I only had a 20 day cycle (have been 28-30 regularly since procedure). Not sure if spotting is normal (dark brown, not red) or a result of essure but all these issues that other women are having certainly concerns me a lot!! I’ll continue to check back and report if any other symptoms occur. I know I’m very fortunate to feel so good and feel bad even complaining about spotting a lot.

  390. Melissa says:

    Yes I have been having cramping and allot of pain in my back. Blood clots now they say the walls of my utarus is thick and my have a growths. I hate this the more time goes by it seems like it is getting worse and the only thing my insurance will cover is a hysterrectomy not a removal.

  391. danielle says:

    i had the essure put in last week, wish i would have read on this first now i am scared, is there anyone out there that had no problems out of this!!!!! any good responses????? please

    • vervilledeb1 says:

      Because every woman may react differently it is impossible to know whether you will have any side effects. Yes, there are woman that have had the Essure sterilization that have documented that they have never had any issues. As far as you having issues, we certainly hope not. This blog is not meant to scare anyone but instead inform them of what could happen. We hope that you do NOT have problems. The thing is now that you have been here you have an idea of what to watch for and please do come back and update us so that we know how you are responding to the Essure. Share your experiences so that other women that are researching will have more information in order to make an informed decision.

    • Naomi says:


      I had the Essure coils in me for a year. In the beginning I felt OK too. A few weeks into it I only had some spotting, then a couple of months later is when my nightmare started. Sever abdominal pain, lower back pain, and my abdomen was swollen, I dont want to scare you, but my experience and also a couple of my friends who also had them shows that nothing good comes from these coils, I have read that women who had them for a few years with no problem developed problems afterwards. My suggestion is, since you just had them placed very recently there is really no scar tissue developed yet and you can have them simply removed by the doctor by pulling them out. Dont keep these things in your body! they are toxic and harmful! I very much regret ever letting my doctor talk me into having this procedure done. Best of luck to you

  392. Indi kaufman says:

    i was able to locate 1 doctor here in Las Vegas that takes my insurance and performs the da vinci hysterectomy and is a specialist. My appt is Oct 25 so after 2 years of unexplained illness and 2 biopsies and depression backaches etc..i can finally get to the bottom of it. And after reading the blogs from years back i know without a doubt that its the essure that has been making me sick. Bladder infection pain and symtoms and no infection at all. Its exhausting being ill all the time and people looking at you thinking you are making it up because they cant find anything wrong at all!! The more i think about it the more sense that it makes that the body is reacting to a foreign object in it. And its trying to tell me something and now i am listening to it. And after reading all the women who have had the same symptoms as me i know i have to have them removed.

    • KHmama says:

      I wanted to let you know i just had the da vinci hyterectomy 5 days ago and the recovery has been fast and pain-less. I was nervous as to what the pain would be and I have to say the only complaint is sore/tight muscles in my abdomen. I’m so thankful they have this technology. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Anyways just wanted to let you know it’s well worth it 🙂

  393. Marla says:

    My name is Marla (from VA) and I have also had the Essure procedure. I had it inserted in Feb. 2008 and since the fall of 2008, have been having MANY allergic reactions on my skin (face, eyelids, arms, legs, vaginal area). Not until 2010 did I have an allergy test done, something that my doctor SHOULD have had me do BEFORE the Essure. For the last week, my uterus and fallopian tubes have been severely hurting as well. I am now looking at getting the coils removed locally as a partial hysterectomy or through the Chapel Hill Surgery Center. I just wanted to share my story, and certainly be reassured that I am not the only one going through this negative experience.

    • Naomi says:

      Hi Maria, I had my coils placed in August of 2010 and had them removed in August of 2011. I went through a year of HELL. Severe pain, and bleeding, painful intercourse, I honestly thought I was dying because my GYN kept assuring me that all my problems were not from the Essure and I went to other specialists thinking it was maybe other organs in my body, but no one could find anything wrong with me. Finally I decided that I was gonna have the procedure reversed. I flew to Georgia to Lakeshore Surgical Center and had the surgery. Now a year later I feel much better, I would say get these coils out of your body as soon as you can. They are very harmful

  394. pissedoffhusband says:

    After going to my wifes gyn today 10/5/2011 we found out that before the procedure can be done there should be a nickel test done to see if there is any allergic reaction. My wife turns out to be allergic to nickel which if you have a reaction to cosmetic jewelery then most likely your allergic to nickel. The reaction my wife had contributed to her hysterectamy in nov. 2009 which the essure procedure was done oct.2008 the toxicity of the nickel in the body is extremely harmful!!! Essure is dangerous and should not be offered. So if you have had side effects from the essure or never got a nickel test done prior to the procedure seek legal advice!!!

    • Tracy H says:

      Sadly the FDA have allowed Conceptus (manufacturer of Essure) to remove the Nickel sensitivity from the contraindications so doctors no longer have to do a nickel sensitivity test done 😦

  395. danielle says:


  396. Samantha says:

    I had the procedure done in December of 2009 right after my second child. About six months later I started experiencing pain, at first I ignored it for a few months just figuring it was hormonal or whatever. Well after a while it got unbearable I was miserable, I couldnt eat, sleep, nothing. So I went to the doctor had every test done on my bowels & abdomen possible. Only to find there was no reason other than the essure that could be causing the pain. The pain is intense for weeks then kind of subsides for a while but always returns with a vengance. Have trouble with my back, nausea, painful sex if any, lots of cramping. I am at my wits end…to have it removed insurance won’t cover it and it’s very expensive.

  397. TAW says:

    I was thinking about getting essure, but after reading all of your experiences, I think I’m just going to stick with a more traditional B.C., but I was wondering have any of you thought that all the pain and experiences of the coils being in other places than your tubes is a reaction from your body putting up a defense and trying to get rid of the foriegn object? Kind of like how when some people get piercings, there bodies will eventually push them out?

    • I opted for a hysterectomy which may be extreme for some but it was personal choice and my insurance did cover that. Mine wouldn’t cover removal because that would be like a tubal reversal type thing. I just updated my experience today.

  398. Michelle says:

    I am trying to have mine removed as well, I had mine inserted in Sept of 2010. I had to have the deppo shot for two years also so that my lining would be thin for ease of insertion, that was the policy for Planned Parenthood. I tried to have a tubligation when I had good insurance, but my insurance didn’t cover it, they wanted 10K and Essure in 2008 when I reseached it looked like a really good option. The deppo shot was a problem for me all in itself causing weight gain and horrible migraines. At first I thought the Essure was the answer to all of my prayers until…. I’m not sure when. Right now with my memory problems I don’t even remember what the first symptoms were, I just know everyone was worried about me. I mean I was healthy before this, I was training to run my first marathon LLS! I had no clue what could be wrong with me, I didn’t think it was the essure but my best friend started doing research and she decided I was allergic to the nickel, I know it was bad for her to get worried. I know it was shortly after I got the procure because in November she became ill with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer and moved in with me in January and I no longer cared about my pain any longer it was all about her care.

    I got my Floro Histerosalpingogram in 3/11, really someone should tell you what that is before you go in for one. I wasn’t even told what I was going in for. I was just told I had to have that test run prove that I was sterile, not what procedure I was having done, I thought maybe an ultra sound? I wish I had known. As an abuse victim, I needed to be prepared for that. I would think it would be a horrible experience for a normal woman. All I wanted was to know I wouldn’t be able to have anymore children, I have one, she is my sun and moon and stars, but as a single mother it wouldn’t be fair to have another and I’m 37 out of work blah blah blah… For those who don’t know what a Floro Histerosalpingogram is, they put you in a pelvic exam position, but they have to spread you into the splits position because the doctor has to get dye into your fallopian tubes so he has to get a wee bit more inside you. Ok I can handle it.. He then inserts tubes into your fallopian tubes and then squirts dye into the tubes, and it stings, badly, he did warn me saying it would feel warm, not that it would feel like molten lava. Perhaps people who didn’t have a reaction to essure didn’t feel the pain as I did, but I whimpered, and teared, the doctor nor nurses noticed. I still sat unmoving as they took the x-rays, then the doctor removed the tubes and I was allowed to get dressed. I cried for half an hour in the bathroom, before leaving. Luckily I brought my boyfriend with me because I was crying uncontrollably as we left. He wanted to hit someone, but he didn’t want to leave me crying an alone. Luckily I was prescribed xanex and I took an extra, I had taken one before the procedure, because I never go into a procedure where someone touches me without one, I really wish I would have been put out for that.. I don’t mean to be whiner, but the pain of the dye hurt more then coming home from the essure procedure itself.

    A few days later… I went into Er in the middle of the night, because my friend was still sick and I had to care for her and I was in a lot of pain, my stomach looked as if I was about 6 to 9 months pregnant. They couldn’t tell me what was wrong, I had every test run on me ct scans because I was in so much pain they thought I might be having an appendicitis, full ultra sounds, a white blood count of 15,000. I told them I had some dye test but at that point I didn’t know what it was called and that I had an essure, no one in ER knew what that was. But they couldn’t help me because they couldn’t find the source of the infection. I got a shot of morphine, some vicidin and Motrin to go home. I was able to see my PCP (not the nice one I have now a mean one) a week later and she wouldn’t give me antibiotics either, she made me go down to Planned Parenthood where I had gotten the procedure, I just didn’t have the time to sit and wait three hours with a cancer patient living in my house (at this point she had blood clots and I was afraid to leave her alone too long, what is my pain when she is so ill?), But 10 days later I was finally able to get there. The nurse there didn’t believe that I had and infection because of their wonderful product but I refused to leave until they gave me antibiotics, Doxycyclinie Caps 100Mg 3 times a day for a week. That is where I found out I got a Floro Histerosalpingogram and got a copy of it. Funny my infection went away.

    So now again my fallopian tubes are infected. I had a visit to the Er on the 9/16/11 but I had a cyst erupt, I thought it was just my essure again but it was a cyst too. I’ve had all the above symptoms that everyone complains about and now I am wondering if the cronic hip pain Ive been complaining about more is really my essure. I’ve always had it but it really got to a bad point until I got on Cymbalta recently, so maybe not. I do have the crimescene in my pants around my period, much worse then ever before, and the cramps…. Wow! Sex… No point, since it’s insertion it’s been painful. I’ve also had two UTI in the last 3 months, a few yeast infections, a cyst on my vagina, other discharge and odors, when I’ve never had these problems before, also as many of you I still oook pregnant even though I have now lost 35 pounds? Since my the middle of September most of my days I sit with a heating pad, I’m an active girl and it’s pretty sad, if I lift anything the pain is really terrible, like taking the laundry from the washer to the dryer or carrying a gallon of milk up the stairs. Luckily I have a healthy beautiful 13 year old daughter who does some of that for me… So far she doesn’t hate me for it.

    My PCP is now working with me to try and get the essure out since my latest Er visit, since Ive seen her a few times and the pain is still there even though the cyst is gone. I go in tomorrow for another full pelvic ultra sound tomorrow, I think that is to check cyst activity since we all know essure doesn’t show on those. If anyone has any info on where to get this removed in Southern CA please post, especially if it would expedite matters for me, I would like my life back to normal. I know I haven’t suffered as long as most of you, but I sure don’t want to! Thank you in advance!

    BTW my sister got the Essure the same time as me and hasn’t had any of the side effects. Weird huh?

  399. Nichole says:

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to say I am so sorry that most of you are going though this! No one should have to suffer like this! With that said, I had essure done in November 2009, six weeks after birthing my fourth child. The procedure took about 20 minutes and it was fairly painless. I didnt experience any pain or bleeding after the procedure and even went for a hair appointment that night. I have not had any problems since. I do know this… you MUST have the procedure performed by a compent doctor, who has performed this prodecure many times. These doctors are suppose to be trained and certified by essure. Chances are, if the procedure took longer that 30 minutes, your doctor didnt know what he was doing. If the coils arent placed correctly, it wont work! This craziness I hear about the coils falling out is obserd!! I would be embarrassed if my paitent came back with a coil in their freakin uterus! I truly hope the best for everyone!!!

  400. Sheria says:

    Im having these same problems, back, stomach headaches weight gain etc etc etc I could go on and on!! Ive had essure since Feb08 and been in and out of the drs with MRI XRay colonoscopy endoscopy bloodwork from head to toe and a gyno wont see me to get it taken out! How or what did you say to finally get someone to listen to you?!?! I dont care if I have to have a hysto to get them out! They are ruining my life! I had to quit my job cause I cant stand for a long time my back kills me! My sex life is no more! And when we do it jus hurts! HELP PLZZZZZ!!!! THANK YOU

  401. I had the procedure done in April of last year. i was fine up until now, I woke up to some very bad pains on the right side yesterday. After 8 hours in the e.r. they finally seen what appeared to be an abscess on the right tube where the wire is located. I have been wondering why i feel faint all the time, I now know it comes from this. I am sooooooo glad to have seen this. Is there anyway this can be reversed without having to have a hysterectomy?

  402. Tammy Ebe says:

    I had the procedure done in January of 2009 and have had all the same symptoms that I have been reading here. But I didn’t realize that two little springs could cause so many problems. My past two and a half years have been a living nightmare. I have been going to doctors complaining of my pain and they keep telling me i’m depressed. Does anyone know what its going to cost to get these things out? I dont think I should have to pay for this. Maybe I need a lawer.

  403. I am here to update you all on my experience. I first commented a few months ago about all the pain and problems I had been having since having the essure placed on Dec. 31. I had literally had a period since that time along with a lot of other problems. Depression, anxiety, weight gain, abdominal pain, tingling fingers, swelling and well the list can go on and my original post can be located here. Well as time went on things never got better. I went to the doctor back in July and we suggested that I try birth control pills which I was not a fan of. I hadnt used anything like that since the birth of my youngest daughter 16 years ago, but I gave it a try to see if it would help with the bleeding and help me to feel normal again. Well after being on these with no luck I then went back to the doctor and told him that I wanted the coils removed. That I knew I could go to Chapel Hill for removal and then have a tubal, but I told him that I am up for a hysterectomy to just get it over and done with. Especially knowing that some women even have a hard time with a tubal ( i had a friend that had the same problems with a tubal and had to eventually have a hysterectomy) while my choice seemed extreme to some I was ready for it. I just wanted my life back without all this awful pain.

    On Oct. 5 I went in for the hysterectomy and what seemed like it would be a smooth procedure ended up not going so well on my end. My doctor is now questioning the essure procedure even more than he did when I originally went into see him a few months back. When he went in to remove the uterus I had tons of bleeding. He said that when any tissue was pulled back it was breaking off and I had lost 4 times the amount of blood that a normal person would lose during a hysterectomy. I had to have a blood transfusion immediately following the surgery. He said what happened to me is not common in someone in my health and my age. That is it mostly seen in elderly or a smoker which I am neither. He is now wondering if something with the coils had irriated something which is why I was having problems and all the nonstop bleeding since Dec. was leadning up to what happened in the operating room. The good news if you want to call it that was that the coils were still in place.

    The nurses just kept telling me that I was the poster child for my doctor because of the way I have recovered thus far, but I say it is the power of prayer. I am already feeling tons better, no crazy feelings, mood swings, pains. and feel absolutely amazing. I am not feeling swelled or anything. I go back on Oct. 21 for my 2 week check up and release hopefully and I am super excited. It’s been hard on this mommy so far because I can’t pick up and carry my chunky little 10 month old.

    If anyone hash problems do talk to your doctor. Hysterectomy isn’t the only way but it was the way I had chosen and so glad that I did. I’m not going to tell someone not to have Essure done but when I asked, I do share the problems that I have had and share this site. I even shared this site with my doctor as he wanted to read up on it and he even suggested that I share my experience in the OR with everyone here, as like I said, he isn’t completely positive that essure didn’t have something to do with it.

  404. janet caron says:

    I to been having a lot of problems with weight gain and bleeding sometimes i will be bleeding for about 8 weeks and start the same thing all over again about 3 week later i am hot all the time tired all the time moody and hot t had the essure put in 5/2008 and a have nothing but problems since.

    thank you
    Janet caron

  405. Shelly b says:

    I’ve also had alot of pain on my left side since having this procedure. My Dr. continues to tell me everthing is fine. I’m not sure what to do…

  406. Michelle says:

    I thought I would post another reply on some of things I do to keep the pain at bay to help some of the women going through the same problems as me. Right now I am still in the process of getting mine removed and I think my fallopian tubes are infected yet again. I just have had my third full ultra sound Thursday and am awaiting the results, which of course will show nothing as these are metal and don’t show up.

    When I awake in the morning my bladder is full, and it causes amazing un-describable pain. After I empty it I take 4 advil and sit with my heating pad. What I do to get away from the heating pad is I use chepo heating patches I buy at the 99 cent store ( mine Extra Strenght Cold ‘n Hot Pain Relif Medicated Patches by Assured) so that I can do errands like going to the store, I still can’t lift anything because it gets the pain to a level that I can’t get under control. Because they dont have battery operated heating pads that I am aware of 🙂

    I have been on countless antibiotics this year, for 2 bladder infections in 3 months, and this will be my 2nd fallopian tube infection in 6 months blah blah blah. As many women know that comes with a yucky yeast infection as with this disorder we are more suspectable for this. My doctor gives me this one pill and it takes care of it no creams no yuckyness. FLUCONAZOLE 150 MG.

    I just thought instead of just bitchfeast 2011 we can start helping each other with what has helped us through our times of trouble, I posted my story a few days ago, little by little as I remember what I have done to ease my suffering I will post it.

    there is a facebook page dedicated to this
    that is were I found this thread

    I think also a class action lawsuit that I am looking into because I really think we all need to help get this product off the market sso other women dont suffer like we have!!

    • Indi says:

      Michelle i found that same page on facebook and have posted. And i agree there needs to be a class action suit. I have the same problems constanst infections, yeast infection every time i have to take antibotics. THAT never used to happen before essure. Now I know others have the same EXACT problems i have now i know i am not crazy, its not in my head. And they need to pay for all this suffering. When I go see the GYN for the first time Oct 25 i am going to demand that this be taken out. He isnot the original doctor that performed the procedure. I was in another state at the time but he is a specialist in the DaVinci and knows about the ESSURE. I am going in with my medical records with all the test they have taken and things they ruled out. And direct him to the blogs and fb site. I wont take NO for an answer. I have 3 children that i have to raise and provide for and i cant do that being disabled! I cant work, i am depressed in constant pain what the hell can i do? I want my life back. I want to feel normal again before this nightmare of ESSURE!

    • Indi says:

      Today was the big appointment to the Gyn specialist, and i was very nervous. Because i didnt want him to also kind of dismiss me like nothing was wrong. BUT i went in with final results from all the doctors i have been too. Had a list with all my pains problems, procedures and doctors. And he said i had definitely exhausted all avenues, and what did i want done? I said i want these coils out of me!! He said no problem, if thats what you want. He has done the essure procedure and we discussed the nickel issue and he agreed that could be a problem. He wanted to examine me just to make sure there wasnt anything else going on, and as soon as he touch my cervix i was in pain!! He then said yes you do need to have the hysterectomy. I shouldnt be having that type of pain from that mild touch!! THANK GOD FINALLY!! I am so happy today he said he was very sorry that i have been suffering like i have been and they were going to get this Da Vinci procedure scheduled as soon as we can. And he is sure this will make me 95% better..You know they have to have that 5% or so error of maybe not lol. But how ironic while i was waiting for the doctor in the exam room is an advertisement for the Essure..i wanted to cry. I wish i had never seen that damn advertisement the very first time. I have gone through so much agony and doctor visits and medicines for things that werent wrong. Taking 800mg motrin to help the pain but that didnt help, only made me have a stomach problem! So if anyone else is thinking about if this is the problem it is..and we wont be able to get a class action suit going unless enough women complain to the FDA about it. I have already sent my complain in. But that is the only way they know consumers are having a health problem with something. You have to CALL, EMAIL,WRITE,COMPLAIN!!! I wish everyone else the best of luck. But i know getting them out will stop all this mess.

  407. I finally found a good dr and a good gyno!!! He is talking partial hysterectomy cause the only other thing to do is take the coils out and leave my tubes open!!! I dont want to have to worry about getting preggo and im not good with BC thats why I have 2 kids already! I dont want that I would much rather have the hysto anything to get rid of this pain!!! Hope all of you can find good drs also!!! Ill say a prayer for all of you cause I been dealing with this for the last 3 1/2 yrs!!!

  408. vervilledeb1 says:

    Here is an interesting news article about Essure. Sales are dropping and Conceptus is trying to stop the use of the Adiana.

  409. Lynn says:

    I had the procedure dont in Dec 2010 and had my check up to see if they were in place in April 2011. Everything went fine. The next day after the procedure I didn’t feel like I had anything done. I felt great. In April I watched the dye test on the screen. So the coils for myself. They were in place and blocked. Its almost been a year since I’ve had it done and I still don’t feel like I have anything done to me. Only thing I can see that is the same as some is the weight gain. Didn’t think anything about the weight gain till I read this because my weight has always been up and down all my life. I think everyone woman’s body is different. Your body will either take it or reject it. I have had two friends get the IUD (mirena) and they’re bodies rejected it. So I think it depends on the woman’s body. I hate that every one of you are having problems with the procedure, I hope mine stays good. So far it has.

  410. arielle says:

    i had my essure done about three years ago and it may have been the worst thing ive done in my life i have this odd metlaic tast in my mouth all day my food tast horrible all the time, constant back pain, dizzy spells,night sweats and on top of that my blood pressure stay up my doc has swich my bp meds three times and nuthing brings it down i have exstreamly sharp pains in my lower right side to the point where i cant stand or walk i have to sit untile the pain goes away befor i can move i talk to y docter about this and he brushes me off like this is all in my head

  411. Marcea Flowers says:


    I got the essure implant the last week of September of this year. While the initial pain was minimal and only required ibuprofen, I have had increased pain such as cramping, leg pains, painful intercourse, stomach pains, headaches, dizziness and several other side effects. I have also felt like I have been contracting the flu since the week I got it. I didn’t even connect all of these things until I read this forum. I contacted my physician on a few occasions and he said that “some people just take a little longer to adjust” and I should be fine and he would check me at my 90 day dye test. After reading this, I am very afraid and feel like I may need to have it removed. I am a single, working mother of two chidren and have no insurance at this time, so I know I cannot afford to have it removed at this time. This really frightens me. I thought I had done a good job at researching this decision to do this prior to having it implanted.I had gone in to talk about getting a tubal ligation and my dr assured me that not only was this easier and less painful, but healthier for me. I have been his patient for almost 20 years and I am deeply disturbed by what I have just read.


    • TL says:

      I feel for you….they don’t warn you about the pain of the 90 day test either…My doctor explained that I was a rare occurance and that he never had any patient with the problems I experienced. I actually felt bad for complaining..

  412. Marty says:

    WOW, i’m so relieved to have found this site. I have only had the Essure for one year. Two months post op my periods became heavy and painful slowly intercourse became so paiful all the time with any kind of position that i finally went to the docotor. She said it was my ovaries producing too much hormones. She started me on the pill which created other problems. I just left her office with a pamphelt on Mirena because she thinks that that is a better option, telling me that she’s very certain its not the Essure and that although she would do a hysterectomy she didn’t feel this was the best option due to my age. I’m 37. Until finding this site i felt like it was all in my head, but i was just certain this was from the Essure. Now what is a hysterectomy my only option

    • KHmama says:

      I am 29 and had a da vinci hysterectomy three weeks ago….I can not tell you how much better I feel…..I had the coils for about a year and a half and can not believe how sick I got…not to mention constent pain. I feel like I’m finally getting back to myself…..I know it’s major surgery but for me it was well worth it. Good luck!!!

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        Congrats on feeling better! Please do keep us posted so that others know what their options are.


      • Sheria Hood says:

        Im having my partial hysterectomy on December 21st! I cant wait! All I can tell all you ladies who are still trying to find someone to listen keep pushing someone will listen! Its your body! What I did was go to the dr about everything stomach back I had every test ran on my body you can think of and everything came back normal so I got all those test results went to Gyno and gave him everything and he did his exam and all I could do was cry cause it hurt so bad he said he didnt understand the tenderness and done all his own test and said that essure is what it had to be cause everything looked “normal”! Maybe I jus got lucky and found a really understanding dr but I have been dealing with this for almost 4 yrs before I finally found someone who would actually listen to what I had to say instead of what they thought! Good Luck to all of you who are still searching! I will continue to pray for each and every one of you! Keep your head up!

  413. mellissa says:


    It has been a while since I have been on or posted but I wanted to share that I am having the coils removed. After many phone calls, visits and much insisting with my doctor he has agreed. Of course he continues to say that nobody ever has problems from this procedure but he obviously has not looked at this site or the many others. I have chosen to remove the coils versus a partial histo. Of course that is bearing they are located and can be removed, if not then the only option is a partial histo where I keep my overies to avoid early menopause. I will share as I know more or have a procedure. My advice is do not be talked out of how you feel are allow yourself to be disrespected because you think your doctor is smarter than you. He may be more educated about your body and your anatomy but he certainly is not living and breathing in it, Push and don’t stop until you get what you want and are well.

    • I went to the dr 2 wks ago for pain in my stomach, I have been going to the dr for everything under the sun to see why I am having stomach back pain and everything else for almost 3 yrs now. Well on Monday I finally get a pelvic ultrasound and talk with the dr (whom I have already talked to a little) But as he was doing my exam (papsmear) all I could do was cry cause it caused so much pain, he told me there is no reason I should have that much pain! We talked about jus taking the tubes out but I dont want to have to worry about getting prgo so he suggested a partial hysto so I think that is the route im going to go. These coils have ruined my life!! I got them in Feb 09 and im beat mentally and physically! To anyone out there who is even thinking about this procedure PLZ think long and hard!! And to all the others who have PLZ report your problems to the proper people!

      • Melissa says:

        I have been going through every thing that we are all talking about for 5 yrs. Then I am being told that there is nothing wrong with the essure

  414. QueenS says:

    When they did the procedure the insert on the left tube took it but the right did not take because there was too much fluid. The coil broke and they had to get the tools to get the broken piece out. It was extremely painful. I went back a course days later and it was a successful placement. However two weeks later, I have terrible cramps and pains in my right side where the implant was. They never told me this would feel like it does now. I haven’t gone to do the HSG test but I hope this gets better.

  415. Jill Kiser says:

    I had the Essure procedure in Decemember 2010. I had an ablasion in April 2011. After the ablasion I started to have unexplained bleeding and sometimes very extreme during intercourse. Long story short I just had a hysterectomy a week ago and during the procedure the doctor discovered the Essure device had torn through by tube and logged into my bowel. This explains the sharp pains I had in my side, the unexplained bleeding etc.. thank goodness I had my surgery before I got septic from the device in my bowel. My doctor had no idea the issues I was having was from the Essure device.

    • Ashley says:

      I have pain in my sides as well. I thought I had a kidney infection but when I went to the ER, they said I didn’t. IDK what to do bc I have no insurance….

  416. Michelle says:

    So here I am at my 3rd post… I still have my essure, I thought I was being sent to a specialist yesterday but it was just a OBGYN who didnt even have my latest ultra sounds so she couldn’t even help with my cysts. Does anyone else have a lot of cyst activity I never have had so many cysts as I have had this year. Long story short, she had no clue what essure was (Nor has anyone I have spoken too, I can’t began to tell you the amount of DRs I have spoken) I might as well say I have unicorns in my fallopian tubes!

    Her advice was to go to County hospital or a collage hospital (think teaching) because they are sure to know what is going on. For those of you that dont have insurance, especially if you are low income, County has to take you and if you are low enough income (especially if you have children) they have ways to have all the tests paid for (Medical is one).

    I have just made my millionth appointment with my PCP because I am getting copies of all the tests already run : CTS (on my brain from fainting in a hospital room while visiting a friend) as well as my abdomen, 3 internal and external ultra sounds, MRI,EKG) all my blood work, the 3 UTIS, all the times Ive complained of back pain, stomach pain, the 3 cysts ect ect ect… I will have all my documentation, Im going to go to county hospital and say here is what I have been going threw for over a year, Im fainting lost 40 pounds, in constant pain, here are the tests, please fix me I have no where else to go.

    Because I deserve to be able to have a sex life and it not be painful, I deserve to be able to carry a gallon of milk up the sitars and not have to sit with the heating pad for two hours afterward, I deserve to sleep in my bed with out the heating pad, and so do all of you!

  417. Nicole C says:

    I had this procedure done in August of 2010, 6 weeks after I gave birth to my youngest daughter. My OB/GYN told me that the procedure was quick and easy, and I would be able to go back to work the next day. I had the usual pain and discomfort after having them inserted, but didn’t feel anything until later.

    I first started feeling the pains when I had my first period after having them inserted. The week before my period started, I started having massive pains in my lower abdomen, around where my fallopian tubes should be. One side or the other would feel like I was being stabbed with a long needle. Due to losing my insurance, I was unable to have the dye test done. I explained this to my last doctor when I first got on with him, and he told me that there wasn’t a problem. Now, I’m thinking otherwise. I dread having my period every month. I am in massive pain the entire week before my period, as well as the entire week of my period. I have enough problems with other conditions right now, I don’t need to be down completely for two weeks, especially with having 5 kids running around.

    I’m glad to know that there are others out there that are having issues as well and I’m not alone.

  418. […] site was started is because of all the women that have responded to a previous post that I wrote, Essure Problems Continue Among Women. It seems the number of women having problems due to the Essure sterilization is growing. What is […]

  419. Ana says:

    I just had the essure put in Nov 3rd my doctor put me to sleep when i woke up he showed me pictures of the springs in my tubes he also gave me a card that he said i should keep in a safe place he explained before and after the procedure that i would have some cramping and that it should go away after a day or so and it has it’s only been a few days so i don’t know if i will have any issues later on i really hope not

  420. Misty says:

    I had the essure procedure in Oct, 2010. I have not stopped bleeding since and have called several times only to assure me that it is from the one depo shot I had in Sept, 2010. I finally found a new doctor who ordered two ultrasounds and just informed me that they can’t find the coils(???) I have an abdominal x-ray in a few days, but geesh!

    • omg what has happen since the day u wrote this, i had my put in last month

    • Pj says:

      The same thing happened to me. The doctor stated that it appeared that the coils had migrated into my uterus, but he could not make a definitive determination. It’s quite unsettling to know that I might not be protected, not to mention the fact that I often have pain during intercourse as well as a discharge with mucuous that has a brown tinge of blood i it. I wish I had never had it done.

  421. vernessa says:

    Thank you so much for this. I was going to get it done after the doc sugar coat it. But no way, thank you for the internet. Wish everyone good health

  422. Michelle says:

    I am really happy I came across this site. My husb and I decided we would go for Essure as we are done with our family. My OB made it sound like its a cake walk. But with reading a ton of your ladies post, I am NOT going to go through with this procedure. I dont need extreme difficult medical issues because of these coils. My heart goes out to all of you who have had severe issues and those who still continue to suffer. Thank you for having this blog. I hope more women who come across it read through the posts before having the coils placed.

  423. Scheree says:

    i am totally terrified after reading these post. I had the essure in October 2008 and the procedure was a breeze. But as time passed my period started to become heavier and heavier in sept 2011 I bleed for the entire month of sept went the obgyn earlier october and had an ultrasound that located a polyp on my uterine wall. I had a d &c , abliation and hysterscopy. I have been in constant pain since. The pain is so bad on my left side that I had to take off work for a week and I still do not feel any better. I really think my best bet is to have the coils removed but I am scared of having the surgery, I am going to get a second opinion from another obgyn. I really think there is something wrong with the essure coils and i am also interested in an lawsuit !! all the symptoms are so similair and alot of people have probelms on the left side which is so ironic.

  424. Banana says:

    Is it normal to first have a heavy period 7 to 8 months into the essure procedure being done then on the 9th mth missing your period?

  425. Traci Nichols says:

    Here’s the name and email and number of the Conceptus Executive VP:
    Gregory Lichtwardt
    Executive Vice President, Operations & CFO
    PH: 650-962-4039
    Main: 650-962-4000

    I haven’t received any updates since my last interaction (1/6/11). Very frustrating. I’ve also tried to call lawyers that were recommended with no response. It’s sad, really. Best of luck to all. It will get better!

  426. Janell says:

    Wow, my doctor highly recommended Essure to me today and I told her I would think about it. After reading 100’s of comments, I am not going to do it. I have severe allergies and it’s not an option for me now. A million thanks to all who have posted and I hope you all get better plus lots of compensation for the situation that you’ve been through. Do not give up if there is a lawsuit filed and it sounds like there should be if it’s not done already.

  427. hi everyone i had the enssure put in on the 27th on october n i havent had any side effects, knock on wood, the only thing is that im still bleeding very light, i feel blowded n fat i wast very skiny to begin with but i was workin out n still am so hopefuly my bely goes down. my plan is to wait till i start havin problems then get them removed. i live in houston n want to know if anyone els dose n have found help for them selves in houston

  428. I’m not sure what is going on with me. My husband and I believe it is Essure causing it, but I’m not entirely sure. I had my Essure done September 2010. Confirmed complete occlusion 3 months later. Incidentally, it was noted my fallopian tubes are “curly q’d” per the radiologist performing the hsg. Anyway, no problems other than the expected cramping and spotting. Fast forward to 1-2 months ago. Now, I’m having a strange spectrum of symptoms. I’ve always had stress incontinence since giving birth, but now it’s much worse. ANY stress will cause me to leak. Also, I’ve found I’m leaking tiny amounts nearly constantly. Then, I have strange cramping/aching/and sometime sharp pains in my fallopian tube area. I know this is the tubes because I felt “tugging” at the same spot when the coils were inserted. Now, the pain isn’t unbearable, but it is daily. Intermittent, mind you, but daily. Then, there’s the issue of diarrhea AND constipation, sometimes both in one day. I’ve been blown off my my primary md, but he did at least get me an appointment with a urogynecologist that’s next week. Just trying to get thoughts!

  429. I lost my comment! I’ll try to post it again. I had essure in September 2010 and all was fine until 1-2 months ago. Starting then, I’ve had achy/cramping/sometimes sharp pain in my fallopian tube area. I know this is the right area because I felt a tugging/cramping when the coils were placed. Sometimes I cramp in the midline. It is every day. Granted it is intermittent, but every day. I also have problems with constipation and diarrhea, sometimes in the same day. I was told the coils were copper when they were first placed! Not nickel. Anyway, I have an appointment with a urogynecologist next week. Hopefully we will find something out!

  430. bigmommabear says:

    5/23/07 I also had this procedure done and everything went very well, but now 4 yrs later I too have all the same problems… Went from being healthy to my health being in poor…. One thing I am wondering though is, is anyone else experiencing any boils??? I have never had a boil in my live and never new of their exsistance till 2 yrs after the Essure… Now I get them quite often… I’ve done research and found that candida is the type I have and is caused by metal toxicity…. I myself was never asked if I was allergic to nickel before the procedure… I have no clue if I am or not but growing up as a child I couldn’t wear cheap earrings, and now days I can only wear them for a couple of hours before I have to pull out… I have also brought all this up to my doctor just to be shrugged off as well… Time to go doctor hunting again!!!

    • Indi says:

      YES i have gotten the boils and have been so emabarrassed because they get really big, painful and leave scars. When i finally talked to the doctor about it, they claimed its a dermatoligist problem. But now i dont think so. I never got them before the essure so i think its all related. I am scheduled for a hysterectomy next month take out the fallopian tubes and uterus and leave the ovaries so i wont be thrown into early menopause. But no periods! I am just ready to be out of all this misery and pain. Good luck to you. I had to find a Gyn and was in terrible pain when he examined me. He said it was medically necessary to remove it so maybe thats what you have to do.. INSIST its your body.

      • naosla says:

        Yes, it is from nickle allergy, You really should so what you can to have it removed from your body. My friend went through that, I say if its causing boils on your skin , imagine whats happening inside your body. I had the essure coils in me for a year ,a nd have to tell you that it was the worst yeatr of my life, I had to pay out of pocket to have the reversal but it was worth every penny,

        Best of luck to,
        We need to make as many women aware of this horrible procedure, it really should be taken off the market

  431. Rebekah Hale says:

    I just found this blog while looking to see how other people reacted to Essure. My procedure went really well. (I had this done on Tuesday the 15th) It was painful, but tolerable. There were no issues. I wasn’t in pain afterward, and didn’t need any pain meds. Then early in the a.m. the next morning I woke up with a fever, chills, and such extreme abdominal pain, that I couldn’t even get out of bed by myself. I could hardly breath too, the pain radiated up under my ribs and around my sides. I went to the hospital (Wed. Nov. 16)… I had really low blood pressure, but no signs of infection. They said the Essure was still in place and everything was fine. (They took an x-ray to be sure.) Today (Nov. 17th) I feel much better, but I’m still experiencing significant pain. I hope this goes away soon – I can’t even hold my kids without hurting. And I DON’T want to have them removed. That one procedure was more than enough.

    • Indi says:

      Rebekah i am so very sorry to hear you are going through pain as well. But i am also sorry to say thats just the beginning. I have had mine in since March 09 and its been hell. I am having my tubes removed next month. If its still early enough to have them removed without scarring you then now would be the time rather than later when you will have more pains and doctor visits. For things unexplained and you wouldnt even think is related to the essure. I know i did. Good luck.

  432. Candace says:

    I also had the essure placement done and was told it would be easy. I went in for my procedure and it was anything but easy. The procedure was so painful I actually almost lost consciouness. The nurse had the smelling salts ready just in case I passed out…my blood pressure dropped and I went from having 2 people in with me to about 5. Once the placement was completed and my blood pressure went back to normal the look on the doctor and nurses faces were still of concern. I was later told that my fallopian tubes move around and mine were kinda spiraled which made the insertion more difficult and painful. I went back 3 months later and tested to see if my fallopian tubes were blocked and they were. I told the technician of my discomfort and he assured me his test was not painful and always quick. Unfortunately he ended up apologizing and it was painful and it took him a while due to my tilted uterus he said. I mention everytime I go to see my Gyn about pain I have…I have had several tests, been to ER, had ultrasounds, pelvic exams and always I am told I am fine. I have never asked if my pain in my right side as well as pain after any sexual stimulation afterwards is related to my essure procedure. I now feel so hopeless and tired of being in pain. I have pain after sexual stimulation everytime and have sharp to dull pain inconsistently each month. I too wish now after reading about this procedure that I would not have had it. I just want to feel normal again.

  433. I just have to say that I am not six weeks post-surgery from having a hysterectomy and I have never felt better. No more swelling, weight gain, pain, depression and crazy mood swings. I just kick myself for not opting for a hysterectomy earlier.

  434. Sherry says:

    I had my essure inplanted in 8/11 since that time I have been having back pains and stomach cramps. I did the HSG in November and they couldnot confirm that the essures were correctly inserted and that their were two coils inserted on the right side.OMG

  435. Hillary says:

    Well, it was 11/15 when I posted first. My pain as increased drastically since then. Today, I have an appointment with a urogynecologist and hopefully I will get some answers. It’s scary how fast and how much my pain has increased in such a short time period. I’ll update after my appointment.

  436. Pam says:

    Well, I was scheduled for Dec 12th, 2011 to have this procedure. I have had a little hesitancy because midmonth I always experience some pains (no bleeding) when I ovulate. This goes on for about 6-12 hours and I usually have to take 600mg ibuprofen to curb the pain. I was told this is mittelsmerz and I have had this since I was a teenager. Of course, in my 20’s I was on BC’s and didnt ovulate, so didnt have the mittleschmerz either. However, now I am in my mid-40’s and worry that putting the coils in might make the pain worse. I believe that I will not go thru with this procedure now after reading all of these blogs. I believe my DR told me these were made of titanium. I am reading that it is nickel? I cant believe this….since nickel allergy is common. Titanium is what is used in other devices put in the body b/c of its low allergic response. I am glad I read these before proceding.

  437. nora barcelona says:

    im experiencing light period after my procedure on june 15,until now.on January 2010 ,i had a misprostol procedure ,i got pregnant and unfortunately the baby did not develop so i had to go through that misoprostol procedure..after that i decided to have the essure procedure on june 15 and this has been confirmed on sept but the problem is im having light period since very concern and im wondering if this is a side effect and how long will this take.?nver had sex since then so my husband is wondering if this light period will ever stop..pls tel me.tnx

  438. Laura says:

    I had my essure put in November 2006 and for the past five years I have dealt a mutiple aray of problems. The main one’s are large tubal fibroids and uterine polyps. I have been to the emergency room and doctor’s office mutiple times. Ultrasounds, bloodwork, vaginal exams… and the doctors continue to dismiss the essure as a factor in any of the problems. I was on medicaid when I got it at age 26 and now I am 31 with no insurance so I can’t afford to get them removed. I suffer also with chronic weakness, severe clotting/bleeding, and muscle stiffness. … I will get them removed as soon as I can afford it… I found this place called Chapel Hill in Gerogia that offers a reversal and removal package for $4500 to 7500. I was too young to get them and I don’t think we had enough research on the long term effects. They are still in place though….BUT how can we put a foreign body into our reproductive organ for a PERMANENT Sterlization? It just doesn’t feel right even after all this time.

    • Vicki W says:

      Please, I encourage everyone with muscle weakness, severe bleeding, clotting, tiredeness, etc to have a saliva hormone test to check all hormones including that for adrenal fatigue. Here is a link with information regarding adrenal fatigue. I had Essure, had it removed and 6 months later began having the same pains that I had with the Essure. My hormone therapist tells me that even though doctors do not recongize it your tubes have a lot to do with your hormones. Do not do a blood test. It is not accurate!!! Here is a link.

  439. Amanda says:

    I had the Essure done when my youngest child was 8 weeks old. Around September time frame of 2011. I have been bleeding heavy period bleeding since the surgery. Even BC pills haven’t helped. At first the doctor said it was lingering affects of the DEPO shot and that was the reason for the BC pills. I have now been on BC for almost a month and I AM STILL BLEEDING! Right after the surgery was pain during sex and the doc said that was normal too. Why am I am still bleeding heavy after the surgery 2 months later?

    • vervilledeb1 says:


      This is one of the most common things that I have been reading. I have not found/heard of a concrete reason as to why this happens. Hopefully one of the many ladies here will be able to help with this one. This thread has been blessed with many folks that have not only gone through adverse Essure related problems but are super supportive of other women.

      Sorry I could not be of more help.


  440. mayte says:

    im writing from Spain, I’m terrified, as things get here later, I began to investigate what happens in USA. It’s crazy. Here social security are putting hundreds a day, outpatient process, and people do not have the slightest idea. Not crazy I’m going to use. My immune system is low came with the IUD, and I see that is the same, the same symptoms that descibes.
    Here they are lined with people’s ignorance

  441. vervilledeb1 says:

    Hi Everyone!

    I have a quick request. Is there anyone willing to share their story publicly? The reason I am asking is so that I am able to share this on the new website:

    Also, I am open to all ideas for the new site. If anyone has any suggestions please send them my way! I have been so busy and I want this website to do well so that we are able to get the word out.

    • Melissa says:

      I would not mind to share my story for the world to see.

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        Thanks soooo are an angel. My email address is: I think the easiest way to do this is to get your story written and email it over. Is this okay with you?

    • Indi says:

      I have no problem sharing my story with other women.. hopefully they will be able to avoid all the problems that have affected the rest of us. I recently received an email from Conceptus, the company of Essure. I was asked to give them certain information about my procedure and what health problems i have had and to keep them updated on the outcome. I had reported my problem to the FDA and i assume they got in touch with Essure. Never the less this will eventually will become a lawsuit and i think they know this. I will be ready and very willing when it comes.

    • Mellissa says:

      I would not mind as well. Also, I have posted on the blog before about having it removed which I just did. I had the coils removed a few days ago. On Wednesday 11-30-11. So far so good. Of course I am recovering and also had an ablation but even with that I feel better already. My insurance which originally paid for the essure paid 100% to have the same doctor remove it. It is still very early but I am happy that it is out of my body. There is hope!

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        That is awesome news! I am so happy you had them removed and are feeling better. You will have to keep us posted. And, you are right, there is hope. I would love to have your story. Thank you and thank you again! 🙂


  442. kelly says:

    I just had a ct scan for a gall bladder and was told my coil is not in my tube , it is in the wrong place.when I had the procedure done I had insurance , now I dont have insurance and I want it removed. Not sure where to go with this

  443. Markisha smith says:

    I had the essure ablation 2yrs ago now I’m have issues like my monthly has increased back to before I had the procedure done my breast are so tender as if I was pregnanty hormones are out of wack what can I do about this

  444. Tamara says:

    I posted previously in September and not much has changed. I had the procedure done 8/19/11, easy and mostly painfree. Two weeks later I started in with constant back pain and abdominal bloating. I pretty much live on the heating pad. I also seem to have muscle fatigue – I can’t do anything strenous for any length of time. I move more slowly and have to rest a lot. I’ve been to my GYN 5 times in 3 months and had 2 internal ultrasounds. Each time she has seen fluid and ovarian cysts. The last time I discussed having them removed and she said something to the effect of, “well, some people have higher tolerances for pain. We don’t know if getting a tubal will make you feel worse.” What I got from that is suck it up. Also, she mentioned nobody else in their practice has had any issues at all. So I’m feeling very angry. I finally scheduled my HSG to be December 12, so I guess I’ll see how that goes. Today my back hurts a lot and I feel crampy and uncomfortable, even though it’s not my period week. I wish I had my old body back. BTW, Essure has an MD manual online that lists side effects of back pain at 9.8% and abdominal pain 5.1% along with many other symptoms people here are experiencing. Funny, I got the pretty Essure brochure handed to me by my doctor, and it did not list the same statistics.

  445. Wade says:

    Hello… I’m new to this blog, and I haven’t spent a lot of time (yet) reading through the entries, but I am interested in the class action lawsuit that’s been mentioned. I am seriously pissed… my wife got this procedure done over 2 years ago, and we just found out she is pregnant again. When she got the procedure, we did all the follow-up dye tests and everything passed.

    We already have 4 children… my wife gets deathly ill in the first trimester, to the point she needs IVs on a routine basis to stay hydrated. We’re in our late 30s now. The fact she was willing to go through this 4 times already (trying for a girl, which we got on #4) is a testament to her strength. But we were DONE. This makes me sick, and the more I read about this procedure, the more I get the feeling this is not uncommon.

    Is there any traction behind the lawsuit? I think they need to answer for this.

  446. vervilledeb1 says:

    Hi Wade,

    Welcome to the blog. I know the others will chime in soon here. I have not heard of any traction on the suits that have been discussed. If I do I promise I will let you know ASAP.

    I am so sorry for you and your spouse. You two made a responsible decision in family planning and this is what has come of it. Your wife is not the first to have this happen. There have been a couple of women here that have found out they are pregnant following the procedure. And for the record, yes they did have the follow-up HSG. <—– Have to put that in because I have been told that these women could NOT have gone for their confirmation tests (which is BS).

    I am just amazed at how many women (and couples) are having issues with this. I have promised to be a voice and I am continuing to do so. I have just recently set up another website concerning this!

    Please check back often.


  447. Roxanne says:

    I had the essure done in January, then I had to have an ablasion following the essure confirmation, because I was having so many problems with my periods. Well, I went to the doctor on the 22 of September, and found out that one of the springs CAME OUT and attached to my uterus and that was what was causing all of my pain and bleeding. My NEW doctor said that he could not just simply remove it because it would uncoil and fall apart or perforate, and cause more problems. I now have no uterus, tubes or cervix, (and 1 ovary due to another issue, since he was in there). I am so upset about this. I wanted a tubal ligation and my old doctor of course sugar coated this procedure and “talked me into” having it. I was dead set against having anything foreign put into my body, and this is why. I want in on this suit. I called a lawyer about getting a suit against my doctor, but was told that I do not really have a case. But I am pretty sure I have one against the essure company. I am only 29 and have very little women parts left, and not by choice.

  448. Bebe says:

    I myself have had the procedure done. I did specifically ask if it contained any nickle and he told me only polyester. Which was a lie. The reason I asked is because I have a sever allergy nickle and especially surgical steel. I found that out through not being able to wear piercings I had that would never heal (they would always seep and turn a terrible irritated color) earrings would always make me itch, even if it was the hypoallergenic type. The only thing I seem to be able to tolerate is titanium. Well the mesh has surgical steel. I believe what we are all having is an allergic reaction to the essure implant. Many people are allergic to nickle and have no clue, maybe the polyester as well. Our bodies are trying to reject it.

  449. Sara says:

    i’m having most of the same problems as all of you but some other problems i’m having is i’m having my period 2 to 3 times a month and heavy post menstrual dead blood for up to 2 or 3 days before and after each period any one else having this as well please let me know like most of you have stated you feel like you are going crazy i am to i have looked up other info on what is happening to me and info i found was pointing more to everything from uterine cancer to cervical cancer, even ovarian cancer. cause last time i had a pat every thing came back fine and this is since i have be having these issues with my implant again please let me know if anyone else is going through this as well thank you

  450. Chastity says:

    We need to make a class action lawsuit!! Who’s with me? I will find the attorney if we all stick at this together. I am in BAD shape from Essure and cant believe what Im hearing, I thought it was just me.

    • Sara says:

      chastity i thought the same thing i thought i was alone but i have a friend who has some of the same issues we all on here are having i am going to send her this link so she knows we are not alone

  451. Cyn says:

    Wow! I’m so glad I found this blog… while doing some research on getting Essure. Now… I’m not so sure I’ll be getting it. I do have a question: does anyone know about this Adiana product? It’s slightly different from Essure, about the size of rice, and appears to have no metal(s)? I’m wondering if it might be a good alternative. Thanks and to all y’all out there having problems… hang in there!

    • Shaundy says:

      You may not want to go forward with any new procedures, the long term effects are not known. Essure has been out since 2002 and they are just now getting the word out that it’s unsafe. I just had a tubal ligation (tubes tied) about 14 hours ago and I’m home in bed and very happy! You should read my post on 2/1/2012 if you want to read about the tubal ligation.

  452. Jennifer Stratton says:

    I was wondering if there are any lawsuits against Essure? I am having most of the issues that you ladies are having. I cannot afford to have them removed because my husband is out of work. We have no money or credit cards. I actually had a pain last night like I needed to push like I was in labor, which is very odd. I asked my obgyn midwife about some of these things and she told me that I could not be gaining weight because of Essure. She said that there are no hormones in Essure so I couldn’t be gaining weight from that. The weight is just more in my stomach. I am over weight after having four kids in five years, but never has my stomach been like this unless I was pregnant. Does anyone with these problems live in Georgia? I am afraid no one would believe me if I talked to a lawyer and I just really don’t have the money for one. If anyone is from Georgia and having these problems please let me know. My email is:
    I really hope that something good happens out of all of this. We should not have to suffer. I am pretty much miserable and I am sure most of you are too. I don’t know if many of you believe in GOD, but if you do I think we should all do some hard core praying so that this problem will be fixed. 🙂

  453. sun runner says:

    I found this blog post after someone on a mailing list I belong to suggested investigating stories of negative side effects of Essure. I am what one might call an “Essure survivor.”

    I had my implantation procedure in November 2003, when Essure was the hot new minimally-invasive sterilization method. I had no problems with the procedure itself, and nothing I can recall until I stopped taking birth control pills following my successful HSG in February 2004. Almost immediately my menstrual cycles, which had been perfectly regulated by ten years of oral contraceptives, started going haywire. I attributed the irregularity to coming off birth control pills. At first my periods were irregular but light. Then their intensity began to increase. In October 2005 I decided enough was enough and sought medical help. By then my periods were lasting two weeks or more and the flow was EXTREMELY heavy. Despite the best efforts of a host of doctors, my problems not only persisted, but got worse. In January 2006 I had a Mirena IUD installed in an attempt to correct my cycles. It never worked. I started taking birth control pills again in the summer of 2006, which was a hormonal nightmare. I had the Mirena taken out in October 2006 because it had failed to do anything. All the while my periods were getting longer and heavier until I was bleeding for four to six weeks, with maybe five to seven days of relief, and then the bleeding would start again. It was so heavy I could completely saturate a Super Plus Tampax in an hour and I ALWAYS had to have a backup maxi pad in place in case of breakthrough. The mess was unreal. My entire life revolved around how I dealt with my periods. I was absolutely miserable. I was anemic and constantly tired. After my work day I would have to go home and take a nap because I couldn’t function after being awake for nine hours. The low point came in December 2006 when a chunk of tissue fell out of my body during one of my many trips to the bathroom at work. It— a grayish-pink lump– was stuck to the end of yet another soaked-through tampon. I stared at it and started to cry. I had never felt so low and helpless. My body had totally rebelled against me. I wasn’t in control any more. I was at the end of my rope. The next time I went to see my doctor I told her I was done. I was so over this. I wanted a hysterectomy. She referred me to a surgeon at the local university hospital, a woman who I credit with changing my life. I had a total hysterectomy— including the Essure implants encased in my fallopian tubes— in February 2007. I had endured three years of craziness, and the final menstrual cycle of my life was terminated the day I had surgery. I had bled for 83 days straight. When I woke up in recovery I knew the nightmare was over. I got my life back that day. I consider my surgery date my second birthday.

    My doctors all knew I had the Essure implants, but no one ever wondered if they were the cause of my problems. In the years since my operation, I have often suspected he implants were in fact to blame. Perhaps I was mildly allergic to nickel, not enough to be catastrophic, but enough to irritate my uterine tissue. Indeed, the pathology report revealed I had adenomyosis, which is an inflammatory condition of the uterine lining. I also had two undetected fibroids the size of tangerines growing on the outside of my uterus.

    After reading the stories here and elsewhere my suspicion that my Essure implants caused my problems is even stronger. When I had my procedure— in 2003— it was still so new I don’t think stories like this existed. If I was considering getting Essure implants now, I doubt I would go forward, considering the problems people have experienced that are now well-documented.

    IF my Essure implants caused my misery, the only good to come of them was that they resulted in my life being changed for the better after my hysterectomy.

  454. Amelia says:

    I’ve read A LOT of the postings here tonight & I am glad that I did. I believe Vicki W. posted about hormonal issues may be the cause of some of your problems & that makes total sense to me.

    I was thinking about getting this procedure done & it sounded like the best thing ever in birth control… all I’d read before this blog was the website… sounds so amazing. I am I really glad that I came across this website.

    I want to get it done well the idea of it sounds good anyway but not worth it.

    I have never used any hormonal birth control, to me personally they are not worth the risk.

    Currently we use condoms & pull out as well. We’ve been married for three years now (we were each others firsts :)) and no pregnancies or pregnancy scares so it works for us, although I know that it won’t necessarily work for everyone and not everyone would be able to do it. When I am past being fertile (I check the cervical mucus) we have sex without a condom & he still pulls out & that feels so amazing and when I found out about Essure I was ecstatic. When I found out about Essure probably almost a year ago now I wanted it but have no insurance currently otherwise I may have already had it done. I am glad that I didn’t now… it sound so amazing but maybe there are some things that just should not be messed with in the body…. Also when I read the website I didn’t realize it was made of NICKEL… it said “silicone-free, the same material used in heart stints” so I thought it was super-safe…

    It’s too bad that there isn’t something like this that isn’t metal & is extremely natural in the body… but if it sounds too good to be true, then maybe it is…

  455. lett says:

    I saw the brochure today and emailed my dr that i wanted to get it done. I got home looked up side effects and found this site and OMG im so FREAKED OUT that i DONTwant it now.. I already have 3rd stage kidney disease and other medical issues i dont need more. Im so sorry all of you ladies are going through all of this and i send my prayers to all of you and your loved ones. Maybe Dr Oz should do a show about his and show the national audience how bad this product really is!!!!!!!!!!!!

  456. Andrea says:

    I’m so glad I came across this site! Everything else I’ve read has been from 2008-09. And so far in all the research I’ve done since the procedure, the only site I’ve come across with good reviews is… the essure website (which I wish I’d have done better research prior to my coil placement)! Coincidence? I had this done last Wednesday and it did seem like the best option (especially since insurance covered it 100%). The procedure itself was easy for me (except the lidocaine shots.. ouch!) but on the 3rd day when they said symptoms would decrease, mine have increased daily since. On Sunday I emailed Conceptus, and they told me that my symptoms were not normal compared to the ones they listed in the brochure, and to seek additional medical advice. On Monday I made it into my doctor’s office and spoke with a nurse and gave her all my symptoms. She had me in for an ultrasound the same day. Still have not heard back, but at least I could see the inserts were still in place (at least I think they were). I am consistently fatigued (trembling, moody, weepy, sweating profusely) and have terrible poking pains on the right side (standing, sitting, lying down) and I am an active person who can’t even think about running right now. I only found out afterward that I could possibly be rejecting the inserts because they could be toxic to my body because of metal allergy (constant unhealed ear piercing, blisters from watches and rings)… Hmmmm… I called the Essure phone number today and the only information they could give me about women having them removed was from their clinical trial (which was ONE person). They could only give me information on their clinical trials… nothing else. The doc is out of town until tomorrow… Because it’s my body, and I’m done having children (age 31 with 3 kids), I’m requesting to have them removed as soon as possible, and to have it done in conjunction with a tubal (the kind with no metal clamps). I would think that because it takes so long to develop the scar tissue, that it’s still early enough to retrieve the coils without any hassle… because I don’t want to deal with all the issues I’ve had in just the short 7 days I’ve had these in (which feels like forever… and I have a high pain tolerance!) Bless all of you who have had to deal with this for years!

  457. Sheena says:

    My name is Sheena, and the Essure caused me nothing but pain and anguish. I am 29 yrs old and I had the procedure right after my fifth daughter. I had nothing but pain and severe periods. Come to find out one of those rods dislodged and came out. The other one pierced through the side of my uterus. It caused bleeding inside and pain you couldn’t imagine. My doctor blew it off also. Until I switched doctors and had a cat scan done. Two days later I was in surgery having a hysterectomy. Like I said I was done having children but was not prepared to have my uterus removed. Good luck all. I feel a million times better now but to those who are having those issues don’t mess around get it taken care of even if it means switching Doctors.

  458. Devon Coe says:

    I also had this procedure 11 years ago and i have alot of pain from the springs. Now i would like to have them out because it feels like they are trying to come out on their own.i dont have the money to get the doctors to remove them nor do i live close to the doctor.

  459. ty says:












  460. Maribel says:

    Having the essure implants is by far my biggest regret in life. I kick myself every day for it. My doctor made this seem like a dream. The information all showed that it would be easier and less painless for me to have it done rather than my husband have a vasectomy. I was very wrong. Surgery went well, the pain once I woke up was unbearable and the pain killers did not help. 2 – 3 days later I was back on my feet with minor swelling. I had my 90 day follow up and all was well. I continued birth control for a couple months after that, shortly after the first year of my surgery I began to have pain & extreme swelling (Only after sex). Heavy painful periods, hot/cold flashes, between periods I had a tremendous amount of pain, The symptoms began to get worse, the pain was more severe and I had a constant pain on my right side. Any activity would aggravate it further and the pain having sex was unbearable. I made an appointment with my doctor. Got a quick exam and I was told everything was fine. My body is adjusting to being off birth control after so long and the essure is entirely unrelated.
    I found a new doctor and who ran several test, lab results were all normal. I soon had two different surgeries trying to move the coils. The first surgery helped reduce the constant swelling but the pain remained and the swelling soon returned. The second surgery (laproscopy) was absolutely worthless and a complete waste of time, money and the recovery was horrid. My doctor sent me to a specialist and a team examined my case. A doctor said it was impossible to be related to essure, there are no cases and no reported problems. This was in 2010 – So I told her to google it. A collection of women have had such a huge array of problems, it was a real and honest issue..My doctor then sent me to a physical therapist and they issued me a tens unit. The therapy and tens unit did not help. I asked my doctor to put me back on birth control… which had been the best response until recently. The pain is back, swelling happens if I walk to quickly, i’m in pain when i stand up and I take the first couple steps. I feel like I am trapped in my own body. It hurts all the time and the swelling is so bad on my stomach I had to buy maternity jeans. I am only 31 and i am broken.
    We have been saving money for surgery to have these things removed. Surgery as you know is insanely expensive and my insurance will not cover it, even with the problems I have had.

  461. Christy Dafter says:

    I just found this blog. So glad I did. I had the procedure done in March of 2009. I had no problems in the beginning at all. Then about 6 months ago, I thought I had digestion problems due to bloating and gaining weight, so I tried to get that cleared up with enzymes but my symptoms continued, and are getting worse. First of all, I am a competitive runner and I eat very clean. I am 5 ft 6 and have always weighed between 114-118 max. Now I am almost 123 and no matter what I do I cannot lose the weight. My mid-section is bloated and I have lost so much muscle mass. My running has totally suffered and it is so difficult now. I can hardly compete anymore. I have also had the back pain for a couple 0f years. I just figured it was due to running, but no matter how many massages I get or adjustments by my chiropractor it just stays the same or worse. After reading everything posted on here, now I get it. I want to get on board and help and be a part of getting this procedure banned and helping all of us who have had it get help. I had insurance when I had the procedure done and now do not have insurance, so there is no way I can get my coils out unless we can get this recalled or file a law suit or something. I am totally on board with helping out here and being a part of what you all are doing. Thank-you so much for creating this sight.

  462. arlene says:

    Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences. I – as you all did- thought this sounded like the perfect solution to “permanent” birth control.
    Essure is no longer an option for me. I’m very sorry for those of you having health issues as a result of the implants, but I appreciate the fact that you’ve prevented someone else from going through the same pain that you’ve had to endure.
    I wish you all the best and better health as I search for options other than Essure.

  463. Emily Pagan says:

    Hello everyone, I to had that procedure done on July of 2008 and ever since I have been in so much pain before and after my period, my mood swings gets worst each time, my back aches like crazy, i’ve been to the obgyn and have had ultrasounds, blood work and I supposley have nothing, this pain is so severe that I can’t sneeze, cough or laugh without it feeling like something is going to rip threw my skin, on the outside it feels sore, like if someone just kept punching me in my stomach, I want this out so bad it hurts..

    • Amychimay says:

      I had this procedure done in July 2010 because my Dr. refused to do Thermal-Ablation without having this done as well (my NEW Physician doesn’t understand why he had this stipulation of course). I’ve always had debilitating, irregular periods and at 43 there was no reason for this to continue. The TA was not effective for longer than 4 months, periods returned with a vengence & when I had my ‘simple’ dye test, I ended up in such pain that my Dr. ended up giving me Fentanyl [IM]! (that’s a shot in the butt BTW). Fast forward to now; last week I ended up in the ER with such pain near my ovaries & tubes I thought I possibly had ruptured cysts – ultrasound was negative, thanks heavens. In 2 days I will see a specialist who is going to check on these coils, if they are causing the pain, can be removed, who knows. He is a da Vinci Specialist and I will be having him perform my surgery ASAP. I’m guessing that if I would have just had the partial hysterectomy done to begin with none of this would have happened; but then my other Dr. wouldn’t have had the Essure Rep. around to observe the procedure & the dye test and how simple it all was. “Hindsight … ” I’ve lived with this long enough and have now resulted to taking stupid vicodin for the past 5 days to mask the pain, make it through the holidays, and be at the office – I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I can’t believe there isn’t a Lawyer in California that isn’t drumming up a Class Action Suit!

  464. yvonne hale says:

    I am having complications like many of those before me but now i am anemic because of it like others I am quite sure they have looked into the revrseal at chapel hill but I know I can’t afford it and in order to have it you have weigh at certain weight so if anyone knows of any resources that can help me out it would be appreciated. I take pain killers everyday just to functions because the pain is consitant all the time not just during my periods. Just email me thanks

  465. Maribel says:

    As I am reading everyone’s story I am just beyond disgusted at the things the doctors are saying. I truly believe If doctors did not dismiss their patients opinion there would in fact be documented cases and women would be saved of having to undergo so much pain and difficulty. I have found hundreds of women on the internet with negative symptoms, yet doctors deny it all… I am just so tired of doctor after doctor telling me they can not help me. They do not know what is wrong with me and that all they can do is manage my pain. Well, its beyond the pain. It has affected my ability to be a mother, to be a wife, to work, to be active, to laugh and enjoy life. I do not want to move around because it will just aggravate everything and induce pain. My latest ct scan showed swelling in my abdomen and cyst in my right ovary. I have appointments with two more doctors next week and I hope there is an answer without having to undergo a hysterectomy.

  466. Adina says:

    Ladies, Thank you so much! Your willingness to post your experience will save my life from this apparently horrible procedure. I’m scheduled to have it next week. However after reading all these horror stories I’m convinced this is not the way to go. I’m so glad I woke up at 11pm and decided to look this up. Someone from upstairs is taking care of me. That’s all I need – years of pain and discomfort, loss of quality of life. I so appreciate you sharing your experiences. Thank you!

  467. Tara says:

    I am so happy to find this web site… I have had the procedure done about a year and half ago, and at first no issues, but for about 7 months now i deal with major pains that shoot down my legs, major cramping (that I never had before), bleeding so bad that I’m in the bathroom every hour (never had that before either) AND major mood swings, i mean major… i have never had any of these sympotoms until i had this done. i feel like my insides are falling out…. so thank you for sharing everyone. i go to see my doctor next week, but i already know the answer he will give me (Because it’s like a meat market in there
    ) so I will be looking elsewere for help. Again Thank you

  468. Tricia says:

    I had the procedure done almost 2 years ago and i am also having some of the same syptoms. I have not had insurance so mostly i have been going to the hospital. Now i owe them a bunch of money. I have pains in my legs they tell me is arthritis, pains in my back, i cramp and bleed, more than just once a month, the tingling in my legs and stomach, pain on my left side

  469. shasta says:

    Had it done June 2011. Experiencing extreme.vaginal irritation and itching Dec 2011. Pretty concerned its a reaction

  470. Lena says:

    thank you all for posting your stories. I know I’m severly allergic to metals but dr is still trying to talk me into this or the newer one that uses the plastic inserts. Figured I research essure since it’s been out longer and then decide about the newer plastic version. I had gut feeling from the begining that I wanted a good old tubal ligation. NOW I KNOW I DO!!!!! Again thanks. and I hope things get better for all of you and that essure is sued and dr’s stop forcing it upon women.

    • Shaundy says:

      Good for you! I just had my tubes tied like 12 hours ago and I’m feeling great! I’m so happy I found this site and didn’t get Essure! Take care!

  471. Julie says:

    I too have had this procedure and it was a nightmare! I later had to have my tubes removed because one of the coils was not in the tube and they couldn’t find it when they removed them. They were not able to give me any explaination about where it was? I was in severe pain during the essure procedure. I had this done October 2009. I don’t have a normal period like they said I would. I wish I would have done research before deciding to do this. They told me it was painless, and the failure rate was so low, I thought wow! This is non-surgical and it only takes a few minutes. If I could do it all over again, I would have never done the procedure. IF ANYONE OUT THERE IS THINKING ABOUT THIS …..PLEASE DON’T!

  472. Melanie says:

    If I had the information that I have now I would not have had the Essure Procedure done. I have had the Essure for approx. 9 years now. The actual procedure wasn’t’ that bad, except I was a lil nauseated and I threw up after the procedure. I rested for like 2 days then all was back to normal. What was really bad was the three month check up with the dye to see if the coils had been fused, that was very, very painful and uncomfortable for me, severe pain when they put that die in me. I think It was actually burning me inside. They told me that everything was good with the coils I was very happy.. Happy for about a good six months. Then my menstrual began to get out of control . Been bleeding heavy, and I do mean heavy , every month with clots at an unbelievable size, It’s scary some times, If I didn’t know better I would think I was miscarrying. Which now has me with very anemic,meaning very low blood. I have never been anemic all of my life. The Dr. who did my procedure told me that my heavy bleeding would have nothing to do with my blood levels, which I know better , you don’t have to be a Dr. to know that. I have several things going on with my body right now that should not be happening at my age, and I am beginning to think that Essure could be the problem. I am going to discuss all of my symptoms with my primary care phy. hopefully he knows a lil about it since it has been around a while. Thanks to everyone for sharing their personal information so that women in the future will be a lil more educated than I was. I am so happy to have found this site. Good luck to all you women.

  473. Kirsten Cromwell says:

    OMG! I just want to say that I am sitting here crying because I feel soooo bad for all of you ladies! I am sched to have this done soon and I am not going to go through with it! My husband even was like ” YEAH UM YOUR NOT DOING THIS!” Thank you all for writing your problems with Essure. My husband even asked what kind of metal were the coils made of and my obgyn said Titanium and nothing about nickle. They did not do a nickle test on me. I am so thankful someone on fb posted this link to my page so I could see this and so is my whole family! I will be praying for all you ladies and my heart goes out to you all. I hope nothing but the best for you and hope that things get better for you. God bless!

  474. Sheria Hood says:

    I had this procedure for almost 4 years been to every dr you can think of to figure out why my body was flipping out. Back pains (MRI) stomach problems( endoscopy and colonoscopy) Physical therapy my legs would give out blood work all the time that came back normal. Finally got to talk to a OB/GYN that would listen to what I had to say instead of what he thought was wrong and did his exam and it was the most painful thing! SO he set me up to have a partial hysto on Dec 21st 2011. After I got out of recovery and everything he came to talk to me and said that my left coil had came through my tube and attached to my colon(they couldnt see this in colonoscopy cause its from the inside and wasnt closed enough to cause “blockage”) and twisted like someone was wringing out a wash cloth and that fatty tissues had grown all around it causing all the lower back back and not using the bathroom or using to much! So far since surgery I havent had any pain as I had before of course I still have some pain from surgery but that should go away soon! I tell you ladies keep going to dr after dr if you have to until someone will listen to you! Its your body you know what is the norm and what isnt! Good Luck to all of you still having to deal with this mess! There should be a way to stop this procedure from going into another woman and having to go through what we have and some still having to deal with! God Bless all of you!

    • Mindy Rodriguez says:

      I have contracted product liablilty at 1-800-898-2034….something has to give there is too many women suffering from the Essure and it needs to end……i suggest everyone call… one we are nothing but as a whole someone will have to listen….good luck to all and God bless!!!!

  475. MellIssa sims says:

    I have recently had the essure procedure done October 2011 and I’ve had nothing but trouble with it and regret putting myself through it, not being sterilised because I really don’t want anymore children, but the pain I’ve had and am still having and what my husband and kids have been through because of how I’ve been! Women need to be made aware that this isn’t always the sugar coated perfect sterilisation that doctors make it out to be. I had mine done under a general anaesthetic as the first time the doc tried with no drugs I nearly passed out with the pain that was worse than child birth and I had 2 of mine with no drugs!!!! I’m due to have my follow up in a few weeks and am dreading it, I wouldn’t reccomed this to anyone not even my worst enemy, women need to know all the facts not just the ones the docs want us to know!!!!x

    • Maribel says:

      hi Mellisa, I’m sorry for everything you are going through. If I were you I would take advantage that you just had them inserted in October. Maybe they will be easy to remove? Talk to your doctor and as many others as it takes for them to listen and have it removed ASAP. If you wait as long as I have and the other women in this forum have waited the removal fees are nothing short of expensive.

    • Naomi says:


      I would pressure the doctors to get it removed! Unfortunately I had problems also in the begining and when I would tell the doctor to remove them he kept telling me that its not related, a year later i had to undergo major abdominal surgery to have them removed when he could have just pulled them out early on. Be persistant and have them remove it.

      Good luck

      • amychimay says:

        Well Big surprise! One of the coils had punctured through my tube which had been causing most of the pain; the other had become “uncoiled” and was unstable. So here I lie in bed after having a total hysterectomy but recovering well … Just very restless! If anyone out there is having issues, please seek a second opinion immediately. Do not wait until the pain becomes unbearable and lands you in the Emergency Room or worse.

  476. jess says:

    I am a 29 year old with 4 kids, I was told a couple of days ago I was pregnant with triplets. yeah omg! I had the essure done about a year ago and just found out the left side fell out. Ihad bled for 3 months, even went in and told my doctor I was having unusual bleeding and cramps, he looked me over and said everything was fine. Finally I could not take the bleeding anymore I was seen by another doctor and she gave me birth control pills, which did stop the bleeding andI had an ultrs sound where she told me the coils were still intact .now like i said im 6 and a half weeks pregnant with triplets, now i dont know what to do . I dont believe in abortions, and im not sure its going to be a good thing having these coils in me with one, whereever it is. this is the worse decision I have made with the essure. Dont get this….. It dosent work anyway, so whats the purpose.

  477. marlena says:

    I was looking up other permanent procedures for my aunt, and again the doctor did not tell her any of these horrific side effect, so I started looking on there sites, they don’t tell you hardily any of these. So I’m glad someone is blogging about this because she was ready to get it done. Thank you girls. Also I wanted to add the safe easy merana thing they do, has some pretty bad side effects to. Strings are hanging out for the entire time, you can feel them, your partner can feel them, and they fall out, rupture you uterus and it also pinches the man. Who wants these methods so you can have sex without getting pregnant, —-IF YOU CANT HAVE SEX. I trust tubal ligation and hysterectomys more because they have had time to perfect them. I don’t know about anyone else but I think I’ll stick to taking my birth control pill everyday!!!!!

  478. I have been having all the symptoms as everyone else but for years they have been going on. I had mine placed in 2005 weight gain, depression, Migraines and back aches as well as fainting spells and for about 2 years now I have been bleeding heavily during my cycle some months and the majority of the month having blood clots the size of my hand. I recently had to go tothe ER due to severe lower pain now I have always had pain in my left side (pubic area) but this was like child Birth pains and Vicodin would not even touch the pain. Been having all kinds of tests run had a ultrasound today and goodness I am scared. The ultrasound tech noticed my Essure springs and made a note to the Doctor because they are almost inside my Uterus and she did not notice scar tissue but explained it is hard to see on ultrasound. I am wondering if these things are causing the blood clots and every other symptom I have had since 2005. I have been on disability for over a year now due to depression and have been fighting depression since 2005. I want these things removed now and am extremely scared of doing it. I also suffer since getting them put in with Body dismorfia having a tummy tuck 5 months after surgery as well as Breast implants and Liposuction all caused by the depression of what I was told was post partum depression. I just found out today about all the problems Essure causes and I am really scared I am 33 and my new Doctor is saying I probably will need a hyserectomy to solve the problems. Please E-Mail me if a class action is started. Hollie

  479. Jen says:

    I am 42 years old and have 4 beautiful kids age 2-14 and have had 3 miscarriages along the way. I know I feel DONE having kids, and having just gone thru a cancer scare with lots of test and a surgery, I didn’t want anything more done to my body so Essure seemed the best alternative, no cutting, no hormones -which I am very sensitive to and hate hormonal side effects (I have tried the pill & depo shots,all terrible to me over 20 years on & off, and both iuds i’ve had came out and I got prego. I guess my kids wanted/needed to be here is how i see that!)
    I chose to have Essure done 2 1/2 months ago. I feel completely fine, except I have gained weight 10# 😦 over the holidays, mainly in my torso that has always been small and that’s the only thing so far for me that feels wrong, I just swell up and feel uncomfotable, people say, oh it’s bound to happen you are over 40 and have had 4 kids, but this isn’t a normal weight gain. Granted, I haven’t tried to workout for real yet because I don’t want the coils to get misplaced. But my gyn doctor did stress the question if i was sensitive to nickel or not before she did the procedure on me, and I am not.
    My ob wanted to do the essure procedure with copper coils after I had my last baby, but i’ve always heard that copper long term can make your hair grey & you go “crazy”/ brain problems with copper in body.
    So I am glad I said no then and now there’s nickel coils.
    I go in for the ultrasound check in a few weeks and if the coils look good, i will be hitting the gym – i am so happy to finally be able to enjoy sex without condom or pull-out & relax without getting prego!! but if i gain a bunch of weight (and i wasn’t slim before) and don’t feel like myself with my husband, what is the point?! (He doesnt mind of course, but i feel self concious!)

  480. Melissa Carmichael says:

    I had the procedure done janurary 2011 the doctor told me it would be easyier to do then any other steriliztion because of my size and i 2 have been having some sideaffects, trouble sleeping which they told me it’s sleep apnea, i ‘ve had periods that last for months, pain in my lower stomach, weight gain like you wouldn’t believe, my legs fall asleep tingle they ache which then gave my blood clots (DVT) in my legs, depression. It hurts to have sex, i feel dizzy, confused lite headed. you name it i’ve got it.

  481. relisha greene says:

    hi my name is relisha and i got the aidina did for permanent birth control i just wanted to knw if you didnt go back and get the hsg test within that 3month period what could happen and can u stillget pregnant by having it thak you very much im very worried after reading some stories bout some woman still getting pregnant on the permanent birht control please help

  482. Karen says:

    I had the procedure done in 2006 while my husband was in Iraq. I really hadn’t had all the problems that everyone is saying. The only problem is….At times, I feel a vibration inside of my uterus. Does anyone else ever have that feeling?

  483. Jessica says:

    Thank you ladies for changing my mind about having the Essure implanted, I was supposed to go tomorrow to have it done. I’m only 24 and just had my second child in November. Looks like I will be getting put on some kind of birth control.

  484. Lisa Moore says:

    I had the Essure 3 years ago. To make a long story short. I ended up with a laparoscopic Supracervivical Hysterectomy, with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

  485. jessicca says:

    I have an Essure put in in May 2011 august 2011 it was confirmed in place I am now % months pregnant with the essure still in place. no one can seem to tell me how or why I am pregnant after a confirmed Essure anyone have the same situation?

    • Ellen says:

      Yes. Essure done April 2010; HSG July 2010 confirmed 100% blocked. Gave birth Jan 24, 2012. My OB was shocked and I am the group’s first failure.

  486. Selida says:

    Hi I have had my Essure for over two years now and seriously been regreting it for the passed year in a half. I have been having sharp pains in the area where they were placed. I have back pains and painful sex also. I have a lot of the pain reported by many and if I had to many would get it reversed tomorrow. I hope my comment helps or contribute to better research in it or something. Thank you and be blessed.

  487. Kristin Tyree says:

    I had my third child oct. 2 2011. I got the Essure Dec. 9 2011 along with a Depo shot. I have not stoped bleeding since i had my thrid child, three in a half months later. I have horrible cramps, symptoms of pregnancy, and pains in my pelvic area. I have horrible mood swings and feelings of depression. Intercourse between me and my husband sucks and I have been having a lot of hair loss. At night i have awful night sweats and not a lot of sleep. I have talked to my dr about it but they blame it all on the depo shot. I completely regret getting Essure!!!

  488. Roxanne says:

    A lawyer looking at my case, and is willing to look at more. Robert L Root III. 330-652-ROOT (7668).

    • Roxanne,

      Where is the Lawyer located I will call him ASAP!!! Going in for a complete Hysterectomy next week and I am 33 years old. I have contacted the Essure makers and let them know I exist and my problems but they blow you off! One look at me and you would think I was very ill ( well I am) Hair falling out, fainting, dizzy spells, Migraines, Bruising for no reason, severe back problems and I could go on. I would really like to talk with him. I have always competed in Beauty Pageants my most recent last year I was representing my city in the Mrs. California Pageant and Made top 10 but because of the problems I have you can’t recogize me in my pictures and Charities I cannot even think about doing Charities or walks. Just walking around the department store for 15min I feel like I need a break. Once I am recovering I have a new importent cause to support but I need to get better first. Love all you ladies very much and feel better soon.

      • Melissa says:

        I have been seeing doc after doc to find out why I am having seizures and blackouts has any one been having blackouts

  489. Roxanne says:

    Niles, Ohio. He is getting some of the bigger lawyers in on it as well. At least looking at it and having some “butt” behind us is always smart. Give him a call and if he can’t help because of the distance, he can try and find someone who will.

  490. Kristin Tyree says:

    Melissa I blackedout four nights ago. I also have been having dizzy spells.

  491. Mellissa says:

    I was ment to have my follow up appointment to check everything but I couldn’t face it!! Does it hurt?? I know I gotta get checked but the thought of any doctor being back down there terrifies the life outta me after what they put me through last time!! The doc said it doesn’t hurt but I don’t trust any of them!!!! This was ment to be the wonder sterilisation after al!!!

  492. Melissa C. says:

    Hi, I had my done spring of 2011, the only problems i have is no period and numbest in my mouth and weird taste in my mouth, like iron. Only a little pain, but I do have high tolerance for pain, so I don’t notice any pain in that area. My main concern is I don’t want to get pregnant but I don’t want any other problems that I’m reading about either. So I wander what kind of test should I ask for, for the symptoms I’m having?

  493. Leslie says:

    I have had my essure for about three years now. for the past two years ive had problems during intercourse missed periods and now bleeding after intercourse. i want to have them removed but cant afford the procedure what should i do?

  494. Leslie says:

    I have also have had pain in my legs back and hips. im always tired no matter how much sleep i get. I am getting married in july and we planned on having ivf done so that we can have children and now after reading all of these posts im scared that i wont be able to have anymore children even with medical assistance. please if someone knows of a way to have these removed without cost to me please let me know
    Im desperate to know!!

  495. Catherine says:

    I had my procedure done a while back. While I have had no problems, I do not deny there can be. Anyone planning to have this done should do all the research they can. I went in knowing that there could be problems, as with ALL STERILAZATION PROCEDURES! I have had five children, and cannot undergo anstesia. My husband had a vasectemy after our third child, but it grew back, very rare, I know, but it happens. I have had zero side effects from my procedure. In fact my symptoms have been the opposite of what’s being reported. I have lost weight, been in a great mood, very regular and short periods, and best of all, no pregnancies! So just do your research, and if you do get this, weigh all your options; even if you have problems, it may not be from this procedure! Just keep that in mind.

  496. Morgan says:

    Did anyone else notice that most of these posts have the same grammar errors. I am calling the BS card. This is NOT for real!! I guess I will know if this is not allowed to post.

    • vervilledeb1 says:


      Who do you suspect? I am the owner of this blog. Any questions you have please feel free to ask me.


    • Hollie Maslen says:

      I guess getting my Uterus pulled out Tuesday is all a joke on me!!! I FEEL SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER KNOWING THIS. We are all friends on here and do not think about checking grammer. I have the reasons to believe what I want to believe and this is my way of expressing it. I don’t like finding that defending myself and my authanticity days before surgery is what I need to do but find myself doing it anyway. I was very skeptical but found myself as a Woman looking and reading all the posts feeling sympothy and care for everyone in here having the same problems as myself. Please do not post if you are not going to be open minded some of us are very sick and would like to believe what we want to AND LAST TIME I CHECKED I HAD FREEDOM TO SPEAK!!!! I hope you or someone close never has anything wrong that Doctors can’t explain because the same sympothy and understanding will come your way or atleast I hope. I will call my Doctor and let her know you said everything that is going on with me is all in my head so we can cancel my surgery WOW THAT WAS EASY SHE WILL BE HAPPY FOR ME!!!!!! I am sure every Woman in here feels the same with years of sickness while taking good care of our Children and our Husbands. Please have kindness and care for your fellow Sisters or as I suspect your fellow Humans (your a Man, Doctor or WORK FOR THE MAKER) it is fun how our minds run isn’t it? I must go I have alot to do before my FAKE Surgery with my four Children a very caring Husband and a full time job that I must find coverage for. I hope God blesses you with a full painless life ( I really don’t) so someone doesn’t judge you like you insist on us. Please go away and NO I DON’T OWN THE SITE just a Woman who has the same issues as my friends on here.

      • vervilledeb1 says:


        Nicely put but remember one thing…do not let it upset you that much. If this poster feels it is all a crock then that is this person’s personal opinion. Just remember how many women have come to this blog and have changed their minds about getting the procedure.

        Yes, you are all friends here and worrying about grammar should be the least of the worries. Ask me why it’s okay? Because I am the person who created this!!! 🙂

        Did I allow the post to be posted up? Yes, because this will help others when they actually see that there are still those who do not believe that Essure can cause problems.

        I hope you are feeling 100% better and healed soon. And, I also hope you will continue to support others that are having problems with this procedure.


    • juani26 says:

      Are you serious? I can’t believe ;your main concern is our grammar! YES! We are real women with real issues that this B.S. procedure caused us! If we weren’t all suffering from this we would not be taking our time to share our REAL stories.

    • TL says:

      Seriously?! someone would have to be crazy to make all these posts up…if you don’t believe it and are considering having the essure procedure, then do it and hopefully you will be one who does not have these problems…hope the best for you but really Morgan, you have probably upset all the women having terrible problems!

    • Linda says:


  497. Misseann says:

    @ Morgan why in the world would you think that these post are BS. I hate to say it but maybe your wrong. My entire body has changed since I had Essure done. I very rarely get my period and when I do, I have clots that are as big as a half dollar, if not bigger. I went back to the doctor and instead of find out what was wrong he wanted to just put me on a pill so I did not get my period. I went on the pill and guess what did not work and I still have issues. There are plenty of people around the world that had this procedure and wish they didn’t. This is not what we were told in the beginning and now we are going through horrible pain and for some people pregnancies that we not suppose to happen because this was suppose to be 100% not 99.99999%. If you think that I am not real, email me at

    • Melissa says:

      @ Morgan Sorry you think this is fake I tell you what you take my back pain, stomach cramping that is so bad it is like being in labor. You take my head aches and all the test I have been through just to find out it is the nickel inside that is causing me these problems do a little reseach before you judge. And you can also have my piriods that have blood clotts the size of a dollar bill plus all the medical bills to go along with it. Going to speicalist after speicalist is nurve racking and costly and time consuming. This is real and these people who developed this essure are deffinatly getting sued from me I have documented all that I have been through and look forward to monday when I have them removed which the only way is a hystoretomy.

  498. injured says:

    @Morgan, Since you have the audacity to call these posts b.s. then I hope you have the audacity to prove that you are not a rep for the company or have financial ties to this procedure. I also think it would be great if you presented any evidence that you may have that proves all these posts are b.s.

    To all the ladies who have taken the time to share their stories don’t let it bother you. I know it is hard because I’ve responded to lots of these type posts. There is even a facebook page called Essure permanent birthcontrol. I personally believe that the page is a company sponsored page. They demanded some proof & when the lady posted the facts, they erased the info & deleted most of the negative posts. Several even make comments like they didn’t want to see the lady’s documentation. That my friends shows how desperate these people are to keep this procedure going for as long as possible. You are helping women by posting. You are helping to get the truth out. You see posters like “Morgan” & the facebook page Essure permanent birthcontrol page are tools the company uses to promote this procedure. They limit who can post on that facebook page so they can control what is on there. Worries me that some women will see that edited page & not realize that the procedure has lots of problems.

    I also want to encourage you all to make reports to the maude fda database. Your dr is probably not going to do it. If you need help making a report just let some of us know on here or on the facebook page essure problems.

  499. Shelly says:

    Jan 2008-had the essure procedure (at 37 yrs old)
    up to Mar 2010-weight gain, depression, night sweats, terrible restless legs, mood swings, anxiety, back pain, claustrophobia (never ever had this before)
    Mar thru May 2010-heavy, heavy periods. I couldn’t even stand up or I would bleed through my pants and would drop huge clots in the shower ( I thought I lost my liver one time j/k no, but seriously) and severe cramping (my whole life my periods have been between 2-4 days long with minimal cramping), so bad it would wake me from what sleep I was getting. Made an appt with ob/gyn.
    Jun 2010-had a complete hysterectomy (uterus and cervix)
    Jul 2010 thru Present-weight gain, RLS, weight gain, severe cramping, weight gain and did I mention severe cramping and weight gain. That’s what made me look this up because I thinking ectopic pregnancy and if that was even possible with Essure. The cramping feels like someone is pulling my naval from my back and in the lower abdomen its crippling. I have been checked for pregnancy (in the past), gall stones, kidney stones, appendicitis and everything is negative. I have an appt on the 7th of Feb for a physical and maybe I can get a hold on this. My abdomen feels huge like somethings in there that shouldn’t be.

  500. Stephanie says:

    Hi all, I had the procedure done in November 2011. It was all sugarcoated to me also its painless, you wont feel a thing.. There was 3 nurses trying to hold my legs still because it hurt so bad. Since then Ive been spotting having severe back pain, cramping, pain in my hips.. I googled the procedure prior to having it done and found nothing bad about it, until afterwards.. I dont regret having it done I have two beatiful girls, and had 3 miscarriages dont want to go thru that again, so I went with the Essure. Wish I wouldve just gone the old fashioned way.. After the procedure my dr put me on an antibiotic because he had such a problem with my left tube he didnt want me to take risk of getting infected, seen him 3 weeks after the Essure he put me on 2 more antibiotics, said my cervix was really tender and because I was hurting still he just wanted to be on the safe side. He sounded very unsure that the left tube took because of the spasm’s it was having.. Go in Feb for the HSG Ive called the office and complained about my pain and I feel like Im being ignored.. I would NEVER suggest that anyone have this done, and I hope they pull it off the market.. Hope that everyone gets their situation taken care of, and can go back to having a normal life.. Good Luck!! 🙂

  501. Ginger says:

    Had this procedure done in nov.2009, I was a healthy and ever since, my life has been a nightmare!!!! I hate essure! I am only 37 but now it feels like I’m 77. I’m having a complete hysterectomy on feb. 17. Can’t wait to get them out!!!!

    • Melissa says:

      I have never seen some many women have so much in common I have not yet been told why I am having so much problems. I think it is thanks to the obgyn that had done the essure that was in 2006 just a few months after my little girl was born. I am still being told that by other docs that there is nothing wrong with the essure.

  502. injured says:

    Shelly, I’ve read your post and I’m not certain if I’ve read it correctly or if you have some dates wrong but if you have had a hysterectomy with removal of the uterus & the cervix then it would be basically impossible to become pregnant.

  503. Carie says:

    Hi, I had the Ensure procedure done almost a year ago and I too have experienced symptoms that I did not expect during the procedure and after. I was not expecting the pain when the inserts were played and I really didn’t expect the follow-up in three months to be painful…Well it was! I came home and felt like I may have made a big mistake. I waited hoping that the worst was behind me. Well, I have noticed big changes in my monthly periods. I used to have periods that were painless and mild. Now, I have periods that last nearly ten days and are very heavy. I too experience lots of blood clots. The only times that I have had bleeding like this was after childbirth. I am very tired, moody, and I have cramps that are very much like those that I felt when the doctor was placing the Ensure coils. I have other symptoms such as memory lose, dizziness, and dull pains in my stomach. I do not know if all these are due to Ensure or if I am just feeling my age with two small children and a teenager. I am thirty four. I don’t know but I will be talking with my doctor next week!!! I hope that he will listen to me. Thanks for all the information. I do not feel alone in this. I KNOW now that I made a MISTAKE and wish that I could go back and not go through with it.

  504. juani26 says:

    Hello! I had the procedure done September 28 2010 and until now January 30 2012 I have not stop bleeding! I am so frustrated because I don’t know when my period begins or ends! I’m going to be honest with ya’ll the smell is HORRIBLE! I have experienced pain in my lower abdomen, in my back, nausea and terrible headaches!

    I too gained weight and I am unable to exercise because I can feel the coils move and it hurts when I move around. When my doctor explained the procedure she assured me it would not be painful and it would only take 10minutes tops! NOT! It took close to 2hrs and I felt everything! She told me to take my meds before I arrived there so that I would be relaxed and ready for the procedure. When she began to work on me I remember one instance where she told me I was about to feel a needle stick. I felt like if she just jammed it in there! When everything was done I got up and I was so shocked to see all the blood on the floor and on the table where I was laying. When I did my research on the Essure website I didn’t see any of that while the doctor “so called” performed the procedure on the lady who volunteered to have it done on camera.

    My husband was with me the day I spoke with my doctor and he was not convinced at all! He didn’t want me to go thru with it but I didn’t listen… Now I am worried about my 5 children and my niece that I have custody of because I am the one who cares for them and I don’t even want to think about how worried they would be if something happens to me. Worst of all I cant afford to get the procedure reversed and I don’t know how to tell my husband that he was right….. I should of listened and now its too late.

    Thank you for letting me share my story and I wish everyone the best!

  505. Jennifer says:

    I had essure inserted in 2007, everything has been good until now. I’ve been having, it feels like tailbone pain?? When I sit on hard chairs or sit for too long, riding 4 wheelers??
    Does anyone else have this pain or is te back pain everyone is having higher up?


  506. Lisa says:

    We have 4 kids and know our family is complete and do not want anymore kids. But Wow! I am scheduled to have this done in 2 weeks. I think I will be cancelling. I was afraid because it was a some what newer procedure but my Dr said how easy, safe and painless it is. He said the only side effects would be some cramping or slightly heavier periods. He never mentioned any thing bas about the 3 month test either. That does not sound good. From what I have read here, I think I will be have my tubes tied.

    • Maribel says:

      I don’t recommand this procedure because of what I’ve read nor do I highly recommand a Tubal Ligation due to my own experiences. I recently got my tubal ligation on Dec. 2011, I made this decision due to almost losing my last daughters life when she was born and also mine. My daughter was born at 27 weeks weighing at 2 lbs 5 oz 14′ long. Since my tubal ligation I’ve gotten two Menstruals Cycles already, one which was perfectly fine and my second one was the scarest ever. I got my menstrual cycle a lot earlier which I thought to be of the norm but right of the bat I noticed something was wrong because I usually start my period slowly and by the second day it progresses to a bit heavier flow than slows down and I’m off by the 5th day. Well this menstrual cycle started off very heavy right from the start, almost done with my second day and I had an incident where i stood up from my chair to go use the restroom and my menstrual cycle just kept flowing and flowing like if I was having a hemorage. I didn’t feel sick, had no pain or anything that would cause this to happen…to make my story short my doctor simply said that my oviaries were intact and that he didn’t mess with them…blood supply wasn’t touched and due to the strain my ovaries were put through due to the surgery, that I’d probably have very heavy cycles for the next 4-6 months. Which HONESTLY sounds crazy to me!!!!!! I have no clue if I did the right thing by getting a tubal ligation or if it was a BIG MISTAKE!!! Hope you don’t go thorugh with either or!! Make more research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      p.s. Anyone can contact me with their comments or question at

      plz put in the subject box: Tubal Ligation
      so i can know what the email is about…tyvm!!

  507. angela says:

    Thank you for this blog! Today, after i cancelled my essure procedure, i have gotten a garrage of hateful phone calls. If this were safe, more people would be having it. God Bless you all for putting your stories out. they wanted to give me essure because the iud keeps migrating. and causing a lot of pain and weight gain. so why would i want TWO pieces of allergenic metal instead? They mislead you when they tell you it is tubal ligation or they won’t call it by name? Do you know what other company does that? Amway, LOL!
    Thank you so much for being a safe place for me to come, and feel better about my decision to find other family planning ideas.

  508. Shaundy says:

    Thanks to this website and all your posts, I did NOT have the Essure procedure done and instead had a tubal ligation which was done today at 11am.

    Before, my doctor recommended Essrue and I scheduled the procedure. Thankfully, I looked up all the info (even the case studies) and this blog. I studied everything for about a week and I learned as much as I could. What I realized is that a lot of the side effects seemed mild, but as I read on; they just continued to add up one after another. As they add up, it seemed pretty clear that a lot of little problems will turn into one or two big problems. Once I started reading all your stories, it became very clear that Essure was not the way to go.

    My doctor was surprised when I cancelled my Essure appointment and instead scheduled a tubal ligation. I told her about this blog and she was extremely concerned and wanted to get the info from me ASAP. So, I printed out about 10 pages worth of these blogs and gave them to her for review. I don’t know what her thoughts were on it, but I’m sure that she will disclose this website to any other women who considers the Essure procedure in the future.

    The Essure procedure has been performed on about five-hundred thousand (500,000) women since 2002 and that seems like a pretty big number and makes you feel like it’s a legit procedure to have done because there have been so many. But…

    The tubal ligation is performed on about two million (2,000.000) women per year… and has been around for over 30 years.

    If you take those comparisons into consideration; you’ll realize that the Essure procedure is still very new. In my opinion, it is not fully understood and may be discontinued if these stories keep up.

    I have to say, the tubal ligation was a breeze! I checked in at 10am today, they got an IV started and then wheeled me into the surgery room where I was put under (not awake). The doctor made two incisions (one by my belly button and one just above my pelvic bone. The incisions should only be about half an inch each with only a few dissolving stitches (bandages to stay on for 72 hours). It was a laparoscopic tubal ligation, so that means miner incisions and fast recovery. My doctor cauterized the tubes, so no ties or clips are left in the belly. I was only in surgery for about 30-45 minutes. They gave me good pain meds and it was nice to have everyone waiting on me and I get a few days off work. And yes… I’m “fluffing it” a little for some extra special attention from my man (BIG SMILE) lol.

    I woke up in recovery and was a little goofy because of the drugs they gave me. Then they wheeled me back to my short stay room where my fiancé and mother were waiting to hang out with me until I was ready to go. Before they would let me go home, I had to keep food down (was never nauseous so eating was nice because couldn’t drink or eat anything from midnight the night before), walk around a little (did so after about 2 hours because I was feeling dizzy from the drugs) and urinate (which took a lot of water). So, it was only about 5 hours total from check in to going home. Now that I’m home, I have some pain in my shoulder due to the way they had to position me during the surgery (this was expected) but it’s the only thing that’s really bothering me. I can take a shower tomorrow but have to leave the bandages on my incision spots for 72 hours. I can resume sexual activity when I feel like it (I was thinking to wait a week but some women feel up to it after a few days). My follow up appointment is a week from now and them I’m good to go!

    Thank you everyone for sharing your story about Essure, I’m so happy I listened and got a tubal ligation instead. If you are researching like I was; you may want to consider tubal ligation instead. Do the research and ask your doctor how many tubal ligations they’ve done, See how many times something went wrong (my doc said she had two issues in the past 20 years), so that seemed extremely good to me. She told me about the situations and they were minor.

    I will be posting a paper about Essure and this blog on the community bulletin boards here in my home town. I’m sure your stories will be heard and if you join me in providing this info to our doctors and posting information to the community; I’m sure we can help more women make a much more informed decision about their future.

    Thanks again everyone, I wish you the best!

  509. I got the eesure done as of fear of getting pregnant again ! I had a AWEFUL pregnancy on iv fluids around the clock iv Picc line in my arm ! I vomited over 100+ times aday ! So we didn’t want no more children ! I’m having bad cramping so bad I am hunched over offer I got this done in sept 2011 and it’s now jan 31,2012 and I’m still in so so much pain I can’t stand it at all I’m dying in pain I want this crap out of me ! Not to have another baby but to feel normal but I don’t have 5,000 bucks so I’m stuck suffering in pain ! THIS WAS THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER DONE TO MYSELF !!

  510. Keisha says:

    I was told about the Essure when I was pregnant with my 2 child. I did my research on it and never came across this site till now, but wished I had I would not have had the surgery done. I had my surgery done in November 2011. I have had most problems has all others have such as back pain, headaches, lower pelvic sharp pain and blood clots very big ones. I went back for the HSG in January 2012 and that was painfull. I ended up having emergency surgery cause of the dye they used the stopper got stuck in me and they could not get it out without surgery. Went in this week for my results and my left coil is part way in and some of it is hanging out of my tube. My doctor wants to go back in and just put a clamp on my tubes, but after reading some of this post I want them out. And if he dont I am close to Chapel Hill and researched the doctors there they are willing to do it as well as tie my tubes the way I wanted it done the first time. I called my doctors office and also advised them of doing a Nickel allergy test for I do have alot of allergies. I am grateful that I can take care of mine this early on, but reading some of these posts from other women, I have cried tears for you. I am willing to sign any petitions to have the Essure recalled just email me. And also I did not know that the doctor office got money for everytime that they did one. Now I can see why they push for the women to have this done.

  511. Sue says:

    U am a physician that has performed some 100 Essure procedures. I encourage my patients to do their research before any procedure but warn of misguided sites such as this one. The Essure procedure has been used in over 600,000 women in the last 10 years. If performed correctly, it is the most effective method we have for permanent birth control. I’m sorry to see the device blamed on weight gain, seizures, headaches, neck pain not feeling well etc. These are not caused by the device. In fact, the FDA recently removed the contraindication of the nickel allergy from the approved information as it is not felt to be an issue. Women that were previously had menstrual problems and were improved on BCP’s may experience problems when going off the pill after the Essure, but it’s not the Essure, it’d being off the pill in all likelihood. Has every single patient of the 600,000 had perfect results, no, but there is no “perfect” in life. I hope my comments balance some of this unfounded negative information.

    • Cheryl says:

      i got the essure procedure done in april of 2008 and have been having sex since its been done and have not became pregnant. but last week i had sex 3 days before i got my period and 2 days after i thought it was gone. and now some crazy symptoms. my question is has anyone gotten pregnant with this essure procedure in place?

    • Indi says:

      Really DR. do you have the essure inside of you?? if not you cant speak of anything about our symptoms and complaints, I am so mad right now after reading this.Do our research?? This we did , at least i did and it gave me no information of life altering SIDE EFFECTS!!! the only thing all of women have in common besides being female is that we ALL got the ESSURE how dare you come onto this site and have the nerve to try and dispeal any information we may give to other women so they WONT get this procedure. And what “Unfounded” information? I havent seen any so far.. Point 1. Women who got the essure have had many many problems. Point 2: Only option is to remove Pont 3: Inform other women NOT to get it. So whats unfounded?? It is essure that causes the problem. mine will be coming out this month on the 23rd!!

      • Tiffany Baker says:

        The only thing I was misguided by was the info on the essure. You cant really call yourself a doctor. Doctors are suppose to help people not harm them or make their problems worse. And until you are in our shoes with our misguided info on a crap product then you wont know what its like.

    • Cheryl says:

      this is for the so called doctor??? what if u got the essure after you had massive blood clots in the brain from hormones in pregnancy at 18 years old and nearly lost your life i am sure you would want to read some of these stories as myself and other amazing women can give advice. if you want to ramble about success stories go to the essure website maybe they will believe it there and essure can ruin another woman’s life. so you have fun and congratulations. i also believe we are honest women telling other women what they NEED to know before doing this procedure. to all of us telling our honest stories thank you and i know it is the right thing to do as we need to know the truth and none of the bogus crap the “doctors” don’t want to tell you

    • Shaundy says:

      This post just irks me. How can a physician who wants to “balance” information come in and have such a weak argument? All I see here is: it’s not Essure that’s the problem because the FDA told me so…. Hahahaha, this is truly laughable. If you’re really a physician and you REALLY want to change some minds, then start helping these women figure out how to fix what’s wrong or come up with something better. What a joke.

    • injured says:

      Sue, Since you claim to be a dr. How about explaining to all the women on this forum about the incentives you are getting for doing this procedure. Have you disclosed to all your patients that you are getting free hysterscopic equipment if you will perform at least 2 of these procedures per month. Have you explained that by doing the procedures & getting the free equipment that it allows you to make even more money because you can use that equipment for other procedures besides just essure. Have you explained that right now you can charge a lot more for doing the essure procedure than doing a standard tubal. When you can explain all that then perhaps that can help balance some of this unfounded postive information about this procedure.

      I bet you are also not willing to share your name & the location of your practice. You know just to make sure everything is balanced & we all know that each other is real.

      • Melissa says:

        They get things for what they have done to us. WHAT THE and most of them will tell you that there is noway it can be changed but there is a doc in North Carolina that say it can be changed.

      • gabby says:

        i think this person works for essure. dont trust that they are a doctor. i personally have the iud but i was offered the essure. i am so glad i didnt take it. i have no doubts that doctors get incentives for giving these. i feel sorry for you women and i hope that they can fix what is going on. it is hard for any amount of women to go against a mega company with a lawsuit. i know you all dont want a lawsuit anyways. you just want to be better. really, our health is what we have and need the most. and our family. its a shame they are doing this to women. im sorry to all of you.

    • Alisha says:

      Hey Sue Iam having menstrul issues and I have never taken the pill or have I taken or had any other types of birth controll. Iam 32 ive had 3 kids and never has my period been messed up or had horrible bleeding and blood clots. I spoke to a member of Essure and he says some issues woman are having are from them being nickel. Your full of s**t lady. And as a woman you should be ashamed of knowing and reading the complications we are having and saying it has nothing to do with the essure. We are all having the same issues AFTER the essure not before. Ive had many tests done and the drs i have seen cannot come up with any reason for the issues, one finally said do some research about the essure and sure enough im not the only one or for that fact the only thousands of woman with problems. Im getting it reversed not removed my body will stay in tact. I wil fight for it to be done. If they wont pay for it I will make sure I get on a talk show and I will get an attorney to make sure the essure goes down. How can the company deny these symptons!!!

      • Maribel says:

        I sure agree with you…there should be and investigation/research on why “Doctors” won’t mention the side effects of these procedure or a “tubal ligation”. I’ve found that not only ESSURE is given problems but I myself had a TUBAL LIGATION and I’m having the same symptoms. Which include dizziness, nauseous, light headaches, tiredness and though I had my tubal ligation on Dec. 19, 2011, I’ve only have had two menstrual cycles and right of the bat on my second menstrual cycle I notice that something is not going right. My second Menstrual Cycle was super heavy and by the second day I thought I was literally having a Hemorrhage because my menstrual cycle kept flowing and flowing. I thought it wasn’t going to stop and I got my cycle all over myself and the restroom floor. Freaked me out, it was scary but at the same time I felt no pain but had a HUGE CONCERN!! My doctor stated that due to the surgery my ovaries were put on a lot of strained and that I’d have very heavy periods for the next 4-6 Months. I think this is absurd and scary as HELL. I don’t want to live my life like this. I want the normal life I had before my tubal ligation. I also know that I no longer have my tubes because doc said he removed it so there was no change that I’d get preggo again and that I also had no chance in it being reversed at all. Which at the time I was fine about it because I definitely don’t want any more kids after almost losing my life and my daughters when she was born at 27 weeks weighing in at 2 lbs. 5oz 14’long

        I also agree with you in forming a group about the problems this procedures are causing to many women all over the world and we should bring up to the white house and demand their is research and that everyone should be told about full side effect the procedures cause. Lots of “Doctors” see $$$ and they will do the best to convience you to get the procedure performed. They should forget about the $$$ and for ones work thinking on us that we are human beings and deserve the right for a full explanation of all the side effects the procedures cause and we also deserve to be treated just as they would like to be treated themselves. “RESPECT” AND “HONESTY” IS THE NUMBER ONE KEY!!!!!!!

        Anyone can send me comments or questions at

    • Frustrated says:

      The Essure coils ARE the problem. You are the one that should be doing the research!!! I have met hundreds of women who has the Essure and all of them are having problems. I was perfectly healthy before the Essure and in great shape. After the Essure I have had so many problems. I have seen doctors in every field trying to find the cause and I walk out with being told they can’t find anything wrong! Tell me, before you perform this procedure, do you test for nickel allergy? Do you test their urine to see what’s their nickel count and then check it later, even yearly to see if the count increases? I bet you don’t! Each and every person here who has these problems are living it daily. You have terrible bed side manners. I am thankful that I don’t ever have to deal with you in real life! How about you do us all a favor .. prove us wrong! Get the Essure and come tell us how you feel, a month, year, 3 years later! If it’s so great GO FOR IT YOURSELF! What do YOU have to loose? I have 3 lil kids that I can’t go run with because of my severe lightheadedness/dizziness that I did NOT have before the Essure, nor the cramps I have.

    • Rachel says:

      First and foremost, for a doctor I would expect better grammar. Secondly, who are you to tell people that the side effects they are experiencing are not related to the essure? When in fact the warnings on the device say that ANYONE with this device implanted could develope a nickel allergy. Thirdly, please explain to me how I had toxic metal poisoning, unexplained blood in my urine, adrenal cysts/failure, rashes, cycts, boils, visual disturbances, excruciating pain in my joints and bones, headaches, chronic unexplained fevers, unexplained yeast in my urine, blood pressure spikes, breathing problems, memory loss, short term memory problems, confusion, diarrhea, chest pressure, abdominal pain, chronic bronchitis, constant pain in my lower abdomen, periods so heavy I bled through a tampon and a pad onto the floor of my bathroom, anxiety, mood swings, irregular EKG’s, foul discharge that burned and was tinged orange, chronic BV, yeast, or strep infections every few weeks, the list goes on. Never in my life did I have any of these issues until this product was put into my body. I had constant hives and itching. The funny thing is, I woke up in the OR after my hysterectomy and my rash was magically gone! Breathing issues subsided, all the pain in my body gone aside from the pain post surgery. Perhaps before you CLAIM to be a doctor or be so totally sure of yourself, YOU should do some research yourself. I am appalled at such an outright ignorant and rude post. I trusted my doctor who implanted me. I had been at their office for over 12 years. I work for an eye surgeon who would NEVER come off as negative and pompous as you just did. I feel sorry for your patients. Doctors should be open minded to their patients needs. As for your comment about people researching before implanting, perhaps if there were more awareness they would. You should be ashamed of yourself attacking people like this. Lastly, I would like to commend my pcp for listening to me and running toxic metal poisoning tests on me. Had he not listened to me I would probably still be sick, and still have this death device inside me. Check out Just a link so you can do some research of your own doctor whoever you are.

  512. Carie says:

    I am researching getting my coils removed. I have found information about PTLS also.I have so many of the same problems that others have complained about. I wish that I had done nothing to my body! God made it the way it is for a purpose. I think that I listened to everyone, my doctor included, instead of listening to that little voice that was screaming “Don’t do it!” Ladys if you have not already done this, please take the time to ask questions, read as much as you can find, pray about it, and if you have any doubt that you shouldn’t…..Please don’t go through with it. I have no doubt that there be lots found out about Essure and I do not think that it will be good.

  513. Shaundy says:

    A physician who performed some 100 Essure procedures hopes that her post will help “balance some of this unfounded negative information”. Well, the information will soon be officially founded once the FDA starts recognizing the hundreds of written complaints and phone calls relating to the side effects or long term side effects of Essure. From the sound of it, Sue the physician had success with the Essure procedures that she’s performed. And that’s great; however, Sue’s statement: “If performed correctly” begs the question: Are the physicians really qualified to perform this type of procedure? Maybe they need to increase the quality of training… obviously something needs to be done whether it’s the devise or the physician; something is off and if the complaints about Essure keep pouring in, I would think twice about performing one more Essure procedure if I were a physician.

    Another thing, from Sue the physician’s post… She stated:
    “Women that were previously had menstrual problems and were improved on BCP’s may experience problems when going off the pill after the Essure, but it’s not the Essure, it’d being off the pill in all likelihood”.
    In all likelihood, if it was the pill that caused problems; MAYBE THERE SHOULD BE A DEEP INVESTIGATION ON ALL TYPES OF BIRTH CONTROL. I wish I were a lawyer, I would take this on so fast; what an opportunity for someone to make bank and help a lot of folks at the same time.

    *A special message to Sue the physician: I respect that you are sticking up for something you believe in and that you had the balls to post it on this site. But I have to say: I’m no English teacher whatsoever, but I know when something’s off. Please check your wording structure the next time you post something. It’s embarrassing to see a physician write so poorly.

  514. injured says:

    @Melissa, Yes they get incentives to do the procedures. I happen to be one of those need to make quota deals. The object is to place those metal coils in your body. They don’t care once they are in your body. They’ve made their money. There are cases where drs are putting stents & other cardiac devices into people who don’t really need them but the dr has financial ties to the maker of the devices so the more they put in the more they make. I so wish it wasn’t true but our drs today don’t seem to have much ethics. Call it what you want but any dr who will agree to do a certain amount of procedures for incentives does not have the patients best interest in mind. You know that some patients are going to get things done to them that don’t need it just to make quota or make more money. Sad but so true. Nothing is free. Those free samples your dr hands out to you are not free. Could it be our healthcare costs are so high due to all the drugs we are prescribed that maybe we don’t really need or the devices that are implanted that are done to make quota. Sorry for the rant but I have little respect for drs these days. The internet has made it so much easier to find out all this info that I think they are going to start requiring drs to disclose how much money they get paid by drug/device companys. Don’t know that it will change anything. I think it should be considered bribery & should be criminal to accept “gifts” in exchange for using drugs/devices on other people’s bodies. It is my body. Not theirs. I have a right to know what or if a dr is actually acting in my best interest.

  515. Jennifer says:

    After having a beautiful baby girl at age 39 I had the Essure procedure done in 2008 at age 41. Four years later I am fabulous. Full of energy, a slender 125 lbs, light periods, normal to no menstrual pain and I having great sex. According to this blog I am an anomaly. I would and do recommend this procedure to my friends and family. The doctor who performs the surgery is the key here. I did my research on the procedure as well as a doctor.

  516. Lisa says:

    Ok – I’ve read many of these posts now and feel a bit relieved that I am not crazy – but I certainly am concerned. I had the procedure done about 5 years ago. I experienced some irregularity in my period for about 6 months, but that all passed. About a year ago I started to exhibit signs of depression. Because I am now 50 (45 when I had the Essure done) I assumed that these signs including heavy mood swings, crying outbursts, night sweats, PMDD, total lack of energy and focus, were all related to pre-menopause. I have been medicated for depression now for about 8 moths, while the symptons are less and I don’t have the huge mood swings – I pretty much feel numb every day. I have no energy and I can’t concentrate on anything. This is all WAY out of charachter for me.

    In the past two days now I have had severe abdominal pain on my right side (I don’t have an appendix, so that’s not it). I have a call in to my doctor and am pretty sure I will be requesting removal. At my age, I may just go for the hysterectomy, I am disappointed in myself for introducing this foreign member in to my body to cause all this damage. I opted not to have my tubes tied as I have a friend who experienced complications with that. My husband was reluctant to have the vasectomy as we had heard unpleasant stories there too – I just dont’ see any good options. Perhaps we shouldn’t be messing with God’s job…..

  517. Erin says:

    I too am so relieved to see I am not alone w/ issues from the Essure, and I thank all involved w/ starting this blog. I had this done back in 2004. The pain I experience with this “device” is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. After calling my Mom, in tears and only able to sleep for 4 hours after all these years, she found this site and couldn’t believe what she read and called me about it right away. I didn’t want to believe all my pain was from this proceedure b/c I didn’t think there was anything that could be done which made me so scared, so I just ignored it, and blamed it on everything else when deep down I knew. I’ve seen a chiropractor, gastroenterologist, OB, family Dr, had multiple ultrasounds done. Nobody seems to know. I have an appt w/ my OB next month, and I plan to show her notes from this site. I’m not sure what else should be done next. What things have any of you done, said to the Dr’s, have you gone as far as seeing a lawyer?? Just trying to get my ducks in a row!

  518. ajack101 says:

    I wish I had done more research on the Essure before I had it done. I had it done a year ago with similar complications but now I found out that one coil was dislodged and floated up into my abdomen, multiple uterine fibroids and I am pregnant. I have been crying non stopped with worry and concern for my overall health. I had this procedure done because my doctor said it was not invasive and it had no down time or pain, that it was an easy simple procedure done in the office. I was healthy with no issue, never had any problems with my body until after this procedure was done. I am not facing surgery and so much more and I want this out of my body all together. I will be switching doctors and looking into either a partial hysterectomy or tubal. I have never felt more scared in all my life. I am so grateful that I found this blog because I don’t feel alone or crazy.

  519. Carley says:

    My story: Chose Essure procedure for BC and had the coils inserted October 2010. i consider myself to be fairly tolerant of pain, so was disappointed that I needed four days to return to work vs the next day (like I was told the “norm” was). Four months later I had the HSG, which consisted a lot more that just cramping…it HURT (a detail I would like to have known prior to deciding on Essure is that women who have not had kids experience more pain with HSG. My right side was not closed. I waited one year to have another HSG (this time with pain meds, which helped a little) which was last week (Feburary 2012). It didn’t work. Although the Doctor didn’t mention it, I saw the X-Ray and noticed the coil sticking out of my tube and into my uterus. I got a copy of the medical report to see a note that my right coil is 1.5 cm from the expected position. The Doctor is offering another procedure, but does not mention the coil being a problem. I plan to ask, but want to have a list of all my questions to maximize my appointment time. Do I need to have it removed? Sometimes I think I “feel it” when exercising, but wonder if that is my imagination. No pain. My cycle has returned to normal, as it was prior to ever having BC. Is it safe to leave it? Can I develop an allergy to nickle? To comment on the Doctor in the above comments….my guess that my procedure was documented as a success. I disagree. My Doctor has not reported it as a problem, so I believe it is up to ME.

  520. Has any of you woman been diagnosed with a Hemorrhagic cyst and a cyst on your kidney? Ive read a few stories that woman have gotten cysts since the essure coils were put in. Ive never had a cyst before now I have 2. They cause alot of pain in your lower back and abdomen. Iam trying to get these coils removed and need your help, Ive had a horrible time since Ive had the coils put in.

    • Rachel says:

      Alisha I had adrenal cysts (adrenal glands on your kidneys). Never had that before. Had chronic cysts all over and in my ovaries too.

  521. amy says:

    I had my essure done in Dec 2011.. Since then I have had no problems up til recently when I started my cycle.. When it ended, I have frequent constant pains! Fearing of a tubal pregnancy (hope not) I am just worried.. I have had soo much female problems before having this, I just wanted to be off the birth control pill and to not have any more babies… But now the pains are back just like before I had the essure done… I am about to just give up… After reading a lot of the posts, I am scared to death!! I like having this, but not the pains.. I wish I can find just a decent OB/GYN to help me out here.. This is my 3rd doctor in a year that I’ve been to and he is very nice, but doesn’t take the time to talk to you or listen to you if you have concrens. there aren’t many doctors in my insurance, but he is the best out of all… 😦 with the pains back after having a cycle, I don’t know what to think anymore? anyone expericece this??

  522. I went to the ob today after getting my results from my family dr, I have a hemrrahgatic cyst on my ovaries and pelvic bleeding and she says what are you here for and I said my dr made me an appt with you cause the cyst and pelvic bleeding and she says I dont know what to do about it. wtf. I said ok what about the heavy and out of wack cycles im having she didnt say much, I told her I think its from the essure cause im 32 and ive never had any problems with them before i got the essure. She insists its not from that and asked if i wanted my organs scanned and I told her heres the test results its been done theres nothing wrong. So she had me tested my thyroids. these drs have no clue. its the freakn essure get a clue. she has no idea why im having pain in my abs she says that could be from the i have unknown reasons of back problems too and a cyst on my kidney. I did some research and ovarian cysts cyst on my kidney and back problems and having blocked tubes all come together in some kind of way. these coils may be hormone free but it messes with your hormones. She says it wouldnt mess with your hormones and I said then why is it my dr is doing hormone level check on me. He had asked me what age my mom hit menapausse, well hell i just turned 32.I guess im crazy

  523. Tabatha says:

    I had ESSURE put in place in May 2011…. the post symptoms were similar to a “heavy” period with back pain and all but the symptoms diminished after ohhh about 4 weeks…… I was very tired of pads and pain….since then I have been doing well but over the past three months I have drastic mood swings and irritability around my period time and my last period lasted for about 12 days versus 5days and this most recent cycle has been going now for 14 days which is bright red and thin. My menstrual cramping and bloating went away after about 6 days but the bleeding has continued…. one day there is very little then the next there’s more than enough to question “what is the problem here”. Yes i have put on more wight than usual and I always feel tired… not like before… I just turned thirty and feel like a 75 year old with no energy and 2 toddlers….sometimes I wake up and feel like I should just go back to sleep and sleep for days on end…. I am a happy person with enthusiasm just always feel drained of energy since I had essure put in place. What bugs me the most is the prolonged period when I am use to light 4 to 5 day period with maybe 1 heavy bloated day…. I’m not sure if essure can cause problems with hormonal fluctuations or if the body is able to detect it as a foreign body and trying to fight it off like a virus or bacteria… it may be that when my uteran muscles contract during a period it causes the coils to move and the fusion between the fallopian tube walls and the coil is disrupted causing fusion…. After reading this blog…. if I continue with escalating symptoms I will now exactly what to assume the issue is an call ESSURE and my doctor… I believe that this should have been tested further… but you know so should have birth control pills and the ring- which also caused many law suits.
    My best to all- we know our bodies best… when we have an incling that something is wrong… we know.
    Good luck and thank you for all that were willing to come forward!

    • tiffany reedy says:

      i had essure placed in april of 2010 and have nothing but problems….i have blackouts..painfull intercourse…headaches nonstop….i have pain in my abdomen….i didnt even want essure my dr put me under and instead of a tubal he did this to me with no explanation….i want this device out of my body im always sick and completely regret it!if anyone knows someone thinking of getting this device please have them check the websites about all the problems

    • Indi says:

      I have said that i am very happy that i found this site, because i know now i wasnt crazy imagining all these problems with my body and not knowing the cause. Well i had mine removed yesterday, i had a laproscopic removal of my fallopian tubes. My doctor reported to my mother in the waiting room showing her the pictures of the coils and how it was embedded in me and some of the coils sticking into me where it shouldnt! She said no wonder she was having so much pain! Really i need to get copies of those pictures as i will be needing against ESSURE when we all get to sue their asses!! This has caused me so much pain, depression, misery, expensive co-pays, nervous sleepless nights crying in agony and fear for not knowing what was wrong with me and if i will survive to raise my 3 kids! This is emotional and physical damage that they have done. We will see my improvements, but i have to now wonder if the nickel coils have caused the lesions on my liver and the nodules on my thyroid. I never had any issues like this until ESSURE. I wish the best of luck to the rest of you ladies who are having these same problems. And all i can say is the only way to get better is to have them removed.

  524. gabby says:

    i left a post up there afew minutes ago but i just wanted to say this to everyone- i hope that you all called the FDA, makers of ESSURE, your doctors, if you can, contact some news agencies. you can email them. put the word out there on facebook or another social network site. let it be known to the world, or as many as you can. I have the 10 year copper IUD. i was offered the essure by my doctor that i trusted very well when i asked about a tubal. I looked into it a bit and decided i didnt trust new things. then i looked into the tubal, and asked my sister. i have heard women having problems with this too, and my sister, so i stayed clear. I am hoping that everything goes well for you in your journey after getting this with all of your pains and that they will go away and someone can get rid of whats going on. this page is extremely long, and there are many women on it. its a shame that the FDA puts things on the market for pure gain, when they dont know the long term effects. whenever you look things up, i think it’d be a good idea to type whatever it is and type bad after it or something along those lines. take care, and dont stop trying to get the word out and getting help.

  525. tina says:

    I feel like Essure is slowly killing me, I had them removed and I still hurt all the time I have every syptom you all have. I had no health problems before and now I have so many because of Essure. There are some Essure groups on Facebook. I think all of you women should goin. One is called problems with Essure. All of us should do a class action lawsuit against the maker of Essure.

  526. christy says:

    I had mine done alittle over 3yrs ago and I have a lot of the same symptoms. My dr told me I couldn’t ever have it revesed and I wished I wouldn’t have done it. I don’t want anymore kids though. But like people I don’t have money to go have it reversed.

    • lindzkaymick says:

      I am with you Christy! I dont have the money to get it reversed and my doctor said the same think when I complained about it a couple months ago, but when I had it done I was told it was completely reversible!

  527. tina says:

    I miss spelled a couple words opps, I meant we should all join a class action lawsuit agaist the maker of Essure.

    • Melissa says:

      We all should but I have talk to two different docs and they say “that there is nothing wrong with we have to run some test to see what is wrong with you” I know that they are wrong

    • lindzkaymick says:

      I agree this is miserabler! I called Essure and they also gave me the run around like it was my fault!

  528. Lori Sawyer says:

    In 2008 I had essure inserted and endometrial ablation done at the same time. I I do not recommend this for any one I was 46 at the time. I have polysystic ovarian symdrome. I didn’t get my period until after all of this. I have slight bleeding I have constant cramping, weight gain, tingling in my feet, mood swings, lethargic, muscle weakness. In the last year my bm’s have changed and haven’t felt the same since July 2011. I keep going to the doctor and since Nov. 2011 I have had a colonoscopy, gastroscopy, ultra sounds, stool samples. I haven’t felt good since I had this done. I have a meeting with my gyn in March 2012 and hoping something is done. I will never forget the excrutiating pain I had when they inserted them and had to do some deep breathing.

  529. Angie says:

    I have the essure implants. I have had ALOT of problems. The have been in place for 3 years. I have back pain, my stomach swells, and I menstrate for 5 days, then out of the blue I will start 3 to five days later. It comes and goes all month. I love the fact I can not conceive, I have 5 children. However, I am wondering if the pain is really worth it.

    • Melissa S says:

      I have had lots of problems. I have had this for almost 6yrs. I have one that has moved from the end of the tubs to inside of the tubs. The pain is just hard to handle every day

      • indi says:

        I had mine removed last week, when i spoke to my dr she said one of the coils had actually moved and was not in my tubes anymore. Where was it i asked. She said they had to go looking for it and foiund it unravelining and wrapping around my intestines and bowels!! She said no wonder you were in so much pain. WTH?? i asked. I did the procedure with the dye and they were in place and everything. When and how did it get dislodged?? And i could have gotten pregnant all that time?? Yes she said..OMG!! I am soooo pissed and as soon as i am feeling really up to it I am going to be dilligent in looking for an attorney. THIS should not have happened. And what if i wouldnt have insisted that it was the essure that was bothering me, listeneing to the doctors saying they couldnt find anything wrong.. WELL I KNOW MY BODY!! Something was wrong and thank GOD i have those deadly couls out of me. And i now see essure is offering payment plans for women who are interested in getting the procedures. WOW i would tell women to NEVER get THIS!!

      • Melissa S says:

        Dose any one live in TN The reason for that is I would like to know what there doc is trying to say

      • Jessica K says:

        Wow was it easy to take out?????? When you get this done they don’t tell you all this can go wrong?

  530. Sylvia says:

    I had the Essure Procedure done in Feb 2008. The only thing i can complain about is my monthly periods, they are so heavy for 2 whole days i mean very heavy that i have to carry extra clothes. Otherwise, i have no problem, i have been working out for over a year and i have lost 20 pounds, which is good, i dont want to loose alot fast. But, i dont have any of the problems ya are listing. But, good to know. When the Essure was inserted into me, My Dr. gave me a pain pill to take 15 min before the procedure and within 5 mins, it was done i surely didnt feel anything at all.

  531. Jessica Keelin says:

    I have had essure since Dec 2010. I am very happy with it and it went really smooth for me. I am having back pain like a burning this does not go away it is constant. Is this a side effect?

    • Kathy says:

      If you never had the back pain prior to your surgery, i would have the OBGYN do a Sonogram . Just to make sure that the clamps did not shift and causing your back pain. If you go on the Essure web site they tell you that they can shift up to a year. I had back pain ,but my i also had cramping that felt like i was getting my period and it was every day.

  532. Kakieta Harvey says:

    WOWWWWW! I got the procedure done in August of 2008. After the first 6 months I was having very bad cramping on the right side – my doctor told me it was normal as my body is getting use to the foreign object in my body. Then I started having terrible migraines. By September of 2009, I was having dizziness, heart palpations, excruciating back pain, and just a feeling of terrible anxiety like I’m dying but not (if that makes sense). As time has gone on, I now have sinus issues, worse back pain, constipation one day and diarhea the next day and tingling extremities. I feel doomed. I wasn’t having any issues prior to the essure procedure and didn’t think it could have been related until I found this site where so many of us are having the same symptoms. I’ve seen every specialist with no results. I’m fine they say – however it could be just life overwhelming you and then they push anxiety and depression pills on me. I know my body and I know that isn’t the case. Not to mention I have menstrual cramps well after the menstrual cycle has passed. My bleeding hasn’t increased but the clots are huge! Very scary and now I just wish for a total hysterectomy! Take this out!

    • Jodi freeman says:

      I had the essure put in march 2009. I have had all the symptoms everyone on this site complained about. Ive seen every specialist had every test ran, all the Dr. wanted was to put me on meds they all thought it was stress, ect.. I just had a hysterectomy oct. 2011, and have no pain since. It took about 3 weeks after surgery to feel back to normal. All I can say to every woman that has these coils in them GET THEM OUT!!! No matter what you have to do!! It’s like your body is being poisoned.

    • Kathy says:

      Girls i cant stress enough that you have to request an internal sonogram , not by your OBGYN ,but by a radiologist. A radiologist will see exactly where the coils are located. I have had my Uterus removed due to this mechanism and wish i would never have gotten it, but i had severe migraines from the Nuva ring and thought this would be a relief for me.
      Please,Please dont go through the pain and having doctors saying there is nothing wrong, you know your body.

  533. tina says:

    Does anyone know if any attorneys are taking class action lawsuit’s? I have called every law firm around here and I just get turned down. They say class action lawsuit’s are really big and to much work.

    • Kathy says:

      We should try and see who is handling the class action suit for Yaz. I will try and get the info, and ask some of my attorney friends here in New York.

      • Annessa says:

        I was unaware of a class action lawsuit for Yaz…I am on that pill and have been for a while now. I mean I shouldn’t be on any pills but the doctor messed up and put one of the oils the wall of my uterus instead of my tube…can you let me know about the issues with Yaz?

    • Rachel says:

      Tina, this us a class 3 medical device approved by the FDA. U fortunately it us protected by law and NOBODY can sue the manufacturer. It’s sad. Please join the Essure Problems page on face book and also checkout the we page that Erin Brockovich has set up. Please report your problems to the FDA. Thus will help our cause. Good luck to you.

  534. Meg says:

    Omgoodness! Reading all these replies and the issues everyone is having, wonder why there’s not a law suit yet. I had mine done nov. of 2010 and it was the worst mistake EVER. I don’t have the weight gain but the cramps are awful, they feel like contractions all over again. My right side always hurts around that time of the month. My cramps are so bad they double me over and I never had them prior to the essure. Not to mention my periods, those are just awful. I kn

  535. Meg says:

    Omgoodness! Reading all these replies and the issues everyone is having, wonder why there’s not a law suit yet. I had mine done nov. of 2010 and it was the worst mistake EVER. I don’t have the weight gain but the cramps are awful, they feel like contractions all over again. My right side always hurts around that time of the month. My cramps are so bad they double me over and I never had them prior to the essure. Not to mention my periods, those are just awful. I now want a hysterectomy because it’s so bad. I wish I would have known more about it prior to getting this done. I hate it and would not recommend recommend it for anyone!

  536. injured says:

    Just to let all of you know that the essure contains nickel. Nickel is listed as a potential carcinogen. Don’t won’t to cause worry but is this really a safe alternative to hormonal bc.
    You can have toxic levels of nickel in your body that may cause all sorts of symptons. See if you can get a heavy metal screen done. A heavy metal screen would at least let you know if some of your symptons could be related to nickel poisnoning.

  537. Julie H says:

    Oh my goodness, I am so glad that I am not alone. I thought I was going crazy. I had the proceedure done back in September of 2008. Since then my body has gone out of control and has only gotten worse. My PMS is getting scarry, I don’t want to be around my children because I’m afraid I will hurt them during one of my mood swings. My cramps are worse than they have every been, I have more clots and I’m nauseaus all the time. There is only about 20 days between periods…at one point there was only 5. What can I do? I want them out of me, will insurance pay for a reversal if it’s making you sick?

    • Jodi freeman says:

      You have your Dr do whatever it takes to get the insurance to cover it. It’s your body and u no when something is not right!

    • Kathy says:

      My insurance covered it but i went in as an emergency. However, being in the insurance field they will cover you.Your doctor will have to determine if it can come out , because in most cases they need to be cut out or if it is lodged in your uterus or your uteran wall you might need to have your uterus removed.

  538. tina says:

    I had Essure put in me March 13th 2009 , June 12th 2009 I had to go in for surgery and get them removed cause one of the coil’s put a hole in my Uterus and stuck to my Bowel. April 2010 I had to get a Hysterectomy cause I still hurt and I still hurt and no one can tell me why. I had no health problem until I had Essure done. I was told that I have a lawsuit but no one would take it. They said call big law firms that would have the money and time. So far no luck

    • Kathy says:

      I work insurance field and we have attorneys in our office, but they are not malpractice lawyers. They gave me four different attorneys to contact and each one would not take my case because ” it was too cost effective to try” and it would cost anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 to defend. However, they all thought i had a case. A class action law suit is the only way to go and prove that this procedure is not effective and causes long term health problems. We need to get in touch with the FDA and let them see how many women are effected by this.

  539. tina says:

    That is a really good idea Kathy, I wonder if the attorneys from the Yaz case would take ours.

    • Kathy says:

      I will see if i can get in touch with them.

      • indi says:

        The number for medical devices for the FDA 800-638-2041 M-F 8-5 EST. I will be calling first thing moday morning to make my follow up complaint now that i have had the coils removed and seen the damage it has caused.

      • Kathy says:

        Great, I will be calling too. The more complaint’s they get the better it will be.

  540. Jeannie Morton says:

    This is extremely frustrating.. I had the Essure procedure done on 12/13/2011.. Have had nothing but issues since. From pain all over every muscle in my body, to my vision being off, palpitations, numbness and tingling, painful periods with heavy clotting. Has had me worried that I was having heart attack, blood sugar issues, and I have just turned 37 and had no issues with my health before this. No one can tell me anything except it sounds like panic or anxiety.. which I do not believe- I know my body and something is wrong.

    • Jodi freeman says:

      I also am 37. I had the essure done march of 2009. I just had a hysterectomy oct. 2011, I had all the same symptoms u have described every test ran, Dr. also told me it was stress ect…. Since having the hysterectomy I finally feel back to the way I did before having essure. Get them out of your body ASAP, it’s like being poisioned!

    • Summer says:

      Jennie, your situation sounds similar to mine. I had Essure done in Nov. 2011. Had nothing but problems since. A few days after procedure I went to the ER because of bleeding, bloating & pain. Did all sorts of tests, all normal. They told me just to give it time for my body to adjust. 3 weeks after that, had trouble with my vision, very lightheaded, felt like I was wobbling while walking & felt like I was going to faint not to mention severe headaches & just a foggy sickly feeling all over. Went to ER again, had EKG, blood tests, CT scan, etc. All normal again. Went to see an allergist since I have no known allergies. A few weeks ago went to see my regular dr cause I was having a burning sensation in my lower abdomen and severe headaches, nauseau, pain, numbness, tingling. I felt like my whole body was sick. I was perfectly healthly until Essure. Went to ER again & everything normal again. I did a lot of my own research & found this page and others & concluded that I was having the same problems as so many other women. I am having surgery soon to have them removed.

      • Summer says:

        Just a reply to my own post. I had the coils & my tubes removed using the Da Vinci robot surgery. I am sore but that will pass. I am just happy that I am on the road to recovery. I am thankful that I have a wonderful DR that did not make me feel crazy & when I told her I wanted the coils removed, she did not hesitate. She did her research & went about with the best approach. I am thankful that I only had to deal with this for a short time. I am so sorry to all of you women out there that have had to suffer much longer or are still suffering.

  541. McIntosh says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in August of 2011 and have had no problems since. The pain was tolerable and lasted only overnight. I’m not sure why it affected everyone here negatively, perhaps it’s a nickel allergy, but I couldn’t be happier with the choice I made to have the procedure done.

    • indi says:

      All i can say to you is it didnt happen overnight for me, i had mine put in March 2009 and stated having the problems by the end of that year. So by the time 1 year come around you may start to have issues. Good luck to you. mine had to b removed. One coil was out of my tubes and unraveling wrapping around my intestines. VERY PAINFFUL.

    • Kathy says:

      I did not start getting stomach pain and cramping until 9-10 months after the procedure. I hope you dont get a reaction, but i would not be passive to any symtoms.

    • Melissa Smith says:

      Well mine did not start off bad at all I had mine done in 2006. My monthly got heavier and cramping got worse and worse toward that time of month. Started with major back pain right after though. August of 2011, my menstral cycle was horrible bad clotts and very very heavy flow and saveire cramping that did not go away plus having very bad pains during and after sex. Cramping was a constant problem they never whent away. Now I have had a hystorectomy and made sure the doctor removed the tubes with the coils in them because they will leave them in because it is easier for them. I have no pain now and no cramping no anything which is great. I love being pain free I can finally be myself and enjoy my life so yes these coils are causing way to much problems with us and we need to stand up to make them stop using this product in us.

  542. cindy says:

    Only you know what your body is saying. Please dont let anyone tell you it’s anxiety or age or “in your head”. I had to argue and fight with my stubborn Dr. forever. I’m only 31 and Dr. tried to say that it was my age. Yeah right! Anyway, I refused to let her bully me and she finally agreed to remove them by doing a TAH, even though she felt that it was all in my head. Can’t imagine a Dr. doing a surgery for nothing if thats what she truly believed. It’s only been 2 weeks since hysterectomy so I’m still healing up, but it got to be better than everything I’ve been through. Whatever you do DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

    • Melissa S S says:

      I am only 28 and the last 6 years I have been told there is nothing wrong it is in my head then they have told me that it was a lot to do with my family history ya right I just need to know be is going on but they still will not tell me what is going on.

  543. Sherry says:

    My name is Sherry. June 2006 I had the Essure placed in me. I was a idiot to TRUST my Doctor, and NOT research the new device. I agreed, and had them placed in, at the hospital while put unde/ asleep. I could never imagine doing this in a doctors office?
    Needless to say, for 5 years, I had no pain. I am a International flgiht Attendant, and perhaps all my time zones had me confused with my body functions. Last October, 2011 while in Sydney Australia, my normal route,I discovered severe discomfort.
    I passed this along as menstral cramps or jet lag. I became increasingly unfortable while in mid air. I ralized I had a problem.
    I called my Gyno and reglar doctor to determine my problm. Both said I was tired and it was nothing. As th pain increased, and HIGH medical bills from Ct Scans, blood work etc, and new Doctors, I finally went to see a Holistic healer. He instantly told me I had devices in my fallopian tubes causing me pain. I was suspicous, but never dreamed my essure would cause my pains?He told me to get them out FAST as they could cause me cancer. This was anew word I have not heard before regarding essure.
    Having seen him, took some herbs to eliminate some of the pain, I found Dr. bergers office in Chapel Hil. I love In Los Angeles. I researched the facility, and felt this was what I needed to do to get rid of my pains. I had pains on my left side of my pelvic area, tingling down my left leg, as well as it felt as if someone was twisting my left ovary. I do not have a right ovary, from a previos benign tumor.I waws in pain, and it hurt sometimes to sit in a chair. Needless to say, I booked my appointment and had reversal surgery Feb 7th, 2012. A decision well made!!!! I also ahd fifroids which added to my discomfort and pains, but today, I feel LUCKY. I am pain free. I say LUCKY because Essure is such a new device, no one truly knows the implications down the road. maybe the nickel coils can cause cancer? Maybethe devices have a time span? Essure and its Reps truly do not have 100% fatcs on the outcome. Each womans body is different and will react accordingly. I bge of you women out there, PLEASE do not have essure placed in your bodies. I consider myslef lucky. Lucky that I had to meet a H9olistic healer to confirm my diagnosis . One the a medical Doctor could not determine butonly give their Lucky Guess> or maybe they are being paid side money to promote essure? who really knows. If you have essure inside of you, plese have them takenout, and by a professional. The Tubal reversal center was the place for me. I had my coils removed, and am glad to be pain free and WORRY free. if l they hae not completely researched this product and are too quick to make a buck. Good luck to you all andI hope my story has helped you. I am currently at home recvoering, and will return to flying in a month or so..when I am 100% healed from this traumatic 5 year ordeal.

    • Christie Norwood says:

      hi sherry, i am considering doing the removal in North Carolina but I wanna be 100% sure so did u have the removal or was it the reversal because there is a difference in the 2…. i wanna know which 1 will give me the best satisfaction…??? but i do know that I just want them out!!!

    • Tracy says:

      Thank you for sharing your story. I had my Essure placed 3 years ago. Nothing but problems which my OB doesn’t want to hear. I am considering Chapel Hill as well. It is $4600 to have them removed. I live in WI and would have to travel as well. How’s the recovery going? I can’t get in until May. Just wondering what to expect in the recovery.

  544. Annessa says:

    I had mine inserted in early September of 2007, only 6 weeks after I had my second daughter. The insertion was 100$ pure torch-er. I had just given birth and I felt like I was in that amount of pain again. I should have known then when it was confirmed by HSG xray that my right tube was not closed off. So i have been on BC pills since. And since I am still on the pill I have not been able to lose any of my pregnancy weight. I lost all my weight with my first child. Anyhow, I just had an ultrasound done yesterday and it was confirmed that she inserted the coil into the wall of my uterus. Not even close to the tube. I have had a few of the HSG xrays and was told it was half in my tube. Now I know the truth. So now, if they try to take it out it will tear a hole in my uterine lining. OMG what am I supposed to do? I am way to young to have a hysterectomy. I don’t want to start going through menopause at the age of 30. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please let me know.

  545. tina says:

    Hi Annessa
    First gather all your medical records to keep on file at home, I had the same problem happen to me kinda except the dr who put the Essure in me put a hole thru my Uterus and the Coil stuck to my bowel. I hurt so I had to have surgery to remove the one coil and try to fix my uterus and bowel. Needless to say I still hurt all the time so I had to have a Hysterectomy at 26yrs old. I am now 29 yrs old and I still hurt inside till this day. Essure ruined my life and my health. I hope you get better and good luck.

    • Annessa says:

      Wow. I am sorry Tina for the loss of your uterus. How did you handle that? Did you already have children? It really seams all to common now. Most of the Essure patients are our age. I cannot believe that this continues to happen to us women. I am starting to feel angry with all of this. All we wanted was a permanent solution to not getting pregnant without having to go under the knife which now, I am thinking I made the wrong mistake. Anyhow, I am scared that I may lose my uterus, and begin menopause. I also cannot believe that there are this many issues and nothing is being done about it. Blows me away.

  546. tina says:

    It’s been really hard on me and my marriage Annessa, and yes I have 3 kids. I tried to sue the dr. I had a lawsuit for 2 years and my attorney gave up on me. No one want’s to take on a class action law suit cause they say its to much work. I have callled so many places. But I am not gonna give up I am still trying to find someone. I really hope that the makers of Essure pays for what they have done to all of us women. Its really hard to cope with having to be forced to get a Hysterectomy cause they dr screwed up so bad and they can’t fix you. I really hope you the best and get better.

    • Annessa says:

      Tina, I to have been doing my own research on this whole thing. I have had other issues with my Ob/Gyn. I will be going to get a second opinion and I will demand a CT scan so that I know exactly what is going on. A lot of people think they don’t have the right to view these images, and me being in the medical field I know how to read a CT scan. With that being said…You seem very knowledgeable on this topic. I am just starting out in the research field. Would you mind keeping in touch? It would be nice to have a battle buddy so to speak!! Someone else that has been there done that, if you know what I mean! We women that are having issues with this product need to ban together to get something done in our favor. Here is my issue. I called my insurance company, they already knew that i had the Essure inserted which they covered. So I told them what was going on and they told me, even though it would be medically necessary to have them removed it is not covered. They said it is still considered to be a reversal even though I will have to have my tubes removed and possibly my uterus (depending on how deep it is in the wall). UGH…It seems that you just cannot win…

      • Kathy says:

        A representative contacted me from the FDA and she is filing my complaint. I also told her of this website and the thousands of woman complaining of severe symptoms. She was very pleasant and sympathetic and hearing that young woman are having hysterectomy’s and uterus removed because of this device. However, it also takes all of you to file and maybe will be able to stop this device from being used.
        The number is 1-800-FDA-1088, Please call this is the only way our voices will be heard.

  547. Amber Wilson says:

    I had the Essure procedure done about 2 years ago, I had since had allot of pulling sensations on my left lower stomach. I had been to the doctors several times and they felt that the tugging was from my old c-section scar that was done in 2000. They did a scar revision and it helped some,Until last month when I went into the ER due to extreme pain in the same area. I had examines as well as untrasounds done and they were all fine. I told the doctors andbout my Essure and they sent a OBGYN doctor who said that it could not be because of this procedure. I was discharged with a diagnosis of unknown pelvic pain. The doctor felt like iit could of been a twisted ovary(but there was no proof of this on the ultrasounds or exams,or a cyst).The doctor said that since I was ovulating that if it was a cyst it would hurt.Not even a month later I go to my doctor and told him what was going on, he put in to have another ultrasound done. Which I have not had done yet due to my unexpected trip to the ER again. This time The scheduled me for a D & C as well as a labroscopy (for tissue removal from my c-sectionn and scar revision). Once I was in surgery they found out that my Essure coil on my left side and moved punctoring my uterus, left ovary and had tore my fallopin(sorry can’t spell) tube and scratched my adominal wall,I had enternal bleeding due to this, which explained why I had been so sick for several months now. The end result is that I have my ovary, uterous stitched, the Essure completely removed and had a standard tubal done(I believe where they tie and cut and burn) to prevent pregnancy. Any info people can give me to help find out what happens next/what to look out for or even contribute to any lawsuit I would greatly appreciate it. This nearly cost me my life and if doctors weren’t so easily wanting to dismiss the possibility of the Essure malfuctioning,it could of saved allot of time,pain and sickness.

  548. laettitia211 says:

    Hello Ladies,
    I’m really concern about this thing. Like I said, I have the essure done since August 2011 and I STILL DONT HAVE MY PERIOD. I’m 32 is it menopause? my ob/gyn told me not to worry it will come eventually still waiting….

  549. tina says:

    Sure Annessa,

    I don’t mind keeping in touch, I am glad I found this web page.

  550. Another thing that I have been noticing and never thought anything of, was having menstrual like cramps after having sex. I like many other women like to have sex! I don’t like the feeling that I am going to start my period for several hours after. I thought it was just me or maybe it was my husband. This is definitely not normal. Anyone else having sexual issues after having the essure inserted?

    • Kathy says:

      Yes, i used to bleed after sex and i used to have severe cramps. It seems to me that alot of us are having the same symptoms. I filed a complaint with the FDA and we need more woman who have had this procedure done need to complain so that this will be taken off the market.

      • indi says:

        I put in my follow up complaint with MEDwatch FDA on friday, now that i have had my coils removed they need to know the damage it was causing me and that the essure coils needs to be taken off the market. And YES we need everyone here to go to the FDA website or call them to complain about Essure. And to know i could have still gotten pregnant makes me upset as well. But its been 2 weeks now and i have been feeling so much better. If you are considering getting these DONT!!

  551. Joanne says:

    I was considering Essure because it seemed the least invasive, most natural option to create scar tissue to block fallopian tubes as opposed to cutting w/a ligation or IUDs (friend had Mirena, pierced her uterus – what a nightmare for her!). Now that I have read your experiences and stories, I’ve decided to just suck up the inconvenience and cost and take a regular birth control pill (tried patch and ring and had chest pains and other side effects w/both – friends had adverse reactions to shot – at least w/the pill there’s just moodiness and bloating which seems minimal compared to what’s detailed in this string of comments!). I would have considered a ligation but, again, knew someone who had one, doc knicked urethra during procedure and then had other issues to deal w/as a result. It seems there’s no safe, easy way to elect for long term/permanent Birth Control.

    Thanks, again, ladies. I wish you all the best of luck w/your struggles and hope you all regain the health and happiness you deserve. One particularly interesting common comment I found throughout the thread were references to weight gain, which was a specific question I asked my doc and was told was not an issue. I feel empowered to make a more educated decision based upon your feedback.

    • Kathy says:

      I am glad you decided not to get the procedure. I had two natural births to my beautiful girls and i was very vain and did not want to get the tubes done because it would leave a scar. Who would have thought that i would have to get my uterus removed because of the essure, and the kicker after i got my med records was that after they stitched me up they left a sponge in me and had to go back in. Soooo not worth the risk.

      • Joanne says:

        I have C-Section births but in addition to potential complications, was also concerned w/side effects such as weight gain after ligation. Gaining or fluctuating weight can really affect a person’s mood and after multiple pregnancies – not to mention being in my late 30s – the hormones have already done such a terrible job on me! Not just during pregnancy – even after delivery and later.

    • Lisa says:

      Hi, I also was scheduled to have the Essure procedure done about 6 weeks ago. I was doing more research and found this blog. After reading so many posts about problems, I cancelled the appt. But, I did go ahead and have my tubes tied about 3 1/2 wks ago. I had no problems, just some shoulder pain that lasted a couple days. This was from the air used. I have had a period since and all was normal. We have 4 kids and felt this was best. I hope all works out for you!


      • Joanne says:

        Honestly, I have C-Sections but, in addition to potential complications, was worried about weight gain. Have you had any issues w/weight gain?

      • Lisa says:

        This Friday will be a month since I had my tubal done. I haven’t gained or lost any weight since then. Also, my sister and 3 good friends had this done years ago and they never said anything about weight gain or any other problems..

      • Kathy says:

        They are are lucky, so far all the girls that i know that have had the procedure done have had problems. I’m not talking about weight gain because that to me is not a “problem”, but more of the cramping ,bleeding ,discomfort,abdominal pain,back pain etc.

      • Jessica k says:

        I too have had cramping and bleeding after sex. I also have really bad back pain. I am wondering if i should get it removed!

      • Kathy says:

        I would have it checked out, you want to make sure the coils are placed where they are supposed to be. If they shifted this could be the reason you are having the cramping and bleeding. One coil was lodged so deeply in my uterus this was causing my symptoms.

      • Erin says:

        What test do we need to have done to show what may be happening w/ the coils?

      • Kathy says:

        It is an Internal Sonogram a regular sonogram will not show it. You would a radiologist perform it and he will tell you and show you exactly where they are.

      • Joanne says:

        Weight gain is an issue for me because I already struggle w/depression and anxiety, which can be extremely exacerbated by weight gain. Weight gain also causes fatigue which in addition to depression and anxiety can be detrimental from a mental health standpoint. Weight gain also causes detriment to physical health as well. Vanity is not the driving force behind my view of weight gain as a problematic potential side effect – rather, my primary concern is from a mental health standpoint – as a secondary I would be concerned with physical health and issues such as hypertension, etc.

        Having my 6th C-Section in June, vanity would be a hard argument for me. I have 2 different scars that form an X across my abdomen (1 from on-call doc too lazy to cut through original scar tissue removing excess and resewing). Also, after so many C-Sections there is a “pouch” which really never goes away no matter what you do. Weight gain is a much bigger issue than vanity and I think sometimes women are hesitant to express concerns w/that particular side effect for fear of being thought of as vain.

        It is good to have open discussion with valuable information provided by those w/real-life experience w/essure, ligations, reversals and other procedures to draw on. I am very grateful for the experience of finding this blog and opportunity to draw on such information which is invaluable in helping me to make an educated decision that will best suit my needs. After deciding against Essure, I further researched different forms of Birth Control Pills and found information clearly definining which pills carried which side-effects and, according to the information I gathered, Levlite seems like it would work best for me and is the method I plan to discuss w/my doctor for use post-delivery.

        Thanks again to all the brave women who share information on this blog in an effort to educate others. Your guidance is invaluable and much appreciated.

  552. April says:

    I had the essure done in July 2010 since then I have also had very heavy periods but they haven’t been very long. They are extremely heavy for about 3 days and very light the remainder of my period still about a week long. Also I’ve noticed they are more like actual blood now instead of like tissue or lining. I’ve also noticed that my face breaks out a whole lot more since I had this done. I’ve never had bad acne but all of a sudden after I had this procedure done I have started getting really deep black heads in places on my face I’ve never even had acne like on my cheeks. My hair also seems to be getting thinner. I am pretty tall so I haven’t swollen up like some girls I’ve seen that have had this done but I have noticed I gain weight more quickly if I don’t eat the right foods. I pretty much have to be a health nut with my eating habits to keep my body looking decent. I haven’t had very much pain although it did hurt very badly on the right side when I had the procedure done. The doctor said he gave me twice as much numbing medicine on that side but it still hurt so bad that I cried. I also can feel where the coils are especially when I’m cramping while on my period. I also believe the doctors at my ob/gyn sugar coated the whole presentation of this procedure and I didn’t appreciate it one bit. This is pretty much a permanent decision and patients should be told every detail of what could happen regardless if it’s the norm or not.

  553. tina says:

    I had the same problems I never wanted to have sex cause it hurt really bad and I had the worst cramps. Since I had my Hysterectomy I lost intrest in intercourse. My sex life is not the same like it use to be.

  554. Ginger says:

    Hello everyone, finally had my complete hysterectomy on feb.27th. It’s only been two weeks and I feel great!! I had a complete hysterectomy because I had went into early menopause as well as all the other symptoms everyone else on here is having. I kept trying to tell my Gyno , the one that put them in that they were the problem to all my symptoms, of course she denied it and just tried to blame everything on depression. After menopause I began bleeding, it was terrible!!! Unfortunatally I continued to see her, I guess I put to much trust in my health care provided, stupid me! After bleeding for 40 days straight I told her I wanted a hysterectomy. She agreed until she found out I made a report to the FDA and conceptus inc. but it turned out for the best because I found a dr. That sees me as a real person and not dollar signs!!! Before she discharged me from the hospital she told me I had a lot of scar tissue in all of those organs. Going in for my follow up on march 26th. I’ll find out more then. With insurance the cost was nearly two thousand dollars. WORTH EVERY PENNY!!! Essure took three years of my life, feels good to finally get it back! Thanks for listening! I hope everyone gets the help they need!!!!!

    • Erin says:

      Wow, can I ask a few questions, don’t feel you have to answer any/all of them. How old are you? Why were you in early menopause, had you had any other proceedure done before the hystarec. that sent you into it (like just your tubes removed) or just overall complications from Essure? I’m assuming you take hormones now, how is that going? The scar tissue they saw on your organs…what happens to them? How long ago was your Essure done? Sorry so many questions, this is the only way I can cope w/ the pain- I’m on week 2 of constant pain in leg/hip/pelvis. I’m trying to figure out my next plan of attack- your right, the OB’s aren’t listening!

      • Ginger says:

        Hi Erin, sure I will answer your questions I don’t mind that is why I posted, I am 37 years old and found out I had went into early menopause June 2011. I had not had a period in 6 months and knew I wasn’t pregnant because I did home pregnancy tests so I went to my Gyno, the one that had put in the essure. She Had several blood tests done. One of those tests was to make sure it wasn’t genetic and it wasn’t , I also wanted to know because I have a 12 year old daughter and wanted to be sure she could have children later in life. My Gyno also found 10 cysts on my right ovorie and 6 on my left one, I also had 4 cysts in my uterus. I never had all this before essure and I always went for regular exams. The only other surgurey I’ve had was a c-section in 1999. Oh and I had 2 coils in my right tube as well. Yes I have to wear an estrogen patch on my abdomen wich I replace twice a week. I will have to wear them for the rest of my life and there not cheap insurance won’t cover them. Yes I truly believe that all of this is because of the essure. I’m not trying to scare you just inform you. I had the essure done 2009, bled for 6 weeks, had back pain, pelvic pain, painful intercourse with my husband,infections and I could keep going!!! But I will end with that. I’m thankful to have finally found a good Gyno! And she does not recommend the essure! Ihope this helped.

    • Jodi freeman says:

      I also had a hysterectomy oct 2011, and felt great 3 weeks after. I suffered for 2 1/2 years From all the symptoms the woman have complained about, and had every test imaginable, just for docs to tell me there was nothing wrong. You have to be an advocate for yourself, you no your body and if there is something not right! If you have any question at all that it could be the coils get them out, you deserve your life back!! It only gets worse the longer you let the pain go on.

      • Amy says:

        Did you have a total hysterectomy? I need one but haven’t read anything good about life ( marriage, libido, mood swings) afterwards. Would love to hear something good…please help, some reassurance would be welcomed…

  555. Indi says:

    I spoke with an attorneys office here in my state, i see them advertise lawsuits for all the other birth controls so i thought i would try one more time. The young lady that called me listened to me and what i was complaining about and too agreed this was bad. She is forwarding my information for the right person to contact me. I also gave her the information about this blog so they can see how many of us all around are suffering and have suffered from essure. Sadly dollar signs is what get their attention and how could they not see hundreds of women with all the problems we have had i am feeling 6 figures or more they will start calling.
    And i have received an email from Essure following the complaint that i made to the FDA. they will be contacting my doctors to see what went wrong with their coils.

  556. Tracy says:

    I am experiencing same issues. I had mine put in 3 yrs ago. I am looking for a place to get mine removed since the OB that put them in doesn’t want to even schedule an appt to listen. I have experienced weight gain, back pain, right side pain, passing clots, depression, anxiety, and rash on arms. I can’t afford to have these removed but I have to find a way.

    • Christie Norwood says:

      Hi Tracy, I never really told my story but I am basically experiencing a bunch of the same stuff all of the women on this site are going through. and i just had my essure done in August of 2011. I am just tryna get these out of me and hopefully without having 2 do a hysterectomy and it seems like u want the same but I absolutely will if I have 2 because this is insane!!!!

      • Tracy says:

        I am fed up and am having mine removed at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal in NC in May. I am all booked and can’t wait. I had Essure with the HerOption ablation at $14k and now have to pay $4600 to get them out because of the side effects.

    • Christie Norwood says:

      Tracy will u keep me informed on how ur procedure went and how is everything going as far as the side effects. my email is I wish u goodluck.

      • Tracy says:

        Christie, I can certainly keep you informed of how it went. I can’t wait for these coils to be removed.

  557. It’s hard to find educated people on this subject, however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

  558. Menopause says:

    May I just say what a comfort to uncover an individual who really understands what they’re talking about online. You certainly realize how to bring a problem to light and make it important. More and more people ought to check this out and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you are not more popular because you surely possess the gift.

  559. Kristen says:

    I had the Essure done in 2008 had no problems for a long time.But have gained alot of weight and have unexplained pain withfullnessin and around the pelvic ) area. Also have pain when I cough or sneeze and some time when I have to give my self the big O.

  560. Lora says:

    I had the Essure procedure done almost a year ago. I had no problems with the procedure and had no side effects (although all these comments about weight gain is making me wonder). When I had the dye test done three months later, one of the tubes was 100% blocked and the other was clear. One of the coils had come out. Based on other issues not related to the Essure, I ended up having to have a hysterectomy last week, so I wasn’t worried about taking care of the missing coil. Last month the other coil fell out. The one that was 100% blocking the tube. When I took the “class” before getting sterilized they told us that once the dye test was done, this was 100% effective birth control, but if the coils fall out, that isn’t 100%!! And, if I hadn’t seen one of them, I would never have known until I got unexpectedly pregnant! So, while I didn’t have any of the side effects that many women have had, I can’t recommend Essure for the reason that it doesn’t always live up to it’s 100% effective claim.

  561. ABMc says:

    so glad I found this site before proceeding with Essure.

    Found this info on another site, if anyone is interested…
    I am an investigative journalist with the CBS television station in Dallas/Fort Worth. I am researching problems with essure- and would like to hear from women who have had issues. Please contact me via email at or by phone at 817-586-7373.

    Aaron Wische

    Feel free to google my name to verify my credentials.

    • Amy says:

      Called this number told I got the wrong number, sent an email and it was returned????? Would share my story if I could get ahold of this person, I would tell anyone with an open mind that would listen. If anyone has updated contact info please let me know

  562. Cheryl says:

    I’m kind of getting scared now. Because I just read some the replies. I did have the Essur done in Dec 2011. I just had the HCG screening done. Finds out one of them is gone and disappeared. Don’t if it fell out or it’s still in me somewhere. I do have a feeling it’s either in my uterus or abdomen. Because I have been feeling alot of pelvic pain and the other day. I got this bad pain almost went to my knees kind of pain and I have been getting this pain every now and then but nothing like this. Plus I almost passed out. I almost had to go to the ER. But I did make an appointment with my OB doctor. He said that I have an overactive Uterus and probably ovalating. In which I do anyway because my heavy cycles and had a baby at 45 years old. But i do know my body and when I feel different. Well I find out Tuesday. What he is going to do. I don’t what to do? I did this because I had to have this done to have this procedure called the Nova Sure Ablasion. To help my stop my periods. Well that maybe off now.

  563. JESSICA says:

    I had the procedure done in 2008 and felt totally uncomfortable after having. I started having sever headaches stil have them back pain all the time. just recently have i had a sharp throbbing pain in my left side and bad menstrual bleeding. I honestly believe that this is the worse thing i could have ever done. Really wants em out!!!!

  564. Candice says:

    does anyone know what the likely hood of pregnancy with this is? same symptoms although I am one of the first to have had this procedure done I have had mine for a long time now, and very interested in the removal of the coils as I am having the same issues. now I am nurvous the last time I checked there was not this many women with problems. it is a new procedure and wow!! think of the problems yet to be diagnosed with the new procedure… I am kinda on the opposite as I have not had a period for over a month.. and I have been quite fertile in my lifetime.. so i am wondering whats up? and I am getting pains with no period…. any ideas ladys or what I should ask of my dr. would be helpfull!!

    • Joanne says:

      Take home pregnancy tests and request a blood pregnancy test from your doc to be absolutely sure of the results, positive or negative. If you are pregnant, you will need medical care – pregnancy could be tubal and those can be fatal for you and your fetus.

      I wish you the best of luck. Get medical attention and advice to determine the reason for your missed period and how to proceed as far as treatment. You know your body best and, whatever the case may be, you clearly feel something is wrong and should definitely act on your gut instinct. Never 2nd guess – always remember making something out of nothing is far safer than making nothing out of something.

    • Kathy says:

      I agree with Joanne you know your body, i should get a pregnancy test.
      More women should trust there instinct and not let doctors make them feel like they are crazy.

      • Michele says:

        I had the procedure done in Winter 2009; in July 2010 I found out I was pregnant and 6 months along. I guess I was in denial, because who would think they were pregnant after having ‘the most effective permanent birth control procedure ever’? After I had my son in November 2011, my (new) doctor did a traditional tubal and noted the migration of one of the coils. Turns out I was never safe, despite a successful HSG test. My doctor later was visited by the Essure rep in our area and he showed him my post-Essure films. The guy was like “oh yeah, that was not a successful implant. We did a poor job training the radiology staff around this area”. I looked into a liability lawsuit but my state doesn’t allow suits for “wrongful birth”. Guess the insurance lobbyists in Michigan score another win. I love my son and had a fairly easy labor and delivery, but what if I hadn’t? Why doesn’t this society care more about it’s women and their personal and reproductive health? This website is great but I wish more people were aware of everything women are going through, with a procedure that says it’s 99.8% effective. Don’t call us mad at the ‘wrongful birth’ of our beloved children–Call us livid because whether or not to have children is our choice and we need reliable methods of contraception. I’d sign any petition anyone put out there against this procedure being covered by insurances until it’s refined and proven…

  565. Any woman who reads this needs to contact this guy from the conceptus the company who makes essure. It may do no good but it feels good to say something to this guy. email address is and phone number is 650-962-4039, make fda reports, I have also been trying to get onto a talk show to get something advertised about essures and see how many woman would get together, then maybe we can go after these people. Please help by emailing talk shows. We have to try something.

    • Krystle says:

      I would love to share my horrible story with other women! If you want to know so maybe you can pass it on let me know and I will email you back.

  566. Maribel says:

    I have started a petition about ESSURE. Please help me by signing and sharing your stories. Together we can do this.

    • Kathy says:

      Hi Maribel,I just signed the petition. Thank you

      • Maribel says:

        Thank you Kathy. If doctors will not listen and lawyers will not take the case.. We have to start somewhere. If we all get together I hope our voices will be heard. Because right now, as individuals – nothing is happening.

    • Joanne says:

      I signed your petition and wish you the best of luck.

      Women must stand up for their right to be well-informed.

      • Maribel says:

        Thank you. I had opted in for follow up comments and every time I had an email from this website I would automatically become so angry. Because I just knew there was another woman out there with problems. It is absolutely disgusting that this continues to happen. Yet, I look at the reports and they state that less than 1% of women had reactions. I do not believe that. I do believe that many doctors have dismissed our concerns and said it was not possible. Because of that the company is need hearing the proper feedback from real consumers. I reported my case to the FDA, I have seen over 5 GYNs, a physical therapist and many ER doctors. Nothing to show for it except a pile of medical bills. Where is the honor? Where is the due no harm oath? When did medicine become strictly about money and not about improving the quality of life? All I want is my life back.

  567. Amy says:

    I had the essure procedure done Feb 2007, as soon as they put the spring in my right tube it felt like someone shot my tube with a nail gun. For about a year after I was a little uncomfortable but living, but, for the last 3 years I have seen 12 different doctors no one will admit that essure is the problem but I know how I was before and this isn’t it. I have severe abdominal pain, constant lower back pain, fever of 102 a week before I start my period, painful intercourse when my husband turns and hits either one of my sides during intercourse. The first OB I saw told me I was constipated, I told him he was an idiot and never went back. I have been treated for Endometriosis, PID, there has been no relief. I have had several trigger point injections and they have helped enough to we’re it doesn’t make me cry to ride in the car or play with my kids. I have lived on Vicodin and ibuprofen for 2 years, I have to beg my doctor for further testing( which gets really freakin old) the last visit I asked if we could please rule out Ovarian Cancer and check my liver and kidneys to make sure if nothing else that my pain is not life threatening. Well the inner ultrasound found I have 2 huge cysts on my left ovary, and my liver and kidneys are functioning fine. They now want to give me injections of Lupron ( to put me into menopause, which are $875 per shot for 4 months) they say if this helps my pain it proves that a total hysterectomy is my last option( which is terrifying all on its own for I have read nothing great about mood, sex or function afterwords)…… I feel for everyone out there going through complications due to this procedure and sure wish the FDA would open a case and look into this, I should not have had this done, and urge anyone who is looking into this to ask themselves one question. Is it safe to put something foreign in your body when you don’t know how it will react? I wish I would have known more, my choices were this or a tubal, I chose the Essure because I hate being put under and it seemed simple. Well simple isn’t always right and I wish the money hungry doctors out there that perform this would pause to recognize a bad thing.

  568. Betty says:

    I had the essure done and have not had a period since. I hate it…I have gained weight. Back problems during and after sex. I mean horrible back pains. I had the inplanon in my arm and decided to go with this bc also i did not have a period and now i have raging pain in my arm all the time. I hate this and I want to get it undone but I know the cost is probably to costy for a mother of 3 kids.

  569. Betty says:

    After reading over everyone’s story. I to have the same issues with Essure. I am always tired and grumpy and this has caused me to snap at my spouse and my children. I have had severe weight gain and mainly in my stomach area. Pains in my back, legs, sides and abdominal area. Swelling! I feel swollen every where like a blow fish.Depression, mood swings, NO PERIOD, pain and discomfort during sex. I don’t even feel like I can control the tightening of my uterus during intercourse or ever. Chest pain and severe anxiety. Boating and even arm pain. I have severe tingling in my body. I can’t sleep at night due to the discomfort of all these. Its horrible. I have a past of seizures and even have moments where i am severely scared because I think am spacing out and going to go into a seizure but i end up putting my self into an anxiety attack. I would like more information on this situation and what I need to do. I hate feeling like this and I hate feeling like i have no control of feeling healthy. I have been eating right and working out and nothing happens but more pains. I have missed work due to chest pains and anxiety attacks. I have 3 kids under the age of 10 and I can’t keep living like this. They need me and depend on me and I want to be in the best shape possible to take care of them. I don’t want to be so stressful and angry all the time in which i can’t seem to control and sets me into an anxiety attack. Its horrible feeling and I can’t control it. Please help me…

  570. Joanne says:

    Found Twitter Account for Aaron Wische: @aaronwische

    Has pic and lists him Lead Investigative Journalist for ABC15 in Phoenix, AZ. Many journalists work w/different news organizations – you should be able to contact ABC15 to verify his identity.

    Best of luck in sharing your story. You are brave to seek out aopportunities to educate and save other women from enduring your pain.

  571. Ginger says:

    Has anyone else found out that the dr. Put two coils in one tube?

  572. April says:

    I am 32yrs. Old..I had to have this procedure done, due to being taken off of birth control pills. I have chronic P.E.(blood clots on my lungs) I used birth control because of my horrible cycles, and I’m currently having a full blown cycle every 2wks. My only option, was to have the essure done, and in 3mts. I have to get the “her option” procedure. My Dr. Could only do one of my Fallopian tubes, in Feburary 2012 bc the other tube was blocked w/scar tissue. I got the other tube done, a week ago, and I feel like a knife is stabbing me in the abodemn. I can’t sit up straight w/o pain in my abodemn, and it radiating down to my leg. Heat does not help the pain nor does ice. The Dr. Told me, I would be back to normal the next day, both times. However, I’m not at all back to normal. I’m in severe pain.

  573. jessica says:

    i am having ao much trouble also with essure.i had it done in 2009 and i have been feeling so sick for over a year now. so many rounds of antibiotics and nothing stops me from spiking fevers every month and felling like crap all the time (body ache, fatigue, headaches, confusion, low or no sex drive) i also like many othes have trouble losing weight and cant see my midsection anymore. have been to the dr many times for abdominal pain and they say its gas.. i have reflux now and feel bloated all the time.. please help me… what should i do first?

  574. Krystle says:

    WOW! I am so glad that I am not alone! my soon to be hubby is freaking out as well. I had the esure placed in 8/2011 and have nothing but problems. My doc assured me it was 100% safe and would help start my period. The first attempt to place them was unsuccessful, I had to go back 3 months later, due to scar tissue. (my doc even had an esure rep stand in the 1st time and he told her to stop trying after 30 mins) So I went bk 3 months later, she had her MA do it! That was scary but I was so drugged I could not really talk. When I went in for the test to see if it took, they could not do it….said he could not get the tube in the right spot for the dye. I went to a hospital 2 weeks later, that time it took 2 attemps, both times about a hour of poking and prodding. I never had my period until Jan 2012 and it was HORRIBLE, I thought I would DIE! I have not had one since then but I do have 2 positive prego test! I am currently waiting to see my OB. I was not informed of any of the side affects, I am in constant pain and or sick like I am prego, and NO PERIOD! I want these things out of me!

  575. Stacie says:

    I had the procedure a year and a half ago . New boyfriend says can feel it and it is rubbing him and very painful … Anyone else

  576. Melissa says:

    I have essure that has perforated my Fallopian tube and now is sitting in my uterus , I’m in a lot of pain and on Tuesday I may need a hysterectomy. If there is a class action suit please email me I been through it all. I had these coils put in 9 years ago. My email is

  577. Liliam Ortizl says:

    I had the surgency done two months ago, Iam having
    problems with my lower back and is grabbing my legs
    and a lot of pains in my stomach, can I remove them.
    Thank you

  578. Ginger says:

    Hello ladies, I would also like to know if anyone hears of a class action law suit. Please email me at Thank you

  579. Tracy says:

    Ladies, I was thinking of getting Essure and I am so grateful to have found this site. Thank you for your comments as I think it saved me. I wish everyone luck getting your health back. Thank you.

  580. lac helle says:

    I had the procedure done in 2006, I have abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, very frequent headaches.. and started having bloodclots with my menstrual cycles with severe cramping. I have relocated to a different state and cannot seem to get the answers I am looking for.Not to mention my provider never told me that He was putting any form of anything metal in me, he had me under the impression the coils were plastic. I would have NEVER CONSENTEDto this KNOWING what happened to all those women with IUD’s I am highly disgusted and tired of this pain!!

  581. I had the Essure procedure done November 23, 2011, and about 3 or 4 days later I had received the Depo-Provera shot as a supplement of birth control until my 3 months came time. Well I found it odd that I didn’t have a period the month of December, but I had one the WHOLE month of January, and I haven’t had one since. I had spotted one time. I have cramping in my ovaries all the time, and now, (which I don’t know if this could be the cause or not) for like a month to month in a half, every time I used the restroom I have severe pain in my pelvic area and I don’t know why. Has anyone else had anything like this? I am unsure on what to do at this point.

    • Amy says:

      When I myself was getting Depo I was one of the fortunate ones that never had a period, I would spot a little bit the day my shot was due and as soon as I got it, it would stop. After I quit getting Depo it took 1 yr before I actually started having periods again. As far as your pain in your pelvic area after Essure, welcome to the club of trying to get anyone to lIsten and or getting them out of you. I had Essure done in 2006 and my health hasn’t been the same since. Good luck to you!!!

    • Susan Snyder says:

      I had the Essure procedure in Dec. 2010, after that my periods were wacky on and off for the first 6 months. By February 2011 I haven’t had a period at all. I am only 46 and my doctor says that I am in menopause. How would that happen when right before the procedure I was super regular…I could create a calendar based upon my periods. I have had extreme back aches and terrible hot flashes that go on all day and night. The whole thing has been depressing.

  582. Autumn says:

    I had this procedure done in 2010….i got pregnant in july of 2011!!! This procedure did not work for me…..I had my daughter march 7th 2012 thank god she was healthy!!!

  583. Joanne says:

    Has anyone considered consulting a Medical Malpractice Attorney? They can often refer Docs who are unafraid of pointing out peer mistakes when that is, in fact, the case.
    Before hiring any Attorney, check their record through your State’s Board of Bar Overseers or equivalent agency. It is important to check for any possible ethics issues and/or Board Discipline.
    Any and all Docs you currently use or future Docs you consider choosing should be checked through your State’s Board of Registration in Medicine or equivalent agency. It is important to check for any possible Board Discipline and/or Malpractice Suits. In the case of Malpractice Suits, info is also provided as to whether payment is above, below or just average.
    Should you learn a Doc has a history of Board Discipline, that’s a HUGE RED FLAG! Should you learn a Doc has a history of Malpractice Suits, inquire directly w/them to see if they were the attending or assisting physician and what the circumstances of the situation were (for example, in a C-Section there are several Nurses, an Anesthesiologist, Doc and Assisting Doc – if a Malpractice Suit is brought against the Attending Doc, all other staff present in the room at the time are automatically included in the suit so you need to clarify what their role was in the situation).
    My heart breaks every day reading the new posts on this blog. I plan to print and share it w/my OB who is the Senior Doc in the Maternal-Fetal High Risk Medicine unit at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. More attention needs to be drawn to this issue. Unfortunately, you all have the burden of having to become strong advocates for yourselves. It seems you are being alienated and outcast by the very physicians you entrusted w/your care – absolutely tragic!

  584. Amy says:

    I googled FDA class action law suits Essure, and at the very top there is a number to a Lawer who is taking everybody’s stories, I called her a few minutes ago and she said she would call me back today or tomorrow. At the very least we can try right? If you are anything like me you have seen numerous doctors, have had a number of testing done like a little freeakin lab rat and are in debt up to your eye balls because of this stupid procedure. I want compensated for all of it, including the removal and the loss of my quality of life. I will post what happens after the Lawer contacts me..

    • Shannon says:

      Amy, please let us know what you find out. I am looking for assistance with my medical bills. Thank you.

    • Indi says:

      Hi Amy can you share the number with the rest of us please, i have tried 2 others that said no. But i do have a suit against the company. And i hear u i want compensation too from the pain and suffering and the removal of my tubes as well to get rid of the problem ESSURE!
      Keep us posted.

      • Amy says:

        I’m sorry I shoud have put the number on there as well… It is (215)790-7300. She had not called me back yet, but as soon as she does I will be posting any info

  585. Moe says:

    I had the procedure done last april my last child is now 18ms. I just today thought to look up Essure and pain with sex and this page came up. I have this sharp pain during intercourse but only in certin spots like the cervix. I am starting to have bladder cramps like you can’t believe. I am also having problems with my memory. If its not writin down I’m not going to remember to do it. It very hard to deal with because I have never been this way. I had bleeding for 8 weeks after the procedure but was told it could be a tear in the cervix. Which was not. Other then that nothing else to report. Any clue on if I should talk to the doc on getting them out? Not sure if it relates.

    • Kathy says:

      it will only get worse. My uterus had to be removed for the same syptoms.Always get a second opinion and have a radiological ultrasound. You have a little baby and im sure you want to enjoy the time with your child and not deal with pain

  586. Angela says:

    Hi I am scheduled to have this procedure done next week after 4 kids. I chose it because of the no hormone risks involved. My doc made it sound like a cake walk with little or no pain and said he has done hundreds of procedures so is an expert. Are there any good experiences with essure? I have read only negative things on this site. I am hoping I change my mind and decide against the procedure. I am now afraid I will be in pain, have all of the ill and many side effects everyone else seems to have or the darn things will not stick and will float around in my body or get lodged somewhere they shouldn’t be. Please talk me out of this!

    • Jessica k says:

      Hello I had essure done Dec of 2010 overall I am happy with it. The procedure was super easy for me,after having 3 boys. I have had back pain since but I am not sure if this is do to essure. I have had beelding after intercourse but does not happen all the time. I would really research this before you do it. My docotor is very good and she says that their are no real side effects?????? But after finding this wedsite I am starting to wonder if I should have looked into it more. In the end it is your choice??????

  587. freckledfacegrl says:

    I am so happy that I found this website! I was doing research on whether or not to get this procedure done. I have wanted it for the last 3 years (myhusband is fixed too) and have decided to go for it inthe next year provided that we both researched it and like our odds. I am not digging my odds now and my Husband was disgusted when he read this site…. we will not be getting this done. Thankyou somuch for puttign this out tere and potentionally saving me from alot of pain 😀

  588. Shan says:

    FYI: I contacted Claudine at Sheller Law Firm (which many women have posted about) today via email and she replied back & stated that they are not taking any cases against Essure/Conceptus. She told me to contact another attorney. How frustrating!

  589. Jen says:

    I just had the procedure about a month ago and no problem yet. The procedure went well with minimal discomfort. A few days of spotting afterwards and I didn’t need any pain medication afterwards. But, I am worried with seeing all these negative posts – jeesh! I hope there are some good stories out there and that I won’t have any of these complications. Sorry to hear ladies. Suppose I’ll check back in later and let you know how I’m doing later.

    • Christina says:

      Hello ladies and I’m so sorry for the financial, medical and emotional pain that you’ve all went through. I had this procedure done September 2011 and was confirmed this year in January with Radiology that it went successfully. I haven’t had any bad side effects since and my cycle hasn’t changed either. The procedure itself was quick and just a bit uncomfortable than painful and was conducted in the OR instead of the doctor’s office. The following days after I had some bleeding and cramping but not anything worth taking any pain meds for. So far for me I’m very satisfied and have no complaints. I did some research myself (online, more than one doctors opinions, and other patients) that had the same procedures and was told nothing but positive, but of course, just like any other medical procedures there is that small percentage. I hope for the ladies that have had complications that it all works out both physically and financially. I just wanted to put my story on the site to let other potential patients know the positive side of the procedure. Hopefully years from now I won’t be back on this site stating otherwise 🙂

  590. jenn says:

    we’ll I wrote the company nurse and this is what she had to say:

    We are very sorry to hear about your frustration with your Essure procedure. We urge you to consult with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment information in regard to your symptoms. Your doctor may contact us directly as well.
    The thing with the doctor that did my essure wont see me after I had it done,everytime I go there the nurses and secatary has excuses that my doctor can’t see me for months in advance,before the essure she was never too busy for me,I don’t get it…I called other doctors they tell me they cant reverse it because there afraid to undo something that a doctor already did.I want this thing out of me and get a normal tubal done.has anyone else have the same problems with these idiot doctor’s.she never tested me for nickel allergy and never gave me a 3 month app to check to see if its still in.I even gave essure a chance and went to diffrent doctors to see if its something else besides essure everything came back fine on all my catscans and xrays,I went to pain managment for lower back pain and my shooting pains in my legs for almsot a year now,i’m sooo sick of narcotics and muscle relaxants,and anxiety medicine for all my mood swings…I’m sooo fed up with this.My husband wants to look into a lawyer for my doctor and also the essure company.Is anyone in the same boat right now with there doctor not talking to them!!!.

  591. K. says:

    I’ve had recently noticed for the past few months that i have been bleeding very heavily. Also I have gained so much weight (60lbs). Even though I’ve had this procedure done almost 6 years ago! The only side effect that luckly don’t have are cramps. I hope to talk to a different obgyn to hopefully remove them, and have my tubes tyed the normal way, like I had suggested in the first place.

  592. NOESSURE says:

    I have read almost very post and I had the procedure done nearly 4 years ago. The first sign of trouble was that my OB/GYN could not insert the coil in the office procedure and I was then scheduled for an outpatient surgery insertion. My doc wass able to insert at that time. Then 90 days later I had my ultrasound and I was told that it did not close the tubes and would have to be tested again several months down the line. I had heavy blooding with my IUD but it became heavier with the procedure. I was informed that it was closed and I thought my heavy periods would change with the closure of the tubes. It did not and I would have to wear a tampon and three napkins each time I changed. My physician suggested another ultrasound which now uncovered fiboid tumors and a cyst. Meanwhile, I saw a general surgeon who discovered a hernia right in the middle of the two. No surgery to remove due to some previous surgeries which left mesh in this area and they were afraid to operated. I have severe pain. It’s in my pelvis area and the headaches are a problem too. So my OB/GYN now suggested an albation procedure (using heat to shead alway laters of the cervix to decrease heavy periods.) I had this done last December, 2011.

    I spent the last few days reading the posts. I have had every symptom that was listed in the various posts. I know this is my problem and wish to have the coils removed. Unfortunately, due to a change in insurance companies this past year I am not sure how to move forward. I will probably have to discuss this information with my new primary care physician and see what would be the next step.

  593. Cathy mathews says:

    Doctors who do believe their patients & actually do something are supposed to report this to MAUDE so the FDA will know. Why are they not doing this they only have ONE report

  594. april day says:

    This is amazing. I was told in January that I cannot have any more children after I suffered a mini stroke from the effects of chronic kidney disease. Thankfully I already have the most wonderful daughter (we both almost died during that pregnancy and delivery so that helped me make the decision for sterilization), so I spoke with my ob/gyn about tying my tubes. He told me it wasn’t a good idea for me because I have a tendency to develop scar tissue in my abdomen (totally true, I have had laproscopic surgery to remove scar tissue that causes huge “cysts”) and he said the essure was the best solution because of how effective it is and the minimally evasive procedure. I still felt like it would be easier to have the tubal ligation because it’s tried and tested but I trusted his opinion and got the essure on April 13th. Well sort of. During the procedure, which hurt a lot!!, he couldn’t get the coil into my left tube because my tube is at a weird angle. Not for a lack of trying though, I honestly thought he was going to break my pelvic bone at one point. So after this incredible painful procedure, I had one coil in and one open tube. Now we are scheduled for tubal ligation next month and they will remove the one coil I do have during that procedure. Anyway, I am experiencing my first period since the insert and wow. I have never had pms like I had the last few weeks, never in my life have I been that depressed or filled with rage. I didn’t even recognize myself, I can’t imagine how my husband even came home day after day. Now, i have bad cramping that vicodin isn’t even touching, nausea, and bleeding so bad I’m in a new tampon every hour, terrible clotting, and a stomach ache that is making me really want to just throw up. Throughout the last few weeks I have moments of the day where I get so woozy and think I’m going to pass out. I really thought it was just stress but I’m starting to think I’m lucky that only one coil went in and is coming out soon. I did feel the coil on the right side, twinges of pain off and on for the last couple of weeks. I keep thinking its moving around but there’s no way for me to know for sure. I guess I am just looking forward to getting this thing out and wish they scheduled my surgery sooner. I hope everyone gets them removed or feels better soon. I can’t believe I only found positive reviews in my research before the procedure when it looks like there are several complaints. 😦

  595. Yvonne Armour says:

    I had the “essure” procedure done 1/09. I did not have any pains, discomfort or problems with the procedure. I had the test that both tubes were closed and have been enjoying a worry free sex life from becoming pregnant.

    I have had no issues with the essure until this year. I have a high pain tollerance, so for me to say something hurts, it’s not a good sign. I have a pain in my left hip/pelvic region daily, which gets severe before my period starts.I have seen doctors & chiropractors to see if it was a hip issue, which it was not. I also have been unable to sleep regularly. I have found within the past couple of months it is hurting to even sit for any period of time and an inability to lay comfortably.

    I am highly allergic to all metals (except titanium) which I was told the essure was made out of. (I was unaware it had steel or copper in it.)

  596. Courtney L says:

    I just read a few of ya’lls comments on here. I’m scheduled for Essure tomorrow at 5:50am. I do believe after reading all this I am now going to back out of the surgery in the AM and start talking about other permanent options for a 21 year old. I’m scheduled at Duke, they told me the only two options for something permanent was Essure or clips. I’d rather not do either after reading all of this… Anyone know of any other options?

  597. K. says:

    Does any notice after the Essure procedure you have noticed you are more highly emotional? Also if the procedure is removed is it possible to have your tubes tied , instead of having a hysterectomy?

    • Maribel says:

      I think it is a case by case basis and it also depends on doctor. Depending on true location of the essure and scar tissue. My doctor tried to remove them and was not able to. She decided to close up and talk to me about having a second surgery and being more aggressive with a chance that a hysterectomy would be my only option. I have decided to wait and am saving money to have the coils removed by one of the specialist.

      • Tracy says:

        I am having my coils removed next week at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal in NC. You can get them removed without a hysterectomy.

      • Amy says:

        Will you let us know how you are doing afterward. I have read that even though you have the coils removed that there is so much scar tissue that there is still pain and you end up having to have it cleaned up or a hysterectomy anyway depending on the severity of damage. Thanks your update would be appreciated.

      • Melissa S. says:

        Tracy Let me know how it goes after when you have them removed. I was thinking about doing the same thing but dont know how they do things and if they are friendly or not .

      • Tracy R says:

        I had my Essure coils removed less than a week ago by Dr Monteith at Chapel Hill. So far so good and the staff and hotel were great. So glad I traveled to them. It has been less than a week and the rash on my arms and face is completely gone since having them removed. Wish I could post the before and after photo’s of the rash I had for 3 years that is now gone. I am so looking forward to the rest getting back to normal post healing.

  598. Maribel says:

    Please remember to report your case to the FDA at the following link:

    Sign the Essure petition:

    • Christie Norwood says:

      I wanna congratulate Tracy & I hope everything goes good with ur healing process!!! As 4 me I’m tryna save up now 4 the removal!! And thanks so much 4 keeping us informed… i following this site almost on a daily basis 2 see whats new!!!

  599. LaChelle Champion says:

    I had the ESSURE PROCEDURE done in 2006, after giving birth to my 3rd son. I was 31 years old at the time of the procedure. I was in good health with no health related issues. After giving birth, I wanted to get a normal tubal ligation done, but My OBGYN at the time, convienced me of this NEW ESSURE PROCEDURE, that was “ALLEGEDLY” FDA APPROVED and NO SIDE EFFECTS. The first year that I had the procedure I had mild cramping which was tolerable. My OBGYN advised that was the skin growing back over my fallopian tubes and would eventually stop. A few weeks after the procedure I went back in to the office and had a HSG Test, and was told that everything was fine. NOW I have lower left abdominal/cervical pain, nausea, constipation, very frequent headaches, and I started having bloodclots with my menstrual cycles with severe cramping. I also have fibroids and cysts as well. I have relocated to a different state and cannot seem to get the answers or help that I am looking for. Not to mention my provider never told me that He was putting any form of anything metal in me, he just described them as soft spiral coils. Since I have had the procedure done, I have gained weight, I also have a metalic taste in my mouth.
    I have tried to see other OBGYN’s but cannot get the help that I am looking for.
    I don’t understand why in 2006 when I had the procedure that there was no precaution in having the women tested to see if their body can with hold this PERMENANT PROCEDURE and have us tested. I feel like I was a human experiment, and now that I am complaining about it, I feel as if everyone is turning their back on me!
    I sincerely hope that I don’t have to “drop dead” before the FDA takes this matter serious. LADIES YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR COMPLAINTS TO THE FDA & TO THE MANUFACTURER CONCEPTUS, INC I have included the information below:
    Corporate Headquarters:
    Conceptus, Inc.
    331 East Evelyn Avenue
    Mountain View, CA 94041, USA
    Phone: (650) 962-4000
    Fax: (650) 962-5200

  600. Annique Newton says:

    I had my procedure done 6 months ago. I am now pregnant. I can’t even describe how angry I am.

    • Joanne says:

      I can’t imagine what you are going through. Should you choose to carry your baby to term, you should research Prenatal/Prepartum Depression. Its a very real yet much lesser recognized condition than postpartum depression that I’ve suffered w/my latest pregnancy (which is one of the reasons I was researching Essure as far as alternative to tubal ligation). I hope everything works out for the best for you as far as the Essure complications and pregnancy. Again, I just can’t imagine what you are going through both emotionally and physically.

    • Frustrated says:

      I understand how angry you are. I had my tubes tied after my second and 5 months later found out I was pregnant. It took me a really long time to accept the pregnancy, it wasn’t until I had him that I just fell in love with him. He came in my life for a reason and now 3 years later, he’s the cutest lil thing on 2 legs. I had the essure done right after having him and I am having so many issues it’s crazy. good luck!

  601. Sheena Bell says:

    Hello ladies, I had the Essure implanted in July 2011. During the procedure I was told there would be minimal pain. I left the procedure in severe pain and was lucky my husband came along. I endured this pain for 3 weeks. On Oct 5 2011 went to the ER for pelvic pain. I was informed that I had developed cysts on both ovaries; still not sure why this occurred. I did my HSG Oct 17 2011 and placement was confirmed. I was glad it worked. I did a follow up to my ovarian cyst is Dec 2011 and was diagnosed with 2cm bleeding cyst on both ovaries. The Doctor recommended I do another ultrasound in 6 months. Since the implants were inserted I have been battling depression, anxiety, rapid weight loss and gain, severe fatigue, pain from cyst, monthly cycles that last weeks, spotting between cycles, pelvic pain from gas or bowel movements, and pain on my sides and lower back. On May 14 2012 I had my 6 month ultrasound for my cyst and was told my cyst are now simple and no longer bleeding. I was relieved that the cyst were going away but then my Doctor told me that my implant has become dislodged from my fallopian tube and has punctured a muscle in my uterus. The Doctor checked my ultrasound from Dec and said the implant was in place then but some time since this has happened. I now have to set up an appointment outside of my normal OBGYN to see what can be done to safely remove the implant.
    I am completely dissatisfied with the Essure.

  602. Ajalik01 says:

    Has anyone experienced nausea daily?

    • Indi kaufman says:

      Yes i used to have it every day and it was horrible. I had the essure put in after my 3rd child in 2009, by 2010 i started having all kinds of unexplained issues. After many doctors visits and test i found this site and determined myself to look into if the essure was the problem and IT WAS!!! I had my tubes removed in Feb, my Gyn said she had to search for one of the coils because it was not in my tube like it was suppose to be. Where was it??? Dislodged and perforating my intestines and bowels….Oucchhhh no wonder i was having all the pains i was!! AND that was the same thing my doctor said. I have been feeling so much better after having them removed, BUT angry that i had to even go through that. If i had not insisted who knows what would have happened to me. I definitely recommend any woman who has these in them to get them out ASAP before they cause more damage. Good luck to you.

  603. Tiffany Goodson says:

    I feel so much better now that I know that im not alone. Im 31 and I got my essure done in 2008 and there was not really any info circulating about this procedure.Since the procedure I have had constant bacterial infections, back pain, pelvic pain, weight gain, I cant sleep without being drugged up because im in pain, i had to have surgery to remove uterine fibroids and I have no sex life because I have too many complications. Im very stressed out & depressed about this situation. I dont hve insurance and im desperate for help. If anyone can help please let me know because im out of money and options.

  604. Marylee says:

    Ladies – – I thought I was going crazy! All of the symptoms that you have mentioned have been the case for me since I had these Essure implants done in November, 2007. I have constant lower back pain and have been told over and over my gynecologist (that I have recently fired, by the way) that it had nothing to do with the implants. This is the same doctor that refused to do the old-fashioned tubal ligation that I wanted. He said that the Essure implants were the new, improved, less-invasive procedure. I feel like I wasn’t given a choice in the matter and it has caused nothing but problems since. I hear it is major surgery, however, to have them removed. I caution any woman considering sterilization to steer clear of this procedure!!!

    • vervilledeb1 says:


      You are not going crazy. There are many more who are suffering the same side effects you are. 🙂

  605. LaTarsha Epps says:

    After reading each of the comments/complaints about the Essure AFTER having mines inserted on April 2012, I wish that I had seeked this beforehand to avoid the pain, depression, and mental drainage that I’m experiencing right now. It’s been a little over a month since I had the Essure inserted and I feel like I’m beimg punished or living in HELL. My right lower back started aching terribly bad about 2 weeks after the surgery, I immediately went to the ER because the pain was unbearable. I could barely walk, I had to change the way I breathed because inhaling deeply felt like someone was sticking needle point pins in my back so I breathed with short quick breaths, and getting any type of rest was out of the question. At the hospital I was given some type of pain medicine in a shot form in my buttocks that really did nothing, I had an urine test done in search of possible kidney stones since the pain was in that area, I gave blood to test for clotting because I was told that could be a possiblity, and afterwards I was given an CT cat scan— ALL showed everything was fine with me (THANK GOD), at that point I knew it was the Essure. I wqs discharged with muscle relaxers, and ibuprofen for pain. 2 weeks later(today) I’m still battling the same problems. I cry myself to sleep sometimes because I wish I could have my normal body back again.

  606. Trell says:

    Hi I had the procedure done in 2008 and every since I have been having problems. Cramping, sharp stabbing pains, back pains, and more. I would love to have them removed but like many others can’t afford it right now. Ob/GYN keep telling me it’s not ESSURE that’s causing symptoms but I was not having these problems till after they were implanted. I have switched doctors and she is telling me same thing.

  607. Bridget says:

    Thank you to all the Ladies here that posted their problems with Essure. You have changed my mind about this procedure I just canceled my appointment that was scheduled in 3 days and the dr’s office was not very happy about it. I do still have to go in on thursday for results of my ultrasounds So im sure they will try to pressure me to come back in Friday still by the sounds of it. But I am firm being dead against Essure now!! I thought this would have been the perfect choice for me as my husband and I are done having children (we have 3). I can not thank you all enough THANK YOU SO MUCH. The Essure is suppose to help, not make problems! I pray all of you get and find relief. This is horrible that Essure is still on the market. I could not find 1 website that praised Essure unless it was directly through the Essure Company. Many blessings!

  608. Christie Norwood says:

    The doctors will all tell u the same thing. They tell u how good the essure is & how well it work but they won’t break it down & explain all about the side effects. I think when it comes down 2 the essure procedure alle doctors turn into salesman & they just try 2 make the sale…they dont care anything about our health!!! Because when u go back & start complaining they just look at u as if you are cRAZy

    • It makes me wonder if the doctors themselves are even educated enough on this procedure and if they even know about the true side effects that all of us ladies are going through. I do not think there was enough research on this at all.

  609. I just got my procedure done 3-9-12. I wish I’d came across this page before then. I didn’t want the tubal because it was surgery, and that terrified me. Everyone, from dr.’s, to TV ad’s to friends, were telling me about this Essure. It seemed like the perfect solution since I was having my 3rd child, and didn’t want more. They did sugar coat the entire thing, saying it wasn’t going to be that bad, the pain afterwards wasn’t going to be that bad, etc. They did put me to sleep, so I didn’t feel the pain. But the next week, I hurt so bad! It was worse than right after giving birth! Now, 3 months later, my husband’s job fell through, along with our insurance, and I can’t afford the dye test. I’m really upset, because I haven’t started my period this month (5 days late, and I’m ALWAYS on time and regular), and now I’m reading there are others who have had my issues, the migraines, the back pain, the tingling limbs. It scares me to death! I only opted for the Essure because it sounded so much better than having to have a surgery, be cut open, and I’ve heard horror stories about the tubals. Now, I see there are horror stories on this too! I am not sure what to do about the dye test, to see if they are in place. I know my sides hurt all the time, some days are worse than others. I know the back pain has been horrible. Even my breasts have hurt, kinda like they do when you sleep in an underwire bra. I thought my hot flashes were just because it’s such a different atmosphere in TX (moved here while I was pregnant), and my mood swings are awful. I’m often depressed and upset for no reason! If anyone can give me more advice, please email me @ bamagirl1711 Thanks so much!

  610. alma says:

    what is the procedure for taking it off? I had mine done last April 2, 2012 and was bleeding for a month. The dye test confirmed the procedure was not successful. The OB didn’t even know where are the essure metal now. I am spotting and i don’t know what to do. I am scared.

  611. vervilledeb1 says:

    This is a comment that was left over at my other blog:

    My granddaughter had this procedure done and had constant heavy bleeding for months. Her doctor said that was normal. She finally went to another doctor who gave her birth control pills and the bleeding stopped. ,GUESS WHAT! SHE IS NOW PREGNANT WITH TRIPLETS! That’s how effective this procedure is. This product should definitely be taken off the market. If you are interested in filing for a class action lawsuit contact me at

    • Danielle says:


  612. The list of problems you just mentioned are minor to the true actual problems. I am a Essure victim of 6 years and when I can financially have these removed it will be the very best day of my life!

  613. Kristina says:

    I had the ESSURE procedure done in March of 2010, never went for HSG test afterwards, but have yet to get pregnant so I figured everything was fine. I have had the worst painful periods ever in my life since the procedure, lasting 7 days sometimes…when they used to be gone in no more than 4. The day before my period starts I can barely get off the couch I’m in so much pain, and recently it just depends on the day of the amount of pain I get. I know its my fault that I never went for the HSG, which I’m going for now in 2 weeks, if I can stand the pain that long, but even if I had it done I’d still be feeling these side effects from ESSURE. I have no insurance or money to spare for something like this, I feel like there should be help for people like me that was misinformed of all the side effects that come along with this. The brochure they give you is all fine and dandy, but doing research online scares me that I have these in me. I don’t know what to do.

    • Amy says:

      I read every reply that gets posted on here, and I feel bad for all of us suffering, it isn’t fair. The last time I went to my GYN I saw a new poster for Essure. I should have taken a picture of it. The add talked about how great Essure is and then started listing your percentile of how effective it is as the years go by. And it drops 2 percent for every year you have it. Sad that they put it on a sign, but not in the brochure. Just thought I would share this with you all. I have had this done since 07 and now am 82.3 percent affective. Stupid procedure

      • Christie Norwood says:

        So does that mean as the years go by are u more at risk of becoming pregnant again????

      • Amy says:

        That’s the way I took reading the statistics on that chart. Which did not make me very happy thinking ” great about the time I hit 40- I will have a 50/50 shot, not good enough percentage rates for me”!! The way I feel everyday I am counting the days to have everything taken out. When every step you take you feel like you could spit your uterus out, it’s time to have it all out. I have huge cysts every month. My last one measured 37cm. In excruciating pain everyday, back ache, front ache, painfull intercourse and now the worry of my percentage rate not being high enough from one month to the next. Lovely. Hey FDA pass something else you have no freakin idea about……

  614. lindzkaymick says:

    I am so glad I found this site! All your stories are so similar to mine and I nearly cried after reading all these! Essure is a joke! I contacted them today and they offered me no help! Why should I have to pay to have something removed when I was completely unaware of all this arising information….. the least this company could do is remove them for the women that are suffering!

  615. Stac says:

    I had my procedure done in 07. Had a uterine ablation and Essure inserts. Still have a normal monthly period, which the ablation was supposed to eliminate. I had been eating healthy, dieting, exercising, etc. prior to the essure…felt the best in my life. After the procedure, I started experiencing bizarre food allergies and sensitivities. Everything healthy would make me sick, items that I had eaten my entire life…cannot touch now. I saw an allergy specialist, was tested for food and environmental allergies, I am allergic to everything now! I never thought about a metal allergy, never thought a bout the coils being an issue. I gained about 50 lbs back in the last few years. Chronic fatigue. Chronic bladder/kidney infections. Chronic joint pain. Bloating, swelling of feet and hands. I have seen nutritionists, I have been on diets…my family doc suggested bariatric surgery to assist with the weight loss. I was diagnosed w/ Intercystial Cystitus …. which is an allergy to the bladder….meds for that, allergy meds, chronic sinus infections. I have had ovarian cysts…severe cramping, etc. My Gyn and his partner are very very understanding, 1 doesnt feel that I could be allergic, the other does, believes anything can happen in a woman’s body. They both support the idea of me having them removed. I believe I will be doing that within the year.

  616. Melissa Wilson says:

    I had the Essure stent placement about 2 years ago. My Doctor was also very lackadaisical about how much pain would be involved after the surgery. I have had some women tell me that they had conscious sedation during their procedures, I did not. I was awake and felt every bit of it. After the procedure, I was in a tremendous amount of pain. Comparable to labor. For the past 6 months I have had light bleeding after intercourse. Small amount of bright red blood that lasts 3-4 days. It is not like a period. I have been looking to see if others have had the same problems.

  617. Rachel Walters says:

    I had the Essure procedure in 2009. Everything went smoothly but after about a year I started experiencing severe cramps and PMS through the roof. I have gained alot of weight around my mid-section. I look like I’m pregnant. Exercise and diet has had no effect. My arms and legs are thin and I have this huge belly. My pain has been increasing and sometimes I feel a pain like my uterus is going to fall out. It’s excruciating and scary. This past year I have developed chronic back pain on my left side. It’s debilitating. I can’t even stand it hurts so bad. I have developed severe depression and sleep apnea. I feel as though I have lost my life. I have no energy and I deal with this constant pain all of the time. I’m getting weaker and weaker by the day. I feel as though since this procedure I am going downhill and there’s no coming back. My periods are heavier and more painful than ever before. I need to get this Essure out but I’m afraid too. I may have to get a complete hysterectomy. I am all for a lawsuit but have no idea how to go about it. Please email me if a Class Action Suit is brought to Essure. I want to be a part of it.
    I am looking for a doctor now who can help me.

    • Kim says:

      I had mine removed 3 weeks ago. Very similar symptoms as you (Rachel Walters and Jennifer (the after sex most pain I felt) but we did not have to do a full hysterectomy the did it laparscopic. We just removed the fallopian tubes.
      The Dr who put them in would not listen to me went to different Dr. she scheduled me within 3 weeks she also did not think the essure would do this but thought maybe I was having a reaction when she was removing them she found that one of them was embedded in my uterus so far feeling better. no cramps this month and already exercising

  618. Joede says:

    I had the procedure done in May 2009 and the only problems i know that i have experience is pain during ovulation and mild to moderate pain a couple of days during my period. I was awake and watched my spring placement on ultrasound. I was told there would be discomfort during and possibly after the procedure. Do your research before having this done. Refuse to be put to sleep. Insist on nickle allergy testing. If you start having problems, find a doc that will test your hormone levels first, do an ultrasound to confirm placement and most of all listen to you. The depo shot is a beast, it caused me to gain 50 lbs in 3 mos, dont use that as your back up method. Some women bleed for months on end and some have scewed up cycles for months because of that one simple little shot. If your doc is making something sound like a walk in the park….insist on talking to someone else. I hope everyone having problems with the ESSURE gets them resolved quickly.

  619. Jennifer says:

    I had the procedure done in Dec 07 and I have not been right since. I have severe cramping and bleeding, longer periods my PMS is lasting 2 weeks, before my periods I feel like I have the flu I also have abdominal pain all the time and during after sex its horrible:(…. I only have about a week of feeling normal out of the month. I have constant UTI and keep Bacterial infections. I have spoke with my GYN and he assures me that its not from the essure. I’m going to a different GYN in August and hope that she can help me I’m miserable.

  620. Christie Norwood says:

    Ok so I did an ultrasound about 2 weeks ago. have anyone had them tell u that the left tube is swollen “but its nothing 2 worry about”….. BULLSHIT!!!!! i wanna insert these coils up in them & tell them the same thing & see how they feel about the situation!!! They don’t know what 2 tell people about these coils, so thats there answer…don’t worry & they keep it moving!

    • Jessica Wills says:

      You need an xray! I went to the er and nothing showed up in the ultrasound, but the xray showed it perforated my tube and is in my uterus.

      • Christie says:

        Hi Jessica, do u mean just a regular xray? Do I need 2 go to my gyne 2 have the xray done? and will u or should i say did u have to have a hysterectomy done after they found your results?

  621. Jennifer says:

    Hi Everyone,
    I have many of the same symptoms but cannot find a doctor who will listen. Everytime I tell a doctor my symptoms and then tell them that I have Essure, they don’t even know what it is, or at least act as if they don’t.

    • Melissa S says:

      I have had the same thing happen to me all the time they look at me and say what did you have done

    • Christie says:

      Thats true…a lot of these medicine doctors or nurses like in the er dont even know what essure is. u have to explain to them what it is & then they will maybe look it up on there computer to get some info on it. i think my back pain is like a nerve pain because its there all the time!!! i think the essure messes with ur nerve system.

  622. Victoria. Selph says:

    I have the essure and yes i have discomfort while having sex and back pain as well….i would like to get it reversed but am scared i cant afford it.

  623. maricela says:

    Hello I had the essure done Dec 2010 I’ve just had heavy periods, hot flashes
    Well once in a while a lil bit of cramping but it will go away but what wont go away is my weight gain i exercise but caint seem to stop gaining weight

  624. ibis mendoza says:

    After reading all these posts I am not sure about doing this procedure. I have been told that is safe and pretty painless. I have read the essure website and other recommendations that say its okay but you ladies have truly but my decision to the test.

  625. Cassie says:

    I had this procedure done in Oct ’08 and no major problems. The only change in my body has been my period flow, which got heavier, but has lightened up this year. Doctor told me that it was normal for them to get lighter or heavier. It was a good experience for me, put me under, inserted, i went home to sleep for 4 hours. The next day I walked a golf course for a charity event for 8 hours. Wonder if it has anything to do with the years of manufacturing the product.

  626. Ryan says:

    I had the Essure placed about six years ago and I had many symptoms that I have never experienced until this implant. I had severe lower right back pain, weight gain through my midsection, heavy periods that caused me to have another procedure done (cryoablation), and in February of 2012 the pain was so extreme in my lower right side I had to have an emergency hysterectomy. I requested my pathology reports and it should that the Essure was protruding out of my right tube into my uterus. My Gyne still won’t acknowledge that it is caused by the Essure , yet he can’t explain to me what else it could have been from. He first try to lie and say it was a fibroid, but when I got the pathology report it showed no such thing. My advice to anyone who is thinking of the Essure DON’T DO IT!!! It’s not worth the pain and the future outcome. I am now understanding what the hell has been going on with my body for many years my doctor was making me think I was crazy, and I now found out he lied to me.

    • Ryan says:

      I forgot to mention the best part, it has now been 4 months since the surgery and I feel great, losing wait….. 8lbs, no pain at all back, after sex, cramping all gone. I don’t feel bloated or depressed anymore I feel like the real me before I made this horrible choice.

  627. Felicia says:

    I got the Essure implants in March 2012 and have not been well since. I’ve been treated for UTIs, bladder infections and numerous other infections and virus’. None of these treatments have worked on or stopped my pain. My genital area is constantly feeling swollen and I have a lot of spotting and random bleeding. I have flu like symptoms, nausea, back pain and painful urination! Sex is not as enjoyable because my genitals hurt and I’m miserable. Despite the doctor’s insistence that the Essure has no bearing on these symptoms, I totally disagree.

    • ZsaZsa Smith says:

      It may seem like its so great but let me tell you the pain will start and it’s indescribable and people won’t understand you. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone.

  628. I had the essure procedure done this morning (6-22-2012). It was the best experience ever!! I took three pills an hour before the procedure that were to help me relax. They gave me a shot in the vaginal area that numbed everything. The shot did not even hurt. It felt like a tiny cramp. They then put the two coils in. As soon as it began it was over. I have cramped barely at all today. I have a little bit of spotting. I am glad I chose this method. 🙂

    • Kristina says:

      You should wait a few months before you say your happy with the procedure, I had mine done over 2 years ago and have had nothing but pain, horrible long heavy periods. I also thought the actual procedure to have it done was pretty relaxing not much pain, but wait it will come!

      • amber says:

        i have posted before but i agree when i had mine done december 20th 2010 i had no problems. in May of 2011 is when it started and the dr refused to do anything about it. i cried for days in pain. i have had laproscopics done to see if i had scar tissues, had u/s to check iut out along with c t scans. noone could find a i am 31 yrs old and have to get a hysterectomy done to remove my uterus and the coils 😦

    • Shannon says:

      I agree with Kristina. I had a fine experience having them put in. My problems started a few weeks after and continued after that. I only had them in for 4 months and had them removed due to constant sickness & pain. Just listen to your body if anything seems strange. I was at the ER 4 x in 4 months cause of Essure.

  629. Nikki says:

    I had the procedure May 12, 2008. At first all was well for about a year or so. Then the problems started. I had periods every other month, when I did, they were terrible lasting over 7 days. Then they stopped altogether. I went to the Gyno because I had went 4 months without a period. I have no insurance, so that visit, bloodwork, and a TV ultrasound set me back over 2K. No, I wasn’t in menopause, thyroid was fine.etc. The TV ultrasound did show a cyst on my left ovary. The Gyno gave me pills to force start my period, which did happen about 2-3 weeks after finishing the pills. I had two more sporadic periods, which were hell, now once again, no period since December. I am miserable! Swollen painful breasts, cramps with shooting pain, sometimes radiating down my left leg. The pain is worse on my rt side(the tech couldn’t get the right ovary to make an appearance on the ultrasound). I have horrendous weight gain in my midsection, dry skin, swollen hands and feet, and depression is an understatement. I took a pregnancy test last night just to be sure, and it came back negative. I’m popping muscle relaxers, painkillers, and Motrin all the time. I have no energy. When I’m on my feet for an extended period of time, I feel like I’m hauling around a sack of bricks in my belly. I want my life back!! I feel like this freaking essure has stolen everything from me! My relationship is suffering because the LAST thing I want to do is have sex!! Who wants to when you feel sicker and fatter by the day?? I have an appt at Planned parenthood. I don’t know what they can do to help. I feel like the spring has shifted on my rt side. It seems like the majority of us have the pain on the rt side? Why is that?? I want to know what kind of shape my ovaries are in, I want to save them, even though I’m 45. I thought Essure was the greatest thing since sliced bread for a little while; like the women that just had the procedure a few weeks ago. Long term happiness?? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  630. Belarria says:

    I had mine done about two weeks ago and I am still in pain. It feels like my tubes are throbbing.

  631. Sandy says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in 2009. Everything was great for the few months. Several months after the procedure I gained 30 lbs in 4 months. I had not changed my lifestyle in any way. My cycles were irregular before the inserts – but became even more irregular after the inserts. I also started with terrible mood swings, confusion, fuzzy memory, tired all the time, hot flashes, night sweats, muscle aches, and I had become a home body. After seeing 3 doctors that all wanted me to start an anti depressant, because, even though I was having peri-menopause symptoms, said I was too young (40) to be experiencing menopause, so I must be depressed. I finally found a doctor to help me through the menopause symptoms with hormone creams. I am starting to feel normal again after 3 years of misery. I am, however, not able to lose any weight and still have the muscle aches. It hurts to shave my legs and basically my whole body just aches. I have tried and tried to lose weight – I can lose one or two pounds but just before my cycle starts I find those one or two pounds again. Someone recently asked me if I thought the Essure could be causing any of these problems – because that seems to be when all my problems started. I started researching Essure side effects and found this website. I am now researching having them removed! I feel as though I have lost three years of my life. I plan to continue researching this and have some testing done to see if this is indeed the cause of my health issues. I will try to remember to post my findings – this blog has been extremely helpful for me and rather upsetting that so many women have life altering problems after Essure. Thank you ladies for posting!

    • Sandy says:

      One other problem that I started having – that no one related to the menopause symptoms, was that I started experiencing blurred vision. I just couldn’t focus on anything. I visited my eye doctor and my prescription hadn’t changed. I am now also experiencing dry eye. Which, I have been told is a symptom of menopause. Could this also be a side effect from the Essure??? I hope and pray that there are no other symptoms to come.

      • Julie says:

        Hi Sandy, you’re not alone…I have been experiencing blurred vision also. It started about a year after having Essure (along with a whole laundry list of symtoms that seem to come and go as they please) I thought I was just getting old, but then noticed that the blur shifts from one eye to the other at random times. Freaky….and I’ll go for weeks at a time that I can’t keep my contact lenses in my eyes due to unexplained discomfort. (rigid gas permeable lenses) I’m looking into Lakeshore Tubal reversal in GA, as my Dr. seems unwilling to accept Essure as a possible cause of my problems. Has anyone had the procedure done there? Also…I’ve been experiencing Asthma symptoms for the last few weeks, which is something I’ve never had before…anybody else?
        Thanks for any info –

      • Sandy says:

        Julie – I have not had asthma symptoms. I do experience difficulty breathing at stressful times. I have continued to do some research on the side effects I have been having and it seems as though women who have tubal ligation of any sort, not just the Essure, are experiencing similar problems? I have found a located a facility in Chapel Hill, NC that does tubal ligation reversal. Going to check into it further.

  632. Yez says:

    I had the essurre done on June 21, 2012 and since then I’ve been extremely bloated, cramping, tingling on my right leg and confused. It’s hasn’t been a week and my body feels totally different. I wish I had researched this procedure before having it done. I have a follow up with my doctor on Friday, June 29th and will discuss my concerns during that time. 😦

  633. ZsaZsa Smith says:

    Hi my name is ZsaZsa and I had the essyre procedure done in February 2009. Since then I’ve experienced so much pain that indescribable!!! My doctor didn’t tell me of any possible side effects but said it was a good thing. I had recently had a baby and my husband passed away earlier that year in May so I didn’t want to have any unplanned pregnacies. I’ve been looking to get it reversed to have my normal body back! It really sucks and the crazy part is that insurance is so quick to pay for the procedure but when things go wrong they don’t want to do your looking at footing the bill by yourself!!

  634. Amy Maher says:

    Ok my name is Amy…I just had this procedure done TODAY and it hurt like hell!!! My husband and I are done for sure with having anymore kids, but he didnt want to get a vasectomy and the thought of burning my tubes and down for a while couldnt happen, Im the only one to take care of my kids since he works constantly…so Essure seemed the way to go. I’ve read ONE good review on this whole page! Im seriously getting worried now…should I just get them taken out since it is only 1 day now, or see it through….Im FREAKING! Someone please get back to me for help! Thanks!

  635. Nikki says:

    Hi Amy,
    I seriously hope you don’t. Many women don’t have problems. Hopefully, you will be one of them. I didn’t start having symptoms right away. I would give it a little time and see if your body straightens itself out, but if you find that you are experiencing some of the symptoms that we have mentioned. I would certainly take it up with your gyno. @ Sandy, yep, you know what? I’ve noticed that my contacts don’t feel quite as comfortable as they used to and I have to take them out earlier than I used to.
    I have FINALLY started a period after nearly 6 months!!! And yes, painful as HELL!!! Of course this would happen when I have an appt scheduled!! Go figure…

  636. Amy Maher says:

    Thanks Nikki, and I will for sure pay attention to my body! I just hope its never too late to remove them if problems do occure!

  637. Amy Maher says:

    Nikki, also If you dont mind me asking…what problems are you having and did u get them removed?

  638. Raychal says:

    I had the essure procedure done in September of 2011. I have had menstraul bleeding at least 25 days out of the month. You can imagine my frustration in what seems a reversal of my menstral cycle. I have also had severe cysts rupturing on my ovaries. I am not sure if that is related, but I never experienced them until recently. I’m wondering if taking a birth control pill would help with the bleeding, as it is very inconvenient and very annoying. I haven’t experienced the back pain I’ve read about, but I find it interesting that all of these things can happen from 2 small coils.

  639. Annessa says:

    So,,,I have posted in the past about this crap…(pardon my language)but it is getting old.I had them inserted in August of 2007. The left one was fine and the right one was misplaced. Not even close to the opening of the tube. How she managed that is beyond me. Anyhow, she told me I had hydrosalpinx of the left tube (fluid filled tube) I was misdiagnosed with this back in 2004. I haven’t done anything about this current diagnosis because I haven’t had any pain issues with it, which leads me to believe that it is another misdiagnosis. Really the only thing that this thing causes is infertility which is fine by me since I wanted to be sterile in the first place. Back in April of 2012 I was put on Jolessa because I was on YAZ and it was causing me to have heart palpitations. From the first week til 6 weeks later I gained 18 lbs. Most of which was water weight. Then in the third month started bleeding uncontrollably. (with massive labor like pains)This went on for about three weeks. Now I am on Loestrin 24 FE and the first two weeks have been ok, but now I am bleeding again with the same but milder pain. Could this be the misplaced coil. The last ultrasound they told me it had disappeared. How? I think I would have noticed if it came out of my vagina, don’t you? She told me I could have missed it. Yeah right. Any thoughts? I did go for a seond opinion and I was told that the pill doesn’t’ make you gain weight that food makes you gain weight. WTF…how rude. I am sorry but 18 lbs in 6 weeks. I am an avid runner.. I am so sick of having these female issues. Oh and my dr’s first question for me was “would you like to have a hysterectomy? UMmm no I am 30. I would rather not go into menopause this young. HELP…

    • shereese says:

      i think the thing that hurts the most is, when the doctors dont try to understand how we feel, we all arent making this up…….

  640. Nikki says:

    Hi Amy,
    I was okay initially. What made this so insidious to me was the symptoms came upon slowly and gradually; the weight gain, the mood swings (I’ve always had horrible PMS), the depression, the fatigue. My periods got all screwed up. I would skip every other month, when I DID have them, they were horrible with crushing cramps. I’m in the middle of a period now actually,after experiencing a five-month absence. During those five months, I’d have horrible PMS symptoms and “phantom” periods. I have had dry eyes, severe bloat, deep depression, dramatic weight gain, back aches, pains in my tubes radiating to my legs, tingling sensation, feet/hands falling asleep more than usual.

  641. Nikki says:

    Oh yeah,(knew I’d forget some). Ovarian cysts, frequent urination, anxiety attacks, hot flashes(not menopausal) and NO libido.

    • Sandy says:

      Nikki – I have found some relief from a physician with Hormone replacements. Her name is Dr. Erika you can find her online by just typing in her name. I have not had ALL symptoms relieved but I at least feel a little more normal (mostly emotionally – I am a little more pleasant to be around). I am seriously considering having a tubal reversal – although I do not want any more children – I want my body and my life back to normal.
      I found other women with the same symptoms calling this post tubal ligation syndrome (PTLS).
      Good luck to you

  642. Jessica Wills says:

    I posted earlier as I have had many issues with my essure. After a visit to the ER today I found out my essure isnt in place and has “migrated to my uterus.. I have a pic of the xray if any of you would like to email me, I will gladly send it. DO NOT get this surgery!!! I’m 29 and will have to have a partial to full hysterectomy and will be seeking a lawyer. If something seems too good to be true.. it is! Especially Essure!

    • Amy Maher says:

      You know, all this is really freaking me out!!! Im not sure why all women are experiencing all the same symptoms either? I mean this is suppose to be a hormone-free thing and everyone is gaining weight on it?? WHY?? And the pain, this is all from the Essure? I just had this done 2 weeks ago, nothing yet but its like Im waiting for something bad to happen and its not comfortable! Should I be worried?

      • I didn’t have any problems with it till a year later, no weight gain but the pain can be crippling. I have had to use a cane to get around or just stay curled up in the fetal position. I would just watch and see. Some people haven’t had issues but most have

      • Amy Maher says:

        So what exactly is all your pain from? and should I be worried?

      • Kacey says:

        I just got home from getting the proceedure and I am sooo scared after finding this site now!!

    • I am in the exact same predicament right now. If the remove the pice that shifted to my uterus i could bleed to death so my choice at 28 is take the chance or have a hysterectomy. I saw my doctor today who mentioned a Laproscopic Supercervical Hysterectomy. Research it. So far it seems like the best way to go

    • Sonja says:

      What kind of lawyer will you be talking to? Please email me

    • Sonja says:

      What kind of lawyer will you be talking to? Please email me
      (Sorry Daniel I meant this for Jessica)

  643. I had the essure implants put in back in 2005. I since have had them removed except the one in my right tube was place so far in my uterus that when they attempted to remove it the coil snapped. I still have that piece in me and at 28 I have to consider a hysterectomy because removing the coil may cause me to bleed to death. I still am in alot of pain and my periods are averaging every 2 to 3 weeks. If I would have known more about this procedure before it was introduced to me I never would have done it.

  644. Thea says:

    I was going to have essure done this month after i gave birth. but now Im scare

  645. Amy Maher says:

    Danielle..what is your pain issue exactly from? the coils in your uterus? and how do they get there if these things are suppose to be in place, how do they slip out? What about the 3 month Dye test too, arent they suppose to be closed so they stay in place? Im so confused and scared for me and my kids that I have to take care of, I cant afford to have major problems like these!

  646. CL says:

    I had my Essue done Feb 28, 2012. I was at first really excited because the procedure itself seemed to go well (under gen anesthia). Just some moderate cramping afterwards. My HSG totally changed my positive view about this. I have one coil that is in a circular position in my peritoneal cavity (abdominal cavity)…so it’s perforated either my fallopian tube or uterus..maybe both? It’s hard to tell on the HSG image. The other coil while on the report is listed in a satisfactory position and occluded (tube is closed) appears to have the radiodense marker from the end broken off and in a separate location. I just found that out yesterday after sending the image to someone on facebook who pointed it out to me. I feel such mixed emotions. The doc who placed these recommended putting another one in on the side that has the coil outside of my tube (no offer to retrieve the “loose” one). I said no and asked her to ask Essure to give me a tubal ligation, retrieve the coils, and help me out w/ the cost of it. I had to call the doctor –she didn’t call me, of course–and the Essure rep said they could only ship another coil out to her to stick in me on that side…btw, they only offered to cover the cost of the device..not doctor’s fee or anything else. She did say she could reduce the cost of anesthia by giving lidocaine shots in my cervix instead of using the general anesthiologist that I had originally. I feel so abandoned by this doctor. I went back to my OB that I have had previously, and she was floored and said under NO circumstances should i allow this other doc/Essure put another coil in! She has recommended doing a hysterectomy-uterus, tubes, and the coils. I’m coming to accept this, but am on a mission to make sure that I don’t wake up from surgery to hear like some of you have…”we couldn’t locate one (or both) of the coils.” That must be such an awful thing to hear after all the pain and having to go under. My idea right now is to take in some of your posts and be VERY CLEAR that during this hysterectomy, I want BOTH coils out and any little pieces that may be in there. I has the HSG on June 15th, but I’m going to push to have another x-ray done between now and the surgery to check for migrated coils and to allow the doctor to see clearly where they are located right BEFORE she makes any incisions. I just hope she’ll agree to do it this way. I thank God everyday that I don’t so far have any of the AWFUL symptoms listed on this site…but, I feel strongly that I could be taking a trip to the ER literally any minute. Especially knowing full well that at least one of these things is NOT IN MY FALLOPIAN TUBE. The symptom that I do suffer from and thought was prolapsed uterus or some other organ (bladder, rectum, etc) is a daily pelvic pressure that is between my legs…feels like the heaviness that I’m sure some women get in their pelvic floor muscles when they’re 9 months pregnant w/ their third child. I sometimes feel that my pelvis and thighs are disjointed somehow…I don’t know how to describe the feelling in words. I also occasionally feel a foreign object sensation in my vagina….really weird. So not really in pain yet, just this heaviness/pressure that happens if I try to be on my feet for any length of time. This second doc did a pelvic exam and assured me that my organs are not prolapsing. IT does turn out that these pelvic symptoms should according to my doctor be a medically necessary reason to have hysterectomy. My insurance doesn’t pay for birth control or sterilization so guess who got to pay completely out of pocket to have Essure put in? I’d explore just trying to get tubes out, but that’s definitely NOT covered by my insurance, and I really don’t know if it can be done due to the one that appears outside of my tube, and the little piece from the other one that appears to be broken off in the HSG image. I hope that the hysterectomy will resolve my pelvic/in between my legs pressure/pain….I am nervous about that issue, about the doc not being able to locate and remove both of the coils and the little piece of the one…and then there’s my wonderful insurance. I feel that chronic pelvic pain and pressure warrants a medical necessity, however I fear that the insurance will find some way to deny benefits due to the Essure. However, if doctors are so readily denying that the coils have anything to do w/ so many of these symptoms…maybe in my case this could work to help me have this covered??? Between you and me…if office and off the record, she thinks I have inflammation/swelling/fluid surrounding the AWOL coil and that’s what could be causing me this almost constant pressure. Long post, I know.
    Any ideas/comments would be most appreciated. Also, I’ll share my HSG photos if you’d like to email me:

  647. CL says:

    It turns out the tip of the coil on the right may not be broken. After reading through the EssureMD Instructions for Use Booklet online today, apparently the “distal markers are fixed in relation to one another” (these are the ones furthest from the uterus), but the “proximal markers may move or seemed stretched because of the flexibility of the outer coil.” (these are the radiodense markers that should appear at the cornua of the uterus). I am still not convinced giving the distance that the proximal end of the inner coil is from the proximal end of the outer coil that it is placed correctly. The Essure MD instructions say that “ideal micro-insert placement is when the inner coil crosses the utero-tubal junction.” So if I’m looking at this correctly the the inner coil looks to be a good little distance from where it should be. So I guess this means it’s shoved in too far?
    Advice after having just had this done in February 2012 (looking at hysterectomy now though) to the ladies that just got theirs, be sure to look at photos of what your inserts should look like on Essure MD before you go for the HSG follow up. That way you’ll know immediately if they are in a good position and properly located. I watched mine on the screen on the radiologists wall and immediately started balling before they even ran the dye in b/c I knew they’re not supposed to be coiled up in a circle! Also, I read a woman’s post who took llike 600mg of Advil at like midnight, and then every 4 hours up until her HSG to prevent any cramping. Then she I think was also given a mild valium 30 minutes before. I’m hoping that makes your experience more comfortable for those ladies that saw these posts after you already had devices placed. I googled HSG before I went and thought that doing the Advil and accepting the meds before like the other girl would help, and it did I believe. My opinion…just another thing that the DOCTOR should explain more clearly!

  648. LaToya says:

    Well, I have had the procedure since 2007 and I will say at first it wasn’t all that bad but as time has progress my periods are horrible! I never had cramps and now I have cramps that are so bad I am bed ridden for at least 3 days! I also found out that one of the implants is lodged in my uterus and will need to be removed! So not only do I worry about this foreign object in my uterus I worry about the one thats possibly not even blocked.

    • Sonja says:

      LaToya do you have copies of your HSG? I would like to see them. Since Essure company told me when I called them about my Essure half of it migrating out of my ovarian wall was the first time they have heard of it. My email is And please any others would like to see.
      I am curious why its so hard to find a Lawyer with this. The one that claimed is doing the Class Action is no longer moving foward with it. Not sure where do we all go next. I have a couple ideas…..
      Wish me luck tomorrow I have my surgery to remove the one Essure.
      And I wish all well whom is dealing with Essure Issues

      • Sonja says:

        Well the surgery was NOT A SUCCESS. Both of my fallopian tubes were removed, and they were both very red and inflamed. Had a follow up with my doctor and she told me that the Essures were not found in my tubes after pathology examined them. She at first try to convince me that they must have expelled out of my body. She then showed me what one looked like and the size. I was not ok with just thinking it was gone. I ended up getting a CT. And low and behold now the Essures are in my uterus. The pain I get from it now was like the other pain but more intense then before. She has now referred me over to another doctor, because of the pain. And now yesterday my stitches below my bellybutton is infected. The Essure Nightmare Goes On….
        I really wish someone out there is listening to us.
        Its not just the Essures that is the issue. Its also the doctors, not having any experience with dealing with these Essures issues.

  649. Baybe Rose says:

    Hi, my 33 yr. old daughter had the Essure procedure done. The 1st coil was inserted February 2012, the 2nd March 2012. She has been in severe pain and running fever since the 1st one was inserted. She’s been in and out of the hospital for “symptom treatments”. Her Gynecologist refuses to believe that her pain, fever & other issues are caused from Essure. We had no idea that the “springlike coils” that were inserted into her Fallopian tubes were made of metal that contains nickel. If the doctor had asked if she had a metal allergy or even told us that it was made of metal we could have avoided all of this. In our research after the fact, we found that there are a lot of women going through the same thing. We also found out that the doctor who did my daughters procedure was supposed to test her for Metal allergy prior to but didn’t & he is not even Essure Certified! We found a gr8 FB group devoted to “Essure Problems” Best Wishes To You All!

  650. ERIN SINSLEY says:

    I had to get an endometrial ablation to manage the persistent bleeding I had for over a year after having the essure procedure. I bled so much I was becoming fatigued & anemic. The coils are also causing inflammation of my uterus & I may end up needing a hysterectomy. The procedure itself was also painful as my fallopian tubes kept spasming. Beware of things that sound too good to be true…

    • Amy Maher says:

      Erin, my name is Amy. I was just wondering about your procedure because, mine also was extremely painful. My tubes were spasming and contracting, so my dr had to dialate my cervix, I was crying so bad it hurt! What problems should I look out for? Im still on the pill till my 3 mos hsg test, but after that Im so scared that Im going to bleed extremely heavy and the cramping is going to be worse than ever. This thing is really freaking me out, like Im just waiting for something bad to happen :(. Any info you can give me would be helpful…thanks!

  651. Richard Harvey says:

    It’s been 5 years since I got with my wife Before we get together her mother made her gat Essure done and now we would like to get removed but we are on a fixed income

  652. Dana Johnson says:

    In July 2011 I had to have a partial hysterectomy because I was having alot of problems and found out I was allergic to nickel and that was the only way to take the Essure out.

  653. Frustrated says:

    I had the Essure put in December 2009. Since then I’ve had so many problems! I have cramps on my sides which gets really bad when I exercise. For more than a year it was very painful to have sex, I felt so bad for my husband. I also have no sex drive at all. I’ve had irregular periods with dark tissue among it and for the past 6 months my periods are so heavy that I have to change at least every 1 1/2 – 2hrs. I also had really bad lower back pain. At times I could not even walk straight. I dealt with that less than 2 years ago and for the most part that has gone away .. touch wood. I’m also finding that I have metal smelling discharge. I’ve also been more moody and irritable than I’ve ever been. I suffer from confusion and fatigue. The worst things for my is the dizziness/lightheadedness. It’s becoming unbearable. I’ve had this ever since the procedure. 2 weeks ago and almost fainted in church. Went to the ER, had blood-work done, CT scan and EKG. Everything came back normal. I’ve been cleared from the ENT, Cardiologist and just had an appt with a Neurologist today, so far he doesn’t see anything wrong but I am going to track my MRI info down and pass it on to him, also scheduled for an EEG next week to rule anything major out. My gut says it’s the Essure coils just hoping when I see my PCM in a couple hrs she would look into that. I want it removed ASAP. I have 3 lil ones and can’t put my and their lives on hold any longer. I use to love outdoor activities but can’t run the risk of fainting. I can’t wait for the day that there’s a lawsuit against this and each and everyone that has had this product and had issues with it would be reimbursed (not that money is everything but it sure is nice to pay the bills).

  654. BETTY says:

    I had Adiana done in January 2012, then after the procedure I come to find out that has been removed from the market. When I first had to chose between Adiana and Essure, the doctor recommended Adiana because it’s made of silicon and there are less complications…So I go for my HSG and obviously one tube is still open. I repeat another HSG, just to be sure, after 6 motnhs, still same issue. My new doctor told me about some options to fix the problem including Essure, tubal ligation…Today after reading these comments I decided that Essure is not right for me and it’s not going to fix anything…It will probably cause additional problems. I’m not sure why they removed Adiana, so far I have no problems…(except for one tube that is still open, they don’t know what happened or where is the second device),but I’m very worried reading all these stories…I just wish I could trust doctors, but it’s really hard. Now I just hope I can find the way to complete the procedure with the less invasive procedure as possible and without side effects. Let me know if you have any suggestion. Also on how to find a real good OBGYN that really wants to help you and not only give you some brochures and tell you to read them…

  655. Tiffany says:

    I’ve been having pain issues since I got mine two years ago!

  656. Kari says:

    I too was told by my OB/GYN that the procedure was not a big deal and I would be going out to dinner that night like nothing ever happened. I am 46 and have a history of high blood pressure and seizures. My OB/GYN recommended Ensure after a recent ER visit with a blood pressure of 226/117. The hormonal birth control pills I am on is not working well with the blood pressure medications.

    The following week I was in his office to have the procedure. As soon as I received the injection I had a seizure. The office staff was ill prepared for any type of complication and it took nearly five minutes to get the doctor in the room to see if I was ok. Needless to say they did not complete the procedure that day. However, they were pushing to have me come back the next day to have it done; I refused.

    If you are considering having this, or any other in-office procedure done, please do your research!

    After conducting my own research; and seeing several people stating seizures are a side effect; I can “Essure” (pun intended) you I will not be having this procedure.

  657. melissabsn says:

    My procedure was a little over 2 years ago. I was told I could expect mild cramping…like period cramping. Well the pain was almost unbearable. I have a high pain tolerance. About 3 months ago, I started having a small amount of bright red bleeding after intercourse. And the right sided cramping is terrible. The bad part is I have no insurance until september. So I have to wait until then to see a different doctor and find out what is wrong. Pain is a warning. And I am worried.

    • CL says:

      Melissa–I do not mean to scare you, but I would take a home pregnancy test to have peace of mind that you don’t have an ectopic pregnancy…do it first thing in the morning for a more accurate result. Also, I personally would use back up birth control such as condoms until you can get in to see a doctor in September. The pain may mean that the coil has perforated (gone through the fallopian tube/uterus), or that it has migrated/expelled (moved out of the tube and has gone some where else). Either one of these means that you can get pregnant. Did you have your follow up HSG 2 years ago? And even if you got the green light to rely on Essure, I am sorry to tell you that it looks like the devices do NOT stay put. I hope that this helps…I’ve done a lot of researching and reading this summer…I’m in the supposed 1.8% with tube/uterine perforation, and I will require surgery to have it removed from my abdominal cavity 😦

      • melissabsn says:

        Unfortunately I did not. My gyn said it was not needed because we both “saw where they went”. I only have the pain the day after intercourse. Go fugue.

      • CL says:

        UNACCEPTABLE. Please use backup birth control for now. The other ladies at least that I’ve read about who had pain w/ intercourse/bleeding had one or both coils expel and lodge in the uterus…or had too many loops of the coil trailing into the uterine cavity. You will need to request an HSG as soon as you get your insurance back. You can also ask the doctor to schedule you for it and pay the cash price if you can afford it. I paid the cash (no insurance) price and it was $525 at the infertility doctor’s office where my doctor sends the Essure patients for follow up. If the doctor still says you both saw where they went, DEMAND she put in writing that you do not need the follow up HSG confirmation test. It goes COMPLETELY against the Conceptus, Inc.–makers of Essure–protocol for this procedure. Your story really burns me up. Be safe, and please post again if you need answers…we’ll find ’em together.

  658. Anna says:

    I had essure done as a research patient. I haven’t had any problems and I even had a barrelracing event the same night of my procedure.
    I am perfectly happy and am very pleased with it.

  659. Ginger says:

    Really Anna , you were a guina pig for these people??? WOW! How about you repost in a few months, then tell your story. I’ll bet it changes.

  660. I have had my procedure for over 3 years now and I have not experience any of these issues. I had a woman gyn and she explained all the risks and possible side effects. I did have cramping the first 3 months but I was prepared for that. I am happy with my decision other than having “that urge” as my children get older. I did not read all comments because it is SO many but has any one gotten pregnant while having it?

    • CL says:

      YES, MOST DEFINITELY. 9/20/11 Essure procedure- diagnoses sterilization V25.2
      12/02/11 Hysterosalpinogram- Essure microinserts in satisfactory placement- tubal occlusion confirmed.
      12/9/11- reports of constant cramping & pain due to devices

      4/23/12 – Sonogram/blood test (HCG quantstive) confirms pregnancy
      5/9/12 Sonogram – possibly miscarrying (threatened abortion – code 640.03)
      6/1/12 Sonogram confirms pregnancy has progressed – abnormal fetus
      6/3/12 Sonogram verifies deformities/major health issues of fetus
      6/19/12 D&C
      7/6/12 documented in dr notes: Sharp stabbing pains in lower abdomen & back ever since Essure procedure
      7/11/12 documented in dr notes: heavy bleeding, dizziness etc. ever since Essure procudure
      7/16/12 Hysterectomy -pathology report confirms that both devices are still placed correctly in tubes.
      8/18/12 all health problems listed previously have vanished since hysterectomy (back pains, stabbing pains, dizziness, etc.) Emotional & physical scars, financial setback due to situation remain. THIS IS one of the MOST TRAGIC stories I’ve heard, but I did see a post from a grandmother who’s granddaughter delivered Essure TRIPLETS not too long ago…she had her “confirmation” HSG, and the Essure doc was like “oops, nothing’s 100%.”

  661. Nicole Brunst says:

    I live in Northern Kentucky, and the ER around here has never heard of the Essure procedure. I have been feeling very off since I have had this done in November 2011. My periods are very odd and it’s not even really a period. I spot, but it’s not a normal spotting. Friday August 17, 2012….That morning the spotting that I am used to seeing and started having 2 days prior turned into somewhat of a period, but it was different this time. It was very heavy and very bad so I used a tampon so I wouldn’t bleed through my clothing. I took my daughter to school, came home and checked myself, and it turned into the odd spotting again. About 15 minutes later the bleeding picked up again. I decided to go to the ER of the hospital that I had to procedure done in Cincinnati, Ohio. They did an exam on me and told me that I has A LOT of mucous inside, but I am not pregnant which I knew I wasn’t but they do their tests too, just to confirm. They also did blood tests. My white blood cell count is 16.8% higher than the normal. I have an infection. They gave me a shot of heavy duty antibiotics and but me on 2 heavy duty antibiotic pills that I have to take twice a day for 2 weeks. They have scheduled me for a pelvic ultrasound that I will get done after I find a new OB because the ones that did this procedure won’t see me because they suck. The doctor told me that he thinks that I will have to have the Essure removed because of this infection that I have now. I guess I should also mention that I have had a smelly discharge, but the discharge is light, but no matter what, even after showers, soaking in a bath and scrubbing my vaginal area, the smell wouldn’t go away. Ladies, think about all issues and everything….Please get checked out. This is horrible. I regret this procedure every single day of my life. I hope I can get this demon out of my body so I can be normal again. Good luck to all having issues. I feel for all of you because I am there and know what you are going through and what it is like.

    • Melissa says:

      I had the same problem when I moved to TN there are people here that have know idea what it is and the questions that they ask is funny. I know what you are going through I have been that way for over the last 6 yrs in some ways it is not fun because you can not keep track of your dates. It changes your life I wish I did not have it done.

  662. Sara says:

    I got the essure implants in April 2010 and I have to say things have been horrible ever since I have heavy bleeding along with huge blood clots like when I had a previous miscarriage the clots are insane and the doctor tells me they are normal I have the worse cramps that cause me to miss work because I can’t stand up I was told when the doctor told me I was a great candidate to get the essure because I have never had a c section or a stretch mark he was like why go cutting on that belly keep it pretty and this is a in and out deal u won’t miss work there is never been a problem reported and now he tries to make me feel as if Its all in my head I have to see a pain management doctor to control the pain my new symptom is I feel like something is burning on the inside! I am to thwarted point I don’t know what to do I do not want a hyst. Because I am only 26! I want these things out! Please help if anyone can!

    • CL says:

      I think that you’ve suffered enough. I think that you’ve been nice for too long. Make another appointment. Tell the doctor that you know the truth and that you want answers…no more excuses! Tell him/her that you’ve visited and have seen the adverse events maude database for medical devices, and you know that your symptoms are not uncommon. Sara, I spoke w/ a co-worker today that had to have a blood transfusion this summer because she lost so much blood some time during the months following her Essure procedure! This is serious. I am supposedly in the 1.8% of women who had tubal/uterine perforation and one of these things is sitting in my abdominal cavity. Do you know what the doctor wanted to do? She wanted to LEAVE IT IN THERE b/c it’s “safe, flexible, and harmless.” Not only did she recommend that, but she wanted to attempt placing another device on that side. Needless to say she is NOT my doctor anymore. She has put me in harm’s way w/ her crazy advice…mind you, she told me that she was consulting w/ a company rep in dealing w/ my issue. These reps are not medically trained…they are SALESmen. Please either make this doctor help you get removal, or find a doctor that will listen to you and help you get your health back.

      • fawn mroz says:

        I had my essure done in june 08..pregnant in oct 08…one spring was lodged in my lower bowels, after i was forced to have the baby as a high risk, my NEW dr went scavaging when he tied my tube and retrieved this spring that was wound into my lower bowels, in 2011 i had to have a hysterectome because the remaining spring was sticking out of my uterus and caused scar tissue on my kidney…not to mention I had nickel poisoning….get them out NOW!!!!!!

      • CL says:

        I am so sorry to hear of what you have suffered through. If you haven’t already, please go to and file an adverse event report under the “Medical Devices” tab at the top of their home page. I hope that you are healing and feeling better. If anyone else has suffered due to these devices, you really must report to the FDA. It appears that the doctors and the company itself are NOT filing reports as they should. It is up to us, the patients, to let the FDA know what is happening to our bodies and our lives. I filed a report and it appears in their database just one month later. Following surgery I will update my report according to what is found at the time of removal. Thanks ladies….and stay strong.

  663. Dray May says:

    I got the essure and was told it would prevent pregnancies. After having it almost three years I ended up pregnant. I have had nothing but problems since the day I got it. The doctor had trouble getting it into my left tube and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have pain there. After I told my doctor it failed he said I qualified for a hystirecumy. I was excited because this is what I told him to do after my son was born. I go to him and now he wants to tie my tubes. I’m so not ok with this. I feel like he’s doing what’s going to make himself more money with family history of getting pregnant after tubes being tied. I want to be 100% positive that I won’t get pregnant. I also want to be able to have a relationship with my husband without being scared of getting pregnant. Any advice?

    • Christie says:

      Hi Fawn, before u found out about the essure lodged in ur bowel, did u have trouble having a bowel movement? i’m asking because I have trouble having a bowel movement 1st it started afte.r my HSG test & i finally got them to move regularly. but I took a colon test on June 11th 2012 & my bowels are still not moving properly. I have to take all kinds of laxatives or do whatever I can 2 make my bowels move. I’m trying so hard 2 not have 2 have a hysterectomy because of this…what should I do?

    • Dray May says:

      I just got a call today saying my doctor woke up thinking about me and how he felt like he talked me into tying my tubes instead of taking it all out like I’ve asked for, for almost eight years now. Well, I’m glad to say he has decided that this would be the best and safest thing for me. Thank God! I’m so ready for these things to be out of me! I’ve had the back pain, numbness in my fingers, legs, and sometimes feet, headaches almost everyday, dizzy spells where if I don’t sit down I’m falling down, horrible cramps, and stabbing pains to the point where I am crying it hurts so bad. I’ve had the heavy bleeding and weird color periods too. And the biggest problem yet has been that I just don’t have a sex drive anymore and sex hurts. I want to be able to have a sexual relationship with my husband. I really hope after my doctor does the hysterectomy I will return to my normal self. Has anyone else had a hysterectomy and had bad results?

  664. Ashley says:

    I had the essure procedure done about 3 years ago. I had a hard time adjusting to birth control so I decided to try the essure, bad idea. I feel horrible. Im only 25 years old and I have tingling in my hands and feet, I have extreme fatigue, and my vision has changed drasticly. Ive been to the doctor and had blood work done and they cant tell me why im feeling this way. Ive change my diet to nothing but organic fruits and veggies, and have completely cut out red meat. I also have craszy hot flashes where my ears get really hot and itchy. However the doc says my blood pressure is fine. I have never felt this way in my life. I thought getting the essure was supposed to help me, but I would rather be pregnant than feel this way everyday with no real cure!

  665. I Have the essure since 2009 and i have problem since then as well as other i see and intercourse has been the worst me and my husband love life has not been the same since this has been done and I have cramping and bad periods with lots of pain, mucus just out of the blue with a lot of burning issues I think my body is sensitive to the essure

  666. I had got blood clots after the procedure and was on coumadin for 6mo and still having pain and awful symptoms that no doctor has figure out whats going on I hope something is done we should have all been warn or they should have done more testing on this before putting it out there now we all have to suffer with compilations.

  667. Becky says:

    Thank you all for your input. I too was going to have the Essure put in just this morning but after reading your posts I just called the hospital and told them I changed my mind. I needed an ablasion but they won’t do an ablasion without sterilization so I am going to look at other avenues to take on that such as a tubal. The biggest thing that concerned me was that I am allergic to earrings that contain nickel. I have never been officially diagnosed but I think having painful, itchy, red ears as soon as I put in earrings qualifies for self-diagnosis. They also become oozy and sore for days afterwards. I certainly understand how doctors don’t listen because I mentioned these concerns to my doctor whom I just met twice, he just kinda scoffed it off as nothing. Not once did he say I needed an allergy test. So after reading all these posts and now feeling like I was almost part of an assembly line for doctors I am thanking you all for your input. I am very familiar with birth control products and their damaging effects as I have been on several such as Norplant, Depo, even YAZ, and I am very cautious now. Thanks.

  668. Magdalena Santiago says:

    I am gaining weight like crazy and I have been exercising and eating healthy and feeling chest pains, short of breath and excessive bleeding. Haven’t had a normal sex life after the essure. Please help me! I would Like the essure removed.

    Thank you for your time.

  669. Crystal says:

    I had mine placed in the first part of ’09. No issues with the placment, bleeding, weight gain, etc… Untill now. I have been having dizzy spells, hot flashes, and increasing freaquancy in headaches for about a year. Over the last two months, I have had spotting, every day. I thought that maybe I was starting menapause early, way early. I am 28. Now I am not so sure. Has anybody else had a break from placment to onset of signs and symptoms?

  670. Amy says:

    After another trip to the ER with severe pain yesterday, the results were a UTI and the finding of a cysts on my left overy to be the size of a 4 1/2 month old fetus- I have an appointment on the 5th for the scheduling of my full and complete hysterectomy. They can have it all- Essure included. I am only 35, but I would rather live my life on estrogen then with ALL of these other complication the Essure has brought into my life for the last 7yrs. Will post again with my status on recovery and life without pain while living without these stupid things inside of me.. ( I am hopeful at least)…

  671. Ginger says:

    Amy, best of luck with your hysterectomy. I’m only 37 and just had it done in feb. this year. To remove essure and I had already went into menapause . You’re right, the estrogen is much better than all the other issues essure does to us!!!

    • Amy says:

      So was it your disision to have your overys removed or did you have issues with that?? And did you have everything done laparoscopically? The doctor here says I can have it done that way, any good news about that way would be much appreciated as I hate going to the hospital for anything, and after Essure my faith in doctors ( since this was the 16th doctor I’ve seen) is very low. Although this doctor fully admitted that Essure could quit possibly be my main source of pain( holy crap- someone admitted it)- and is more then willing to remove anything I want her to, I would still love to hear about someone that had everything or anything done that way- ya know.. Thanks!!!

  672. Brittney says:

    WOW! I was going to have the Essure procedure on the 27th of this month and now Im rethinking that! They told me about the pain and the meds I would have to be on for relief and when I was told that, I was red flagged – should start listening to myself! My fiance says he would get a vasectomy but he’s a little unsure of that as well – but says if I couldnt get this done then thats what he would do. Yeah I guess Im cancelling that appointment for me to get the Essure done. I wont get steralized – all ready had a c’section 6 weeks ago – I dont want to get cut into again. I wish there was another way to prevent pregnancy that was RELIABLE!! (If anyone has any ideas – please send them to me: Thanks

  673. Joanna says:

    I had the essure procedure last week.I found it extremely painful,felt faint and very sick throughout.I was taking very strong painkillers and was still in pain the next day.

  674. KaToya H. says:

    I thought that i was crazy as hell but from all of the above responses i can see that i am not alone. I had the Essure procedure done on December 9, 2009 and my doctor advised me that it was the best decision for me since i was 24 years old and never wanted to have another child. Now at 28 years old i have severe cramps during intercourse. I called the office that performed the procedure and they stated that they don’t believe my cramps are from the Essure. I work out and i have lost weight everywhere except my bloated stomach! When I called the doctor to inform them of the issues i was having they informed me that MY PAIN DURING INTERCOURSE WAS NOT BECAUSE OF THE ESSURE. I never had painful intercourse until after the procedure was done 😦

    • Kathy says:

      I had the same problem you have and i could no longer take the pain, i bled with intercourse and my doctor would keep telling me there is nothing wrong with you. I changed my gyno when my doctor prescribed pain killers. She sent me immediately to get an internal sonogram and found that i had the essure lodged in my uterus, and i went in for emergency surgery to remove my uterus. Always go to get a second opinion, it seems that these doctors are covering the asses.

      • Sonja says:

        I currently have both of my Essure in my uterus. And my doctor says that it is properly located. (Even have the notes from the ER.) I never knew that in uterus was proper. Also one of the Essure has coiled up, looking like a circle. I have tried to call other Gyno, but no other so far will take them out. They will put them in with not an issue. I do have an appointment with a specialist still another week to go. I have to put myself on bedrest, because of regular movement around causes so much pain and all the ER will do is just give me pain med and send me out the door.

      • Kathy says:

        you have to get another Gyno with a great reputation to do the procedure. My doctor told me that once it is lodged the there is no other option but to remove the uterus, and that was told by a rep of essure that spooke to my doctor. Good luck!! repre\represenative of essure

      • Sonja says:

        I have been threw already 10 pages of Gyno (covered by my insurance.) The specialist I am to see next week does have a great reputation. (Crossing Fingers)
        Im so upset because these Essure were in my fallopian tubes, til my old doctor went in removed the tube. (At first it was only going to be one tube because it had punctured threw but while in surgery both tubes were majorly inflamed and red. So she had decided to removed both.) Then to find out after removing the tubes to take out the Essure, was unsuccessful. Now they are BOTH in my Uterus.

      • Kathy says:

        I am so sorry you are going through this. I just cant understand how they can still allow this procedure when so many women have had problems. Please let me know how you make out with the specialist.

      • Sonja says:

        Hysterectomy : Oct 15

  675. L Walker says:

    I had it done at 27 after fighting for three years to find a doctor – any doctor – who would give it to me. I don’t like kids. Don’t want kids. Every physician I spoke with wouldn’t touch me until I had squirted out a few kids. Apparently they believe that a woman could never be childfree and happy. Finally had it done. No regrets.

    • Jordan Leininger says:

      On a website one person that is documented had the coils rust out ! That’s crazy , but I do know if you are allergic to nickel you might want them removed. And your risk for pregnancy with Essure go up every year ! Which there are so many cases right now about how they got pregnant with the Essure! Even after the conformation that they were blocked 100% ! nothing is 100% so the Essure procedure is a money maker ! First Essure implant next oh you need ablation of the uterus , than still in pain hysterectomy ! Really ???! The company is making a killing and so are the physicians !!!!

    • michelle pitt says:

      its a comforting feeling to finally hear someone who has had a good experience with the essure procedure. I am like you. I have never wanted kids nor do I like them. I have wanted to get “fixed” now for a few years but the doctors wont touch me ether. I get this procedure done last year, and now all of a sudden all these women are talking about their nasty experience with it. I personally have only had 3 issues I can figure. 1. weight gain in the mid section, 2. rusty color discharge, and 3. (most recient) bleeding after sex. But I have not experienced pain as of yet. I currently plan on getting off the depo shot the beginning of the year. I have not had a normal period now for 12 years as thats how long I have been on the depo. but the newest symptom of bleeding after sex is new. I am a bit worried. My HSG says they are placed correctly, but reading all the replies who say “HSG is placed correctly” and then go in for an ultrasound to find out its in their uterus, ya thats not very comforting. did you have any of these symptoms or any mild symptoms at the begining of the essure placement?? I am curious to hear from you as I dont know anybody else who has had this essure done, nor has had a good experience with it. thanks…

  676. Ginger says:

    Hi Amy, my dr. And I both decided to remove my ovories because they were not working anyway and I also had cysts on them. I had the di Vinci hysterectomy. It’s a robot. I only had 4 small insicions, had to spend the night in hospital. And a bunch of money! I was back to work in a month. It’s been 6 mo. Since surgery, I’m very glad I went through with it. I feel much better with those stupid coils out!

    • Amy says:

      Thanks Ginger, and I’m glad to hear your doing good. On the 20th I go in for a laparoscopic look around to see what we are going to do( what all we r going to remove), just another way to make lots of money from me. O well atleast this GYN said “wow- let’s see what’s causing all of your pain”. I am soooooo frustrated, and broke from all of these doctors. Long of the short, I know that I want a total hysterectomy, I just have to wait and see if she agrees. Anyway take care and thanks for the info.

  677. Jordan Leininger says:

    I had the Essure procedure September 7, 2010 ! Since then I have had weight gain I work out 95 minutes a day eat healthy drink only water ! I have been bloated my periods have been heavy ! Pain in my back and stomach / ovaries but ultra sound nothing ! Dr says it’d hormones and prescribed me the patch birth control did not help ! I also get nasous and breast tenderness like being pregnant ! I’m constantly going to dr for pain that rules out to be normal ! I honestly know that it’s the Essure ! To many women different ages have same sytoms ! Dr.s say hormonal in your 20’s ! Hmm

  678. Amanda says:

    Has anybody gotten preggo since having the essure put in?

  679. Deanna says:

    I had it done and the doctor told me I might have pain but surprisingly I didn’t everything went smooth..

  680. Mindy says:

    I was planning on getting the Essure procedure done since my hubby has medical issues making vasectomy difficult. I hadn’t seen anything negative about Essure until I found this site. Now I’m going to trust you guys and just get back on the pill until I hit menopause in 30 years. I had issues with the Mirena IUD causing pain and ovarian cysts. I don’t think Essure is worth the risks now that I have read your posts. Thank you.

  681. Laura says:

    I too have the essure. I got it done about 5the months ago and I am glad to hear I am not alone I am getting major anxiety attacks I feel like a coward! I am not half the person I was. I thought I was perimenopausing because of he heat flashes and dizziness I was feeling. I am definately going to get this removed

  682. Kelly Coffey says:

    I had this procedure done in 2007 and have issues with my left side ever since. I experience sharp pain and it feels hot in the area that the Essure proceudre was done. My doctor that did the procedure has said it was probably scar tissue, but I want a second opinion. SHould I go to another dr in my area that is certified to perform the procedure to get a second opinion.

  683. Crystal says:

    I am scheduled for essure in two weeks….i have rescheduled it two times before hand….for no reason other then kind of scared…and now after reading all of these, im thinking Forget it!!! ill take my chances being on pill at 35….sorry about all of your alls awful experiences….

  684. Jennifer says:

    So about a month ago I underwent the essure procedure. I have 2 girls and that’s all I need. I have a 5 and 3 year old. I had given this a lot of thought and my husband and I decided we were complete. I wanted this so bad because I hate birth control and I was looking for something permanent. It’s something I wanted and still want. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like I’m grieving a child I never had. I seriously don’t regret my decidion but, I don’t know why I feel this way when it was something I wanted so badly. I’m tired, confused, sad and angry. I want my life and happiness back, but I seriously cannot understand for the life of me why I am so down. Is there any one else experiencing this?

  685. Kari says:

    I had essure done in march of 2011. In September of that year I had problems 2 whole months of bleeding and passing blood clots. Now for the last month I have felt like crap with back pain, stomach pain and no period. If anyone else has any info about this problem. Please let me know because my doctor only would call in pain pills and birth control to help out with the problem..

  686. Valarie Wallace says:

    Its crazy to read all of these and see so many women having the same problems I have been since I got this done in August of 2010. And right now I feel like I dont belong in my body. Been in so much pain, I cant eat or go number two from the pain and just wanting to throw up. During the last week I have felt like I am pregnant and I am afraid to find out. I have had issues from the moment this things were put in and never did the 3 month check at the time since my gyn shut my system down from all the pain I was in that was prior to the essure going in and worse since then. I thought maybe I was crazy and no one could find anything wrong. Come Monday I am calling my new gyn to talk about all this cause I know something is wrong and reading everything on here the same shit I am going through, I dont even know what to say about it.

  687. Tracie Stokes says:

    Since I have it I have the worst headache every I hate that I choose it!!!!!!!!!! Not happy at all!!!!!!:(

  688. laura mendoza says:

    I had essure procidure done on 8/10/12 my doctor told me it was the best for me. Know i have a lot of pain, it hurst when i have sex. I feel horbile all day stomach pain. Hel

  689. Felisha says:

    Wow!!! I couldn’t stop reading all of the posts. I AM NOT INSANE AFTER ALL! I have had just about every symptom that has been spoken about. I had my coils put in in 2008 and it has been horrible. The crazy thing is that I have been to so many Dr.s, speacialists etc….on medication for Fribromyalgia, vitamin d deficiancy, Rhueomo factors, Steroid cream….like I said I could just cut and paste from so many other blogs. MY HUSBAND, said to me one night, “babe I think we shoud do some research on those essures. This is the only thing we haven’t looked into.” A light went off and after reading these blogs I will be on a mission to get these things OUT! I want to have a normal, pain ree, depression free, infection free, hot flash free……you get the point life. I will be contacting my doctor, Ob, and a new Hormone speacialist to see what is the best course of action to getting this done. I am not taking no for an anwer. Thank you all for your posts and I pray that we all see light at the end of the tunnel.

  690. melissabsn says:

    Well. I have an appointment with a different GYN than the one who did the Essure. Waiting in the waiting room as I type this. Nervous. I have imagined everything terrible that could be. I will keep you all updated. Pray for me!

  691. melissabsn says:

    In the waiting room waiting to see wht the problem is. Using a different GYN. Nervous. I have imagined everything terrible that I could think of. It’s time to find out the truth. Pray for me please!!!

  692. melissabsn says:

    Well I had my appointment with a GYN that DID NOT place my Essure. Just as a refresher: right sides pain, severe pain. Bright red bleeding etc. much like everyone else.
    The MD that places the Essure did not do the follow up test that checks placement and tubal scarring.
    I have an ultra sound on the 12th and it if nothing else looks “wrong” I will be having my tube removed completely. Stents and all.
    Anyone who does not know!!! FYI the follow up test is FDA mandated in the US.
    So my next question for my NEW doctor will be: if that test had been done, would this be a problem now.

    Any one who may decide to have this procedure. It sounds great in the beginning. However, there are so many peoe that are having problems. Research your doctor. And the procedure. And make sure it is done BY THE BOOK!!

    • Sonja says:

      My doctor went to do the same- took tubes out to remove Essure.
      Now both Essure are in my Uterus. (Make sure you have your doctor take pictures / And document all on the Essure.)
      Now looking at Hysterectomy.

    • Sonja says:

      Also be better to get CT.

  693. Amy says:

    Hysterectomy set for the 8th of November. So excited to not feel this way anymore!!!!

  694. […] weird gyno symtoms, like unusual bleeding, cramps, bloating, etc. You may want to read up on that.…e-among-women/ Last edited by crwritt; Today at 11:28 […]

  695. Mary says:

    Im still bleeding after 2 and a half months since the procedure. Help!?!

  696. Katie says:

    I hope I am not regretful. I had essure done last Wednesday. No pain, very light spotting, I have felt bloated since though. For the women who have gain weight. How much hve you gained and did u plateau or does I keep going up??

    • melissabsn says:

      I had my stents placed in 2010. For the last 4-6 months I have had pain after intercourse and bleeding. My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday. They are going to remove my tubes and anything else that is causing a problem. I would advise against having Essure.

      I just noticed an ad for Merena IUDs. Maybe someday we will have options too.

      • Katie a says:

        I saw that ad for Mirena on tv too and cringed cuz I had it for 3 months and hated it!! I had sharp pain all time on my left side and cramping and spotting endlessly! I also gained about 15 pounds with this damn thing!! I always felt bloated and just uncomfortable! The minute they took it out I felt instant releif! I felt like myself again that day! I do not want any more kids so I got the essure. The proceedure was what I expected. Wasn’t a joy to have done but was fine. I cramped very mildly for the afternoon and it was gone by the evening. My bleeding lessens everyday. It’s only been about 5 days. I don’t know if its in my head or if I am just really scared now because I am reading all of this but I have the same bloating and uncomfortable feeling as with the iud. I have no pain what so ever with essure… Yet. I am so sad for all of you who are suffering! I hope you all find releif and thank you all for speaking out!

      • Christie says:

        Sorry ladies, i don’t think a hysterectomy will make anything better. Have any of you been on the PTLS website. I’m pretty sure this will give u more insite on our problems.

      • Christie says:

        Tubal ligation and essure need 2 be put to an end by us women!!! visit the Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome website and you all will see why!!!

  697. Katie a says:

    Quick question for those who have the coils in their uterus, why is it that the whole uterus needs to be removed?

  698. vikilani says:

    Thank God I’m not alone with Essure problems, anyone know of a good Dr. in Minneapolis to help Me. I have lots of severe pain.

    • melissabsn says:

      I don’t know any doctors there. But go to the hospital in the OB department. They will tell you. Then check and see if there is any malpractice or sanctions against that doctor. OB nurses will be the ones to know.

      I had my stents and tubes removed Tuesday. Still sore and recovering. Hope it’s over now.

  699. Diana says:

    Has anyone had hip pain on both sides as well as low back pain? I had Essure procedure done almost two years ago (Dec 2010) and in March I began to have severe hip pain. It’s so bad I can’t sleep on either side. My menstrual cycle is pretty regular, but I now have heavy bleeding which I never had before. Intercourse is sometimes painful. Could my hip pain be from Essure?

    • Diana says:

      Also….who do we sue for this? Did Essure know there would be problems with their product? Did the FDA not check it out enough? Did my Dr. not do something correct? I’m pretty afraid right now!

    • Christie says:

      Yes I have hip pain…I have damn near every symptom on this page that any and every woman has named. With the exception of bad periods, i don’t think my periods are that bad but I have noticed a change in my cycle because I know i came on twice last month and I haven’t seen a period yet this month!!

  700. Linda says:

    I had the Essure done in 10/09 and have not had any problems with it. It was my only option due to complications from scar tissue from endometriosis. Sorry to see so many woman having problems.

  701. Heather White says:

    I had Essure done June 2012 and in the last month have been feeling very tired, as if I am sick all the time, nausea, hot flashes, and very bad migraines.I have back pain also but am unsure if it has to do with essure or the fact that I have an anterior angulation of the coccyx. Just in the last week I have started to have very sharp pains on the left side and have been worried about it.I have extra weight in the mid section but am unsure if that is due to essure or givin birth almost 6 months ago.My dr also never told me of any complications with this procedure and now I am regretting having it done.If there is a lawsuit I want in on it! I would rather have a hysterectomy than deal with this for the rest of my life.Please keep me updated on any news about this procedure you can email me at
    Thank you!

  702. Maribel says:

    Here is the link to the new petition that was created. The last petition did not receive 1,000 and was closed. This petition is against conceptus the makers of essure – we are trying to get the essure off the market so it no longer hurts any women!

  703. CK says:

    Ladies, I had mine inserted in Dec of 2005. The procedure itself was painless. The recovery was a breeze.The die test yielded success. However, after about 3 years, my body began to change rapidly. Periods lasting much longer than usual and extremely heavy flows. Intense cramping similar to child birth. Back pain that makes me completely immobile. Random “Charlie Horses” in my calfs that are excrutiating. Depression and anxiety.Weight gain that cannot be controlled no matter what I do. Feeling weak and lethargic for no apparent reason.Tingling in my fingers and toes. These symptoms have been getting worse and worse. At my Doctors recommendation, I started taking anti anxiety pills, anti depressants and birth control pills to try and curb some of these symptoms.Unfortunately, the birth control had made it worse!. Essure has taken complete control of my body and life. I am only 30 years old and feel like i am middle aged. If you re considering this procedure, DO NOT DO IT! It’s reassuring to know that I am not alone. I wish everyone luck as they try to “correct” themselves after suffering with Essure.

    • Angie says:

      I had my procedure done in 2008 and regret making that decision. Ever since I have had it done, I have had nothing but complications. I feel like it aged me, I’m moody irritable, have horrible cramps when I get my period and currently I’m having doubts that I’m pregnant. I want them out, I too have had the weight gain. I told my doctor in my last visit that I noticed my periods were heavier, I was moodier and what did he suggest, he prescribed Zoloft. I have major anxiety each time my period is going to come and after reading all these posts now I know what has been causing all my issues these past 5 years. I really do hope I am not pregnant.

  704. toni says:

    thank you ladies for all of your stories, i was debating whether or not i should do this but after hearing about all the horrible problems, i am throwing away the brochure i just got at the doctor’s office today!

  705. ann says:

    anyone who feels they may have had an essure procedure done to them in the 90’s without their consent and had all these symtoms with other doctors refusing to see them saying they already have a doctor
    or you can remember comments from a physician commenting about how you wouldn’t of had any problem getting pregnant, or remember any racial comments made in an exam and them you started experiencing these symtoms and (Doctors from Rockford IL and refusal to see you from Chicago when you never even listed the Dr on the forms and were told you already have a Dr. , or had appt. cancelled before you ever got there to explain what is wrong and told you already have a dr. please answer this.

  706. Judy says:

    I had my implants put in Jan 2009 and I can list off all my problems on here, but here’s what I have to say. The most tramatic experience a woman’s body goes through is child birth. A magical time puts countless stresses and wear n tear from the inside out. I am heading into a new cycle of life as I am now into my 30’s and I had my 3 children in my early 20’s. My body is changing and I have aches and pains but I can’t see how it relates to implants. I was tempted to get them removed after months of severe abdominal pain and vast array of unexplainable doctors visits. As I found out it was due to the mass amount of stress from my divorce. After it was settled and I moved on and found reason to wake up without worry, I didn’t hurt. I walked more, drank more water and overall felt good. As for bleeding, I have the rare late and very late periods and the more recent one led me to think I was literally going to bleed to death. But looking back on my history.. I haven’t been 110% regular since having children. I did my research and everyone’s outlook and experience is different I know. But, Im a woman too, and I had the same problems as well. I signed up for it so I accept the challenges and the outcome. If you sign up for the military are you going to look for a reason to sue because you can’t wear your hair down? Or have a job that requires you to wear steal toe boots and litigate because they make your feet ache? I think there needs to be alternative measures other than getting “sue-happy” because it didn’t turn out the way you expected. You put a metal foreign object INSIDE your body.. of course it’s going to have side effects!

    • Megan says:

      While I understand what you have to say here, I feel I must point out that you are pinning the “sue-happy” phrase to thousands of women. I had my implants in October, and I have been miserable since. My symptoms seem countless someday’s. I can speak for myself as well as plenty of other women I am sure when I say this: I do NOT see my agony as some sort of cash cow, by any means. I am simply on a mission to put the word out there, and the “word” is simple. For most women, Essure is not what it and it’s practicing doctors make it out to be. I could relate with your last sentence a little more if my implanting doctor had made me aware of these life altering side effects BEFORE I had them put in. But just like many women out there, my doctor had only a handful of things to say; the procedure was a safe and painless alternative to permanent birth control via Tubal Ligation. He didn’t inform me about the part where I would spend days, weeks even, in agonizing pain. Or about how I would suddenly be tired beyond reason and have a hard time decorating my house for Christmas with my three year old son. Essure nor it’s doctors warn it’s victims of the possible life changing “side effects.” They need to be listing the good along wtih the bad, this way in the future women can make an educated decision. Among feeling like pure junk almost everyday of my life, I also feel betrayed and bamboozled. I am glad that you can have the outlook you do and overlook your symptoms, but that does not mean that every woman out there can be as positive about something as debilitating as Essure has turned out to be for some.

    • Karen says:

      I was advised that due to all 3 of my children coming pre-term that to have another child would possibly kill me and my child might not make it. I have had these implants since 2008. I was never advised they had nickle in them (I am allergic) and I am allergic to contrast fluid so an HSG test is not for me…..was never even advised about the HSG test. Everything was fine for a few years then it turned BAD. Most recently I spent 3 1/2 days in the hospital with pulmonary embolism, had a pulmonary angiogram, had a coronary angiogram and various other tests performed on me. You know what has been determined MY BODY IS REJECTING THE IMPLANTS that I was advised was 100% safe. Now since I had the pulmonary embolism my doctor will not perform the hysterectomy sicne I am now high risk, oh yeah I cannot take hormones to control the bleeding due to the blood clot problem and I am in severe pain but due to various allergies, blood clot problems and epilepsy as a child they do not want me on long term pain meds so I suffer. I am the single mom of 3 kids so stopping everything is not possible, yet I HURT all the time. So do I think that the people that marketed this and LIED to me about this should be punished YES. I am not “sue happy” I work for a lawyer. I just want justice. I have missed a ton of work (= $$) for the doctor appointments that can be directly attributed to Essure so yes, I would like to be reimbursed for that. I never planned to have to take all this time off and I cannot afford it.

  707. Khadija Smith says:

    I really appreciate all of you ladies information, I was just about to call planned parenthood about essure but something told me to research. Ive read most of the post and I will not be getting the procedure thanks to you! I am sorry to hear all of your side effects to this procedure, something definitely should be done about it. I just wanted to let you guys know that yours stories have saved me from making what would have been the worst decision of my life! Thank You! And I wish you all the best.

  708. says:

    I had the procedure done Feb 2009 and have gained a ton of weight! I was always 5’10 and 150# at max, now I’m 200 and no matter what I do, I can not loose weight! Just started one week ago a pain in my abdomen that literally feels like something is pinching me internally?? Anyone else experience that?

  709. Shalona Dinsmore says:

    Glad to know that I am not the only one having these My doctor thinks that im crazy when I tell him there’s constant pain and pressure on my left side. And the pain during intercourse is sometimes almost unbearable.They should really cover the cost of removalfor those of us who are having these problems. This procedure was explained to us as being the best option with near no side effects.

  710. Nikki says:

    I had my essure procedure 4months post partum. My husband was deployed at the time. I got a car accident 5 days later. I have had double periods for the past 5 months where my periods have lasted at least 10 days. My husband has returned home and it is very painful to have sex. I bleed every time! I even have pinkish orangish redish discharge the whole month. I have had severe back pain and headaches everyday this month. Im always hot/ sweating, emotions are all over, insomnia from pain, sharp shock pains in vaginal canal… List goes on..What is wrong with me?

  711. Has anyone here had an infection since having the Essure procedure done? Not just any infection, like you tell something was different in your female area that was just strange or not normal to you? Started feeling lethargic and just crappy?

    • Nikki says:

      Well my discharge is either orange pink or red… And I’ve been having that, an abdominal mass and heavy periods 10+ days…

      • Hope says:

        I was just at my dr.’s office yesterday. She said this was the best ad easiest way of permanent birth-control. I was so happy because I could return to work right away. But OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank god!!!! I got on this page. I had no idea of what these woman where going thru.
        I am older than my husband and I would bet you my life that my marriage would end up in divorce. It’s bad enough that menaupose is just around the corner. imagine not even being able to enjoy sex and being in pain all the time complaining. No I don’t think so. I will just wait for all this pain to come natural because of my age not because of something I decided to insert. Now my question is what birth control am I going to take ? 😦

  712. Laci says:

    I had the procedure done 4 weeks ago. Since then I have not had a period, but I have experienced the tingly extremities and abdominal pain. It is very painful to have sex and I bleed like crazy after having an orgasm.

  713. I have an appointment with the same place that did this procedure today 11/20/12 at 3:40. I am not seeing the same doctor who did this procedure though. I requested a lady doctor hoping that she will understand, listen to me, and help me get these foreign objects out of my body. If not, then I won’t know what to do. I am going crazy and I am so miserable. I just hope I can have this crap taken care of and soon.

  714. My appointment went great! I am getting these things removed!!! They didn’t fight with me over it or anything. I have to wait for the scheduler to call me to schedule my surgery date. I forgot what they called it but they are going in via laparoscopy to remove the coils, and then tie/burn or whatever my tubes shut. I hope you all can get these things removed too. They told me I had post-essure pain and it is VERY COMMON!!!!!

  715. Sara says:

    I had mine done in 2005, I noticed my period changed, I never had cramps or heavy bleeding unitl I had this procedure. Now I havent had my period since September, I have taken 4 pregnancy tests all negative. I have on and off minor cramping, 10lbs weight gain in a month. Has anyone else had these symptoms? Mainly the missing period?

    • ellen401972 says:

      Yes , I have the same thing going on and it is driving my husband and I crazy. I don’t know how much more I can take of the pains. I even bleed after having sex with my husband for 2 days .

  716. Darci says:

    I had my essure done this morning and i started pain this evening, severe bloating pain in my whole stomach area. No pain where the precedure was done. No cramping or tingling, I took Naproxen but does not seem to help the stamach pain. Is this normal?

  717. Rebecca says:

    Thank you for setting up a site like this. I am having my Mirena removed due to all sorts of issues it has been causing and am trying to find an alternate method. I know now that this is not something I am interested in and am starting to believe the pill really is the safest method with the fewest/least severe complications.

  718. Angie says:

    Hi Angie

    Thanks again so much for your chat with Erin. It was so powerful.

    Here is the link to the chat, simply download and play. If you have any problems with it let me know.

    Also, if you come across anything that you think Erin should know about, or information we should post on the site, let me know. We’ve been so heartened, like you, in having many women who are considering Essure, Google, “Essure Procedure,” notice Erin’s site, read the stories and change their mind, and then let us know. It’s awesome!

    [audio src="" /]

    Thanks again Angie


  719. Meagan says:

    I had the essure procedure two months ago and I am still having bleeding and pain. When my obgyn did the procedure he placed one of the coils a little too far in and I think I may have a perforation or something. My doctor keeps down playing it to me and saying that the depo vera shot I got as back up birth control is causing the bleeding. However I had the shot a month before the procedure and did not bleed then. The pain seems to be worse the more I am active. Intercourse is painful and the bleeding is much worse afterwards. My periods are much heavier now and more painful. I have a pinchy feeling all of the time especially if I move a certain way too fast. I am going to have an xray done to determine the location of the coils and to make sure there isnt a perforation.

  720. Debbie Bransucm says:

    I had the procudre done 6 years ago, and have not any problems until now. I have not had a period since August this year, and have horrible hot flashes & night sweets.I also have been experiencing lower back pain as well. I am 44 years old and thought maybe I was starting menapause, but my gyncologist had a blood test done and it came back negative for any form or menapause. He put me on a hormone to regulate my system, but it has not helped. He is puzzled as to what it could be and so am I unless it has something to do with the essure implants

    • sharon says:

      I had the procudre done in 2007, I have not had a period since October 2012, and have horrible hot flashes & night sweets.I also have been experiencing lower back pain on my right side as well. I just turned 43 years old in November thought maybe I was starting menapause that not the case.I reallyfeel that i was mislead into this nightmare by my Doctor he told me that i could’nt get the old fashison way due to an old scare from when i had an Hernia removed when i was younger.

  721. May says:

    I will like to thank everyone for the valuable feedback, I was considering Essure but now is out of the questions.

  722. Tina says:

    I heard about this product from a co worker because m husband and I were going back and forth on who was going to get fixed after my pregnancy in 3 months. I am very thankful that I did my research on the product. Honestly it sounded too good to be true. I am very heart broken after reading all of these stories and can not believe that this product is still available to woman. I am now going to inform my co worker and prepare her of the stories that i have heard. This way, if she comes across any symptoms, she will not over look them. I wish nothing but the best for all you woman that are in pain.

  723. johannah lancaster says:

    My name is johannah and im 29 yea rs old I was so happy to have found this site I had got the essure done three years ago. I have been miserable since then pain infections ect…my left side in slways in pain I have been to a bunch of doctors just want them out just take everything. ….I have three kids single mom and hate feeling this way im in youngstown ohio and just want them out any advvice I even haveing problem with intercourse and my bladder I alway got to go no matter how many atibiotics I been on and I never gained weight I lost 87 lbs but not in a health way im always tired and hurting

  724. Yvette Nunley says:

    I just had essure placed on Dec 18. Since placement I have experienced constant dizziness, nausea , anxiety, feeling like electricity is moving through my body, fatigue and joint pain. I’m terrified , my Dr days it’s not the essure. I have read on blogs and forums that many women are having theses symptoms . Can this be removed ???

  725. Joanne says:

    I just delivered my 6th baby in June. I live in Boston, MA, and delivered in one of the best hospitals in the country – since it was a 6th repeat C-Section, mine was a high-risk delivery and highly unusual even for the hospital. My doctors tried pushing Ligation and Essure and IUDs – to their horror, I flatly refused. I don’t plan on having any more pregnancies and am not overly religious or anything; however, what I believe and firmly stand by is this: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” From personal experience, I cited the following examples:

    Ligation – Aunt’s co-worker had urethra nicked while this procedure was performed – she was sick and miserable and had to undergo further surgery to correct the issue;

    Essure – Printed Blogs (that shut them up pretty quickly)

    IUDs – I personally know 3 women who had their IUD perforate their uterus – 1 of whom ended up w/it lodged in another organ – ALL of whom required additional surgery.

    Please consider, doctors and pharmaceutical companies are as thick as thieves – just like any other prescription medication, there are incentives for doctors pushing these procedures – namely FINANCIAL incentives. Take care of your bodies – use birth control pills, even diaphragms are much more comfortable these days (Canada has universal healthcare so they push diaphragms because they are low-cost and effective – not in this country, they want to keep the money flowing for pills, surgeries, etc.), spermicide (can be found online and strong enough to be used alone or can be used w/diaphragm) – now that I have decided not to have more pregnancies, I have a diaphragm (which I had to battle my doc to get and which cost less than $10 – spermicide cost less than $15) and either use that w/spermicide or just use the spermicide alone.

    Educate and empower yourselves and don’t be afraid of facing scrutiny from doctors who think an education and a title gives them the right to criticize or look down at you for the choices you make for your body – keywords here are YOU and YOUR – and only YOU know YOUR body best.

    For what its worth, my advice is this:

    CONTEMPLATE – NEVER agree to ANYTHING discussed w/your doctor w/o telling them you will take time to think about it and discuss it w/your partner (if you wish) and get back to them;

    RESEARCH – ALWAYS research any info, medications or procedures discussed w/your doctor BEFORE making any definitive decisions;

    BE EMPOWERED – Knowledge is Power, ladies, and the doctors don’t like when they have to combat the scrutiny of an informed, educated patient. Know that when they make a face or try to dissuade you from your position on an issue, you should never feel intimidated or insecure because its the doctors that are intimidated and insecure from the knowledge and confidence with which you confront them.


    These stories are heartbreaking and my thoughts and support are w/you all. Please empower yourselves, its the only way to stop these medical nightmares. For those of you seeking reversal, print the blogs of Dissatisified Essure Patients – then print the info available on Essure Reversal and blogs of success stories – bring all of this information with you to your doctor and let them know you are educating and empowering yourself and that if they choose not to help you or address the issues you are having that you WILL pursue the issue through all legal avenues available. Note that each state has a Medical Licensing Board where complaints can be filed – not to mention each Health Insurance Provider – most complaints can be filed online or via phone. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the oil so start squeaking! What do you have to lose? Can the doctors – or anyone – possibly make your life worse than lingering in the Purgatory of chronic, insufferable pain and discomfort?

  726. Joanne says:

    By the way, ladies, since this device is FDA Approved, complaints can also be filed w/the Food and Drug Administration, a federal government agency.

    In addition to filing complaints w/the FDA, you should also complain to your local and state legislators to do something about this medical nightmare. If you can complain to the Federal Government, then you can certainly complain to state and local government – take your lives back and let your legislators know you will make your voice heard one way or another because, if nothing else, you hold the power of your vote.

    Take Care and Best of Luck to all in taking your lives back and regaining your sense of well-being.

  727. Janice terry says:

    I have had several issues since having the essure procedure just over a year ago. Unexplained weight gain, pain, irregular cycles (40 day cycle and then a 23 day cycle), insomnia, etc. I want it reversed. 😦

  728. Amanda Lama says:

    I had Essure implanted in2007. One came out 1 1/2 years later leading to a pregnancy. The doctor performed a dye test comforming that the tube was still closed. Obviously it was not. After having my 4th child he went ahead and performed sterile ligation. I was unaware that the second coil was still in place. So now in 2012, I was having extreme pain in my abdomen and back. After an ultra sound, the second coil was confirmed to be dislodged in my uterus creating polyps, heavy mentural cycles, painful intercourse and constant pain. Now I have to have surgery for the third time.

  729. yolanda says:

    I had mines done june 2010 . Just having pain left tubes and lower back..and nausea ..just pregnancy symptoms. I can feel coils in tubes. Sex painful and i bleed. Getting them checked keep feeling pregnancy symptoms.

    • Angie says:

      hi yolanda, that’s how I have been feeling lately today. Very nauseous and I feel discomfort in my right pelvic area. I’m leaving work today and buying a test. I want these things out of me.

      • Melissa S says:

        I have seen everything that you all have said I have had the essure for all most 7 years now it has been nothing but pain from day one at one point my wieght was all most 200 lbs but I change the way I do things and it has help some not much I too would like these things out but some of these doctors say they are still the best thing and all women that have stated things about this are wrong there is nothing that provs that this is what it is Wish that there was a lawyer that would talk to women like as and not just the otheres with what was that othere thing that they were trying to get women to use .

  730. Wanda says:

    I had my procedure done in 2007 in office was not put to sleep. I have had no complications at all. My Physician travels the Globe to train other Dr’s how to do the procedure. Maybe it’s lack of experience?

    • Melissa S says:

      Has nothing to do with experience at all my doc told me that same thing and was wrong. They will say anything to get you to do it

  731. tonya davis says:

    I had essure implants 7 years ago and I have horrible stomach pains.when I got them it was supose to be the easy quick way to tie my tubes but,I wish I wouldn’t have got pains are so bad that I cry and it feels like someone is ripping me apart.when I have sex my stomach will hurt for days.can you tell me if this is due to the implants andwhat should I do about it.this is the first time I’ve heard about complications form this

    • shereese says:

      u need to see a doctor, essure is related to alot of problems, your doctor is probably goin to tell u the same thing my dumb ass doctor did get a hysteroctomy. im 27. im saving up to pay for essure reversal. i want another baby, i just hope its possible. if a coil comes on and loges into your uterus, there gonna want to do a hysteroctomy. i wish i wouldnt have did it…. your doctor is gonna try to make u think youre crazy. be firm and stay grounded. essure is killing us… i know it

  732. Franshawn says:

    I had essure done 5 years ago. I’m now having pain during sex, and lower back pains, cramps that is out of this world. Help I’m not sure what to do now. Looking for a new doctor!

  733. Jen says:

    I had the procedure done in Oct of 2012. I was lied to, the procedure was very painful. I have had 3 C-sections and never had pain like that. Afterward I started being sick all the time, running fevers and had daily headaches and pain and vomiting. I made a different Doctor remove them almost exactly 3 months after having the Essure procedure done. I have been on numerous medications between Oct and now. At least I am finally starting to feel better.

  734. Tiffany says:

    I had Essure put in a little over a month ago. I have had a lot of issues. The actual procedure was very painful. I had tears in my eyes. And since I have had cramps almost constantly, I get light headed often. My doctor says it should be painless and maybe the cramps are from something else. But I know they’re not. And my period since lasted almost 2 weeks and MUCH heavier. Usually I bleed only 2-3 days. I wonder if I can have Essure removed.

  735. Dawn says:

    Also had Essure, 2/11. Had every horrible, incapacitating symptom mentioned for a YEAR — wanted to die. After numerous discussions with my GYN, he had me come in. Ended up finding 2 very large ovarian cysts, and finally had my doc convinced to remove the Essure. Had them robotically removed, along with the cysts, 2/2/12 (Dr. Brian Bear, @ Women’s Pavillion, West Allis Memorial Hospital, Wisconsin) — felt 1000% better when I woke up from surgery! My doc couldn’t believe it. He was the leading Essure doc in Wis and I think is now probably the leading Essure “remover” in Wis. Forward 1 year… from having my immune system so taxed for that 1 year, I now have an Auto-immune disease called Morphea (horrible purple patches all over my torso, underlying scar tissue, joint pain, etc.) Whatever you do, just get the coils out of you by an experienced Doc (hard to find). If you’re having problems since you had the Essure put in, these problems can cause ongoing problems for years to come — just get them out!

  736. I had Essure placed in September 2011. There was difficulty in placing my left coil and immediately following I began to experience more frequent nausea than normal along with lower back pain. When I ovulated or had my period I was in so much pain that I ended up requesting narcotics from my doctor. There is nothing like needing to take Percocet for menstrual pain. In May 2012 I was hospitalized for Colitis. I was on morphine for a week. One day my doctor overheard me explaining to my son why I was sick and where the “bad bug” was hurting me. He ordered a pelvic ultrasound and found an ovarian cyst. I followed up with my OB who requested another ultrasound to confirm the size of the cyst. The second ultrasound showed that I did not have a cyst at all and instead had a hydrosalpinx. A hydrosalpinx is a fluid filled fallopian tube. She showed me how easily it could have been diagnosed by a technician not trained to look for abnormalities within the fallopian tubes. My OB and I decided that surgery would be my best option to remove the portion of my fallopian tube that was filled with fluid. That surgery was performed August 13, 2012. After the surgery my pain did not decrease and in fact became much worse. A month later my OB left the practice and I was assigned a new doctor who took my claims seriously. She explained that the Essure device was not removed from my fallopian tube and that only a portion of the tube had been removed. I told her that I wanted Essure out so that I could finally be pain free. She explained the necessity of a hysterectomy and we went over the risks and benefits. On November 14, 2012 I underwent a hysterectomy and while my doctor was looking she discovered many other problems. My right fallopian tube was covered in cysts and severely inflammed. There were also many other issues going on inside of me which she was able to correct. She determined that all my symptoms were a direct result of Essure and agreed to file a report with the FDA on my behalf. I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis and my left ovary had become fused to my bladder. She was unsuccessful at saving that ovary and on January 16, 2012 she performed another surgery to remove it. When she went in during my third surgery she discovered that once again my ovary had fused to my bladder.

    I have since contacted Conceptus and the told me that I clearly was having an allergic reaction to the nickel and that there was nothing they could or were willing to do for me. It was the implanting doctor’s responsibility to inform me that the product contained nickel and I never should have undergone the procedure due to my hypersensitivity to it.

    Just before my hysterectomy I found a Facebook group called Essure Problems. They have been a tremendous help in my journey and have shown me that we are not alone. We have also caught the attention of Erin Brockovich who has started a website and petition for us. Our goal is to attain 1,500 signatures so that we can begin the process of changing the medical pre-approval laws that prevent us from being able to sue Conceptus. If you were harmed by Essure or know someone who has I ask you to help join in our fight and sign our petition.

    • Whoops! I had surgery on January 16, 2013 to remove the ovary, not 2012.

    • shereese says:

      i just prayed for u… your story is horrific, im just glad that u were eventually blessed with a doctor who cares, i havent been that fortunate. i will continue on my jorney of trying to find someone who cares, enough to help me

  737. Charli lee Zovak says:

    I have been having lots of problems with the Essure. My doctor told me it was like the Marina, and it was reversal but it isn’t as easy as that. I have to come up with over $8,000 to get it out and to be done with my pains. I have had the Essure for 2 years and I have been in more pain now than I have ever be in. I’m always bleeding and sick from the pains. I lost my job and everything. I really need help I don’t now were to go for help.

    • Brittney says:

      I know that in some states medicaid will cover your medical bills if you have a lot of them in a short time and you do not have insurance. I would say seek help now and worry about money later. That is what I will have to do as well. I’m not sure where to go for help as far as a doctor that will believe that the essure is what is causing the problem. I haven’t found one yet. Good luck

  738. Brittney says:

    I had the procedure done March of 2011 and I did not realize that it was the essure causing my problems until I stumbled upon this blog. I have gained 30 pounds since getting the essure. I wish that was the only problem. I too have been experiencing very painful sex, swollen uterus, pain in my abdomen from the swelling that hurts my ribs in effect making it painful to breathe, shooting/stabbing pain in my hips and legs, lower back pain, nausea, and periodic periods where I feel that I am going to pass out. I am 23 years old… This is ridiculous. I called the surgeon that did my procedure this morning and made an appointment and they are “SURE” (without even seeing me) that it is not the essure causing my problems. When I had the procedure done I was told that there was no risk of complication and that I would probably experience a little cramping for the first couple of weeks while it healed. How completely irresponsible for doctors to continually recommend this without looking at the effects it is having on women. I want this out, I am so afraid that it is just going to keep getting worse. 😦 If anyone gets a petition going please e-mail it to me I will be sure to sign it. I would not want anyone else to go through this.

  739. LaTasha Unseld says:

    Hi Ladies,

    I thought mine was all in my head. I had the procedure done four years ago. The first two years were fine, but all of a sudden my periods were a lot heavier and with significant size blood clots. My lower abdomen is tender and sometimes hurts when you touch it, my back hurts off and on and it’s painful to have sex. I’ve never had these problems until after I had the procedure. I told my gyne about the periods and blood clots and he just suggested putting me on birth control pills. I think this has a lot to do with ESSURE. I’m looking for some answers.

    • Michelle says:

      Demand an ultrasound. See my post on March 9th telling my story. Very similar to yours.

      • LaTasha says:

        Hi Michelle,

        I ended up getting a second opinion. The second doctor did a vaginal ultrasound and now I’m going to have a Hystersonogram to find out what else is going on inside of me because there was a cause for concern. After that is done, the second doctor will do a total laparoscopic hysterectomy. I’m scared and nervous at the same time.

    • Rachel says:

      Latasha, I was wondering how you are doing now. I don’t see you on the face book page any longer. 😦

  740. CorleyLPN says:

    Hello I had the Essure done in April 2012 and it almost has been a year.. I have had no side effects.

    • goobergal says:

      I had my procedure done in August 2011 but did not have symptoms until November 2012.

      • Rachel says:

        Please visit face book and search “Essure Problems”. You will find over fifteen hundred women. You can also vist and find a slew of information there as well. Here is a website link that a Doctor speaks out directly about Essure and the problems that it causes.
        I am planning a hysterectomy in the very near future. I have had Essure since the end of July 2012. I started getting sick right after the procedure in August. I kept getting sick. I was near adrenal failure in the hospital 3 weeks ago when we figured out the problem. My PCP thinks that the metal toxicity just builds up kind of like the inflammation it causes. I have my hair being tested as we speak. It should be in next week to see if I have a toxic level if metal. I’m betting I do. He just cleared me for surgery today. Please also be aware there are many pregnancies from Essure as well, even after occlusion. The coils are known to migrate into the uterus and have been found fused to other organs in many women. Please visit face book.

  741. […] health consequences, from annoying to deadly, whether chemical, bioactive, or surgical, for men and for women. Charting your cycle and avoiding these side effects is good for your health and good for your […]

  742. Debbie says:

    I had my essure put in in Jan 2008. I was in pain the moment they were put in, the left side worse than the right. I went to bed that night and when I woke up my back, legs and stomach (uterus) was in pain. By day 3 it was gettig hard to get up out of a sitting position. I called the doctor who saw me that day and she said there must be something else going on and to give it a few days. By day 5 I was unable to walk without support and again called the doctor who still insisted it was not the procedure and sent me to a physical therapist specifically for womans issues. This physical therapist who was obviously trying to find some physical reason for my pain tried every thing to explain my pain but could find nothing. My doctor gave in and removed the essure the next day. Within maybe half an hour I was able to walk and my pain was about 80% gone. I did call essure as did the doctor, the had no explaination for what happened to me. They said they didnn’t have any other reported cases. Needless to say because of that experience with me the doctor refused to try any other form of permanent birth control on me.

    • Rachel says:

      I am 34 years old. I had the Esure done in July of 2012. So approximately 7.5 months ago. The procedure was painful but nothing I could not handle. The pain afterwards was like post childbirth. Again that pain was the worst, the procedure was less painful. I hurt the following day pretty bad. Day after day the pain dissipated. About 3-4 months ago I started having some pain and cramping. I have experienced one weird menstration. I’m still regular every 28-29 days. However, for the last two months I have had pain in my uterine and falopean tube area. The pain radiates to my hips. I have anxiety attacks now. I have only broke out in hives once, it was around my ears, neck, and chest ( could be something else with the hives). My breasts get tender a couple weeks before my cycle. I have random diareah and random fevers or 99-99.5. I never get fevers. I have been checked on more than one occasion for STD’s. Tests are always negative. I do get sore legs occasionally but nothing I have not experienced prior to this procedure. It is peculiar that I had a copper IUD placed in 2006. I experienced the same things, except for the fevers. However, the symptoms from the IUD were much more severe. I do not have insurance. I have been to the doctor several times since this procedure. I am seriously contemplating removal. I feel bad randomly. I could be fine then all of a sudden not well with amild fever and diareah. I definitely reported the pain and cramping to my OB in Tuesday. She ran every test including HPV and found nothing whatsoever. I have not had the dye test yet because I lost my insurance coverage. I am looking into getting insurance just so that I can see about removal. I do get a swimming feeling in my head sometimes. I am sad to read that women have such problems with this procedure. One of my friends had it done about 8 months prior to mine. She has not experienced any health issues at all. I guess just like some procedures it varies by person what the outcome is.?…..

      • Rachel says:

        Well I can say that a lot changed since my first few posts here. I had things go down hill very quickly before I had my hysterectomy. I must say I thought I was slowly dying. I had my hysterectomy April 22nd 2013. I woke up in the OR and all of my symptoms along with the constant rashes had all vanished! I am struggling with some post hormonal issues but nothing like when I had the device inside my body. Removal worked for me.

  743. amber castaneda says:

    I just went back to the Dr that placed the essure in2010 to discuss my options and my pains and discomforts he told me it probablywwasn’t the essure but that I have developed endometriosis and either have surgeryor take shots to put me in early menopause bt in only 30 and my new husband want to have a baby bt he said noone in our area will take the out and reconstruct my tubes so does this actually cause endometriosis or is he covering something up plz help … Scared and confused…scared

    • Rachel says:

      I’m no health care professional. However, I would say that it wouldn’t cause endometriosis. I would get a second opinion though.

    • Rachel says:

      Amber, I would like to apologize to you about my previous comment. I actually do believe this product causes adenomyosis. I was diagnosed with it post hysterectomy. Also my cervix had hemorrhages and was covered in cysts.

  744. A.Saldivar says:

    I had the essure procedure done in Sept. 2011. I didn’t have any problems except for weight gain, bloating, tiredness and irregular cycles until this past fall. In September 2012 I had my last period (or so I thought). In October 2012 I was having excruciating lower left back pain and went to GP (2Xs) and was given NSAIDS and muscle relaxers. These did not work. January 2013, I begin bleeding, nonstop, with worse lower left back pain. Called my OBGYN when I had 2 large clots the size of apples. OBGYN did a vag sonogram and said I had cysts on my ovaries, but was not worried about those and I had thickening of the uterus wall. OBGYN took 5 biopsies and they came back normal. She talked about doing D&C and hyesteromy and put me on progesterone to stop bleeding, which it did until I stopped taking it. Then here we go again, bleeding (no big clots this time though, just small ones). I’m talking I was bleeding so bad that I could not get up from my child’s HS softball game until everyone was gone cause I had bled so bad it looked like I peed in my pants, but it was blood and this was with 2 tampon and 1 pad change in 2 hours. Thank goodness I had a big thick black blanket to wrap myself in to get home (sorry so graphic). Called OBGYN and have schedule D&C and hysteroscopy. Back pain will not go away, sometimes it hurts to breath (left side only still). Just happened to start looking on internet and came across all of this information about complications. I don’t like searching on internet about symptoms to try to diagnose myself, but I think it is worth it now I’ve read all of issues going on. I have come down with a sinus infection, due to lowered immune system and GP put me on an antibiotic. I talked to GP about problems and about what is going on to see what thoughts were and He said it is very unlikely all of this is from the essure product. He is sending me for a MRI to find out what is going on with my back (waiting for that appointment). For the first time last night I slept through the night in a long time and I think it’s because of the antibiotic. Still have pain in back, but not as bad. I’m wondering if I should go ahead with D&C and hysteroscopy (under general sedation – not looking forward to another surgery). I’m also getting very spacey in my head. Tonight I was ordering food and could not tell the server what I wanted on my burrito bowl. I was looking at the items, but could not say them so just pointed at them. Very frustrating. I’m mad about not being advised on complications before essure procedure.

  745. Elizabeth says:

    I’m so sorry to read all these stories!! I thought I’d share mine with everyone with perhaps hope with your discomfort while everyone tries to get their issues resolved medically or legally. I had the Essure procedure done in 2010. Til this day I feel this was the best decision for birth control. I feel I have had no side effects from it, but I do have to admit I have battled some serious health issues that I describe as “out of the blue” since I had the procedure done. I have never thought my out of control health issues we caused the implants, but at the same time I had no idea what was. I have never been so scared for my health in my life til these past couple of years. Was it Essure? I honestly can’t say. These are were series of events.
    1. I’m a runner. I served 4 years Active Army. I got out in 2005 I always had issues with my legs. IBUPROFEN and NAPROXIN were medicines always prescribed to me by a doctor that I took regularly during and after my time in service for tender muscles, joint pain and inflammation. Never thought anything serious. Thought this was the result for constant intense use of my legs.
    2. I moved to Indiana in 2008 and never have I had such bad issues with my allergies. I always had seasonal allergies usually in the Spring or Summer, but never in Fall and Winter. Since moving here I’ve landed in ERs with bad sinus infections, had steroid shots, Z packs,taken Zertec D, Clariton name it, I’ve tried it. I basically took these meds regularly to treat and prevent my allergies. Never have I had to take so many meds to help with allergies in my life! Never thought anything serious. Thought this was the result for moving to Indiana.
    3. I got Essure done in February 2010. I was put to sleep when I had the procedure performed. My recovery was wonderful. I had slight leakage my first dye test after 3 months. My 2nd dye test was done 3 months after the 1st. The results were a success. Last time I saw a doctor about Essure. 
    4. That November in 2010, I was diagnosed with HIGH CHOLESTEROL after going to my doc for knee pain. I was in total shock to hear this!! In fact I asked for another test because I felt they were mistaken. My legs were far more “shot” then usual. My Feet always hurt. I had went to my doctor with bad knee pain, which is common since my legs always hurt from running especially in the winter. I was just expecting to get more anti-inflammatory meds prescribed and continue on with my life. I get a call back from my doctor informing me that my cholesterol was so high that if I experience chest pain to go to the hospital, I may be having a heart attack. They were sending an order to my local pharmacy to have me take the meds immediately. How do I, a 27 year old at the time, 130 pounds at the time, who runs atleast 15 miles a week and doesn’t eat sweets, hell hardly has the time to eat, have cholesterol so high that I’m bout to have a heart attack?! I did as the doctor ordered. I knew this was serious, but I just thought I need to access my diet and work out more will help. Thought this was the result from working a job that has me sit at a desk.
    5. I was prescribed SIMVASTATIN for my high cholesterol. I took it once and had an allergic reaction causing me to wake up with hives all over my arms the next morning. I was then switched to PRAVASTATIN.
    6. Between 2010 – March 2012 My health going down hill. My allergies became out of control. I was always popping pills to treat them. Night and day. Never have I ever had to medicate myself so much. Got a scan of my nasal area in fact, results came out normal.
    *Urinary and yeast infections were always. I never had these in my life!!
    *My legs had so much pain in them. I sought physical Therapy, which worsened them. Anti-inflammatory meds were not helping. I was taking more then I ever have. I couldn’t sit or stand too long without my legs feeling painful. Numbing sensation as if falling asleep and painful tingles. Traveling was a nightmare! My husband tried to message my legs to relieve discomfort. *My running was painfully affected. My hips were affected. I felt I was losing my legs.
    *Inability to lose weight. As active as I was, it was a struggle to lose weight. I felt my running kept me from gaining, but I couldn’t lose. It made me worry if I stopped running or even working out how easily I would gain the weight.
    * More minor issues such as feeling of depression, fatigue, inability to concentrate, vision became poor.

    2012 was my final stage. I began to get Tingles, numbness, sharp prickling sensations, burning sensations throughout my feet, legs, hands and arms. It worsened at night, which caused me to have insomnia. It hurt to sit at work, so I stood. Then it hurt to stand, so I sat. I couldn’t find relief for my pain. Doctor’s did muscle tests, so many blood tests from STDs to polio. All results came normal. They sent me to a neurologist where I got an MRI. Results, normal. He told me he had no idea why I was in so much pain and the only thing he can do is prescribe me meds for my brain not to feel the pain. Enough was enough. I felt as though I was dying. I’ve always been so healthy and now I’m being told my only hope is for my brain to be medicated to not feel my body screaming. I declined. I also took myself off of the cholesterol meds as well since I felt I haven’t been the same since I was diagnosed. I just wanted to go back to what I was doing when I was my “healthiest”, which I remembered not being on medication.

    I went home and did research on my tingles. What can I do other then taking medicine to treat myself? I found an amazing website that has transformed my life. I began to read about essential vitamins that my body NEEDS to treat, prevent and cure diseases. I read all the vitamin info, every single one they have listed that site offered and wrote down notes of every vitamin I am currently having symptoms of deficiency or am interested in feeding my body for its benefits. I prioritized my list to what I felt was urgent to try treating. I started with my tingles. Each week I swapped types of food. I only ate the foods loaded with the vitamins that treat/prevent tingles. I was desperate. I ate what I didn’t like. Found creative ways to add foods to my diet. I ate balanced meals, at least 3 meals a day focusing on foods to treat what my body is telling me it needs. No processed foods, no supplements. Natural proteins, grains, veggies, fruits, dairy and healthy fats. I was in pain for 6 months and my pain was gone within 4 days by directing my diet to treating my pain. 4 days!!!! I no longer have high cholesterol. I’m running distances I have never ran pain free, no joint or leg pain, no more allergy medicine, so much more improvements that I never thought twice about and now they are gone. Every week when I make my grocery list I ask myself, what do I want to treat not necessarily what I want to eat. I had told myself I was willing to do anything, anything to get my health back…and I did. I eat to live now. I’ve had the pleasure to tell my doc at my check up that I feel better than I’ve felt in years, thanks to ME, not medication. This site is amazing and I recommend it to anyone who feels as though they are at a dead end, when docs tell you they don’t know what’s going on, tired of taking so many meds. I thank God I walked away and chose to try eating clean. I can’t imagine how my life would be if I chose to take the medication my neurologist suggested for my brain. I’m fit and healthy again! I recommend this lifestyle to you since it’s only requiring you to eat healthy. It’s natural. No supplements, no medications, natural. To have the opportunity to eat things catering to what your body specifically needs and may be trying to tell you with symptoms. For hope that maybe, just maybe this too will help you as it has me.

    My prayers to all of you that you find freedom from your pain and discomfort and that you are able to continue with the life you once had before this procedure.

  746. Michelle says:

    I had the essure implants placed in April 2009 after my son was born. I had originally been set up for a tubal ligation but talked out of it at the last minute by the on-call OBGYN. Turns out he was delivering triplets that day and my ligation was too much for him to handle. He talked up this procedure called Essure that was no surgery, no hassle and could be done in the office. I had a brand new baby. Of course I jumped at the chance to not have to have surgery. My implants did really well for me until last month. I started having a severe pain in my lower right side. I went to the ER thinking I had apendicitis. A CT was done and my appendix and gallbladder were fine. The ER doctor assumed I had endomitrosis. That was on a Sunday. The following Wednesday I followed up with my primary care physician. She felt that I should return to the doctor that placed my implants. I had not had a period since I had the implants placed and she was very concerned. The referal was made and by nothing but the grace of God the group that placed my implants did not take my insurance and I had to go to a new OBGYN. While I was waiting for my appointment at the new ob I started bleeding very heavy and passing clots the size of grapefruits. An ultrasound was ordered and they found that my implants had dropped. They were protruding into my endometrium and had actually adhered themselves to my uterine wall. At 35, I had to make the decision to have a hysterectomy done. My tubes could not be saved and there was no solid evidence that my uterus was not perm. damaged to the point where the bleeding would ever stop. I had a total vaginal hysterectomy done this Wednesday. My new OB said both implants were mangled. I have not had any falls, accidents, or injuries to cause this to happen. She said plain and simply….The implants were defective. I pray to God that this company is taken down for its incompetence. I did not want any more children but to have to suffer through a huge surgery that was at no fault of my own is overwelming. My new OB also told me that she does not perform these procedures anymore after 2 patients had their implants drop within a month of insertion back to back. It is not coincidence at all. Something must be done.

    • Melissa Smith says:

      Ok If I were you which I was you a year ago I walked into my OBGYN’s office looked her right in the face and said are all these tests going to help to stop my heavy bleeding, no are all these tests and procedures going to stop the bleeding and all my pain no I had my OB stuttering and trying to convince me that all her things she wanted to do would help and of coarse I looked right at her and said really well it sounds like to me that I need a hysterectomy to have these springs removed and all you want to do is make more money on my insurance on things that are not a guarantee. It worked I had my hysterectomy done last February and I have been pain free and no bleeding it feels great to be myself. So do not give up you need to put your foot down so you can feel better again… Good luck I will pray for all who are still suffering because of this awful essure sorry you all are still suffering!!!!!!!!!!
      Melissa Smith

  747. Maribel says:

    Hi Ladies. I too have essure and it has ruined my life. I was implanted September of 2009 and just had my tubes and coils removed December of 2012. Let me first say that we are not alone. There are over 1,500 ladies on a face book page called Essure problems here is the link: In addition we are working with Erin Brockovich and she has created a petition for us to sign and a website where we can share our stories, here is her website: I am sorry that we had to go through so much pain and hurt to come together and support each other. Even after surgery all of my pain has returned. I am unable to move without pain and even when I am still I am in pain. My next option is to have a hysterectomy. We are here, we are united and we will continue to fight.

  748. Charmaine Miller says:

    I am also having the same promblems. I had mines done 2011 and then in April 2012 I had a Blood Clot in my left leg. After that I started to notice the weight gain, the back pain, the restlessness, the mood swings, painful intercourse. I summed it up the be the result of the Blood Clot but it seems like this Essure is my problem. I am going on March 19 to have a ultra sound because I am having a lot of pain on the left side of the lower stomach. But yes I will talk to me doctor about having them to remove them. Thank For The Info

    • Rachel says:

      Please visit face book and search “essure problems” you will find support there. Over fifteen hundred women with the same issues. We also encourage you to report the makers Conceptus to the FDA and visit and sign the petition to have this product removed from the market.

  749. Erin says:

    I just want to thank you all for sharing your stories. I’d been considering getting Essure, and had pretty much made up my mind. But now I don’t think I’ll do it. You have probably saved many women from going through all that you’ve gone through by sharing your stories. Thank you, and I hope you are all able to get the healing you need!

    • Misty says:

      I was considering this procedure as a form of permanent birth control, but now that i see the potential damage, i think i need to reconsider an alternative. Thank you for better educating me on something that obviously is candy coated on their website. Best of luck ladies and hope there is some relief soon. 🙂

  750. Patricia Ortiz says:

    On Friday the 15th of march at 330 I had the essure coils implanted. I left the office at 4 the dr said you will have some cramping and some bleeding that’s it. Within 4 hours I had chest pain shallow breathing extreme pain in abdomen went to ER couldn’t even lay on bed I screamed in pain I was given morphine and deladid and I was still in pAin. Then I passed some uterus tissue went to ER they finally sent an OB he is the one who finally said you are the .1% of the population and pretty much he don’t know how long it will take for me to recover but I will be fine once I am done. I told him I want them out and he was trying to convince me not to.

  751. Angel says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in Dec “12” since having it done I’ve had excessive heavy blessing to where my doctor had to prescribe a medication to stop it. That only lasted about a week or two. My back pain that typically followed with my cycle is consistent, and what seems like menstrual cramps are the same. The bleeding is ridiculous, I’m in the midst of consulting my doctor on removing the Essure. Headaches, night sweats, cold chills, fatigue, my body cannot be going thru menopause as I am barely in my thirties! I want it out!

    • Rachel says:

      Please visit face book and search “Essure Problems”. It is a forum of over fifteen hundred women who have the same problems. It is a support group. We are very active in trying to get this off the market and sue the makers Conceptus. I would encourage you to visit and sign the petition for Erin Brockovich. She is currently working on getting us the power to sue these people with a class action law suit.

  752. ashley says:

    Plz help me! Want these coils removed!

  753. mvela says:

    Ugghh its only been 4 months since I had it done

  754. Sheila Lewellen says:

    My coils have migrated to my uterus, I am in constant pain and can’t have intercourse with out bleeding. I am told my only recourse is a hysterectomy….who is going to pay for it or the time off that is required for recovery? Take care of my child?

  755. […] like no downsides, right? With not too much digging you can find information on problems women have experienced. Possibly due to the fallopian tube having a spasm, getting the spring […]

  756. Mineon says:

    Had the essure procedure in 2008 the right one was extremely hard to place Dr. said she finally got it in when I had the dye test they said it wasn’t in the right tube anymore. So I ended up having a tubal and during surgery the Dr. was going to try to locate the missing coil but says she was unsuccessful. She told me she was going to take out the left one. Not quite sure if she did or not because for about one year I have been experiencing a sharp pain in the place where my left fallopian tube and ovaries are. I will be going to see a doctor about this soon as the pains are starting to come more often and at times immobilize me for short periods of time. I also experience bad cramping following sexual intercourse along with nausea. I just ordered my medical records for both procedures. I had my procedure done in California but I now live in Mississippi, hope this won’t be a problem……UGH

    • Suzanne Hope says:

      I would recommend having a xray or a ct scan done to ensure the one was taken out and to find the placement of the other micro insert. It could be very dangerous to leave it floating within the body. If you join us on facebook in the closed group essure problems someone there may be able to direct you to a doctor who has already dealt with issues of this sort in your area. If not we will do all we can to help you find one that will help.

  757. chilburn says:

    I had the procedure in 2003 one of the first women to receieve it. In 2007 i had a full hysterectomy. No doctor has told me was this related to the procedure. heavy bleeding and horrible cramps after i had the essure procedure. I dont know if it had anything to do with it. Has there been anyone else with this problem?

  758. Melissa Moore says:

    I had the devices implanted and approximately a year later had to have my tube removed and come to find my pain was the device worked its way out and wedge
    Down between my colon and uterus

  759. Linda says:

    Thank you everyone for the information on the Essure impant, i too had already schedule to have this done next week but i will be canceling this appointment. The Dr never told me of ANY side effects and NO complications that could arise. She never mentioned an allergy test to nickle (im allergic to everything else so this would not surprise me). I have been researching this for over a month and just today came across this site, I’m so glad i did. I am so sorry for everyone out there having so many problems and i truly hope y’all get the releaf you need. I was on the depo for 17 years and was border line ostepenea when i decided to go off it 2 years ago, now once again i have this shot in my body doing damage because i thought essure would be as great as the Dr said it would be. She told me i needed to be on birth control for the 3 months until the coils blocked me. If i had been told years ago about the depo i believe i would have never done that as well, but i can say my bone mass is back to normal and so is my body finally. So NOPE, I’m not chancing something else that could possibly hurt me!!! not doing it…thank you again and good luck!!!

  760. Carmen says:

    Hello I had the essure done about 2 1/2 months ago i have no major problems only now im starting to bleed when I have sex is this normal. I also get a little back ache. But another wise I feel fine please let me know

    • Suzanne Hope says:

      No it is not normal, but a common side effect. Have you had any type of xray done to insure proper placement? They do have a tendency to move out of the tubes.

  761. amber heron says:

    I had the essure procedure done in February 2010 . After I had my fourth child I was told it was a easy simple procedure no pain or discomfort . I went ahead and let my doctor talk me into it . Which was a bad idea I have had constant sharp stabbing pains where the coils are . I had four coils on one side and five on another which I don’t think is normal to have that many.. I have been to many doctors they all tell me they don’t think it’s from that or I’m imagining the pain .. I’m in constant pain and wish it would stop . I can hardly move around because of all the pain I’m in .. It’s affected my working I can only be on my feet for so long before the pain from the coils hurts so bad I get dizzy and feel really sick to my stomach I wanna get them removed but I can’t afford the price .. I’m afraid I will have to suffer the rest of my life with this constant pain .. And I’ll never be able to work again I’ve been fired because of not being able to perform my work duties because of my pain.. All I want is my life back . I’m 25 years old I shouldn’t have to have my life torn from me like this I have four kids and I can’t even do the things they need me to do like play in the park and run around with them .. I wish I could catch a break and get some help to get these horrible things out and make my terrible nightmare go away .. Thank you for listening … Sincerly…. Very unhappy woman

    • Suzanne Hope says:

      Amber that many coils is not good! You must seek a new doctor, Removal is an option and insurance will pay for it if it is coded correctly. Please come join us on facebook at Essure Problems and we will all do our best to help you find a doctor who will do a removal. Sadly most of the time a removal will mean a hysto but not always. You are not alone in this there is help out there!

  762. Monica says:

    I had a baby on February 2012 and two months later I found out I was pregnant again. So after having the next baby I had Essure done on March 2013. It has now been 2 months and im still bleeding, sometimes light sometimes I think its going away but it comes back.

  763. Caryn FEHILLY says:

    I had Essure inserted three years ago. In the past year I have been suffering from stomach & back ache regularly. My blood work showed it wasn’t bladder infection. Now after reading this blog on side effects of Essure I may have finally found cause of my pain. What I’d the solution? I need relief!

    • Suzanne Hope says:

      Sadly your only option to have relief is surgery. Either a reversal or removal. There is help out there its just hard to find a doctor to help and believe its is essure. If you would like more information please check out Essure Problems on facebook we are all here to help support you in your quest to get your health and life back!

  764. Maribel Garcia Moreno says:

    I’ve had the essure procedure done about five years ago, right when it came out. I’ve had horrible menstrual cycles, discomfort with sexual intercourse, back and lower pelvic area pain. The pain just about two inches below belly button is horrible. It swells up and I can feel something poking, feels like burning sensation inside like I want to cut myself open and take whatever is bothering me out. I’ve felt so helpless due to this pain, I lay down and put a warming pad just to make it better. Is this the same problem other women are having? I’m not sure if I’m just over reacting. Please help.

  765. Carrie says:

    I had Essure done in March 2013 and had immediate complications that resulted in a four-day hospital stay less than two weeks later and then a hysterectomy four weeks after Essure. If you’d like to sign a petition to help get Essure off the market, please visit This is a site started by Erin Brockovich (yes, that Erin B., the one the movie was based on.) You can also tell your Essure story there.
    There’s also a facebook page for women experiencing problems with Essure, just search Essure Problems on Facebook.

  766. gigi says:

    I am at moment getting an ultra sound to find out why I hurt so bad.also just came out of my 2nd check.3 mo ago I was checked to see if they were sealed and the right side was and left side was not..I asked my dr why the right side hurt n she said good question then left because she was buisy. I had it examed again today n she said the rt side was no longer sealed and the left never did.I have been hurting for a while n now I just got out of ultra sound n I was asked if I have any thing in my utrus.. n that would be a I’m going to sit here n waite for them to read it because she says their is definatly something in my my guess is she didn’t put it wrere it needed to be n is now terring me up in their..I’m in pain n nervous n scared. I did this in order to not be cut open n now I have to have them removed and a scar..I guess I will find someone other than the same dr that put them in or I’d be nuts

  767. lotrise says:

    I have noticed that after sex I have had some cramping and also my periods went from 3 days to 5 and they are a little more heavier also with cramping and a headaches. I have not been for my 3 month checkup but I pray and hope that all goes well and that it doesn’t hurt or that I have any more problems.

  768. Jamie says:

    I am so glad that I came to this site and read all of the comments before I made the decision to have the Essure implanted. I had my yearly physical yesterday, and I had never heard of Essure before. My dr. told me the procedure…made it sound very simple, and assured me that the recovery is very easy. However, after readying the comments, I think I will just stick with the Mirena IUD. I have had excellent luck with it. I am sorry that most of you ladies have had such bad experiences!!

  769. Suzanne Hope says:

    Hi ladies I want to let you all know you are not alone. There are so many of fighting with the same side effects. We are fighting hard to get Essure taken off the market. Please feel free to join us on facebook in our closed group where you can share your stories and have an amazing support group. Essure has taken 7 years of my life, I have unbelievably bad side effects from it as I see a lot of you do as well. We are all here to support you in any way we can. And will also do what we can to help you find a doctor to do a removal. I wish you all the best and hope you all join us, weather you still have Essure are thinking of getting it or have already had a removal.

  770. […] like no downsides, right? With not too much digging you can find information on problems women have experienced. Possibly due to the fallopian tube having a spasm, getting the spring […]

  771. Viannery Gil says:

    I had essure 2 years ago since the my life change… I been having a lot of pain heavy period and a lot of problems

  772. Jamie says:

    hi, i had the essure clips put in not the coils.. they were put in Aug 2010 the dr who done the surgery messed up and i was in surgery for over 7 hours.. I started having a lot of problems after and the dr that done my surgery passed away and not one other dr will help me. Ive looked and called everyone here in my home town and i need this fixed. i have been to er several times hurting and throwing up and they said it may b taring into my ovaries and im over a month late.. Please can someone tell me if they know of a dr that will see me or what i can do…

  773. Kim says:

    I currently have the Essure coils in me and am scheduled for surgery next Friday to get my left tube as well as the coil removed. The procedure to have the coils put it was a dream, I even left for a family vacation the next morning after having it done and never thought I would be sitting here writing in this blog a whole year later. A month or so after having the coils put in I started having strange symptoms which included: migraines, night sweats, insomnia, nausea, constant aching and pain in my lower abdomen, pain where my right kidney is, painful intercourse along with extreme bruising and swollen glands and fatigue. I went to several doctors for this and had many test run to try to find a reason and when all test came up normal I had the feeling of defeat and the thought that I must be losing my mind. I asked over and over if it could the coils and over and over again I was told no. I am so happy to have found this page to know that I am not crazy!!

    I actually found this site because I was looking for anything to help me make the decision to just have both my tubes removed at the time of my surgery next Friday for a coil that is sticking out into my uterus and after find this, I’m thinkin HELL YES!!

    Thank you Ladies for all of your post and I wish each and everyone of you luck in getting your health back!

  774. kassie grimes says:

    I had the essure procedure done almost a year ago an since then ive been having stronger abdominal pains, heavy bleeding with some clotting, also spotting throughout a month at time, an im not sure if all.can be caused from procedure. I have not had these problems till after procedure. How or what can do to find out? Its hard for me to be seen by doctor with no medical insurance an have been trying to get help in last few months.

  775. I had essure done back in 2010.. I have had Nuthin but severe pain since… my periods are real heavy and I have severe cramps with it.. I also have sharp pain in the areas where it’s at.i have migraines now. I can’t do a lot of things that I use to do with my kids cuz of the’s not only effecting me.but my kids as well.. they want their fun active mommy back.. . I can’t even enjoy sex cuz every time I do hurts so bad..I am allergic to nickel and I told them that when I had it done and they told me I would be fine.. well I’m not fine.. and the sad part about it.. is no one will remove it unless I pay thousands of dollars.. I’m a single mom of 4..I don’t have that kind of money..I just want my life back.. if anyone can help me find a way to fix it..please let me know

  776. Rachel says:

    Go to Facebook and look up Essure problems. Also try Erin Brochovich is fighting for us.

  777. TH says:

    I had the Essure procedure done in November 2012. I begin to have serious breathing and shortness of breath problems. All of a sudden I was diagnose with sleep apnea 3 months later. This has been a Living nightmare. I barely get 4 hours asleep at night even though I am tired. If I eat something, I have shortness of breath. I am the same weight that I was when I had the Essure procedure, so it is not diet, it’s not weight, its the Essure . They should take this product off of the market! The company should be willing to pay for the reversal procedure for those woman that are suffering problems as a result of this procedure.

  778. Anna says:

    i had the Essure procedure done in 2012 an I have had all the medical problems a lot of u r describing in ur blogs how do I start the procedure to get a reversal done

  779. Rosa Ramos says:

    Hi, My name is Rosa and I had the essure procedure done in march 2007. It has been a nightmare, heavy bleeding ,nausea, severe cramping, multiple periods in the same month or prolong periods, depression, pain during intercourse. after having my third child I wanted a tuba-ligation, the Doctor told be that because I had previous surgeries, the scar tissue in my abdomen would make it hard to do the tubal-ligation. He told me they had a new procedure, that was painless and no need for surgery. He fail to tell me about the side effects. After my essure procedure I notice the change immediately I bled for over a month and sought another Doctor. He said the only thing he could do was a hysterectomy, I refused. I have endured these symptoms for over 6 years.

  780. Antionett Rembert says:

    I Would like to know what to do cause I’m having most of the problems that this essure cause in I be in so much pain. Plus the doctor didn even tell me about all the problems it causes .

  781. Sarah says:

    Hello. I have all the same problems. When I stand it feels like someone is ripping my insides apart, in my pelvic region. Had the procedure done in August of 2010. There is a group on Facebook Essure Problems. There you will find a petition form, and FDA form, a link to Erin Brokovitch to sign with her as well. There are so many women affected.

  782. Darlene Taylor says:

    I had essure in 2007 and my essure is now stuck in my abdomen in omentum and fascia ligaments its inoperable tjr pajn im in every day makes me wonder if its even worth getting out of bed. I belong to a support group on fb Essure problems over1740 women with horrific sgories u ladies should join we are going to stop this from happening to anyone else

  783. Janey says:

    I had the essure done in 2010. It was alright until about the first of this year. I’m not sure if they weight gain is from this or me (I’ve always had a battle with that). I just know I have had some severe cramping if I walk to long. It feels about like labor. I’ve had some lower back pain for a year now. I also didn’t know there was nickel in them. I’m allergic to nickel I found that out by having a severe reaction to my glasses. I’m upset because I never got the nickel tests and now I’m having problems and no insurance these days thanks to Obama care.

  784. Karlis says:

    Hello everyone, thanks for sharing all this info for new & current patients, I had mine about 8 months ago and same thing; I started with all menopause symtoms, and I was 38 yrs. old.

    My aunt recommended me to se a Homeapath who is a certified general Dr. with this especiality on alternative medicine; he gave me water drops with natural medicine in it; it tastes like alcohol. Well, I’m fine now and I’m taking natural vitamins. I’ll just remove the essure because I don’t want to be under medication my entire life for this issue; I’m a healthy woman and now I can exercise with my kids!

    Please check for alternatives out of the ordinary medicine because instead to cure, they can literally kill you.

    God bless every woman because all these sacrifices!!!

  785. I had the procedure done around November of 2006. shortly after i started taking the depo shot to stop the continuous blood flow. last month i went to by gyn to have a procedure done to burn the blood making cells.( i forget what it was called) i went in and before he actually did the procedure he did an xray. my implants are not in the f tubes. both of mine are lodged in the top center of my uterus.
    For seven years i thought the depression, weight gain, and non stop periods compounded with sever cramps were unusual but had no idea that the cause was the implants. according to the rest of you they could be the cause of my migraines and prolly i do not have fibramialgia its the implants as well. my gyn is researching how to remove them without removing everything else but im not hopeful. he showed me the slides. they are kinda sticking out and half embedded.
    i am going to research the law suit. if anyone has had successful removal i would like to hear about them. i dont know if im allowed to leave an e mail here or not. ill check back later on that.

    • Mellissa says:


      I had the Essie in July 2011. I had problems immediately after. It was obvious that I was not healing. The blood flow did not lighten up and I was assign HUGE clots. It continued to get worse with horrible back pain abc leg cramps. Anyway…..I went back several times for follow up and he kept giving me pain medicine an telling me it wasn’t the Essure. I kept harassing my doctors office. I called every single day for two weeks and spoke to his nurse. I kept going back in and insisting it be removed. Finally, he agreed to remove it. I had it removed in November. After reading to bogs I knew that it was the sure and I was not going to wait. My doctor removed it with no problems. The surgery was quick, he had to use air to float my organs to get to it so the recovery was painful because of all the air it hurts and is hard to move. I was immediately Better. The bleeding stopped in about two weeks as did the leg and back pain. I also had an ablation at the same time. I feel great now. I still have cramps when I’m supposed to be on my period but that’s it. My only concern for you is that it has been in longer. May be more difficult to remove. I would stay on your doctor. I don’t know. where you are ….I’m in AZ and would be happy to share my doctor if your interested.

  786. LaNeeka says:

    Hi, My is LaNeeka and I had the Essure procedure done in June of 2010 months after giving birth to my daughter after last birth being 18 years before. So with that said i definitely did not want anymore kids. So I tried the Eassure thinking it would solve this problem. I later found out on July 5, 2013 I was pregnant. I have never had a issue with Essure except the fact that I conceived. I was told after my procedure that they were only able to place the device only in one tube due to the fact that my right tube was blocked from scare tissue. So I was amazed to even know I conceived my daughter with only having the one tube. Now that it has failed I researched and found that I should have never received this if I only had one operating tube. Which I did and now even knowing its made of nickel and I’m allergic to nickel. I asked my doctor why would she give me this knowing I only had the one tube, she replied “we found our during your procedure”. Yeah ok but if she was aware of this why didn’t she stop the process and alerted me and say we cant complete this procedure? But she never told me it wasn’t 100% effective and that i should use another method of birth control along with the Essure. I choose Essure because it was non hormonal. Someone please help. I want justice.

  787. […] My question is, how do we as women get the word out there to help others? What are other ways we can let women know about the Essure problems? […]

  788. JJ Stansell says:

    I had the Essure coils inserted in 2009. It’s been 4 years of pain and complications. At first, it wasn’t so bad… just irregular menstrual cycles and ovarian cysts. As the years past, the pain in my lower right abdomen has gotten worse. I’ve had severe cysts and fibroids that have worried the doctors to be cancerous. This past Wednesday (August 28, 2013) my fiancé rushed me to the ER for serious abdominal cramping on the right side. I thought my appendix had ruptured. The ER did an ultrasound and told me the right Essure coil had migrated into my uterus and was causing the severe fibroids and cysts. Also that it might be imbedded in my uterus instead of the fallopian tube. I go in for a consult with my gynecologist on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. Hopefully I can either get the essure removed or a complete hysterectomy. I’m also going to have them test me for ‘toxic metal poisoning’ due to the nickel that these coils are made of. The abdominal swelling has progressed to the point that I can’t wear my normal clothes. I look 6 months pregnant.

  789. Jackie says:

    I have Essure placed on January 2013. A month after I got it I started experiencing headaches, muscle aches, nausea, mood swings, back pain.. The list goes on!!! I am contacting my doctor every other day until she agrees to do something about it! I am in constant pain and is ruining my life. I can’t even enjoy time with my kids!

  790. Victoria says:

    I got my essure done back in June. My doctor told me that it was safe and effective. He didn’t tell me much about it at all. After I had the procedure done i didn’t hurt for about three weeks, then that is when I started to hurt. I was watching the news and they had a thing about the essure on there saying how much all these women hurt and there symptoms. I had all the same problems they did. So I called my ob an went to see him and he had me get an ultrasound and said that either the left coil came out and is in my uterus or it is out far enough where he can see it. He also told me that the essure was not reserve able so it was stuck. So now I am going to the hospital tomorrow to get my tubes check to see what is going on. I am just really nervous and scared cause I did some research on the essure after I heard about all this stuff and seen that women can still get pregnant even with the essure. I would definitely not recommend any women to get this. I WISH I NEVER DID!!!!

  791. nicole yadon says:

    I had Essure placed in October of 2012. My doctor said the procedure was simple in office and minimal pain. She definitely sugar coated it. The procedure was so painful I almost could not tolerate it. In late December I began noticing a foul vaginal odor. For the last 9 months I have been in and out of the GYN office and placed on a wide variety of antibiotics including a Boric acid treatment vaginally. The vaginal odor and discharge would go away for a few weeks then return. Every time I was tested it was bacterial vaginitis. The GYN also treated my husband with no relief. I also began having some random joint pain and swelling in January. It progressively moved from my ankle to encompass my entire left leg. I had to stop exercising, began seeing a physical therapist and had steroid injections in my joints. I was placed on Rheumatoid Arthritis medications. I am scheduled next week to have the coils removed. The symptoms I have been having could be related to a possible Nickel allergy!!!!! Shouldn’t they test patients for this allergy before inserting this in their bodies?????? I am angry and want compensated for my months of physicians visits, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics……. This is not OK . This product needs pre-testing performed before inserted. If anyone else has had these problems I would love to hear. This company should pay

  792. Jessica says:

    Hi, My name is Jessica. I have 2 children, ages 5 and 21 months. I did not want to have any more children, and made an appointment with the OB to talk about having my tubes tied. He recommended this procedure, and said that a lot more women opt to have this because of recovery time, and the fact that it takes very little time to put in. Well I had this done in March of this year. Since then I have had severe back pain, migraines, lower back pain, and such cramping where the tubes are. I can tell you exactly where in my body they are. It hurts. I have been on 8 different migraine medicines, and am going to see a neurologist next month because of them. I get blackout spells…. and they are scaring me. I did not think at first that they could be related, but now I am not so sure… Before this, I was healthy. After the procedure, not so much…

  793. DONNA BURFORD says:

    Hi I had the esssure done nov 2009 and am due in hospital on oct 1st 2013 to have a sub total hysterectomy because of these implants I was told they were stainless steel have since found out they contain 45% nickel and I’m allergic to it chest pains, palpitations, awful heavy periods never had problems before with periods now I’m flooding and clots that are huge and never had so many periods always seem to be on!! Have been told the op is the only way to remove them I was one of the 1st to have it done at medway maritime in gillingham Kent was told it was the safest methods but it’s the worst thing I’ve ever agreed to having done alarm bells should of rung when I was asked if I minded the reps being present for the prosedure it’s all about how cheap they can do it for I should of gone for the clips and I wouldn’t of suffered all these years and be stressing about my up comming op

  794. Joanna says:

    I got the essure done 2 months ago and i havnt stopped bleeding it that normal? And if it is when will it stop?

  795. Erica says:

    I had the coils in 2008, I was very unsure about them to start but my doctor insisted and insisted and insisted so I went ahead with them. About a year after they were put in I started have sharp pains on my left side, sometimes the pain was so bad I would cry. 5 years later I am still having pains in my side and it last for days on end and the only thing that helps is laying in bed on my back. My OBGYN failed to inform me of 1/2 the side effects that may occur!!!! My doctor has done blood tests and one sonogram after the other and they continue to tell me “everything looks fine” I am at my witts end with this and want them out! I keep telling my husband the same thing every time “I know my body and they are wrong there is something wrong going on in there!”
    I have had a few friends ask about this because they are thinking about having this procedure and I tell them it is the worst decision I ever made and to seek other options!

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  797. Hope says:

    I can not wear tampons anymore due to it feeling like needles spring out of the tampon when I pull it out. I was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem.

  798. Phil Marlin says:

    It’s 2013 you know, go Natural! Quit using devises and chemicals to stop your normal bodily function. These devises and chemicals have never proven good in the long run. There’s always problems with them whether you realize it or not. Go natural every woman has natural biological markers that when monitored correctly works exceptionally well with no side effects. And it’s free! fertility care dot org

  799. Catherine says:

    I’ve had the essure procedure a year and a half ago and now I was 4 days late on my period and two positive pregnancy test and now I’m having some bleeding I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out if I’m still pregnant or I miscarried. I wouldn’t suggest anyone getting this done.

  800. lakeisha33 says:

    I’m so glad I found this site because I thought I was the only one feeling this way.

    • Rachel says:

      Lakeisha please visit Essure Problems on face book or There are thousands just like you. You are not alone.

  801. edralyn says:

    Hi please I need advice I have tubal ligation appointment next month nov 21.2013 for essure my doctor said he will do it at his office.

    • Rachel says:

      Edralyn, please decline the Essure and do a different procedure such as the traditional ligation. Please visit Essure Problems face book page or to see why. I would NEVER recommend this product to ANYONE. It almost killed me. I had to have a hysterectomy.

  802. Mandie says:

    I had the procedure done in March of 2012, I have also had the same issues , dizziness, hot flashes, severe pain in lower stomach, weight gain in my stomach, mood swings, back pain and the list goes on. I called my OB about this and I was told that none of my symptoms could be from Essure because it didn’t have side effects. I told him about my research and told him how thousands of woman would disagree. He said he couldn’t take them out and told me good luck finding someone that would. I was completely shocked, he definitely had a different attitude when he was convincing me it was the best option for me. I really wish I had done more research before I got it. If anyone knows a doctor in Tennessee that does the removal please know.

    • Rachel says:

      Mandie, go to the face book page Essure Problems. They have a list if docs in different states that remove them. Please file a report with the FDA as well. There are thousands of women just like you. They can be removed. Depends on the doc. Mine took my tubes and uterus. Good luck!

  803. Jackie Hentges says:

    I am writing in this forum to let everyone know that since my essure procedure was done I have been experiencing menstrual like cramping almost everyday like I am right now. Sometimes it feels so inbearable that I have to take Tylenol to alleviate the pain from the cramping. As I just looked in the mirror before writing this my stomach is really bloated too. I am very concerned and will call my obgyn on Monday!

    • Rachel says:

      Jackie please visit the FB page Essure Problems.

    • Kathy O. says:

      Hi Jackie,
      I was also getting severe cramps everyday. I kept on going to my Gyno and he was telling me it was all in my head. He prescribed pain killers and i told him i do not want to take them to mask the pain and something is wrong. When i changed doctors she sent me to a radiologist and they discovered that one of the coils was lodges in my uterus. In addition i also found out the coils are made out of nickel and most people have allergic reactions. I had to have my uterus removed and it was a year and half recovery, when i think of the three years of pain and then to have surgery was so mentally draining and took such a toll on my body. I had two girls and had them both naturally and every day i have to look at this scare as a reminder.
      On the essure website it states that the coils can shift and that there is a possibility that your doctor would have to go back and place it back. But they fail to mention that once it is so deeply lodged you CAN NOT place it back do to the amount of scare tissue that’s why my uterus had to be removed.
      If you are in so much pain change your doctor and request an x-ray, not a sonogram. I feel for you and i hope you get help. Keep me posted and good luck.

  804. Tausha says:

    I have had essure since 2008 . I’ve had problems ever since . Now I find out there is fluid in both Fallopian tubes which I don’t understand because I was told that they were blocked. I was also told that my right one moved farther back but now it’s where it’s suppose to be but then I’ve seen ultra sounds where they are half way in my uterus which is thicker then normal I was told I have yet another infection. When will this stop when can these be removed and taken off the market .

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